Buffy season 8 comic SUCKS. Joss what happened?

UPDATED: Sunday, July 13, 2008 05:23
VIEWED: 7506
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Wednesday, July 9, 2008 5:06 PM


I've been collecting this series since it came out. Finally had a chance to read them(1-15), and HOLY SHIT, this is probably one of the worst comic books I have ever read. Joss Whedon writes a lot of the issues, and for that I have to say I feel bad for him. I don't know what went wrong(maybe it was just created to make money), but this is bad stuff. Never thought I'd say this but Joss needs to leave Buffy alone.

On a positive note, The Angel series is really, really good. If you loved season 5 of Angel the comics pick up right where it ended. Well worth your time.


Wednesday, July 9, 2008 8:54 PM


Well, that's one opinion. Personally, I thought it got off to a bit of a rocky start in the first four issues, but has been fantastic ever since.

The writing on "Angel: After the Fall" has been almost equally as good, but some of the recent editorial decisions (such as the change in the main art team starting in #9, and placing "First Night" where it was, rather than as a separate miniseries) have been pretty bad, and the editing has been lousy throughout, with numerous spelling mistakes that definitely should've been caught long before ever going to print...


Wednesday, July 9, 2008 9:23 PM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
I've been collecting this series since it came out. Finally had a chance to read them(1-15), and HOLY SHIT, this is probably one of the worst comic books I have ever read. Joss Whedon writes a lot of the issues, and for that I have to say I feel bad for him. I don't know what went wrong(maybe it was just created to make money), but this is bad stuff. Never thought I'd say this but Joss needs to leave Buffy alone.


On a positive note, The Angel series is really, really good. If you loved season 5 of Angel the comics pick up right where it ended. Well worth your time.


OK - So i'm kidding (sorta) each to their own - and i still don't like the pre-season 8 comics but... i gotta disagree with you on this.
The season 8 has not been flawless but it has built and developed very nicely - certain isues (3, 5, 10 fr example) and certain stories (the Faith Arc) have been fantastic. (IMHO)

and the comic has definitely crossed to an audience unused to the medium - which is a good sign.

You talk cash cow?? what the hell is Angel then?

why? why continue past one of the best kiss offs to a show ever?

But if you must do that well - why come out with
After the Fall...
is grusome in it's continuity posioning, tacky rendered, dreadfully edited awfulness.


Thursday, July 10, 2008 5:36 AM


I realize some people may enjoy it, and that's fine.
I think Angel has a strong story, and that is the main factor. Buffy it seems has a schizophrenic pace. It doesn't know where it wants to go. The issues written by Brian K Vaughn absolutely horrid. The Drew Goddard were almost as bad. And the Joss issues...well I think he's digging a hole to make up for all his brilliance.


-Buffy is not a lesbian. Never has been, never will be. Why would they bring her in that direction? To make a point that every straight girl in the world can become one if they so choose? Stupid. You are either gay or you aren't. Your born to be gay, or straight.

-Willow appears to be a magic tart(I'm not going to read any more of the comics so maybe it turns out she's a Willow robot). No character development. Like a caricature of the tv character.

-Xander. Well OK his is the only interesting character in the series.

-Dawn was pretty funny as a giant in the first couple issues. Pretty much got stale after that.

-The storyline. Unimportant, as there is no real threat to anyone, except by the government(Alliance anyone?).
Say what you want about the old Buffy comics, but at least they aren't in danger of damaging the entire Buffy mythos like this series is doing

I can't believe no one's backing me on this. My friend who is also a huge Buffy fan hates it too.
Do you guys actually feel the comic series is gold? I hope at least someone shares my opinion.


Thursday, July 10, 2008 5:39 AM



Originally posted by Groosalugg:
Well, that's one opinion. Personally, I thought it got off to a bit of a rocky start in the first four issues, but has been fantastic ever since.

Do you think the series is on par with any of the televised seasons?


Thursday, July 10, 2008 5:43 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:

I can't believe no one's backing me on this. My friend who is also a huge Buffy fan hates it too.
Do you guys actually feel the comic series is gold? I hope at least someone shares my opinion.

of course you are not alone.

go to http://www.darkhorse.com and check out the argument there. very mixed opinions.
(note: you have to click on the help box to be taken to the forum pages)

go to http://www.angel-btvs.co.uk for divided views there as well.


Thursday, July 10, 2008 5:43 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:

-Buffy is not a lesbian. Never has been, never will be. Why would they bring her in that direction? To make a point that every straight girl in the world can be become one if they so choose? Stupid. You are either gay or you aren't. Your born to be gay, or straight.

Having sex with another woman doesn't make her gay. We are born with the capacity to be bisexual, it's just that most of us settle on one or the other due to a 'tipping of the scales', or for identification purposes.

Dr. Chrisisall


Thursday, July 10, 2008 5:55 AM


Here's your spoiler warning:

I'm enjoying season 8, buffy going bi was an interesting twist, I can see the logic in it, she hasn't had a stellar past with guys, she's now constantly surrounded by girls, I can see where you wouldn't like it, but it doesn't bother me.

I like the fact that I'm still not sure where the story is going, if I knew how it was going to end it wouldn't be nearly as interesting.

Oh, and I love the fact that as soon as xander opened his heart to someone again she got the big scythe through the gut, classic joss, I hate him lol.

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Thursday, July 10, 2008 6:01 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Having sex with another woman doesn't make her gay. We are born with the capacity to be bisexual, it's just that most of us settle on one or the other due to a 'tipping of the scales', or for identification purposes.

Ok. I'll buy that. So she switched sides momentarily. Experimenting if you will. Stranger things have happened, but the comic still sucks!


Thursday, July 10, 2008 7:58 AM


A lot more than just "some" people are enjoying it, since it's Dark Horse's best-selling series ever. I don't know how to respond to criticism as unspecific as "this sucks", but a few things:

- "Do I feel the comics are on par with any of the televised seasons?" Tough to say, since if you tried to equate how many issues equal one TV episode, I think we're really only at the start of the sixth episode of the season. That's too early to say anything for sure, but it won't have to try very hard to exceed my opinions of S7 or S1, and Goddard's "Wolves at the Gate" arc, if you considered it the equal of one TV episode, would probably be in my all-time favorite top 10.

- BKV's Faith arc, tho it had a couple of details that I didn't like (taking Buffy and Faith back to where they hated each other's guts, for one thing), was probably the tightest, most well-done arc of the season so far. It's basically the same story Joss envisioned for the Faith made-for-TV or direct-to-DVD movie that never ended up happening, so he simply adapted it to the comic format.

- Buffy's not a lesbian, but there's been nothing over the years to disprove the idea that she might've been bisexual all along, and even if she wasn't, it's not uncommon for people in their late-teens/early-twenties who are "straight" to try something like that (especially in college). As far as we know, she hadn't had sex with anyone since Spike in S6, was in a place with about 100 girls where the only available man was Xander, and was feeling lonely. Add it all up, and it spells a big "DUH!"

- Willow's magic storyline and connection with the snake lady is only just starting to begin, here in #'s 15 and 16. The season's 40 issues long, and they can't dump a ton of exposition and backstory on you all at once right at the beginning. That would be really crappy and boring writing. You tell the story, and fill in the details as you go along, at the times it becomes necessary to know them. Especially in comic format, where space is at such a premium.

- There's no real threat to anyone? Have you seen that guy Twilight who completely kicked Buffy's ass in #11? Or read #16 and seen what his most-recent move was? The season's 40 issues, and of the 16 so far, only 9 of those have really featured the Scoobies in starring roles, so things are only now just beginning with Twilight's story. We've only completed the equivalent of probably 5 episodes of the show, so how big a threat were Angelus, the Mayor, Adam&the Initiative, Glory, etc., thru the first 5 episodes of each of those seasons?

You're not the only one who doesn't like it--I've seen others online who feel the same way. So you know what I'd suggest? STOP READING IT!! In the meantime, there are plenty of us who love it. We love Jo Chen's covers, Georges Jeanty's art. We love new stories about our favorite characters, written by the writers from the show who know their "voices" better than anyone and can bring them back to life for us. I just feel sorry for you and your friend that you can't enjoy them with the rest of us...


Thursday, July 10, 2008 8:22 AM



Originally posted by Groosalugg:
A lot more than just "some" people are enjoying it, since it's Dark Horse's best-selling series ever. I don't know how to respond to criticism as unspecific as "this sucks", but a few things:

- "Do I feel the comics are on par with any of the televised seasons?" Tough to say, since if you tried to equate how many issues equal one TV episode, I think we're really only at the start of the sixth episode of the season. That's too early to say anything for sure, but it won't have to try very hard to exceed my opinions of S7 or S1, and Goddard's "Wolves at the Gate" arc, if you considered it the equal of one TV episode, would probably be in my all-time favorite top 10.

- BKV's Faith arc, tho it had a couple of details that I didn't like (taking Buffy and Faith back to where they hated each other's guts, for one thing), was probably the tightest, most well-done arc of the season so far. It's basically the same story Joss envisioned for the Faith made-for-TV or direct-to-DVD movie that never ended up happening, so he simply adapted it to the comic format.

- Buffy's not a lesbian, but there's been nothing over the years to disprove the idea that she might've been bisexual all along, and even if she wasn't, it's not uncommon for people in their late-teens/early-twenties who are "straight" to try something like that (especially in college). As far as we know, she hadn't had sex with anyone since Spike in S6, was in a place with about 100 girls where the only available man was Xander, and was feeling lonely. Add it all up, and it spells a big "DUH!"

- Willow's magic storyline and connection with the snake lady is only just starting to begin, here in #'s 15 and 16. The season's 40 issues long, and they can't dump a ton of exposition and backstory on you all at once right at the beginning. That would be really crappy and boring writing. You tell the story, and fill in the details as you go along, at the times it becomes necessary to know them. Especially in comic format, where space is at such a premium.

- There's no real threat to anyone? Have you seen that guy Twilight who completely kicked Buffy's ass in #11? Or read #16 and seen what his most-recent move was? The season's 40 issues, and of the 16 so far, only 9 of those have really featured the Scoobies in starring roles, so things are only now just beginning with Twilight's story. We've only completed the equivalent of probably 5 episodes of the show, so how big a threat were Angelus, the Mayor, Adam&the Initiative, Glory, etc., thru the first 5 episodes of each of those seasons?

You're not the only one who doesn't like it--I've seen others online who feel the same way. So you know what I'd suggest? STOP READING IT!! In the meantime, there are plenty of us who love it. We love Jo Chen's covers, Georges Jeanty's art. We love new stories about our favorite characters, written by the writers from the show who know their "voices" better than anyone and can bring them back to life for us. I just feel sorry for you and your friend that you can't enjoy them with the rest of us...

Look, I love Buffy alright. I'm the biggest fan of the show. I feel the comic isn't living up to potential. I explained a few of the things I hate about the comic in an earlier post. I didn't say it sucks and leave it did I? NO. I could go on, and on, but I don't see the need. I won't continue to read it. I collected 1-15 never having read them, and finally got a chance to. 15 issues later, and the F....ng damage is done. I do love the covers of the issues though. If you like it cool. More power to ya. Rock on! I actually had my blinders on reading the first few issues, trying to make excuses or reasons I should like it. Then I thought "who am I protecting here? I'm not enjoying this, why do I have to find reasons to like it when I so clearly can't stand it".

This comic is one ugly bastard, that in no way should be related to the brilliance of a the tv show. Buffy ended with season 7. Season 8 does not exist!!!


Thursday, July 10, 2008 8:38 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:

Season 8 does not exist!!!

sh*t! i must be trapped in a bizzaro dimension - i coulda sworn...


Thursday, July 10, 2008 9:27 AM



Originally posted by wytchcroft:

Originally posted by OPPYH:

Season 8 does not exist!!!

sh*t! i must be trapped in a bizzaro dimension - i coulda sworn...

You and me both. Oh, well, that's okay--I actually prefer it in this bizarro dimension where S8 does exist...


Thursday, July 10, 2008 9:28 AM



Originally posted by Groosalugg:
As far as we know, she hadn't had sex with anyone since Spike in S6, was in a place with about 100 girls where the only available man was Xander, and was feeling lonely. Add it all up, and it spells a big "DUH!"

What's so bad about Xander? Crap, if she hooked up with him at least it would be interesting, and not pretentious drivel created by a lazy writer. I think I figured out the problem with the comics. It's going so far overboard in the woman empowerment realm it's actually satirizing itself.

Can't wait for the story arc about the giant burning bra creature Buffy and crew must face. But the Buffster goes to a dark place because burning bras represent her own womanhood that could be stripped down to raw materials with Dawn in the background.

See I just summed up the caliber of writing that exists in the comic book series. Stupid, pointless, nonsensical bullshit. That is what season 8 is like, so I choose not to believe the hype!


Thursday, July 10, 2008 9:42 AM



Thursday, July 10, 2008 10:06 AM




Thursday, July 10, 2008 11:10 AM


I've been really enjoying both series....

The Buffy season 8 has seemed a little more uneven, I loved the two stand alone issues Joss wrote, and I really loved Brian K. Vaughan's Faith arc... and so far I'm loving the crossover w/Fray, so it is definitely a 'must have' for me....

And I'm enjoying Angel: After the Fall even more, I think that Brian Lynch has created some really dark and dire situations for all of our heroes and I'm really feeling that he is giving everyone a chance to shine. I'm feeling very emotionally invested in how this will play out, and of course I'm really looking forward to Spike getting his own little mini series:
Spike: After the Fall starts next Wednesday (July 16th)!

New Firefly fans should check this out: http://www.fireflyfans.net/thread.asp?b=2&t=15816
DON'T MISS DR.HORRIBLE! Nathan Fillion sings!!!!!


Thursday, July 10, 2008 12:07 PM


yeah, I'm a troll because
I have an opinion that no one seems to share. Sounds logical

WYTCHCROFT, I've been posting here before you knew what Firefly and Whedon were all about.
Oh well better a troll than a newbie without a clue I guess.


Thursday, July 10, 2008 1:04 PM


No, you're a troll because you come across as having started this thread with the premise "S8 sucks--does everyone else think so, too?", and when no one really agreed with you, you seemed to get angry about it. You mentioned a few specific things that you don't like about it, which was fine, and I and a couple of others replied to those and explained why we disagreed with you. You know, to try to get an intelligent, back-and-forth discussion going? But instead of replying to those specifically (other than the Xander thing), you pretty much just re-iterated "this sucks".

Okay, you don't like it. Fine. Like I said, stop reading. I really disliked the 3-part "Serenity" series DH did in 2005 ("Those Left Behind"), and because of that didn't even bother with "Better Days" when it came out. But because I didn't like it, I didn't waste my time going online and bitching about how bad it was--I just stuck the issues in my closet and never read them again.


Thursday, July 10, 2008 2:08 PM



Originally posted by Groosalugg:
No, you're a troll because you come across as having started this thread with the premise "S8 sucks--does everyone else think so, too?", and when no one really agreed with you, you seemed to get angry about it. You mentioned a few specific things that you don't like about it, which was fine, and I and a couple of others replied to those and explained why we disagreed with you. You know, to try to get an intelligent, back-and-forth discussion going? But instead of replying to those specifically (other than the Xander thing), you pretty much just re-iterated "this sucks".

Okay, you don't like it. Fine. Like I said, stop reading. I really disliked the 3-part "Serenity" series DH did in 2005 ("Those Left Behind"), and because of that didn't even bother with "Better Days" when it came out. But because I didn't like it, I didn't waste my time going online and bitching about how bad it was--I just stuck the issues in my closet and never read them again.

I just wanted a discussion about it, which you have been the only one to actually say why they like it, and I respect that. I never got angry(it's just a comic book) but the reason for this thread was why I didn't like it. I bring up my thoughts on it and get labled a troll, and that is that is absurd. Was I un-civil to anyone who posted on the thread? No. I brought up a valid point, and the next post is a picture of a troll. Not only stupid, it's basically saying that the person had nothing to argue about my statement, and was like "He's on to something, I'd better put a picture of a troll..that should end this". I want intelligent conversation, but with the exception of your post(and a couple others) I have got nothing but hostile reactions. I did start this thread with the best intentions to get to the heart of why, and where is this comic going?


Friday, July 11, 2008 4:58 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
where is this comic going?

I'm not sure, but I can see why you're less than thrilled with it.
Being a comic, I'm not as demanding of it as I would be if it were the show...actually, I think big Dawn is a stupid idea, just an excuse for some good Andrew-Godzilla jokes. And killing Xander's new girl was kinda heartless, in light of how we left Anya.
But there have been some really great stuff in there too, most notably the afore-mentioned Faith arc.

But it looks like you feel about season 8 like I feel about season 5...eh, to each their own.

Fool for Buffyisall


Friday, July 11, 2008 6:26 PM



Originally posted by Groosalugg:
I really disliked the 3-part "Serenity" series DH did in 2005 ("Those Left Behind")

While I didn't puddle over it, I liked it well enough.
What was so bad about it for you Groos?

Curious Chrisisall


Saturday, July 12, 2008 6:59 AM


Oh, geez, Chris, way to put me on the spot. It's been almost 3 years since I read it, it's pretty hazy in my memory, and I don't really have the urge to go back and re-read it just to remind myself what it was that I didn't like about it, ya know?

But okay, I'll try:

- The effort they went to to make sure the audience realized that Zoe doesn't like Jayne got real annoying, real fast. The entire first issue, IIRC, every time she'd say something, it would immediately be followed up by a wisecrack about Jayne. Okay, we get it! Enough is enough!

- River's "It smells like sex in here" line sounded SO out-of-character for her. MAYBE if we'd been able to see and hear Summer deliver it it would have worked, but as just words on a page, not so much.

- In their two appearances on the show, the Blue Gloves seemed like a very powerful group that could go wherever they want, and do whatever it took to capture Simon and River; they completely pushed around all the Alliance officials they came in contact with (and then killed a bunch of them), so to suddenly explain that they were just "independent contractors" didn't seem to match what we'd seen of them. And the idea that they'd have to go to Dobson to recruit his help felt a little lame and not in line with their previous appearances. Not that it was impossible to believe, but I think I needed a little more background on them to bridge that gap before I bought the depiction of them in the comics.

- The final issue is the one my memory is REALLY iffy on, but it seems to me that it felt rushed, and tried to squeeze too much action into too little space. They didn't get the money (or whatever it was) on that derelict ship, did they? But I remember that when I read that originally, it just wasn't real clear, and I had to ask about it here before I completely understood what had happened.

In a nutshell, it came across to me as a FF story written by someone who'd never had experience with the FF characters before, and was trying a little too hard to make it "feel" like FF. And yet I know that Brett Matthews wrote for the show ("Heart of Gold"), and that Joss almost certainly went over the scripts for all three issues and edited and tweaked them, but that still doesn't change my opinion. It felt like a "pretty good" fanfic, and nothing more...


Saturday, July 12, 2008 7:06 AM


while i like 'Those left behind' well enough,
(in fact more so with each re-reading)
it's certainly not flawless -


- The effort they went to to make sure the audience realized that Zoe doesn't like Jayne got real annoying, real fast. The entire first issue, IIRC, every time she'd say something, it would immediately be followed up by a wisecrack about Jayne. Okay, we get it! Enough is enough!

i agree! - and it seemed real strange (ie annoying) to me at the time and still does.
But there are fan fics that have addressed the issue. (koff! koff!)

But you should give Better Days a try, it's really excellent (IMHO).

Both Joss and Brett have more experience with the medium now.

i can't guarantee you'll like it -
it's still too short...
but i would say yeah, give it a go, i think you'll be pleasently surprised:)

(apologies for my bad spelling today)


Saturday, July 12, 2008 7:43 AM



I feel the comic isn't even trying. I know it's a great seller(duh, it's Whedon's season 8) but I wish sales would drop off, so the stories get better. The story arcs seem to be written on the spot, with no feeling of importance to the main characters. I've always liked Giles, and Buffy continues to treat him like crap. He works for the greater good, hasn't Buffy figured that out yet? Shoddy. The beauty of Joss's work has always been strong storylines, and progressing characters. The characters have so far been stuck in neutral with no where to go IMO. Maybe it's just taking a really long time to get a groove going, but I doubt it. And Xander's girl getting killed ...well let's just say that did not help my liking of the series.
My friend insists it will get better, and he's going to continue to collect it. I told him to let me know when that happens.


Saturday, July 12, 2008 12:37 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

You say To-MAY-to, I say To-MAH-to.

I don't have any problems with the comics' storylines. The only thing I don't like about it is that it is not being acted out by Sarah, Nicholas, Alyson, Anthony, etc. The subtleties of Joss' wit just doesn't come across as strongly on the page, and the scene transitions and the voice-overs on preceding/following scenes would have more impact on film.

I could say the same about the Serenity comics as well.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Saturday, July 12, 2008 2:34 PM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
I don't have any problems with the comics' storylines. The only thing I don't like about it is that it is not being acted out by Sarah, Nicholas, Alyson, Anthony, etc. The subtleties of Joss' wit just doesn't come across as strongly on the page, and the scene transitions and the voice-overs on preceding/following scenes would have more impact on film.

You know, maybe that's the biggest problem I'm having with the series. It just feels so different from the show that I loved.


Saturday, July 12, 2008 9:15 PM



Originally posted by OPPYH:

Originally posted by ecgordon:
I don't have any problems with the comics' storylines. The only thing I don't like about it is that it is not being acted out by Sarah, Nicholas, Alyson, Anthony, etc. The subtleties of Joss' wit just doesn't come across as strongly on the page, and the scene transitions and the voice-overs on preceding/following scenes would have more impact on film.

You know, maybe that's the biggest problem I'm having with the series. It just feels so different from the show that I loved.

Have you read any of the novels? I've read a few of the "Buffy" and "Angel" ones, and many many many "Star Wars" ones, so I guess I was already used to reading stories about familiar characters where I have to imagine the actors' faces and voices in my head. It takes getting used to, and you have to go into it realizing that it's NEVER going to be as good as the shows/movies, but it's still so much better than not having the stories continue AT ALL. And S8 is probably the best screen-to-page adaption I've seen yet, because you've got the writers from the show, who already know the characters inside-and-out, working on it.

One thing you should recognize, if you haven't already, is that one issue of the comic does not equal one episode of the TV show. When you read the first 15 issues, you can't expect to have gotten the same amount of story that you'd get from 15 episodes of the show. I'd say it's much closer to one issue equalling about 10 minutes of screentime. There've been 3 four-part arcs so far (#1-4, #6-9, and #12-15), and each one of those is probably the equivalent of one episode (with the standalones--#5, 10, and 11--being sort of like a heavily-abridged episode). So really, reading the first 15 issues have been like watching the first 6 episodes of a season of the TV series. How much had ever happened thru the first 6 episodes?

I think you have to understand the limitations of the format, and be willing to accept those, if you ever hope to really enjoy it...


Sunday, July 13, 2008 2:40 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I view the stand-alone issues more like prologues or epilogues to the other episodes, so it's more like only three full episodes so far, through number 15 at least. I won't read the "Time of Your Life" arc until it is complete, and I plan to reread Fray before then too.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Sunday, July 13, 2008 5:23 AM



Originally posted by Groosalugg:
Have you read any of the novels? I've read a few of the "Buffy" and "Angel" ones, and many many many "Star Wars" ones, so I guess I was already used to reading stories about familiar characters where I have to imagine the actors' faces and voices in my head. It takes getting used to, and you have to go into it realizing that it's NEVER going to be as good as the shows/movies, but it's still so much better than not having the stories continue AT ALL. And S8 is probably the best screen-to-page adaption I've seen yet, because you've got the writers from the show, who already know the characters inside-and-out, working on it.

One thing you should recognize, if you haven't already, is that one issue of the comic does not equal one episode of the TV show. When you read the first 15 issues, you can't expect to have gotten the same amount of story that you'd get from 15 episodes of the show. I'd say it's much closer to one issue equalling about 10 minutes of screentime. There've been 3 four-part arcs so far (#1-4, #6-9, and #12-15), and each one of those is probably the equivalent of one episode (with the standalones--#5, 10, and 11--being sort of like a heavily-abridged episode). So really, reading the first 15 issues have been like watching the first 6 episodes of a season of the TV series. How much had ever happened thru the first 6 episodes?

I think you have to understand the limitations of the format, and be willing to accept those, if you ever hope to really enjoy it...

I never read any off the Buffy novels although I do own a few, and plan to read them someday. I never put in to perspective that multiple issues equal one episode. That makes things a bit better. I do understand the limitations of the comic book medium, and I know at it's best it still isn't like watching the show. I love the Angel series so much so that It almost feels like the show. I guess The Buffy comics just haven't "clicked" for me yet. I want to like it, I really do.






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