What Do You Buffy Types Think About Blade?

UPDATED: Wednesday, August 9, 2006 18:30
VIEWED: 7358
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Wednesday, June 14, 2006 8:42 PM


I keep pushing the Blade factor because no one seems to be willing to give me there opinion of Blade.

I really like Blade. He's noble, and he's a serious slayer type. He's handsome, he's strong, and he's on the side of humanity. He also has a sense of humor.

Thank god for Buffy, Angel, and Blade. True heros.



Wednesday, June 14, 2006 9:00 PM


I love the Blade movies. But I'm kind of addicted to the whole vampire genre thing. Haven't gotten into Buffy or Angel though. I hated that they really killed off Whistler though, I've always loved Chris Christopherson.

What do you think of the two Underworld movies?




Wednesday, June 14, 2006 9:23 PM


The reason I never watched Buffy the vampire Slayer in the past was its name. Whenever I was channel surfing I would catch a scene or two of Buffy and immediatly think it was stupid and move on.

What got me into it was Firefly. I was totally sucked into those characters that Joss created. Also it was because of the writings of some of the people on this board. They were going on and on about Buffy. I had to try to see what they saw in order to understand it. Well, I went from season 1 to 5 in short order and I'm a total Buffy fan. Buffy is a true hero.

Anyway. I think Blade is also a total hero. he's so bad assed, and it is clear that he LIKES what he does. Blade is the bomb as they say. He's a true Slayer.



Wednesday, June 14, 2006 10:00 PM


I liked the movie Buffy, but something about the bad guys makeup always bothered me. It just never looked real enough I guess. Those brow ridges are just disturbing. I'll eventually give in.

Have you ever read Laurell K. Hamilton? It's kind of like an R rated Buffy. The Anita Blake series is great! Vampires, werewolves, zombies, all dispatched with River-like speed and Mal-like attitude.




Wednesday, June 14, 2006 10:03 PM


I saw the movie and it was beyond retarded. Ignore the Buffy movie.

Watch the series.



Wednesday, June 14, 2006 10:28 PM


So does anyone know who the actor is playing Blade on the series? I've only seen glimpses of the commercials but he looks like the actor who protrayed Ray Charles, Jaimi Foxx. If it isn't him he sure looks a lot like him. It looks like it may be an interesting series but SpikeTV is even more toned down censreship than TBS, still might catch an epi or two.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Thursday, June 15, 2006 3:52 AM


Entirely pointy.

For some reason I find a tiny blond girl more believeable than Wesley Snipes. He seems like he's trying too hard. It's been a long time though. Maybe I'll check it out again.

Buffy Type


Thursday, June 15, 2006 4:07 AM


I loved the Blade movies. Much to the dismay of my best friend - I really liked the last one. I thought Ryan Reynolds was a hoot.

I feel sorry for Blade. It would be such a sad solitary life.

Parker Posey was great in it as well.

I liked the Buffy movie. It was campy.

Has anyone seen Queen of the Damned?

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Thursday, June 15, 2006 4:27 AM



Originally posted by sweetserendipity:
I love the Blade movies. But I'm kind of addicted to the whole vampire genre thing. Haven't gotten into Buffy or Angel though. I hated that they really killed off Whistler though, I've always loved Chris Christopherson.

What do you think of the two Underworld movies?



I really liked the Underworld films, the first one more so. Althought the second one just about cut it, I was a little disappointed.

Now Blade is a differnt matter, I do like Blade, I have found the extended editions to be good films that can be watched repeatedly, although they are not in the same league as Firefly for repeat screenings.

As for Buffy and Angel, I like them both but prefer Angel. I think the story lines tend to have more to them.

Why have they taken the sky from ME


Thursday, June 15, 2006 4:32 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
I loved the Blade movies. Much to the dismay of my best friend - I really liked the last one. I thought Ryan Reynolds was a hoot.

I feel sorry for Blade. It would be such a sad solitary life.

Parker Posey was great in it as well.

I liked the Buffy movie. It was campy.

Has anyone seen Queen of the Damned?

I liked the first and the last Blade movie. I kinda struggled with the second one, but it was still mostly entertaining for me. I think it was the central premise that bothered me.

I enjoyed the hell out of the Buffy movie! Of course it apparently wasn't anything like it was supposed to be when it was written, but it was a good time. I don't care what was initially written, what was produced was *supposed* to be over the top and super campy! Paul Ruebens has a five minute death after staking for crying out loud. I wanted to pee in my pants watching that.

I freely admit that I have trouble watching Buffy the Series. The makeup irks the crap out of me (since it's at least halfway being serious), and I have trouble getting around the idea in my head that Buffy was marketed well and sold well because SMG is a hottie to draw in the prepubescent boys and a pretty yet powerful superheroine for the girlies. I know deep down, especially after having gotten into Firefly, that it is so much more than that, but I just can't shake it. *sigh*

I'm not real big on QotD, either. Actually, I personally have been VERY let down by all of the Vampire Chronicle movies. I absolutely loved the books, so I had a big purist thing with them. It even made me sadder that Anne Rice said she really liked them - it made *me* feel like the weirdo

Oh well...



Thursday, June 15, 2006 4:39 AM



Originally posted by sweetserendipity:
What do you think of the two Underworld movies?


I personally kinda enjoyed the first movie. It was a different take on the Vampire thing and that's always nice. Also, I'll admit to being swayed a bit by Kate Beckinsale in the leather. See my answer to question 19 in the Questionnaire thread I still haven't seen the second movie...

I also really enjoyed the Bram Stoker movie when it came out. I think it was the first movie after Bill and Ted that Keanu Reaves didn't completely ruin for me. Matrix, Devil's Advocate, and Constantine are in that column now, too. Anyway.

I used to dig all kinds of vampire movies...Nosferatu, the old Bela Lagosi stuff, Fright Night, Salem's Lot. All great stuff, but now I find that I can't watch most of it (well, Salem's Lot is a little different than the others...it just scares the bejeepers out of me). What's up with that? Am I unconsciously raising my own standards as I get older or something?



Thursday, June 15, 2006 4:59 AM


LOVED Underworld 1 and 2. Kate Beckinsale has got to be easily one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. And Scott Speedman nekkid - he he he

I liked Queen of the Damned much more than Interview. Tom Cruise ruined it for me.

I liked Van Helsing too. It was a hoot.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Thursday, June 15, 2006 5:02 AM


I personally think Underworld two is the best romantic movie and my pic for perfect Valentine's day movie( keep in mind last year for Valentines it was my turn to pick the movie and I picked Alien vs. Predator).. . I love Blade, but Blade 3 is my fav simply for the addition of Ryan Reynolds who is a riot and plus he starred with Nathan in Two guys and a girl.

You're only young once, but you can be immature any time!


Thursday, June 15, 2006 5:03 AM


I was mostly enamored of Ryan's Vamp tattoo - or the shot of Ryan SHOWING us his tattoo - Happy Trails are my friend!

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Thursday, June 15, 2006 5:24 AM


I'm glad to hear somebody else liked the Buffy movie.
I saw it for what it was, a campy B movie. Tongue in cheek. And I liked it. But I'm no fan of the TV series.

I may be the only one that doesn't think SMG is particularily attractive. Plus she cannot act.

I'm starting to see a trend. The people that liked the Buffy movie tend to not like the series. Hmmmm...

Anywho, I'm a vampire and werewolf fan. Someone mentiond Fright Night and Salem's lot. Loved Fright Night, yawned through Salem's lot.

I liked the Blade movies. 1&3 were my favorites too. Underworld, wasn't bad. But I will watch the second one. It's on my list.

Ok, now you can dump on my head for not being a Buffy fan.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, June 15, 2006 5:27 AM


Safe the second underworld is better than the first, trust me watch it:)

FMF- yeah happy trails are great and I have to say Ryan has the best lines including my fav delivered to Parker you c*ckjuggling thunder c*nt.

You're only young once, but you can be immature any time!


Thursday, June 15, 2006 5:45 AM


I LOVED Ryan Reynolds in that and can only hope that Whistler was smart enough to see the end of that trail. One would have to assume that two attractive people like that would have to work the adrenaline off some how.

I liked SMG in Buffy. I liked Allyson Hannigan better. It was the dialogue between the characters that I liked. Especially in the beginning. My all time favorite line is when Willow says "Hey! Standing right here, right exactly here" when Xander and Buffy are talking about her.

I REALLY liked Oz and was gutted when he was written out of the show.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Thursday, June 15, 2006 5:51 AM


Blade is okay, but I like the Buffster better.
As far as other vamp things go, Underworld is okay, but the old Night Stalker TV movie rules! And John Carpenter's Vampires was a cool take on the legends.

And don't get me started on Blacula Chrisisall


Thursday, June 15, 2006 8:04 AM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
I'm glad to hear somebody else liked the Buffy movie.
I saw it for what it was, a campy B movie. Tongue in cheek. And I liked it. But I'm no fan of the TV series...

I'm starting to see a trend. The people that liked the Buffy movie tend to not like the series. Hmmmm...

I agree with you about BTVS The Movie. Campy? Yes. B movie? Yes. Not what Joss wanted? Yes. But taken on its own merits, I thought it was fun. No deeper than a puddle in a parking lot, but fun.

I must be a minority in the minority. I liked the movie. I liked the series. Perhaps it is because I can compartment my brain better than some.

Says you! I feel you spilling into my side all the time.

Pipe down, I was talkin ta' someone here! Have you no courtesy?

I got yer courtesy right here in my hand, pal!

Forgive me... I can't take me anywhere without me misbehaving like that. Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah... I likes 'em both. But I honestly think it is because I consider them as entirely separate entities that share a few similar plot points. So I watch each of them on their own merits.


Thursday, June 15, 2006 8:16 AM


Oh, and about the others...

Liked the Blades quite a bit. (Bonus points: Good memories watching them with my younger son.)

Loved both Underworlds. (Bonus points: Good memories watching them with my older son.)

Lukewarm to a bit cool on the Chronicles. But I can't put my finger on why.

Loved Carpenter's original Vampire$. Especially with Carpenter's commentary. The sequel seemed like filler.

From Dusk 'til Dawn, anyone? Loved the original. Didn't care for the sequel.


Thursday, June 15, 2006 8:22 AM



Originally posted by danfan:

Loved Carpenter's original Vampire$. Especially with Carpenter's commentary. The sequel seemed like filler.

There was a sequel? Did he direct it? Where was I?

And Danfan, no love for Night Stalker?
How about you, Danfan? Either of you?

I'm of two minds Chrisisall


Thursday, June 15, 2006 9:01 AM


Loved Dusk Til Dawn! Never saw the sequel.

I'll have to go see Vampires now. I was kinda Blah on the chronicles too, both book and film versions.

Have to say I didn't mind Angel, strongly disliked the whole "Son of Angel", pouty storyline though

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, June 15, 2006 9:19 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
There was a sequel? Did he direct it? Where was I?

Vampires: Los Muertos (aka, John Carpenter's Vampires:Los Muertos). Made in 2002. Directed by Tommy Lee Wallace. Carpenter was executive producer. My read on that was Carpenter sold them his name, but he didn't sell them his creative input. In my opinion, it shows. Plus, Jon Bon Jovi doesn't work for me as an action hero. Your mileage may vary...

Can I get a shout out for Lifeforce? I thought it was an interesting SF take on the vampire myth. I liked it.


And Danfan, no love for Night Stalker?
How about you, Danfan? Either of you?

I'm of two minds Chrisisall

I forgot about Night Stalker! I LOVED the first movie. I thought it was one of the most tightly written made-for-tv vampire movies ever. I was especially impressed by the way that they never allowed you to hear the vampire speak. It made him more otherworldly... more like something non-human that masquerades as one of us. Very cool.

Yeah, I really liked it as well. He tends to run off at the mouth about it... but I agree with his analysis. Thought the second Stalker flick fell flat though.

It had a few good moments. Jerk.


Will you two just stop it? I'm trying to get some sleep here!


Thursday, June 15, 2006 9:30 AM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Loved Dusk Til Dawn! Never saw the sequel.

I'll have to go see Vampires now. I was kinda Blah on the chronicles too, both book and film versions.

Have to say I didn't mind Angel, strongly disliked the whole "Son of Angel", pouty storyline though

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny

Roger that on "Son of Angel." Both my wife and I were rooting for Connor to get killed off WAY before the end of his storyline.


Thursday, June 15, 2006 9:36 AM



Originally posted by danfan:

Can I get a shout out for Lifeforce? I thought it was an interesting SF take on the vampire myth. I liked it.

Nice mix of vampire/space/special effects/Playboy; I quite enjoyed it. Very dark.

Second Night Stalker (Night Strangler) was sort of the pilot for the series. Buffy would take it to another level, though.

Chrisisall, dripping with blood


Thursday, June 15, 2006 9:36 AM


Final thought...

No one will EVER top James Woods "strada chocolada" rant on the original Vampire$. I fell out of the theater seat laughing the first time I heard it. According the Carpenter's commentary on the DVD, it is entirely improv. Woods came to him and said "Let me try something here..."


Thursday, June 15, 2006 12:01 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by RiveR6213:
I keep pushing the Blade factor because no one seems to be willing to give me there opinion of Blade.

I really like Blade. He's noble, and he's a serious slayer type. He's handsome, he's strong, and he's on the side of humanity. He also has a sense of humor.

Thank god for Buffy, Angel, and Blade. True heros.


I never really liked Vampires. That is, I never cared for the whole Vampire/Demon genre. But I must admit, I've found it fun to see the variations of how Vampires and such are depicted in modern pop culture. I've never read Ann Rice, but I enjoy comparing the characters from her movies to those in the Whedon'verse as well as Blade, etc. I of course wonder about the most mundane issues... 'what makes one vampire stronger than another, how do their bodies function if they're dead , etc....

Also, I have to wonder too what would happen if Blade met up w/ Angel, or would Le Stat and Spike get along ? And what would happen if Drusilla and Darla met up w/ Selene, from Underworld ?

( I swear, I barely read comics much as a kid, so this isn't some hold over from a DC v Marvel hang up. )

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, June 15, 2006 8:02 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:
I keep pushing the Blade factor because no one seems to be willing to give me there opinion of Blade.

I really like Blade. He's noble, and he's a serious slayer type. He's handsome, he's strong, and he's on the side of humanity. He also has a sense of humor.

Thank god for Buffy, Angel, and Blade. True heros.


I never really liked Vampires. That is, I never cared for the whole Vampire/Demon genre. But I must admit, I've found it fun to see the variations of how Vampires and such are depicted in modern pop culture. I've never read Ann Rice, but I enjoy comparing the characters from her movies to those in the Whedon'verse as well as Blade, etc. I of course wonder about the most mundane issues... 'what makes one vampire stronger than another, how do their bodies function if they're dead , etc....

Also, I have to wonder too what would happen if Blade met up w/ Angel, or would Le Stat and Spike get along ? And what would happen if Drusilla and Darla met up w/ Selene, from Underworld ?

( I swear, I barely read comics much as a kid, so this isn't some hold over from a DC v Marvel hang up. )

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "

Hate to say it but if Angel ran into Blade, Blade would defeat him. If Blade ran into Buffy and Angel, Blade would win. If Blade ran into Faith, Buffy, and Angel. Blade would still win. If Blade ran into Buffy and River, Blade would have a problem and might have to run for it, but he would still have done damage.

Blade is a tough fighter, but he's also into technology, which he uses. Staking him with all that armor on wouldn’t do. Buffy would have to change her tactics. River would have to rely on speed, and Blade is just as fast as she is. River’s ability to read minds would help. Buffy might actually be a liability in the fight.

I was never an Anne Rice fan but I read all her stuff and hated it. I was not much into Vampires at all until I watched Blade. The 1st Blade movie, the opening sequence caught me by surprise. From that point on Blade became a hero to me. I love the one going against the many.

Another point. Blade has a soul. He’s half human and half vampire…the Day Walker he is. I guess in the end. Blade and his group vs. Buffy, Angel and Faith plus the scoobies. Blade would win. The deciding factor would be Willow, and she’s not included in this fight.



Saturday, June 17, 2006 1:26 AM


America loves a winner!


Hate to say it but if Angel ran into Blade, Blade would defeat him. If Blade ran into Buffy and Angel, Blade would win. If Blade ran into Faith, Buffy, and Angel. Blade would still win. If Blade ran into Buffy and River, Blade would have a problem and might have to run for it, but he would still have done damage.

Blade is a tough fighter, but he's also into technology, which he uses. Staking him with all that armor on wouldn’t do. Buffy would have to change her tactics. River would have to rely on speed, and Blade is just as fast as she is. River’s ability to read minds would help. Buffy might actually be a liability in the fight.

I was never an Anne Rice fan but I read all her stuff and hated it. I was not much into Vampires at all until I watched Blade. The 1st Blade movie, the opening sequence caught me by surprise. From that point on Blade became a hero to me. I love the one going against the many.

Another point. Blade has a soul. He’s half human and half vampire…the Day Walker he is. I guess in the end. Blade and his group vs. Buffy, Angel and Faith plus the scoobies. Blade would win. The deciding factor would be Willow, and she’s not included in this fight.

Not that I disagree w/ any particular point, as I see Blade more of a 'man' amongst the boys and girls vs the Scooby gang. But then again, would they necessarily HAVE to fight each other ? Angel and Buffy are on the same side. Angel has a soul too, so that seems to me that they'd possibly be more friends than foes. But wouldn't Blade's 1/2 human side make him less strong than , say Angel? Sure, he's the Day Walker, but what about in the dark places ? At night ?

I was just musing that it would be interesting to see what would happen should these characters cross each others paths. I'd think that some alliances would form, as well as some conflict.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 9:55 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
Staking him with all that armor on wouldn’t do.

Now you've got me thinking. Does Blade have to be killed like a normal vamp? He's the daywalker, and pretty human, so can he be killed like a normal human, or would he have to be dusted?



Tuesday, July 11, 2006 11:29 PM


Blade was great, all three of them


Has anyone seen Queen of the Damned?

It should never have been made. Queen of the Damned was the worst book in the series and they skipped one of the best, The Vampire Lestat. Plus, Townsend was a poor replacement as Lestat.


I'll be in my bunk.

"Live with a man forty years. Share his house, his meals, speak on every subject. Then, tie him up and hold him over the volcano's edge--and on that day, you will finally meet the man." ~ Shan Yu


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 12:45 AM



Originally posted by Misstressahara:
So does anyone know who the actor is playing Blade on the series?

He's not an actor, he's a rapper... and he is doing a terrible job with his lines and his on screen presence...

It's truly a shame because I am loving the story line so far and I'll probably continue to see what that Big Bad is ultimately going to do. I love the fact that the crooked cop from the first episode keeps popping up. The Lady Cop is great and the story arc that is building with her could be really great... they should do a second season and just focus on everybody other than Blade... which is almost what they're doing anyways.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 9:12 AM


I liked the first movie.... Im not a big fan of the series though, not the best actors in the world. But the vampire dust drug thing is cool.



Sunday, August 6, 2006 6:47 PM


Alright, in order that they are presented in your post, and only the ones I have seen\intend to see:

Blade series: Liked the first one a lot, Blade is awesome and really, really kicks ass. The second and thrid ones I liked but not as much.

Underworld: I like them quite a bit, but they do have flaws (which are overridden by Selenes hotness).

Buffy movie: Haven't seen it but intend to eventually.

Anne Rice series: Seen little bits, intend to actually watch them sometime.

Stokeresque vamp movies: Haven't seen any, put 'em on my list.

Van Helsing: Good mindless action, unfortunetely I don't think it was trying to be mindless.

John Carpenters Vampires: Liked the book it was based on, but haven't seen the movie.


Sunday, August 6, 2006 6:51 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
But wouldn't Blade's 1/2 human side make him less strong than , say Angel? Sure, he's the Day Walker, but what about in the dark places ? At night ?

If you put them together without adjusting their powers for the new worlds then Blade would win. Vamps in the Buffyverse just aren't as strong or as fast as vamps in the Bladeverse. If you adjusted the powers for the new world then Blade would still win because he uses tools (which are oddly absent from the Buffyverse (c'mon, not even a Holy Water Super Soaker?)). Angel could win by using superior tactics, but he doesn't strike me as a military mastermind.


Sunday, August 6, 2006 8:53 PM



Originally posted by Fredgiblet:
If you put them together without adjusting their powers for the new worlds then Blade would win. Vamps in the Buffyverse just aren't as strong or as fast as vamps in the Bladeverse.

Have to disagree. I’ve only seen the first Blade movie, but I don’t recall the vamps there displaying greater strength than the vamps on Angel displayed at one time or another (vampire strength on both Joss shows tended to fluctuate within a range as the situation demanded--I am only looking at the high-end of that range since the situation demands high-end powers). Secondly, the rules of the two universes seem to be slanted in Angel’s favor. In Blade’s world, many of the anti-vampire techniques that work in the Angelverse have been discarded--but silver bullets and garlic aren’t lethal to Angel, who’s been shown to be combat effective even after being shot multiple times or run through. And Angel’s weapon of choice is the axe or sword, meant for beheading--Blade’s shiny armor ain’t so good at protecting his head or neck. The way I see it, the surprise factor of having his weapons do little harm to Angel combined with his lack of knowledge about the very specific methods in which Angel has to be killed, means Blade comes out the loser in this contest--unless he manages to run out into the sun, but no fight between vampire superheroes should be held in the daytime!


Monday, August 7, 2006 5:51 AM



Originally posted by StakeTheLurk:
Have to disagree. I’ve only seen the first Blade movie, but I don’t recall the vamps there displaying greater strength than the vamps on Angel displayed at one time or another (vampire strength on both Joss shows tended to fluctuate within a range as the situation demanded--I am only looking at the high-end of that range since the situation demands high-end powers).

Well I don't remember any of the Blade movies having a normal person actually cause any real damage to a vamp without tools. That happens in the Buffyverse on occasion. Additionally, Blade is a LOT faster than the vamps that I've seen in the Buffyverse (keeping in mind I just finished season 2 (Buffy))


Secondly, the rules of the two universes seem to be slanted in Angel’s favor. In Blade’s world, many of the anti-vampire techniques that work in the Angelverse have been discarded--but silver bullets and garlic aren’t lethal to Angel, who’s been shown to be combat effective even after being shot multiple times or run through.

But Blade knows about stakes-to-the-heart, and is VERY good at beheeadings. In fact other than being surprised that bullets don't work I don't see Blades attack style changing very much. Additionally, I have not seen anyone in the Buffyverse try silver, do they try it at a later date than I've seen and prove it ineffective? If not then silver bullets may actually be effective (just too expensive for Buffy)


And Angel’s weapon of choice is the axe or sword, meant for beheading--Blade’s shiny armor ain’t so good at protecting his head or neck.

It doesn't have to be, Blades weapon of choice is the Katana, and he is very good with it. I think in a swordfight, Blade wouldn't even break a sweat .


The way I see it, the surprise factor of having his weapons do little harm to Angel combined with his lack of knowledge about the very specific methods in which Angel has to be killed, means Blade comes out the loser in this contest

But there are only two ways that Angel knows of (that I remember) that would kill Blade: Stake to the heart, Beheading. A wooden stake is going to have a tough time getting through Blades armor (not to mention past his sword), and I think that Blade is the better swordsman, so a beheading (of Blade) is unlikely.

You've made some good points, but my prediction still stands, Blade wins unless Angel can convince him they're on the same side.


Monday, August 7, 2006 7:14 PM



Originally posted by Fredgiblet:
Additionally, Blade is a LOT faster than the vamps that I've seen in the Buffyverse (keeping in mind I just finished season 2 (Buffy))

Season 2 was a great season, wasn't it? But I take it then that you haven't seen any episodes of Angel the series? I used the term "Angelverse" very specifically--although BtVS and Ats exist in the same broad universe, the two shows differ in tone to the point that their depiction of superpowers becomes distinct. Basically, "Angel" plays up the vampire super-abilities so that eventually vampires on "Angel" can do things vampires on "Buffy" can't (or at least we don't see them do it). If you keep up with the shows (which I hope you do, they're fun shows), you'll notice it. So, Ats Angel I feel in on much more even (or somewhat superior) footing vs. Blade than BtVS Angel.

Not saying it wouldn't be close, but in any throwdown I'd pick Captain Forehead over the Daywaker.


Additionally, I have not seen anyone in the Buffyverse try silver, do they try it at a later date than I've seen and prove it ineffective?
Silver as a weapon against vampires is not part of the Buffy/Angelverses' mythology--they never try it because they know it won't work. It does, however, work on werewolves (Angel eventually kills one with a silver pen). But, silver definitely does not cause any harm to Angel or his ilk (if it did, W&H would definitely have used it against him at some point--they can afford it).


Monday, August 7, 2006 8:06 PM



Originally posted by StakeTheLurk:
If you keep up with the shows (which I hope you do, they're fun shows), you'll notice it. So, Ats Angel I feel in on much more even (or somewhat superior) footing vs. Blade than BtVS Angel.

Planning on it, got the complete series (Buffy) waiting at the post office, gonna rent season 1 of Angel when it starts, then buy the series if I like it.


Not saying it wouldn't be close, but in any throwdown I'd pick Captain Forehead over the Daywaker.

Still have to disagree, Blade has focused his entire life on becoming a killing machine, Angel has spent the last hundred years perfecting his brooding (and rat catching). I'll reserve final judgement for after I've seen Angel's series but if Blade can take down a (semi)god, and Dracula himself, then I've gotta bet on Blade.

However, if we were just talking hangout potential, I'd pick Angel anyday. I always wanted to learn how to brood, and while Blade attracts the supreme hottie (Jessica Biel) Angel gets more points for quantity of hotties (Blade 1.5, Angel dozen or so). I'll resurrect this thread when I've finished both Buffyverse series.


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 5:50 AM


Angel's also funnier. A better sense of humour is not to be underestimated in battle.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 6:09 PM



Originally posted by Fredgiblet:
if Blade can take down a (semi)god, and Dracula himself, then I've gotta bet on Blade.

Pfah! Just one god? Watch Angel, my friend. And as for Dracula, I refer you to Buffy, Season Five, Episode One.


However, if we were just talking hangout potential, I'd pick Angel anyday.
Well, neither of them are exactly sociable types, but, as Cybersnark says, at least Angel develops a fun sense of humor when he gets his own show. And if this hypothetical Angel vs. Blade scenario were a battle of quips rather that fist/sword/hacky-thingies, I think we all know who would come out the victor: Spike!

“Say no more. Evil’s afoot! And I’m almost out of that Nancy-boy hair gel that I like so much. Quickly, to the Angel-mobile, away!”--Spike mocking Angel from afar, Angel Season One, “In the Dark.”


I'll resurrect this thread when I've finished both Buffyverse series.
Then I shall await you. Enjoy the shows (and do post your reactions, questions, etc, if you so feel like it).


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 6:30 PM


I like Blade very much. Better than Buffy even, 'cause he doesn't whine.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle." http://whimsicalnbrainpan.blogspot.com/






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