The Boyfriend Poll

UPDATED: Thursday, June 18, 2009 20:17
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Wednesday, September 20, 2006 6:01 AM


I'm sure this has been done before, but I wanted to hear some perspectives on the subject.

Who's you're favorite boyfriend: Angel, Riley, or Spike? Not just for the usual reasons (i.e., they're all hot ), but what qualities do you like about them? Feel free to post any personality quirk, scene, or quote you can think of.

P.S. - I haven't finished the series yet, so if it's not too much trouble, could you guys use the spoiler function? Many thanks.


"It sure as hell ain't normal, but we deal."


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 6:24 AM


Although Spike and Riley r hot I rekon Buffy is supposed 2 b with Angel!!!


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 6:29 AM


The better boyfriend.


Well obviously she and Angel share the whole destiny thing. But they share that precisely because they can't really ever be together and be happy. Because if they are "perfectly" happy then he becomes Angelus - yada, yada, yada

Riley would have been my first choice, but he wants Buffy to change. And that is not good so I would have to say Spike

Because Spike loves her. All of her, good and bad and he sticks with her, even when she is treating him like crappola.

So although Angel sacrifices and leaves her for her own good, an Riley is hot and a nice guy, I say Spike.

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 8:23 AM


Um, I have to say Angel. Well, Angel w/o the whole losing the soul issue. With it, I have to say:

Riley. I don't think he wanted Buffy to change, exactly. I think he wanted her to let him in...there's nothing wrong with that. He tried to be there for her, but she wouldn't let him.

Then Spike. She doesn't love him, never did. He was probably the first person she 'needed' though. She finally opened up a little and he was the one there, so he filled the gap.

Buffy deserves the passion of Angel, the normalcy of Riley and the unconditional love of Spike.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 9:10 AM


My pick is Riley, but before he got all stupid in season 5. Riley gave Buffy that sense of normalcy in her life (despite the fact that he's a demon hunting marine) and that's just something she needed. She could have a normal life with Riley while still doing the whole slayer thing.

I just don't think it could ever end well with Spike or Angel so long as they remain vampires, now if one of them managed to fulfill the shanshu prophecy and become human, then maybe, but then my pick would be Angel. I just don't think it was ever real with Spike.

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 9:15 AM


I'd say Spike and for basically the same reason as FMF. He loves her. Completely, utterly, without any self-protection , or reserve. He sees her for who she is and loves her no matter what. He believes in her and supports her. He lets her be her own person and doesn't need her to ever be anything she isn't and he is willing to be there for her no matter how bad things get. He gives her respect, comfort, passion, love, kindness, and his heart and asks nothing in return....Any woman who turns that down is dumber than a box of rocks!!!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 9:38 AM


Spike. Because he loves her unconditionally.

Angel is lame. His hair sticks straight up and he's bloody stupid. Buffy's whole, he's-so-tortured crush is so high school that I just want to say, "Oh grow up!" in later seasons.

Riley is Captain Cardboard and entirely too fragile.

Spike. No question.


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 9:53 AM


None of the above.

Buffy and Faith--now there's an awesome couple...


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 11:04 AM



Originally posted by EvilDinosaur:
if one of them managed to fulfill the shanshu prophecy and become human, then maybe, but then my pick would be Angel. I just don't think it was ever real with Spike.

It was real, just not THAT KIND of real....I agree...Angel....

Even tho Spike Rocks Chrisisall


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 12:25 PM


spike. because he's got a wicked sense of humor.


Thursday, September 21, 2006 10:09 AM


Personally (taking into account the Angel soul thing) - I would say Spike first - he loves her unconditionally- he never wanted her to be anything other than her - plus he's REALLy hot.
Then Angel - he was her soulmate. Pure and simple.
Then Riley. Too boring for me, although Buffy shouldn't have let him go - he was a good guy - and i really think she could have loved him.

HOWEVER - it was only ever Angel wasn't it?


Thursday, September 21, 2006 10:40 AM


Riley is the human equivalent of oatmeal. Wholesome and on paper a great idea, but in reality a bland and unsatisfying choice.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, September 21, 2006 11:31 AM


Intelligent, charming, and oblivious to Buffy's calling...
I always wanted Parker to return.


Thursday, September 21, 2006 3:36 PM



Originally posted by embers:




Thursday, September 21, 2006 4:05 PM



most definitely...


"See, I've secretly been kind of a fan of me for some time now. I've seen everything I've ever done. I'd love to meet me, but I'd probably just stare and not be able to say anything witty or anything." -- Joss Whedon


Thursday, September 21, 2006 4:19 PM



Riley was pretty lame, and Spike and Angel are...uh, VAMPIRES!! They are dead, people! They don't age, they smell of the earth, and drink blood to stay alive.

Yes, I know it's exciting to be in love with the enemy because it's all forbidden and what-not. But you know what I say to that? Bah! Bah, I say!

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Thursday, September 21, 2006 6:11 PM


Angel, he was a caring and decent guy. Yeah there's the whole losing the soul if he's ever perfectly happy issue, but out of all of Buffy's boyfriends he was the best one. Riley just gets on my nerves, I don't know why, he just does. I like Spike as a character, but he and Buffy didn't exactly have the healthies relationship in the 'verse and I didn't really like the way their relationship was.

"You're talking to Serenity. And Early...Serenity is very unhappy."


Thursday, September 21, 2006 9:39 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by embers:



my heart belongs to


Friday, September 22, 2006 2:54 AM



Originally posted by msg:
Riley is the human equivalent of oatmeal. Wholesome and on paper a great idea, but in reality a bland and unsatisfying choice.

Couldn't agree more!!

I love the Castro, because if somebody grabs my ass, I know they're picking my pocket.


Friday, September 22, 2006 2:58 AM


Well as everybody is saying that Angel is Buffy's soulmate, I just want to post my view on soulmates to begin with before I answer:

"Soulmates are like cabs. If one passes you by another will come along, albeit hard to flag down. Especially if they don't speak English."

Anyway, I loved Spike, because I kinda viewed that as her most grown-up and real relationship. Just my two cents.

I love the Castro, because if somebody grabs my ass, I know they're picking my pocket.


Friday, September 22, 2006 3:05 AM


Just to throw a total spanner in the works, I have to say I would have love to have seen Buffy and Xander fall in love at the end.

It's total projection on my part - I'm in love with Xander - but it's also because I would have liked to see her have a relationship with someone who had no special powers whatsoever. And you have to hand it to Xander, he was a lot more easygoing about being in a relationship with a stronger woman than Riley was. Also, since Xander loved Buffy at the beginning of the show (and always loved her as a friend) I would have liked to have seen it finish with them both falling for each other.

That being said, I quite liked all the relationships on the show. I don't think Spike was good for Buffy, but I do think he loved her and would have done anything for her. Riley did give her a taste of a normal relationship and I quite liked him. It's a pity the fans never warmed to him and his insecurities got in the way. And as for Angel... I still fight tears every time I watch Becoming Part II!

More animations available at http://desktophippie.googlepages.com


Friday, September 22, 2006 7:21 AM



Anyway, I loved Spike, because I kinda viewed that as her most grown-up and real relationship. Just my two cents.

So does anyone care to expand on how that relationship with grown-up, real and/or healthy? For both Spike and Buffy.

Hot, tight little body. Hot, kinky sex. Hot accent. But save the very end of the show, that relationship was just bad news.

I admit that Riley was a bit cardboardy, but he still made me hurt in Season Five when Buffy kept pushing him away.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Friday, September 22, 2006 7:30 AM



Originally posted by RugBug:

Anyway, I loved Spike, because I kinda viewed that as her most grown-up and real relationship. Just my two cents.

So does anyone care to expand on how that relationship with grown-up, real and/or healthy? For both Spike and Buffy.

Hot, tight little body. Hot, kinky sex. Hot accent. But save the very end of the show, that relationship was just bad news.

I admit that Riley was a bit cardboardy, but he still made me hurt in Season Five when Buffy kept pushing him away.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw

Just because it isn't healthy doesn't mean it isn't real.

The relationship with Angel is a fantasy. Every young girls desire. Especially when it is a LOVE THAT CAN NOT BE.

The relationship with Riley wasn't real because Buffy was just going through the motions.

The relationship with Spike was certainly unhealthy and I was taken aback with the whole almost raped her thing. But that relationshiop resonated more with me than the others. There was real passion there - of both hate and love. And I disagree with your earlier statement that Buffy never loved him. I think she did and does. I just don't think she realized how much she had come to rely on and need him until it was too late. Is it the romantic love she has for Angel? No, but that doesn't make it less of a love.

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Friday, September 22, 2006 8:02 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
Is it the romantic love she has for Angel? No, but that doesn't make it less of a love.

Yo go, girl!

Uh-huh. Chrisisall


Friday, September 22, 2006 8:07 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
Just because it isn't healthy doesn't mean it isn't real.

The relationship with Angel is a fantasy. Every young girls desire. Especially when it is a LOVE THAT CAN NOT BE.

Hrmmm, it only became fantasy after he lost his soul and there was no place for sex...or true happiness...which I think Angel could've experienced with Buffy even without the sex (I never liked the curse ending there). Before that, I think it was every bit as real and grown-up as any relationship. In fact, I think it was more so, because he left and she let him go. That is one mark of a true, grown-up relationship. Knowing that what you want is bad for you or the other person and then putting an end to it.


Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
The relationship with Riley wasn't real because Buffy was just going through the motions.

Well, yeah. And we didn't get to see what could've happened there because most people didn't like Riley and because Marc Blucas was supposedly getting film offers. So we end with Buffy realizing she shut him out and wanting to open up to him. Then he comes back and she sees what she could've had.


Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
The relationship with Spike was certainly unhealthy and I was taken aback with the whole almost raped her thing. There was real passion there - of both hate and love. And I disagree with your earlier statement that Buffy never loved him. I think she did and does. I just don't think she realized how much she had come to rely on and need him until it was too late. Is it the romantic love she has for Angel? No, but that doesn't make it less of a love.

I don't equate 'relying on' and 'needing' with love. And I think unconditional-ness (I need a better word here ) isn't necessarily a good thing. That's for pets. People need to evaluate how their behaviour and the behaviour of their SO is affecting them and those around them. If it's unhealthy, the relationship can't be good. And Spike even knew at that end that she didn't love him. She might have grown to love the vampire he'd become, but she didn't when the show ended.

But now that I've ranted away, I went back and read the OP and I should just shut up. Because we were asked who our favorite is, not who was the best. Proceed with 'who's your favorite Buffy boyfriend?'

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Friday, September 22, 2006 1:52 PM



Originally posted by RugBug:
But now that I've ranted away, I went back and read the OP and I should just shut up. Because we were asked who our favorite is, not who was the best. Proceed with 'who's your favorite Buffy boyfriend?'

It's okay, RugBug. I like the discourse that's going on here. And discussing who's our favorite boyfriend also means discussing who we think is best for Buffy. So by all means, proceed.


"It sure as hell ain't normal, but we deal."


Sunday, September 24, 2006 11:19 AM


Wow... such a hard choice.

First there is Angel: He was supposed to be her true love, but he's all brooding and lurking, and really didn't have much of a character beyond that until he got his own show (unless he was evil).

The Riley: He was a good, nice guy. But, I think he created a whole lot of drama where it wasn't (what does he expect? They've barely been dating a year, if even, so the glowy phase of love is wearing off, Buffy has to deal with her mom's tumor the most horrible thing in her life, and he's all upset because they aren't close enough... blah).

Then Spike: He loved her unconditionally, but he really made her life worse during season six, beating her into staying when she tried to leave. Of course, he couldn't understand. He's evil and dead. And when he did, he let her go. And then he got a soul to get her back -- but only after almost raping her. Hmm.

So my choice is...

The Immortal, her boyfriend during "The Girl in Question" Angel season five. We've never met him, but Andrew says she's happy, and if he could make Darla and Dru glow so, he's at least super-good in bed, which really counts for something. :-)

Arcadia (aka Greyfable and/or Katie)
www.stillflying.net -- picking up Firefly were Joss left off. We will hold 'til he gets back.


Monday, October 9, 2006 2:22 AM



Originally posted by RugBug:
I don't equate 'relying on' and 'needing' with love. And I think unconditional-ness (I need a better word here ) isn't necessarily a good thing. That's for pets.

Finally someone that agrees with me on the subject of unconditional love. Its not good, and its not very romantic. Its selfdestructive.

Riley was funny... wanting to stick the two Xanders in the replacement in seperate rooms and do experiments on them....

But he was maybe not the most exiting boyfriend tv- drama wise.



Sunday, December 3, 2006 8:55 AM


My favorite was the stuff with Angel, and there's still a little part of me that wants her with him still, but mostly I'm ready for her to finally see Xander in that light.

I've got nothing against Spike, or even Riley, though.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009 1:18 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Well, my personal favorite was Spike. As in, I would want him myself. He's funny, sexy, kind of a badass, has a very tender aspect to him, the list goes on. In terms of his relationship with Buffy, though, I never liked it. Maybe because I liked him so much, I would have much rather seen him with someone who was, you know, not a psycho bitch to him. She wasn't good to him, and there were a lot of times he wasn't good to her, either. He was good to her a lot more than she was good to him, though. Pretty sure she only showed him any kind of caring after he gained his soul, lost his mind, and then saved the world. Their whole dynamic was warped, as I think it was meant to be, but I still love Spike above almost any other character.
Riley was a little bland, but not utterly. There were moments that made me love Riley, and I mostly felt bad for him, even when he was being a royal fuck-up. Again, Buffy wasn't very good to him. I think she liked him, and clearly there was chemistry and all, but she took him mostly for granted. He was never, ever, a priority for her. Not saying he should have been at all times, but she could have thought of him a lot more than she did. Honestly, the look on his face when she talks about how she cried when her mom was in the hospital and it hits him like a ton of bricks that he never got to see any of it, or give her comfort, or be a part of her life, it just twists my guts every time, because I know how he feels. Granted, he handled it badly, but like I said I still just felt sorry for him.
Now, I personally don't think I'd want to be with Angel. He's sexy, yeah, but so brooding and tortured and angsty. He's at his most interesting (and sexy) when he's evil, and that is of course where you don't want to be. There's also the whole curse, but even without that... I dunno. But, in terms of the Buffy/Angel relationship specifically, he was the one who she was actually good to, and he was good to her. Get around the curse and all, and they'd be together in a second. So, while not my personal favorite, he's clearly hers.



Thursday, June 18, 2009 2:49 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Well, my personal favorite was Spike. As in, I would want him myself. He's funny, sexy, kind of a badass, has a very tender aspect to him, the list goes on. In terms of his relationship with Buffy, though, I never liked it. Maybe because I liked him so much, I would have much rather seen him with someone who was, you know, not a psycho bitch to him. She wasn't good to him, and there were a lot of times he wasn't good to her, either. He was good to her a lot more than she was good to him, though. Pretty sure she only showed him any kind of caring after he gained his soul, lost his mind, and then saved the world. Their whole dynamic was warped, as I think it was meant to be, but I still love Spike above almost any other character.
Riley was a little bland, but not utterly. There were moments that made me love Riley, and I mostly felt bad for him, even when he was being a royal fuck-up. Again, Buffy wasn't very good to him. I think she liked him, and clearly there was chemistry and all, but she took him mostly for granted. He was never, ever, a priority for her. Not saying he should have been at all times, but she could have thought of him a lot more than she did. Honestly, the look on his face when she talks about how she cried when her mom was in the hospital and it hits him like a ton of bricks that he never got to see any of it, or give her comfort, or be a part of her life, it just twists my guts every time, because I know how he feels. Granted, he handled it badly, but like I said I still just felt sorry for him.
Now, I personally don't think I'd want to be with Angel. He's sexy, yeah, but so brooding and tortured and angsty. He's at his most interesting (and sexy) when he's evil, and that is of course where you don't want to be. There's also the whole curse, but even without that... I dunno. But, in terms of the Buffy/Angel relationship specifically, he was the one who she was actually good to, and he was good to her. Get around the curse and all, and they'd be together in a second. So, while not my personal favorite, he's clearly hers.

Wow, I'd completely forgotten about this thread. I can't believe it's been that long since I first watched the show. But strangely enough, My feelings on the whole boyfriend situation are still the same. I can't say I'd want to actually date Angel or Spike, especially considering the baggage they carry. Riley seems like the only one who would be a reasonable choice in the real world.

As far as who is best for Buffy, I'm not sure any of them were. And that's not necessarily her fault (with the exception of Spike; that never should have happened in the first place). As Buffy said herself, she wasn't "finished" yet as a person, which can lead to some bad choices boyfriend-wise. Of course, saying that means that I've grown as a person; three years ago, I wouldn't have been willing to forgive Buffy for her behavior post-season three.


"This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."


Thursday, June 18, 2009 8:17 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I'm on ur board, necromancing ur thredz!







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