buffy box set

UPDATED: Thursday, April 13, 2006 09:36
VIEWED: 6586
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Sunday, November 27, 2005 12:03 PM


does anyone know if the buffy complete series box set has the same bonus features (episode commentary, etc...) on each disc as the individual season box sets? just trying to decide which avenue to take.


Sunday, November 27, 2005 1:11 PM


I'm not sure. I just bought all the sets when they came out. I would guess you could just look it up online though. Like at amazon.


Sunday, November 27, 2005 1:42 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I'm not positive, but I believe it includes all the extras that were with the original sets, plus and extra disc with more recent interviews and behind the scenes documentaries.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Sunday, November 27, 2005 1:47 PM


no info regarding the individual discs on amazon... just the Bonus 40th disc.

it's sort of like when I bought the Bright Eyes vinyl box set.. I was expecting all the liner notes and such in one box.. but it turned out to just thin record sleeves... know what i mean?

about a month's time back, saw Serenity randomly... bought the series on DVD the next day... watched the whole thing in one sitting. I took a half hour break to eat something... I was instantly addicted!

getting all 7 seasons for 170-200 bucks is a definitely a deal... and normally I wouldn't care about commentary, etc. I usually never watch bonus features UNTIL I bought firefly.

seeing as how intelligent it is on the Firefly discs, I am compelled to favor commentary vs. non-commentary on any of my buffy purchases.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:15 AM


I'm so psyched, I ordered mine from Amazon last week, should be waiting for me when I get home today!


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:51 AM


Yes, reviews for the set have said the disks have all the extra features as the earlier sets, plus more on the 40th disk.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 2:17 PM




Monday, December 12, 2005 4:09 AM


I broke down and got the set. It appears to have everything the original DVDs have plus an extra DVD in this cheesy cardboard case with some extra stuff.

THe box also says it has a JOss signed letter to the fans which I erroniously thought would be a hand signed Joss letter but it is a reproduction.

It does take up a lot less room then the other DVDs.

Not sure what I am going to do with the other DVD sets. Although it is silly to have 2 sets I will probably keep it and make it a loaner set.


Saturday, December 31, 2005 9:27 AM


I ordered the box set from Overstock.com the other day for about $141 including shipping. If it's out of stock, just enter your email address and they notify you when it's in. It seems to go in and out of stock all the time, but it is a good price.


I had borrowed the first season and got up to the first 10 minutes of the season finale before I stopped watching and ordered for myself. That Joss knows how to write!


Saturday, December 31, 2005 9:27 AM


I ordered the box set from Overstock.com the other day for about $141 including shipping. If it's out of stock, just enter your email address and they notify you when it's in. It seems to go in and out of stock all the time, but it is a good price.


I had borrowed the first season and got up to the first 10 minutes of the season finale before I stopped watching and ordered for myself. That Joss knows how to write!


Monday, January 2, 2006 5:32 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

[ First off, pardon my long reply. I have an amazing ability to go on and on. I should join Ramblers Anonymous; better known as "Andonanon". :) ]


I had borrowed the first season and got up to the first 10 minutes of the season finale before I stopped watching and ordered for myself. That Joss knows how to write!

You're in for quite a treat then. The first season is regarded by many - if not *most* - Buffy fans as being the "weakest". I didn't really find it weak by any means, but the show definitely matures a bit in Seasons Two, Three, and Four. Better, tighter writing, much better budgets for sets and makeup, and of course, longer story arcs than you can cram into a first "half-season". But Season One sets the stage and gives you the framework for the rest of the season.

And yes, that Joss really does know how to write.

I never saw a single episode of Buffy, Angel, or Firefly when any of them were first on the air. In fact, I'd seen previews for Buffy and Angel and just thought they were stupid ideas. Sure, I like vampires as much as the next mortal, but the idea of a bubble-headed gum-smacking little smartass high school chick being a Vampire Slayer just kinda rubbed me the wrong way.

Fast forward to last summer, when I got so bored I actually watched a couple Buffy eps on the FX network in the afternoon. Before I knew it - BANG! - I was looking forward to seeing the next episode. Within a week, I had my wife hooked, and a week later we bought Season One on DVD so we could start catching up to where the show was on FX. It was somewhere around the middle of Season Three at that point.

I will freely admit that I knew nothing of Joss Whedon, knew very little about his work, and really didn't like Sarah Michelle Gellar or David Boreanz at all going into the show. So how is it that I am now the proud owner of all seven seasons of Buffy, all five seasons of Angel, and the Firefly DVD set and Serenity DVD? It's one simple thing, really: Joss Whedon can just flat-out WRITE! He made a believer out of me. He made me love the characters - even the truly evil ones - and he made me love the actors as well. With all of his shows, I find a few things that are shared: 1) Better writing and more interesting story arcs than most TV shows that are out there, and even better than most of the "best" movies; 2) FUNNIER writing in Joss's shows than you'll find in 99% of the "comedy" shows on TV; and 3) better DRAMA than you'll find on 99% of the drama series out there. Also, there's typically more action than a Schwarzeneggar flick to boot, and some amazing fight-scene choreography. Add into that mix some actors that really flesh out their characters, and some characters that are really fleshed out by the writers, and you've got some damn fine TV.

To be sure, there are plenty of people who can share the credit for how great Buffy, Angel, and Firefly (and now Serenity) are, but it all comes down to Joss, who got the ideas, ran with them, and then found the perfect people to help him express those ideas on the screen.

And, for what it's worth, I've also found that all of the shows have a surprisingly high degree of "rewatchability". I've watched Firefly probably half a dozen times now, Serenity twice in the theatre and another three or four times on DVD already, and all of Buffy and Angel at least twice. Some episodes I've watched three or four times, and will watch most if not all of them again. And every single time I see them, I notice something I hadn't seen or heard before. It seems so... innocent, this writing of his, but it's usually much, much deeper than you first realize. Fun stuff.

Like I said, you're in for a real treat if all you've seen is the first season. Hang on - you're in for a helluva ride!


Grrrrr. Arrrgghh.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:24 AM


Everything you said about Joss' writing was right on target, Kwicko. I've heard that season 1 was the weakest. It did take me a number of episodes to get up to speed, but if that's weak, I'm looking forward to the rest.

If you like vampires -or even if you don't- I recommend that you read "I am Legend" by Richard Matheson. While it is a very different story from BTVS, the main character shares Buffy's sometimes casual attitude toward the job of slaying vampires. The writing is uncommonly beautiful and sad. It is a masterful work, and a short and easy read.



Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:24 AM


Everything you said about Joss' writing was right on target, Kwicko. I've heard that season 1 was the weakest. It did take me a number of episodes to get up to speed, but if that's weak, I'm looking forward to the rest.

If you like vampires -or even if you don't- I recommend that you read "I am Legend" by Richard Matheson. While it is a very different story from BTVS, the main character shares Buffy's sometimes casual attitude toward the job of slaying vampires. The writing is uncommonly beautiful and sad. It is a masterful work, and a short and easy read.



Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:28 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Thanks for the tip; I'll keep an eye out for a copy at the used book store I frequent.

One other thing I forgot to mention - or warn you about, as it were: start saving your change NOW, because you're going to want every episode of Angel on DVD, too. And it doesn't come in a single set yet. Five seasons, at about $40 per. You'll cringe at the cost, but I think that, as you get sucked deeper and deeper into the Buffyverse, you'll see it as a bargain. :)

You don't HAVE to watch both shows, of course. They are different and independent, with a few crossovers in some episodes. If you get hooked as deeply as I did, though, you're going to WANT to watch both. Hell, I was even watching them in the correct order, watching a Buffy episode and following it with the Angel episode that aired the same week.

And if you haven't seen "Firefly" or "Serenity", you'll be wanting those as well. Even more chances to see Joss's talents on display. If anything, I thought he really hit his stride with Firefly; the writing got even tighter, the storylines are fantastic, the characters are even deeper and more richly realized (if that's possible), and so on. Pity Fox only gave that show a half season before pulling the plug on it. If you haven't seen it, by the last episode of Firefly you'll be saying, "But what about...? But what about...? Dammit - I want MORE!!"

Like I said, the dude can write.

Just a *few* of the many, many highlights (spoiler-free, of course) you still have to look forward to in Buffy:

1) Hush (Season 5) - Emmy-nominated episode in which all of Sunnydale is rendered speechless. Imagine the writing challenges imparted by having basically NO DIALOG in a TV script, yet still having an important story to tell! One of the most supremely creepy episodes ever, too - I literally jumped out of my seat at one point!

2) Once More, With Feeling (Season 6) - Let it be said that I just hate musicals, and even more, I hate musical episodes of TV shows. Reminds me of "Cop Rock" (and who needs to be reminded of *that*?). That said, this episode is just sheer perfection. It's genius, nothing less. Every single song, every single WORD of every song, is perfect for the character singing it. And, as an added bonus, the songs drive the story forward, they have a point, and there's even a reason for all the singing. Joss should take this episode and make it the basis for a Broadway show - "Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Musical". It's that damn good.

3) Spike - if you haven't met Spike yet, get ready for one of the funniest, wittiest, and most irredeemable bad guys you've ever encountered. He's so, sooooo bad, but it's so damn good to watch him being bad.

I'll let you get back to watching now. Enjoy!


"Kaylee, find that kid that's taking a dirt nap with baby Jesus; we need a hood ornament."


Thursday, January 5, 2006 7:21 AM


the box set has everything from what I can tell.

I love it



Thursday, April 13, 2006 8:50 AM


It is my understanding -- from the sticker on the front of the copy that I saw in the store the other day -- that the first 39 disks are exactly the same as the individual seasons, but there is a bonus disk with a roundtable discussion that has not been shown before.

I'll be getting it, and letting my copy of seasons 1 & 2 go (never got around to getting the rest of the seasons individually) used cheap.

It's an L of a lot cheaper.

Oh, wanted to mention about the commentaries -- some of them are not the best.

I remain,
:-Peter, aka :-Dusty :-(halk


Thursday, April 13, 2006 9:36 AM


KWICKO -- I can't believe you left out "The Body" -- easily my favourite episode.

And I agree with you about Spike -- he has my favourite moment from any Buffy episode. It's a moment towards the end of the episode in which he is told "you're beneath me".

I remain,
:-Peter, aka :-Dusty :-(halk






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