Why doesn't SMG ever speak in the commentaries and special features?

UPDATED: Friday, September 1, 2006 07:59
VIEWED: 5882
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Friday, August 25, 2006 4:45 AM


This is something I definitely noticed when we were watching the Buffy DVDs. Is she a really bad off-the-cuff speaker? Was it to preserve the Buffy mystique? Did she actively hate the role and do no more than her professionalism demanded of her (which was more than sufficient, in my opinion)?

Any insights would be appreciated,

Indigo S.


Friday, August 25, 2006 9:57 AM


I always got the notion that she was a bit of a prude in real life, just based off of what certain big name radio personalities and the like have said.
I mean, she couldn't even do the voice for her character in the two BtVS video games, but all of the other cast members could. She wouldn't do a guest appearance on Angel's 5th season, either.
As I think about it. I don't think she really does interviews, either. I can't remember any off of the top of my head.

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Friday, August 25, 2006 10:44 AM


Actually, that's not quite accurate - SMG was asked to appear in an episode (The Girl in Question) that was being filmed when she was in Japan filming the Grudge - she couldn't appear in it. She then offered to appear in Angel's finale, but there wasn't a good way to work her into the script.

Sarah has done commentaries for other DVDs, including The Grudge and Robot Chicken. I think the lack of her appearing on the Buffy DVDs is because the early seasons did not have cast commentaries (Season 4 is the first that did), and by the time they started doing them, the series was over and she was too busy doing other things.

"I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care. Or indeed, why it should be necessary to prove it at all." -Kerr Avon


Friday, August 25, 2006 10:53 AM


According to her, because she was involved in nearly every scene, every day of filming, she didn't have the time to sit down for 45 minutes straight and record an audio commentary, the way other cast members did. Makes sense--the only Angel commentary David Boreanaz did was for a S5 episode, after the show had finished and he had plenty of free time.

Doesn't explain why Sarah's not in any of the featurettes, tho. David, despite also being the star and title character of his own show, is included in sit-down interviews in nearly every Angel featurette.

An even better question is, why isn't Sarah included even once in any of the gag reels on the S5-S7 DVDs? All the other cast members are in there, screwing up and goofing around--so why not her?

But about the Angel S5 appearance--gotta defend her on that one. Everything I've read says that they wanted her back and she wanted to come back! But she was in Japan filming "The Grudge" at the time, and her schedule would only allow her to make it back in time to appear in the very final episode. The Angel producers wanted her for the next-to-last ep

Select to view spoiler:

(confronting Angel and Spike over their brief trip to Rome)

but not the finale, however, because they felt, even with just a brief appearance, she would've been the biggest story in the episode, and they wanted to make sure that in the last episode ever, the focus was all about the cast of Angel. Apparently, they even briefly toyed with filming episode 22 (the finale) first, followed by 21 to accomodate Sarah's schedule, but the script for 22 just wasn't ready in time to make that happen. So, no Buffy at the end of AtS...


Friday, August 25, 2006 11:02 AM


I think people have been a little hard on SMG,
she did work really hard on Buffy,
and then over the summer 'breaks' she was making movies (working just as hard)

I think she may not be in the gag(out-takes)reel because she was not one to forget her lines, or laugh when other people did...
but she is in a lot of the OMWF extra video thing..
there again, really working hard because she had never done any singing or dancing before.


Friday, August 25, 2006 11:08 AM



Why doesn't SMG ever speak in the commentaries and special features?

Nobody ever offered her a *cookie*!



Friday, August 25, 2006 11:27 AM



Originally posted by IndigoStarblaster:

Did she actively hate the role and do no more than her professionalism demanded of her (which was more than sufficient, in my opinion)?

She did distance herself from the character afterward and actively refused to do anything related to Buffy. And after 7 years of the same character, I tend to agree... to a point.

I've read some interviews with her and she's not only actively trying to distance herself from the Buffy character, but it seems that SMG and Joss had a falling out. I've read transcripts of interviews where she's basically called him names, that he's power hungry, etc.

So, I'd gather that's probably more the reason why than anything else.

Regarding her not being in gag reels, etc. I get from her (interviews, etc) that she's quite stuck up as a person. She's probably "too good" to involve herself in such things. That or she's too stuck up to let that out and made a fuss about being in them.

At any rate, that's my 2 cents.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Friday, August 25, 2006 11:56 AM


Perhaps she prefers to have her work speak for itself.


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at amazon.de


Friday, August 25, 2006 12:20 PM


As Leonard Nimoy says "I AM NOT SPOCK!". Perhaps SMG feels a bit like that.. Still, Nimoy at least does occasionally talk about it all. I think SMG is a bloody ingrate, snobbing the fans, cast and Joss the way she does is why I dont watch any of her movies.


Friday, August 25, 2006 1:54 PM


SMG has always been set apart from the rest of the cast. You always hear she's nice, great to work with, etc, but you never get the 'friend' feeling you get with some of the other characters.

Joss has made comments about temperamental casts. About how Angel's 100th episode party was fun with implications that the personality difficulties on Buffy made that one less than fun.

I think there are a multitude of reasons why SMG isn't on commentaries or gag reels, and her own desires are just one of them.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Friday, August 25, 2006 5:01 PM


Sarah doesn't go to work and socialize. James Marsters outright said that Sarah once told him "I've already got friends and I don't need new ones." Other than that, James won't ever say anything bad about her, I think they actually did get along pretty well even if she was unwilling to talk to him off-camera at the beginning. Alyson and Emma have also said that Sarah liked to distance herself and wouldn't go out of her way to have conversations with anyone.

Though from what I remember of interviews and other stuff way back in the beginning, Sarah and Alyson were really close friends, like BFF and everything. They had a huge falling out in the third season, but I don't know why. Alyson has some very passive agressive things to say about her.

The only things I've heard re: Sarah and Joss are that they are both Type A personalities and they are both, to coin a Joss phrase, "control enthusiasts." Sarah believed that she deserved to have a producer credit and that she should be allowed to approve scripts. Joss...disagreed. Ever since the first Buffy movie with the Donald Sutherland debacle, Joss is extremely anti-actor-doing-anything-but-acting. There was an interview with Freddie, who said that Sarah wasn't respected, everyone was mean to her because they didn't listen to her, etc.; which was probably a comment about her not being allowed to have more control. Joss's response was not that positive--but he didn't say anything about Sarah, just that Freddie was never on the set so he wouldn't know what was really going on. And again, between the lines, he made it sound like Freddie is a stupid chump (or maybe that's me reading into things because I think he's a stupid chump).

About Sarah not doing any of the extras--Alyson didn't either until the last sets when the show was already over.


Friday, August 25, 2006 5:26 PM



Originally posted by amyel:

The only things I've heard re: Sarah and Joss are that they are both Type A personalities and they are both, to coin a Joss phrase, "control enthusiasts."

Difference being that Joss is the producer, writer, director, etc and SMG is just the actor. IMO, SMG has no right to try to impose her will on someone else's creation when her job is to professionally play make-believe.

Has anyone heard (or from Joss himself) that Joss is a control freak. Or is this more along the lines of, "This is mine job, I'll do it. You go do yours!" type thing?


Originally posted by amyel:

Sarah believed that she deserved to have a producer credit and that she should be allowed to approve scripts.

By what logic?


Originally posted by amyel:


Gonna have to side with Joss on this one. Also, see first comment above.


Originally posted by amyel:

Ever since the first Buffy movie with the Donald Sutherland debacle, Joss is extremely anti-actor-doing-anything-but-acting.

Could you link me, or a brief discription. Never heard this before.


Originally posted by amyel:

There was an interview with Freddie, who said that Sarah wasn't respected, everyone was mean to her because they didn't listen to her, etc.; which was probably a comment about her not being allowed to have more control. Joss's response was not that positive--but he didn't say anything about Sarah, just that Freddie was never on the set so he wouldn't know what was really going on.

So, then the typical, "I'm going to be the good boyfriend and side with my girlfriend without knowing anything about it aside from her nightly bitching and I'm gonna take that at face value b/c I'm a moron." Yes?


Originally posted by amyel:

And again, between the lines, he made it sound like Freddie is a stupid chump (or maybe that's me reading into things because I think he's a stupid chump).

I as well think he's not exactly playing with a full deck either e.g. I saw Wing Commander.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Friday, August 25, 2006 5:46 PM



Originally posted by Groosalugg:

Apparently, they even briefly toyed with filming episode 22 (the finale) first, followed by 21 to accomodate Sarah's schedule, but the script for 22 just wasn't ready in time to make that happen. So, no Buffy at the end of AtS...

I don't think so... Christian Kane was filming a movie while he was also filming the end of AtS. He wasn't going to be available for most of 5.22 so his scenes (at least the one with him and Angel, not sure about his final scene) was filmed at the same time as 5.17. I think it's mentioned in the commentary for Not Fade Away.


Friday, August 25, 2006 6:19 PM


The Joss/Donald Sutherland thing I don't have a specific link for, but if you ever see an interview where Buffy the movie is mentioned, Joss does not hold anything back. When the Buffy movie was being filmed a long long time ago, Joss was in his mid/late 20s and was "only" the writer. Donald Sutherland had a big part in the movie, and he decided that he did not want to learn his lines and that it would all be better if he just said whatever he felt like. Joss, being the writer... disagreed. Donald went over his head to the studio, and the studio sided with Donald since he was a well-known actor and Joss was a young inexperienced writer. The movie sucked. Donald did whatever the hell he wanted and the director went with all his changes and there was barely anything left that resembled Joss's original vision. Joss left the set, but his name was still on the script so he got the credit for being the writer of a flop movie.

Even now, Joss will toss around phrases such as "evil prick" when describing Donald Sutherland. And it's also no surprise that he almost never (with a few exceptions) allows actors to improvise and makes them stick to the script strictly without even changing a pause or a comma.


Friday, August 25, 2006 6:43 PM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

Originally posted by amyel:
Ever since the first Buffy movie with the Donald Sutherland debacle, Joss is extremely anti-actor-doing-anything-but-acting.

Could you link me, or a brief discription. Never heard this before.

This touches on the issue - albeit without much detail.



"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at amazon.de


Friday, August 25, 2006 8:25 PM


Hey, hey, hey! Freddie's not a chump! How dare you say that?!

He's a chucklehead. Let's try to be accurate about this stuff, huh?


Friday, August 25, 2006 9:38 PM


We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.

I don't have a problem with an actor trying to distance him/herself from a role. Most who want to have a long career should play as many different character types as possible (even AHNOLD played a few comedy roles--not well, but he did)

That being said, you shouldn't completely turn your back on the role that GAVE you that career. SMG wanted to do movies, yet she did more when the show was on than she's done since the show went off the air. Frankly, aside from The Grudge I can't think of anything she's done unless she's been in a play somewhere.


Saturday, August 26, 2006 9:19 AM


I've heard Joss say on many occassions that not everyone on the set was buddy-buddy and that people in the cast tended to clash, but he said at the end of the day they were all professionals, hit their marks, and finished by the end of the day.

I heard about remarks Alyson made about the ending of the series, that she was upset that she had to learn she was losing her job from Entertainment Weekly instead of from Sarah herself. I heard that Sarah clashed so badly with her stunt double that they fired her and her choreagrapher husband in 4th season and replaced them after years of working together. The two of them wrote a book or were inteviewed saying Sarah was a spoiled brat.

But then, I heard Seth Green say that a lot of people misinterpret her aggressiveness and assertive attitude as being "bitchy" and "bratty". "She's just a woman who knows what she wants and goes for it."
It just seemed to me that the rest of the cast had a family mentality...they all went out to parties together, did shakespeare readings at Joss's house, and spoke well of each other. Sarah seemed more private and get-it-done.

I think at the end of the day you should appreciate where you've come from. SMG cannot deny that she'd be nowhere without Buffy. I mean, even George Clooney quickly returned to ER to honor the fact that that show made him who he was. Why couldn't she?

I'm a leaf on the wind...watch how I soar.


Saturday, August 26, 2006 2:25 PM


@daveshayne & Amyel:


I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Saturday, August 26, 2006 2:33 PM



Originally posted by TheBurnoutKid:

But then, I heard Seth Green say that a lot of people misinterpret her aggressiveness and assertive attitude as being "bitchy" and "bratty". "She's just a woman who knows what she wants and goes for it."

But, it's how you go for what you want. As in, if you don't get your way, are you an adult about it and accept that it's just not going to happen (or be diplomatic), or do you stomp your feet and start complaining about it in interviews, etc. B/c from what I've read regarding SMG and her interviews, she has taken the latter. Which isn't exactly professional.


Originally posted by TheBurnoutKid:

Sarah seemed more private and get-it-done.

I don't think that anyone would complain if she just kept to herself and such. But, when you start stuff (unfun stuff), that's when it becomes a problem.

Unfortunately, it really seems as if this is the case.

Perhaps bitching about her past co-workers and boss(es) is part of the reason why she doesn't get much work anymore.


Originally posted by Peulsar5:

Frankly, aside from The Grudge I can't think of anything she's done unless she's been in a play somewhere.

I've seen her in the credits from time to time in Robot Chicken. But, that's about it.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Saturday, August 26, 2006 3:29 PM


Oh I wasn't trying to defend her, I just wanted to say that not all her castmates had bad things to say about her. Trying to be fair.

I'm a leaf on the wind...watch how I soar.


Saturday, August 26, 2006 4:29 PM



Originally posted by TheBurnoutKid:

Oh I wasn't trying to defend her, I just wanted to say that not all her castmates had bad things to say about her. Trying to be fair.

Sorry. Did a bit of a mis-interpret.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Saturday, August 26, 2006 5:51 PM


It's an interesting discussion, but when you get right down to it, I just have to ask: what does it all matter?

I enjoy watching her on-screen as Buffy; no one else could've possibly been better in that role than her. Off-screen, I don't have to work or hang out with her, so whether she's the sweetest, friendliest person around, or the biggest bitch on the planet, who really cares?

Just my two cents...


Saturday, August 26, 2006 6:22 PM


I guess the whole question ties into the grander issue of an artist and his or her art. The whole thing of SMG trying to distance herself from Buffy is a tough issue. Do you want the role that brought you fame and fortune to overshadow your whole life, or do you distance yourself from that to the point where you spit in the face of everyone one and thing that brought you it. There are countless examples of people throughout Hollywood history that have dealt with this. It's how you do deal with it that defines the kind of entertainer you are. Who knows? Maybe SMG will come around and embrace the character that made her famous and write a tell all book or something or do the convention circuit.

As for the thread issue, there are a number of reasons why actors and directors don't do stuff like that. I know that David Lynch, Steven Spielberg and Woody Allen don't do commentary tracks for their movies (in Allens case he doesn't look at the movies he makes once they're finished) becuase they feel that by explaining the movie as you're watching it, it robs the movie of it's mystique and why you fell in love with it in the first place. And Curtis Hanson doesn't do commentary tracks basically because he can't talk for two hours nonstop. That's not to say that they wont sit down for an interview and be showcased in the features. It's just a case of one and not the other. So as for SMG not involved with the DVD features, it could either be a complex issue, or something very simple.

Also, to hit on the bigger picture that this thread taps into, the film industry is filled on every level with creative and artistic types. And artistic types can be the most egocentric, tempermental and insecure people on the planet. And I should know. I'm earning a degree in the fine arts program. So you throw them all together to put on a song and dance number for people to enjoy, you're obviously going to have a clash on numerous levels. The "happy crew" is another Hollywood myth that very rarely turns out to be true. So it's no surprise that something like this happens.

One other thing. I notice that whenever there's a convention or something involving FIREFLY, you can always expect Nathan, Adam, Summer and Jewel to be there. But I notice that Gina, Alan, Sean, Ron and Morena don't make a lot of these. Does that mean they're trying to distance themselves from the enterprise that made them somewhat famous? Of course not. I'm sure they've got plenty of reasons why they don't frequent the conventions like the former do.

As for SMG, you'll be seeing her a lot soon. She's in another horror flick coming out this fall (can't remember the title) as well as being one of the leads in Richard Kelly's follow up to DONNIE DARKO, SOUTHLAND TALES. And I think with SOUTHLAND, she'll definitly make people forget her as a vampire slayer. Now they'll remember her as an entreprenurial ex-porn star who'll play a part in the apocalypse.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"There's only one "Return" ok, and it ain't "of the King", it's "of the Jedi."

"Maybe we should start calling your friend 'Padme' because he loves 'Mannequin Skywalker' so much, Right? (imitating robot) Danger...danger...my name is Anakin...my shitty acting is ruining saga."

Excerpt of internet teaser for CLERKS 2.


Sunday, August 27, 2006 12:43 PM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
As for SMG, you'll be seeing her a lot soon. She's in another horror flick coming out this fall (can't remember the title)

Grudge 2?


as well as being one of the leads in Richard Kelly's follow up to DONNIE DARKO, SOUTHLAND TALES.

...wait...a follow up to Donnie Darko?...*twitch*...must see...must SEE!...*twitch*.


Sunday, August 27, 2006 12:44 PM





sorry double post


Sunday, August 27, 2006 1:05 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by fredgiblet:

Originally posted by reginaroadie:
As for SMG, you'll be seeing her a lot soon. She's in another horror flick coming out this fall (can't remember the title)

Grudge 2?


as well as being one of the leads in Richard Kelly's follow up to DONNIE DARKO, SOUTHLAND TALES.

...wait...a follow up to Donnie Darko?...*twitch*...must see...must SEE!...*twitch*.

Follow-up just meaning its the first thing he's done since then, it's not a sequel to DD.

As for SMG, I believe her next film is The Return. The Grudge 2 stars Amber Tamblyn (Joan of Arcadia).

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Sunday, August 27, 2006 6:26 PM



Originally posted by ecgordon:

Originally posted by fredgiblet:
...wait...a follow up to Donnie Darko?...*twitch*...must see...must SEE!...*twitch*.

Follow-up just meaning its the first thing he's done since then, it's not a sequel to DD.

Did you hear that? It was a little bit of my soul dying...


Monday, August 28, 2006 5:26 AM


Thanks, all, for your insights.

I think it's fair enough for a professional actor to do her job well and then call it a day; and I think it's even more admirable that everyone was able to stay professional and do such a great job if it had in fact started to get a little acrimonious on set.

There's a quote by someone or other about how one should always avoid seeing how sausages and laws are made; guess we should add TV shows to the list :)

Indigo S.


Monday, August 28, 2006 9:00 AM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
Do you want the role that brought you fame and fortune to overshadow your whole life, or do you distance yourself from that to the point where you spit in the face of everyone one and thing that brought you it. There are countless examples of people throughout Hollywood history that have dealt with this.

There ARE countless actors that have dealt with this, and the majority have failed. SMG has a perfectly legitmate fear of being forever "Buffy." The George Clooney's of the world are few and far between.

Distance is good, being nasty about a role that made you famous, not so much. But then again, I've never heard/read anything where she was openly nasty. I've heard some pointed comments from Joss, but not SMG (although I admittedly read more about Joss than SMG).

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Friday, September 1, 2006 7:59 AM


In the interviews I've read she was very nice and positive about being Buffy. I've never actually seen her be snarky about anyone she's worked with. Seth Green, as mentioned above, has a high opinion of her. Alyson Hannigan, on the other hand, seems to be a source of some snarky remarks about Sarah and I think Julie Benz as well.

As far as I can tell, Sarah is just very busy and very private, a combo which has led to her not appearing in much of the extras. It's a bummer, because I'd love to hear what she has to say about some things, but I don't think it's necessarily indicative of some sinister plot she has against the show or cast and crew.






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