Seeking advice: How to watch Buffy/Angel DVD's?

UPDATED: Friday, September 10, 2004 19:40
VIEWED: 9289
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Saturday, March 20, 2004 4:46 PM


What's the best way to watch the Buffy and Angel DVD's?

I did a fair amount of searching without luck. I have a question.

Let's say a person bought the Buffy seasons 1-4 DVD box set, and also the Angel DVD's seasons 1-3.

At what point should I start switching between the two shows? So far, I'm just starting to watch Buffy season 3.

I understand that for a while, Angel aired right after Buffy on WB. I'd like to follow the continuity that the shows were aired on tv. I want to watch the entire story the way it was presented.

So I must ask, what's the best way to watch Buffy & Angel on DVD?

Thanks! To anyone who can answer.


Saturday, March 20, 2004 5:26 PM



You're in for a real treat with Buffy/Angel. It's a fabulous universe....And there is a definite order you should follow:

A. Watch Buffy seasons 1-3 first. (Angel hasn't aired at that point; indeed, Angel is a character in Buffy the show for Buffy seasons 1-3.)

B. Beginning with Buffy season 4, start watching Angel season 1. The best way is to watch an episode of Buffy, then Angel, then Buffy, etc. That's the way they were aired. You'll note lots of crossover references and actual crossovers between the two shows during Buffy seasons 4-5 and Angel seasons 1-2. After that, Buffy went off to UPN to do seasons 6 and 7, and Angel stayed with the WB.

Have fun.


Saturday, March 20, 2004 5:28 PM


Angel season 1 is concurrent with Buffy season 4.

To get it absolutely in continuity, alternate between the shows, with Buffy 4x01 before Angel 1x01.

However, that will only be beneficial during the first year of overlap. Starting with Angel season 2/ Buffy season 5, there's very little shared ground between the shows.


Saturday, March 20, 2004 5:33 PM


Heh, Lindley said what I did in far fewer words. However, I'd add one thing to Lindley's advice: even though Buffy and Angel as shows start to diverge widely beginning with Buffy season 5 and Angel season 2, there are still slim threads of continuity that run through. Continuing to progress through the shows concurrently, while not necessary, can be satisfying. Many of the people who worked on Buffy also worked on Angel and thematically the shows sometimes specifically echoed each other or contrasted interestingly with each other.


Saturday, March 20, 2004 5:47 PM


Hey, that's exactly the answer I was looking for.

THANKS a lot!


I must say it's not easy for a grown man to admit he's a huge Buffy fan. I used to scoff at the show, way before Firefly, before I knew about Joss.

My friend liked it because his girlfriend made him watch it. I used to laugh at him. He talked me into watching an episode, and my first experience with Buffy was seeing some foam Shark Head guy out in a cemetary. I laughed and said, "Man, this show is for kids!"

My friend tried to tell me that I hadn't exactly watched the best scene in Buffy. He told me I need to watch a little more.

I didn't listen. I occasionly glimpsed parts of Buffy, along with Xena, Hercules and Stargate as I skimmed the TV channels on bored Saturdays. I knew who Buffy was, but I didn't care.

Then Firefly came along, and I learned all about Joss Whedon. I gave Buffy and Angel another try and I realized very quickly that both shows are excellent. No matter your age or gender.

I've become very addicted to the "Buffyverse."

I... think I need help.


Saturday, March 20, 2004 6:02 PM


I've already seen most of Buffy season 7 and I was very interested in Caleb and the ending.

I caught Gina Torres in Angel but I didn't understand enough. Since then, I've been extremely hooked on this season of Angel.

It's been really fun to see Buffy, Angel and Spike all meet, in the "good ol' days." Also, I think Miss Calendar is sexy.

Even though I know how Buffy ends, it's fun to see how everybody got there.


Saturday, March 20, 2004 6:08 PM


Succatash, don't be embarrassed about being addicted to the Buffy/Angelverse! If anyone gives you grief, just point to the astounding number of serious academic books, articles and conferences that have been written and still are being written about Buffy in particular.

Academic love for Buffy (and Angel) is a fascinating phenomenon. It's different from the usual pop culture analysis stuff because the analysis is less about why people are watching these shows and gives more than usual serious thought to the shows themselves -- their deep philosophical themes and layers upon complex layers of metaphor and character development. And intelligence. Yes, intelligence in supposedly "teen fluff" shows.

Of course, the shows are damn fun to watch and can be appreciated on a purely superficial level. But even if the academic stuff doesn't interest you, I'll say this: they stand up to repeated viewings more than pretty much everything I've ever seen. You'll be watching a season six episode of Buffy and suddenly it'll dawn on you, oh, that's what was being hinted at so very subtly during that one scene in that episode of season two. There are many, many examples of this in both Buffy and Angel. Too bad Firefly wasn't allowed to develop as Buffy and Angel have. Damnit. But maybe if the we luck out with Serenity.....

Okay, maybe I need help, too. But all of us who are addicted to the Buffy/Angel 'verse are in excellent company, let me tell you.


Saturday, March 20, 2004 6:37 PM


I'm actually in the same situation. I used to have zero interest in B/A.

After FF, I tried Angel. Wasn't exactly hooked, but liked it well enough.

So I tried Buffy. Seen the first two seasons so far. Pretty close to complete hookage now.....

For the record, Stargate is also a great show that's well worth seeing. (The DVD sets are phenomenally cheap at Amazon.ca.)

I've only caught little bits of Herc/Xena, but my impression was of shows that, while possibly entertaining, aren't terribly deep.


Saturday, March 20, 2004 6:43 PM



Originally posted by phlebotinin:
Of course, the shows are damn fun to watch and can be appreciated on a purely superficial level. But even if the academic stuff doesn't interest you...

I have to admit so far I've been enjoying it for the dialogue and relationships and superhero action. And plot twists. I look forward to what happens next.

I haven't seen it enough to say, "Hey, that's the same vase of roses that appeared in ep. 2!" But I'm sure the audio commentaries will help.

Maybe Universal will offer Joss a Buffyverse movie contract as part of the deal for doing Firefly sequels too.


Saturday, March 20, 2004 7:02 PM


How to watch Buffy/Angel DVD's...

All lights off,
slathered with Vaseline,
brand new tub of Red Vines at your side.




"But she was naked... and all articulate." - Malcolm Reynolds


Sunday, March 21, 2004 5:38 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Okay, I'll admit I am another who has not given Buffy/Angel a chance. Wasn't interested when Buffy first started, and the few times I caught it after that I didn't care for it, and of course have never seen more than a minute or two of Angel while channel surfing.

But I'm also willing to give it a chance now that I am a certified Firefly junkie. Only problem is I can't afford the DVD sets, and probably won't for a long time.

Can anyone tell me where in the show the FX repeats are right now, and when they might get back to season one of Buffy?

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Sunday, March 21, 2004 6:41 AM



you'll have to wait a while to start with Buffy season 1. They're now wrapping up season 2 and they'll go all the way through season 7 before returning to season 1.

Check the FX website for a running schedule, plus a quickie episode guide, which lists them all in order.

Definitely give Buffy a chance. It's fun, but more than that it's a brilliant series of nested metaphors for the hell of growing into adulthood. Joss is a genius alone for the "high school on a hellmouth" metaphor. All ages can enjoy watching Buffy, though. I know a few ardent fans in their sixties. No kidding. They're perfectly sane, too. And smarter than all hell.


Sunday, March 21, 2004 7:26 AM


It won't take as long as you think to wrap back to season 1. There's 7-10 episodes a *week*.

I just started watching with the latest run-through on FX, actually. I think that restarted on Feb 25th. Its not even a month later, and its already gone through two seasons. (Well, the first season *is* only 12 eps, but still....)

Its possible that Angel might wrap back to the beginning sooner than that, depending on whether TNT adds season 4 to its 5pm rotation.


Sunday, March 21, 2004 8:02 AM


Greetings FFers,
Welcome to my very first post! I've been lurking for ages, loving the interaction here.

In reply to Eggordon, I have a confession. I haven't owned a tv in 6 1/2 years. Please, no stone throwing...don't want to crack the screen on my iMac. Which, of course, is where I was introduced to Firefly, and where I've seen 5 seasons of Buffy and the 3 seasons of Angel. All at my leisure and without pesky commercials.

You might ask HOW?

Enter the greatest service since pump-it-yourself gas...NETFLIX. If you aren't into investing in the dvd box sets...toddle over to Netflix.com and click on 'rent the series', then watch the discs file into your mailbox. It's a thing of wonder, I tell you. Since they opened a distribution center near me, it's nearly a one day turn around from disk to disk.

Email may be killing the post office, but Netflix is reviving it.

"It's what space trash does..."


Sunday, March 21, 2004 2:36 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Concerning Netflix

You can only have three discs out at a time, right? That's fine for the first season of Buffy, but the second season set is six discs. Do they treat the television box sets differently than they do movies, or are you still limited to three discs at a time?

Also, with my very erratic work schedule, I'm not sure I could get good use out of that service. There are days (sometimes weeks) at a time I don't have much time for watching tv or anything else. That's why I rarely rent dvds from local stores either.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Monday, March 22, 2004 2:26 AM


Back on topic: If you're watching the shows like they're meant to be, with one episode each week, I agree that alternating between Buffy season 4 and Angel season 1 is the best way to watch them. However, if you're like me and watch as many as you can in one sitting, it's too frustrating to keep being interrupted - when you're watching Angel, you want to keep watching Angel and the same for Buffy. So in that case, I'll recommend another order: switch as few times as possible, while preserving the order of cross-overs.

*** Mild spoiler warning: From the order of the episodes below you'll be able to tell when the crossovers will come. If you'd rather be surprised, don't read further ***

Optimised for minimum number of switches, while preserving the order of all crossover story lines:

Buffy 4x01 - 4x03
Angel 1x01 - 1x07
Buffy 4x04 - 4x08
Angel 1x08 - 1x17
Buffy 4x09 - 4x16
Angel 4x18 - 4x22
Buffy 4x17 - 4x22

Very rarely, the above list will have a comment postponed. Assume for instance that there is a story line which starts at Buffy week 1, continues at Angel week 1, and then gets a single comment on Buffy week 2, and there are no crossovers until week 6. In that case, the above list will recommend Buffy week 1, Angel week 1-5, and then back to Buffy. So the comment on Buffy will come after you've seen a few more Angel episodes. If you in that case would rather have seen Buffy week 1, Angel week 1, Buffy week 2, take the order below. It has every little crossover remark not only in the correct order, but also in the exact right place - yet you don't have to switch quite as often as every episode, and you'll still see cross-over story arcs spanning several episodes consecutively:

Buffy 4x01
Angel 4x01 - 4x02
Buffy 4x02 - 4x03
Angel 4x03 - 1x06
Buffy 4x04 - 4x07
Angel 4x07
Buffy 4x08
Angel 4x08 - 4x17
Buffy 4x09 - 4x16
Angel 4x17 - 4x19
Buffy 4x17 - 4x22
Angel 4x20 - 4x22

I recommend the first list, but anyway, now you have the options


Monday, March 22, 2004 5:52 AM


Sorry Sasja,
I clearly posted this to the wrong thread, but Eggordon did ask the question. So, I'll make a quick reply and then slink away. [feelin'the love!]

Yes, E. Basic membership allows 3 disks, but really, it works out well for me. If I had ALL the episodes at once, I'd be a zombie...poor impulse control. And an erratic schedule is precisely WHY it works for me. No trapsing to the video store, standing in line and/or late fees. And even if I had a tv in my home, I couldn't schedule around broadcast times!

The optimum choice is to buy the set but in the meantime...

"That's what space trash does..."


Monday, March 22, 2004 8:02 AM


Dear Succatash,

Your experience mirrors my own. On Thanksgiving in 2001, a friend forced me to sit down and watch the first three episodes on FX in reruns. I managed to see the rest of them in order, although it was a real effort not to peek ahead. Buffy-binging is the only way to really get into the 'verse.

Here's how bad my family got the bug. We actually went to http://www.bombayelectronics.com to buy a region-free DVD player (Only about 80 dollars -- come on, you know you want one) and bought the DVD sets from http://www.amazon.co.uk. We've even talked others in our neighborhood into doing likewise. So when we're on vacation in England next month, we're scooping up the season 7 Buffy and season 4 Angel DVDs.


Monday, March 22, 2004 12:00 PM



Originally posted by Succatash:
So I must ask, what's the best way to watch Buffy & Angel on DVD?

They used to release the Buffy and Angel seasons on the same day over here, half a season at a time on video. I used to watch Buffy up till the crossover episode, then swap to Angel, then back. In this era of multi-DVD players, I guess you could watch an episode of each easily.

Oddly, as time went on, I found myself wanting to watch Angel first, because it was the better show IMO - hence I watched Buffy first all the way to avoid poor (comparative people!) comparisons.

"I threw up on your bed"


Wednesday, March 24, 2004 12:18 PM


All lights off,
slathered with Vaseline,
brand new tub of Red Vines at your side.

Wow, sounds great - do you live in California by any chance? :-)


Thursday, March 25, 2004 5:32 AM


My habit is in the dark, in my pj's, bowl of ice cream and husband thrown out of the room.


Sunday, March 28, 2004 11:44 AM



However you watch them, just don't do what I did. I was out of work for 5 months for surgery and I SWORE I would not get caught up in soap operas again. So what did I do? I got caught up in Buffy and then Angel. Only I started watching in the middle of season 6 of Buffy. Boy, was I confounded! But, since Fox ran 4 eps a day, I soon caught up. I now own all seasons available for Buffy and Angel. I began wathing FF just out of loyalty to Joss and I love it even more than the other 2. I tell people to purchase the DVD and if they don't love the series, I will buy it from them. I haven't had to reimburse anyone yet! Enjoy!



Monday, March 29, 2004 9:03 PM



Originally posted by Beej:
Sorry Sasja,
I clearly posted this to the wrong thread, but Eggordon did ask the question. So, I'll make a quick reply and then slink away. [feelin'the love!]

Hey, not to worry, I didn't mean it in any mean way - I just thought my post would look weird and not make much sense without a hint that it was in reply to the very first post! Though I guess in general I agree that it may be better to start a new topic in a new thread, I don't feel compelled to patrol this forum - feel free to use it any way you want


Wednesday, August 25, 2004 4:56 PM


Buffy Season 4/Angel Season 1 and Buffy Season 5/Angel Season 2 were the simple ones to figure out... you watch the first of each and then the second of each then the third of each and so on...

What was extremely hard for me was figuring out how to see 6/3 and 7/4...

Angel - 3ADH01 24-Sep-2001 Heartthrob
Buffy - 6ABB01/6ABB02 02-Oct-2001 Bargaining (parts 1&2)
Angel - 3ADH02 08-Oct-2001 That Old Gang of Mine (originally this aired as 3rd)
Buffy - 6ABB03 09-Oct-2001 After Life
Angel - 3ADH03 01-Oct-2001 That Vision Thing (originally this aired as 2nd)
Angel - 3ADH04 15-Oct-2001 Carpe Noctem
Buffy - 6ABB04 16-Oct-2001 Flooded
Angel - 3ADH05 22-Oct-2001 Fredless
Buffy - 6ABB05 23-Oct-2001 Life Serial
Angel - 3ADH06 29-Oct-2001 Billy
Buffy - 6ABB06 30-Oct-2001 All The Way
Angel - 3ADH07 05-Nov-2001 Offspring
Buffy - 6ABB07 06-Nov-2001 Once More, With Feeling
Angel - 3ADH08 12-Nov-2001 Quickening
Buffy - 6ABB08 13-Nov-2001 Tabula Rasa
Angel - 3ADH09 19-Nov-2001 Lullaby
Buffy - 6ABB09 20-Nov-2001 Smashed
Buffy - 6ABB10 27-Nov-2001 Wrecked
Angel - 3ADH10 10-Dec-2001 Dad
Buffy - 6ABB11 08-Jan-2002 Gone
Angel - 3ADH11 14-Jan-2002 Birthday
Buffy - 6ABB12 29-Jan-2002 Doublemeat Palace
Angel - 3ADH12 21-Jan-2002 Provider
Buffy - 6ABB13 05-Feb-2002 Dead Things
Angel - 3ADH13 04-Feb-2002 Waiting in the Wings
Buffy - 6ABB14 12-Feb-2002 Older and Far Away
Angel - 3ADH14 18-Feb-2002 Couplet
Buffy - 6ABB15 26-Feb-2002 As You Were
Angel - 3ADH15 25-Feb-2002 Loyalty
Buffy - 6ABB16 05-Mar-2002 Hell's Bells
Angel - 3ADH16 04-Mar-2002 Sleep Tight
Buffy - 6ABB17 12-Mar-2002 Normal Again
Angel - 3ADH17 15-Apr-2002 Forgiving
Buffy - 6ABB18 30-Apr-2002 Entropy
Angel - 3ADH18 22-Apr-2002 Double or Nothing
Buffy - 6ABB19 07-May-2002 Seeing Red
Angel - 3ADH19 29-Apr-2002 The Price
Buffy - 6ABB20 14-May-2002 Villains
Angel - 3ADH20 06-May-2002 A New World
Buffy - 6ABB21 21-May-2002 Two to Go (1)
Angel - 3ADH21 13-May-2002 Benediction
Buffy - 6ABB22 21-May-2002 Grave (2)
Angel - 3ADH22 20-May-2002 Tomorrow

Buffy - 7ABB01 24-Sep-2002 Lessons
Buffy - 7ABB02 01-Oct-2002 Beneath You
Angel - 4ADH01 06-Oct-2002 Deep Down
Buffy - 7ABB03 08-Oct-2002 Same Time, Same Place
Angel - 4ADH02 13-Oct-2002 Ground State
Buffy - 7ABB04 15-Oct-2002 Help
Angel - 4ADH03 20-Oct-2002 The House Always Wins
Buffy - 7ABB05 22-Oct-2002 Selfless
Angel - 4ADH04 27-Oct-2002 Slouching Toward Bethlehem
Buffy - 7ABB06 05-Nov-2002 Him
Angel - 4ADH05 03-Nov-2002 Supersymmetry
Buffy - 7ABB07 12-Nov-2002 Conversations with Dead People
Buffy - 7ABB08 19-Nov-2002 Sleeper
Angel - 4ADH06 10-Nov-2002 Spin the Bottle
Buffy - 7ABB09 26-Nov-2002 Never Leave Me
Angel - 4ADH07 17-Nov-2002 Apocalypse, Nowish
Buffy - 7ABB10 17-Dec-2002 Bring On The Night
Angel - 4ADH08 15-Jan-2003 Habeas Corpses
Buffy - 7ABB11 07-Jan-2003 Showtime
Angel - 4ADH09 22-Jan-2003 Long Day's Journey
Buffy - 7ABB12 21-Jan-2003 Potential
Angel - 4ADH10 29-Jan-2003 Awakening
Buffy - 7ABB13 04-Feb-2003 The Killer In Me
Angel - 4ADH11 05-Feb-2003 Soulless
Buffy - 7ABB14 11-Feb-2003 First Date
Angel - 4ADH12 12-Feb-2003 Calvary
Buffy - 7ABB15 18-Feb-2003 Get It Done
Angel - 4ADH13 05-Mar-2003 Salvage
Buffy - 7ABB16 25-Feb-2003 Storyteller
Angel - 4ADH14 12-Mar-2003 Release
Buffy - 7ABB17 25-Mar-2003 Lies My Parents Told Me
Angel - 4ADH15 19-Mar-2003 Orpheus
Angel - 4ADH16 26-Mar-2003 Players
Buffy - 7ABB18 15-Apr-2003 Dirty Girls
Angel - 4ADH17 02-Apr-2003 Inside Out
Angel - 4ADH18 09-Apr-2003 Shiny Happy People
Buffy - 7ABB19 29-Apr-2003 Empty Places
Angel - 4ADH19 16-Apr-2003 The Magic Bullet
Buffy - 7ABB20 06-May-2003 Touched
Angel - 4ADH20 23-Apr-2003 Sacrifice
Angel - 4ADH21 30-Apr-2003 Peace Out
Angel - 4ADH22 07-May-2003 Home
Buffy - 7ABB21 13-May-2003 End of Days
Buffy - 7ABB22 20-May-2003 Chosen

I did a lot of research at tvtome and I believe/hope that this is the closest to the correct order possible.


Wednesday, August 25, 2004 5:03 PM


This should be archived somewhere.


"Gott kann dich nicht vor mir beschuetzen, weil ich nicht boese bin."


Wednesday, August 25, 2004 5:25 PM


I used to ridicule people for watching Buffy, what an ignoramus I was..

6 months ago I was craving something new to watch so I bit the bullet and borrowed my friends 6.5 seasons of Buffy(havent seen the last 3 disks yet..). I was instantly hooked. It seems everything Whedonesque is great.

I also borrowed the first 2 seasons of Angel and watched them hap-hazardly with Buffy with no real problem.

I think my favourite ep of Buffy is "Once More With Feeling" and I dont know why. I dont usually go in for musicals but that ep was really well made IMHO.


Wednesday, August 25, 2004 6:36 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:
It seems everything Whedonesque is great.

Seems?? Is.

I'm a HUGE Whedonite. I get carried away at times.

"Oh I'm going to the special hell."-Mal


Wednesday, August 25, 2004 7:52 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:
I used to ridicule people for watching Buffy, what an ignoramus I was..

I know the feeling, I used to laugh when my friends suggested I watch it (unfortunately I saw the movie first). But then halfway through season three I started watching (still not sure why) and became practically obsessed.

I think what I love about the show the most (and this goes for Angel too) is that it seems to get better upon later viewings.

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"


Thursday, September 9, 2004 7:31 PM



Originally posted by Kellaina:

I think what I love about the show the most (and this goes for Angel too) is that it seems to get better upon later viewings.

The reason it gets better every time you watch it is because you start to see the layers upon layers of stuff that Joss crammed into every episode, be it foreshadowing or a joke you just didn't understand before.

"Oh I'm going to the special hell."-Mal


Friday, September 10, 2004 7:40 PM



Originally posted by Shiny4004:

The reason it gets better every time you watch it is because you start to see the layers upon layers of stuff that Joss crammed into every episode, be it foreshadowing or a joke you just didn't understand before.

Definitely. I think that of all the seasons, season six benefits the most from repeated viewings. And watching the episodes in groupings helps too. Sometimes you just need the flow of the story. Which is why I am really looking forward to season four of Angel on DVD .

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"






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