Buffy animated Series happening!!!!!!!!

UPDATED: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 06:46
VIEWED: 7547
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Tuesday, June 1, 2004 4:02 AM


Check out this link:


Here I was getting all depressed about it being the penultimate episode of Angel tonight and nearly the end of the buffyverse and then I spotted this!

I really loved the early seasons of buffy when they focused on the writing more than the plot arcs and I think that they'll be able to do that with the animated series seeing as they already know what the arcs are.


Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood


Wednesday, June 2, 2004 9:13 AM


It's good to know we'll be able to see something else connected to the Whedonverse again. Let's just hope this show isn't too cartoonish and is at least somewhat adult-oriented. At least to the point where both children and adults can enjoy it.


Wednesday, June 2, 2004 9:26 AM


I hoped to God this wouldn't happen. Buffy is not Saturday morning material. These are the reasons why I don't want it to happen.

1. The arcs were a big part of the Buffy show and will have to be taken down to a minimum so young kids don't get confused.

2. Because it is set in Sunnydale High it won't have that feeling we are going anwhere. The characters will be stuck in this loop.

3. Character development was a HUGE part of the show and that will be lost due to the fact there will be no big arcs.

4. We will go over storylines we already explored in the live action show (Willow the witch for example).

5. A LOT of stuff will have to be toned down or even removed for the cartoon show. Can you imagine them putting Angelus on Saturday morning TV? Or even Spike, Dru and The Master for that matter. The bad guys will be waterd down into a pale reflection of their former selves. I also don't see Willow the Lesbian happening either.

Why can't they just make a Spike spin-off?


Mal's on the ground, about to get speared by Crow. A shot rings out. Crow is kneecapped.

Mal: Nice shot.

Jayne: I was aiming for his head.


Wednesday, June 2, 2004 12:37 PM


No I think it's gonna be great.

The dialogue was always the most important thing for me and this series will allow them to do that. It wont have all the aspects of Buffy like the character development but getting more dialogue is enough for me. Plus as it's set in the first series we wont get to the later Willow/Spike storylines.

Also animated doesn't always mean its for children (think South Park/Simpsons/Spirited away, although I haven't actually seen any of these but I'm pretty sure they appeal to adults as well) and I wouldn't have thought they'd put it in a Saturday morning slot.

Plus if there's one thing I've learnt over the last seven years it's TRUST JOSS. I doubted him when I heard about the Dawn storyline I thought it would be really weird to fit in a new character but whether you like the character or not I think Joss fitted her in perfectly. I doubted him when I heard about the premise for Firefly and we all know how that turned out.
I don't think Joss would do anything to compromise the quality of the Buffyverse.

I trust him. Plus any script that's written by Joss, Marti Noxon, Jane Espenson etc. has got to be good.

I could be proved wrong but I'm putting my trust in him to deliver a fourth quality television programme.

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood


Thursday, June 3, 2004 3:38 AM


according to this 'news' (it's rather old) this might not be for children at all.


Author: Alan Stanley Blair
Date: 05-25-2004
Source: Aint It Cool News
It has been in perpetual limbo for the last few seasons, but now it
seems that "Buffy: The Animated Series" is becoming a reality.

In an interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Emile Posner --
the mother of "Buffy" star Alyson Hannigan (Willow Rosenberg) -- let
it slip that her daughter was currently participating in the animated
Buffyverse project.

While discussing an injury that took place in Alyson Hannigan's stage
performance in "When Harry Met Sally," she mentioned that Hannigan
had already recorded her voice for the animated series.

No information was given on the network the series would be on.

"I know we'll be putting something out there, maybe on HBO, 'cause I
like me some cussin'," series creator Joss Whedon said in a previous

Please note that none of this information has been confirmed by
Twentieth Century Fox or Mutant Enemy Productions. So please treat it
as you would any other rumor

or what do you think? if Joss wants it to be on HBO so he can have himself some cussin' it soundslike an animated series for grownups.



Thursday, June 3, 2004 3:52 AM


I don't usually come 'round here (I'm a "general discussions" guy), but as for what a Buffy animated series might look like, in the interview Loeb mentions tha character designer from Batman: TAS and Spawn, both dark, adult-oriented cartoons (Spawn in particular, being an HBO product).

I'd also point towards some old shows such as Invasion America (gunplay, blood, death and intrigue), Roswell Conspiracies (angst, deception, convoluted plotlines, and a character who looks like David Boreanaz, complete with vertical hair ), and Gargoyles (dark, mystical, and romantic, often tragically so).

I'm not hoping it'll be actual (Japanese) animé, but it could still be quite cool.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, June 3, 2004 10:29 AM


Here's something for you all to chew on, the concept art for the animated series:



Thursday, June 3, 2004 1:55 PM


The Buffy animated series doesn't necessarily need to be on Saturday mornings or toned down to a kiddie level. I can't think of any cartoons off the top of my head, but there are some out there with content for an older audience. Y'know, jokes and situations that the younger audience shouldn't get. Now that I think about it, a cartoon like Justice League has a devoted following from an older audience. While big action sequences are enough to entertain a kid, Justice League has other stuff for an older viewer, like romances between characters and interesting storylines. From what I understand, Cartoon Network even shows Justice League later in the day, not Saturday mornings.

But I agree; this is Joss we're talking about. No matter the form of media, whatever he's writes is going to be great. If the animated series is going to be set during Buffy's sophomore year, then the cartoon is just going back to the metaphor that high school is hell. While a kid of ten can't relate, they can watch for the action. For people like me, who still watch cartoons Saturday mornings , I'll enjoy the great writing and appreciate the animation. And there's no guarantee that the characters won't evolve. A cartoon like X-Men: Evolution, which was similar to Buffy in concept, did see the characters going somewhere. Whatever the case, I'll just be happy to have another Joss Whedon show to watch.

Also, is Eric Radomski's stuff any good? I can't remember much of the animation from the animated Batman series and can recall even less from Freakazoid!

"Sir, I think you have a problem with your brain being missing." - Zoe


Thursday, June 3, 2004 2:24 PM


There are plenty of cartoons that contain adult content. A lot of cartoons on the Cartoon Network Adult Swim, for example. I doubt cartoon network would pick it up, but maybe. Also Family Guy and the Simpsons deal with many adult issues, but they're for everyone.

Jayne - "It smells like crotch..."
Kaylee - "Jayne!"


Sunday, June 6, 2004 10:48 AM


Does anyone have any idea when this series is going to be on the air?


Sunday, June 6, 2004 11:23 AM



Originally posted by Jmartine3592:
There are plenty of cartoons that contain adult content. A lot of cartoons on the Cartoon Network Adult Swim, for example. I doubt cartoon network would pick it up, but maybe. Also Family Guy and the Simpsons deal with many adult issues, but they're for everyone.

Well, there are some pretty decent "kids" cartoons out there at the moment - is there any way that I can get this off my chest without losing my cool calm exterior, to paraphrase Mulder - Kim Possible is pretty much Buffy, or perhaps closer, Alias the Early Years, and has managed a fair number of laugh out loud (and rather mature) jokes.

Essentially, as I understand it, they will be goign back to the early years, and back to the metaphor that the show was all about, which was about being a teenager. If Bart can remain 10 for 12 years, can't see a problem with Buffy and co being 15 again.

"I threw up on your bed"


Sunday, June 6, 2004 5:49 PM



Originally posted by Misguided By Voices:

Originally posted by Jmartine3592:
There are plenty of cartoons that contain adult content. A lot of cartoons on the Cartoon Network Adult Swim, for example. I doubt cartoon network would pick it up, but maybe. Also Family Guy and the Simpsons deal with many adult issues, but they're for everyone.

Well, there are some pretty decent "kids" cartoons out there at the moment - is there any way that I can get this off my chest without losing my cool calm exterior, to paraphrase Mulder - Kim Possible is pretty much Buffy, or perhaps closer, Alias the Early Years, and has managed a fair number of laugh out loud (and rather mature) jokes.

Essentially, as I understand it, they will be goign back to the early years, and back to the metaphor that the show was all about, which was about being a teenager. If Bart can remain 10 for 12 years, can't see a problem with Buffy and co being 15 again.

That's really not what everyone's problem with the cartoon is. It's the fact that they're weird it might become some cheesy "Kim Possible" cartoon for kids. That show is clearly for younger kids, mainly girls and the BtVS audience is worried they might be screwed over with having to watch plots of the same villain with the same plan being foiled over and over again. (Like Kim Possible.) Sorry if you're a KP fan, but the people still want to see a mature Buffy series. After watching BtVS for 7 years, we are all so used to that teen humor. I hope I cleared it up to some extent.

Jayne - "It smells like crotch..."
Kaylee - "Jayne!"


Sunday, June 6, 2004 11:13 PM



Originally posted by Idefix:
according to this 'news' (it's rather old) this might not be for children at all.


No information was given on the network the series would be on.

"I know we'll be putting something out there, maybe on HBO, 'cause I like me some cussin'," series creator Joss Whedon said in a previous interview.

or what do you think? if Joss wants it to be on HBO so he can have himself some cussin' it sounds like an animated series for grownups.



Sunday, June 6, 2004 11:13 PM



Originally posted by Idefix:
according to this 'news' (it's rather old) this might not be for children at all.


No information was given on the network the series would be on.

"I know we'll be putting something out there, maybe on HBO, 'cause I like me some cussin'," series creator Joss Whedon said in a previous interview.

or what do you think? if Joss wants it to be on HBO so he can have himself some cussin' it sounds like an animated series for grownups.


For the record, the full Joss quote was: "I don't know if the Buffyverse is going to return to TV, but I hope so, and I know we'll be putting something out there. Maybe on HBO, 'cause I like me some cussin'."

Apart from AICN, I've only seen it in reference to possible Angel TV movies, not animated Buffy, so it's not necessarily related.


Monday, June 7, 2004 11:28 AM



Originally posted by Jmartine3592:
That's really not what everyone's problem with the cartoon is. It's the fact that they're weird it might become some cheesy "Kim Possible" cartoon for kids. That show is clearly for younger kids, mainly girls and the BtVS audience is worried they might be screwed over with having to watch plots of the same villain with the same plan being foiled over and over again. (Like Kim Possible.) Sorry if you're a KP fan, but the people still want to see a mature Buffy series. After watching BtVS for 7 years, we are all so used to that teen humor. I hope I cleared it up to some extent.

I sometimes forget I'm not everyone, nor "people". As a BtVS fan, I'd rather see the show continue in some form (provided the cast and crew can get back together in large part) - I don;t think I said immature, you seem to want a cartoon about 20 somethings dealing with the issues that the show ended on; ain't gonna happen - cartoons equal humour or light-heartedness for the mass "adult" audience - which means a return to the early years when such issues did not weigh on the characters shoulders. This idea was thrashed out by JW and Jeff Loeb has has a hand in some excellent "kids" cartoons.

As long as it ain't another Highlander....

"I threw up on your bed"


Monday, June 7, 2004 11:53 AM


I think an animated Buffy would kick ass - from what I remember Jane Espenson - The chick who wrote Shindig - will be the main brains behind it and it will always be set in Buffy Season 1 - so anyone thinking they won't be able to snag a tone to suit those saturday morning kids should take another look at season 1 and have a re-think.

I remember Joss coining the phrase "Buffy Beyond" ala Batman beyond - and Batman animated was a kick ass show! - Also have you seen the priliminary design art - LOOK at that library!

What is really important though is that this show is getting made as a way of continuing the buffyverse or exploring new ground with it at least. It is not getting made to sell toys or be the next Pokemon or Ninja Turtles - the heart of this show is in the right place from the get go!


Friday, June 18, 2004 6:58 PM


Meh, i still think it's gonna suck. When I first heard about it, I thought "man, this show is SO gonna get cancelled, like we need more of that". It's going to be like " My big fat greek wedding" spinoff show that sucked..AND the "Joey" show spinoff from "Friends", will suck a whole lot.

If there should be a spinoff about anything...I think there should be one about Xander...I mean... a show about a single, single eyed man would be quite interesting.Especially if he turned into some sort of cyclops demon hunter with a big sword...woah..I'm getting an idea here...I better tell Joss!


Friday, June 18, 2004 7:46 PM


It's not going to suck. Lots of BtVS fans will watch it so the show will have atleast that audience. I think its a great idea to bring in new audiences and introduce the 'verse to people who are just deciding that buffy "shouldn't have ended..." A lot of cartoons are good, so no one should worry. Joss wouldn't let us down! ... I have faith in him.

Jayne - "It smells like crotch..."
Kaylee - "Jayne!"


Monday, June 21, 2004 1:01 AM


While it'll never be Buffy the Vampire Slayer because of the lack of character developement (I agree with DarkHood that that's a huge part of the success of Buffy), I still like the idea. I like the idea that Buffy is more than a series - she's a pop culture icon. I want children growing up with a real female hero like Buffy. While BtVS will always have a special place, I don't see why the cartoon can't be quite enjoyable on a smaller scale.


Monday, June 21, 2004 11:26 PM


I feel really bad for all the guys working on this. A third of you are claiming the end of the world is nigh, while a second third are saying it'll be one of the best series ever. Talk about pressure! Why don't we hold the judging until there is at least a script preview on the table? (I am in the final third- those who are reserving judgement.)

MAL: "Well, look at this! Appears them boys at Fox have decided to cancel us. What does that make them?"
ZOE: "Big damn idiots, sir."
MAL: "Ain't they just."
Writing at: [url] http://www.fanfiction.net/profile.php?userid=520496 [/url]


Tuesday, June 22, 2004 6:46 AM


I myself can't wait for the Buffy animated series...I've missed the Buffyverse, and even in cartoon form, it'll be god to get it back. Though, I may just be extra excited because I'm 12...but I prefer Aqua Teen Hunger Force to Kim Possible, and The Brak Show to Dave the Barbarian.

I trust Joss with everything he does, and I'm positive he won't screw up his 'verse.

How do we know Buffy & Co. will stay 15 throughout the whole run? Where will we be without Buffy's horrible birthday luck?

Though, while I've seen the KILLER concept art, and know Angel (Mr. Billowy Coat King Of Pain is lookin' mightly blocky in his picture, though, and it amuses me) will be there, allowing for the ever-discussed comments she must've made as a pre-teen, I hope Spike and Dru show up in some form...

Maybe Buffy could start a band. 0.o

"Bwaa...it's kind of a warrior...strikes fear into the hearts of..."






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