GR RP 'Adventures In GunRunning' ACT 26

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Monday, May 30, 2005 7:37 AM


ACT 25:


Tools and tricks for the hip RPer.

Storyline work and a place for the acKtors to hang out.

OOC 26

ARCHIVE: Includes episode synopses and links to all the threads for prior acts

MECHANICS OF RPing: Tips and tricks and preferred RP methods, developed by the Gunrunners and Hitchers themselves

Guest DireKtor - DragonflyDireKtor { AIM, MSN }
Guest Asst. DireKtor - MercedesTroy {, AIM IndyCyberRose}
Co-Director - FrauDirektor {, MSN, AIM: MissAstriana, Yahoo!: MissAstriana, ICQ: 9592266}
Co-Director - Channain {; AIM}


None have been established yet. Each player has a unique style for posting a move that is consistent within itself. You'll catch on!

EOM = End of Move
OOC = Out Of Character
POV = Point Of View

Last but not least, the Gunrunners and Hitchers would like to extend a big THANK YOU to Joss Whedon for creating a whole new 'verse for us to play in, and to Haken for giving us a bright, shiny new sandbox theater!

JossGunrunners & Hitchers
HakenGunrunners & Hitchers

"I've heard more intelligent sounds coming out of a pair of corduroys" - Herbert Phillip Lovecraft from *Cast A Deadly Spell*


Monday, May 30, 2005 7:39 AM



Mal etc ... coming soon

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Monday, May 30, 2005 7:40 AM


The pink alert lights across Serenity flash in an irregular pattern...

HOWEVER, Moments earlier-


Kaylee and Wash begin typing on the cortex screen jabbering in Tech-Speak.

…whispered, to MAL…
"Sir, now might be a good time to sober up. Could be we got a situation here."

MAL notices that ZOE is givin’ him the ole fish eye, like she was his Mum or sumptin. …Gorram it… ” , he thought, … She maybe right, we is getting too scattered… GORRAM IT.”

MAL looks over to JAYNE, who is standing near KAYLEE and WASH, pretending to be interested in their tech jabber. MAL strides over with the Sports Bottle that is labeled

… bellowing in his command voice…

... sounding out his Enough is Enough! rapid fire bullet statements ...

…First to ZOE…

“… Doc and Slight will have to sort themselves out - we got our own problems.

…And then to JAYNE as he slams the Sports Bottle of Premium Hooch with the Sharpie scrawled legend, into JAYNE’s hands:
“This is Yur’n, ya idjitt. Happy gorram something … birth-a-day if ya like. Drink up…”

...turns to WASH & KAYLEE as his hands shove theirs aside and blurs as he taps on both the Cortex and NaviComp keyboards ...
“If the signal ain’t trace’n - we just have to wait till they call again. Fer now, I am a locking the Cortex off and cementing the Navi to Auto – tough pi yen if ya wanna yak on the Core. So Deal. Cap’n’s pee-rog-ah-tive.”

…Glaring at the rest of the crew while triggering the intercom ‘ALL STATIONS HAIL’…
“Now the rest of ya - GET TA RELAXIN'! We got ta be loose for t'marrow."

…with a terrific hull- shattering bellow…
… once more, but with feeling…
“NOW … breath… GIT!!!!!!”

Winking at BOOK, MAL then plows through the shocked assemblage. After hopping through the hatch, he butt-slides down the rail to the lower deck. Upon landing, his stance is more than a bit wobbly as he strives to maintain his feet. His “Sober Reserves” had been brought to near Zero by his concentration in operating the keyboards a few moments ago.

However, in few graceful near-falls pirouettes later he wobbles to a semblance of balance and chugs over to the aft/port stateroom. …Going ta Merz’s, a state room with a crunchy surprise inside... Mal cackles at this thought.

…“Bugger’ll have to make a decision – no time like the present. Little *fang zong feng kuang de jie will be responsible … fragger…” , Mal grumbles to himself.

Looking down blearily at the pinger grid, he pauses. Not one second goes by when his left boot, seemingly of its own volition, careens back and to the right in a hip-popping arc. Selfsame leg, as it hits the end of its rearward arc, snaps down and to the side – catching the pinger grid squarely…

THE MOMENT has NOW come full circle …

Several thing happen in a near simultaneous flurry
1) The Pinger Grid vaporizes in a slow-motion spray that shatters and spreads through the Galley door.
2) Mal’s Talkie swings from his hip and shatters against the near wall.
3) The signal meant for Mal’s Talkie bounces and activates the secondary alert – The Whole of the Serenity…in staccato fashion, the feminine voice sounds off:

4) MAL pays NO heed to the wrong-colored red alert. He pops the hatch and just drops into the darkened bunk.

Landing with a thud and nary a bounce, MAL strides purposefully the 3 steps it takes to make it to the bunk. DAMON sits up and tries to stand. MAL places a hand on his shoulder and gives him the kung-fu grip – strong hold, but not smashing the muscle. He applies pressure with both his arm and most especially his eyes. Caught stupefied, DAMON can only sit. MAL takes his hand off of DAMON and studies him for a second or two.

… Deep penetrating growl…
“Ladies and genteelmen, boys and girls – decidi’n time is here. As far as I see, you been more’n a tad Irish since you busted from yer owner. Luck runs out – like yours is doin’ now. Time to swim or sink inta the Black.”

…MAL notes DAMON’s reflexive ‘anger towards authority’ flinch that turns to silent fire.
Dropping his rumble even deeper…

“Actions speak louder than words, ya paranoid muckhead!!! Or is yer mem’rey fouled too?!”

… MAL leans in with a solid coldness radiating from his eyes and a sharp, enunciated whisper echoing from the depths, the very place where his faith has fallen - to the core of him…
“Justify yerself…”


* fang zong feng kuang de jie = a knot of self indulgent lunacy

"I've heard more intelligent sounds coming out of a pair of corduroys" - Herbert Phillip Lovecraft from *Cast A Deadly Spell*


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 7:17 PM



As ...

A relatively small vessel lands near a sand enshrouded cave. Its entrance barely discernable in the drift of fine sand. Several figures debark from the ship and literally plow into the cave, founts of sand shooting in great gouts from their efforts.

Shortly a gurney is passed down from the ship and moved into the cave. Only moments pass when it reappears, being pulled by the MedTech. Before it can be gang lifted by the burly figures into the ship, a shrunken and gnarled hand drops from under the sheet. All action stops cold. Time slides by much akin to the length a glacier uses in deciding to make a right turn.

The hand twitches, flexes in stages to form a clenched fist. The fist then steadily raises and at then end of its extension, snaps towards the vessels open hatch.

The gang sighs in relived unison as they obey the silent hand command and bundle the form on the gurny through the hatch.

Almost as the door closes, the craft roars into the Black.

Niska has again survived, soon to return …


"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Wednesday, June 1, 2005 6:33 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move

Leaving the bao on the counters behind her, Rowan takes the hand-held and switches on the holo-billiards system. Light rays flood the area on and around the table at first until the system reconfigures itself and the table graphic emerges. Lowering slowly toward the table, it automatically recalibrates to take account of the smaller space. Meanwhile, Rowan snaps open her cue case and puts the two smooth black pieces together. Taking a small block of blue chalk from the auxiliary case on the lower corner. She chalks the cue, looking up to see Merz contemplating the table again. The 9-ball rack is set, and she can tell by Merz's thoughtful expression that she's reviewing what little they did manage to cover last time.

The all-stations intercom clicks on and a somewhat fuggy version of Reynolds' voice sounds out a very succinct announcement.

“Now the rest of ya - GET TA RELAXIN'! We got ta be loose for t'marrow." …with a terrific hull- shattering bellow…"GIT – GO HAVE FUN, OR I’LL TAN YER HIDES!!!” … once more, but with feeling… “NOW … breath… GIT!!!!!!”

Holding the chalk between thumb and forefinger, Rowan manufactures a mock salute toward the general direction of the galley comm speaker even as she ruefully shakes her head.

Rowan: "Boy, when that captain ties one on, he ties it tight, doesn't he?"

Looking over at Inara, she wonders how much the companion might know about the captain's habits in these areas. It's one thing to be a passenger, but these two seem to be in tune to each other somewhat. Not at all the normal status quo, speaking companion and captain.

Rowan: "Is he usually like this when he imbibes?"


OOC: WOW - relearning color tags might be the hardest part of this. I'm WAY out of practice!

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Thursday, June 2, 2005 4:14 PM


River's move


“Now the rest of ya - GET TA RELAXIN'! We got ta be loose for t'marrow... GIT – GO HAVE FUN, OR I’LL TAN YER HIDES!! NOW... GIT!!!!!!”

Mal's voice doesn't stop her ascent to the bridge, though now she's not running as fast. The body movements that match the yell are something to avoid...

So avoid them River does. Pausing just at the stairs, hearing mentions of the Cortex-- part of her twitches to be there right now-- she ignores the pool game, the stomping of drunken feet, and the chaos in her head that's a sure sign that whatever drugs were in her blood before are just about gone.

It's not enough to distract her. She must hear that message. The rest of them might not give a go sen about her brother, but she does.

Nor is she drunk in any way.

River casts a quick glance at the cue in Rowan's hand. "2.6 more micrograms of chalk will create an ideal surface for ball to cue contact."

And then she's off, taking the stairs two at a time to reach the bridge.


Mal: "Define interesting."
Wash: "'Oh God, oh God, we're all gonna die?'"


Thursday, June 2, 2005 4:24 PM



MAL (to ZOE): "I SAID... Doc and Slight will have to sort themselves out - we got our own problems."

MAL turns to WASH and KAYLEE.

MAL (to WASH and KAYLEE): "If the signal ain’t trace’n - we just have to wait till they call again. Fer now, I am a locking the Cortex off and cementing the Navi to Auto – tough pi yen if ya wanna yak on the Core. So Deal. Cap’n’s pee-rog-ah-tive."

Catching MAL's glare as he triggers the ship-wide comm, the corner of ZOE's mouth lifts in a small smile.

MAL: "Now the rest of ya - GET TA RELAXIN'! We got ta be loose for t'marrow. GIT – GO HAVE FUN, OR I’LL TAN YER HIDES!!! NOW (breath) GIT!!!!!!"

ZOE doesn't respond as MAL leaves the bridge, apparently on his own personal mission before "relaxing" a little more himself. She pats WASH's shoulder gently and nods toward the galley and laughs quietly.

ZOE: "Come along, husband. Seems like there's some relaxin' to be done."



...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Thursday, June 2, 2005 4:33 PM



MAL (to WASH and KAYLEE): "If the signal ain’t trace’n - we just have to wait till they call again. Fer now, I am a locking the Cortex off and cementing the Navi to Auto – tough pi yen if ya wanna yak on the Core. So Deal. Cap’n’s pee-rog-ah-tive."

KAYLEE makes a small, puttering, "but-but-but" noise, but the Cap'n ain't havin' it. He's already shut down the research they was doin' to find out where that message come from, right there in front of 'her.

MAL: "Now the rest of ya - GET TA RELAXIN'! We got ta be loose for t'marrow. GIT – GO HAVE FUN, OR I’LL TAN YER HIDES!!! NOW (breath) GIT!!!!!!"

KAYLEE jumps slightly at MAL's intensity, but recovers instantly, flashing her trademark smile at her Captain.

KAYLEE: "Alright, Cap', whatever you say... Jus' hope there's still some chocolate left when I get there..."

KAYLEE, feeling a little smug, plunges her hands into her pockets and heads off the bridge, toward the galley and its many delights.



...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Thursday, June 2, 2005 6:43 PM


DAMONs move


His train of thought is interrupted by MALs sudden entrance, so close upon the destruction of the ping grid that he never noticed that minor bit of destruction. As DAMON goes to sit up, MAL is already there, holding him sitting. DAMON holds, his mouth dry, waiting to see what Reynolds has decided.

The intensity of the captain’s convictions comes through even though his words are almost lighthearted in sound. However one glance into those blazing eyes shows differently.

MAL“Ladies and genteelmen, boys and girls – decidi’n time is here. As far as I see, you been more’n a tad Irish since you busted from yer owner. Luck runs out – like yours is doin’ now. Time to swim or sink inta the Black. Actions speak louder than words, ya paranoid muckhead!!! Or is yer mem’rey fouled too?!”

Angry, DAMON has opened his mouth to protest but nothing emerges as MALs voice drops to a lower register. DAMON stops dead. This one is for all the marbles and it may well be, that his very life hinges on the next few moments and his own decision. MAL winds down … “Justify yerself…” he says, in a whisper that speaks to DAMON’s very soul.

Time ceases its flow for a time. Damon returns to his thoughts as he has been running them over and over in his solitude. He adds the fact that MAL at least knows his secret. If he is going to trust it must be now. If he is going to learn trust, for anyone but Xiang, what better place to start but here. Serenity’s crew has shown him nothing but the most infinite patience, he must admit. The actual crew anyway. And Rowan. He sighs and looks up at MAL.

DAMON “Justify myself? I don’t even understand myself right now. But I know this – I have to make a change. Things cannot go on as they have. I think you," he makes a vague, all-encompassing gesture with both hands, still looking Mal in the eyes "and the rest of your crew will stand by me, not let me be taken. I have to believe this." He sighs again and looks down. "Okay, I acted like a idiot. I think once I had justification for that. Maybe not anymore. So, here and now, I will make the effort to not panic, at least not with you and your crew. With one exception. You keep Merz away from me, dong ma? I don’t trust her. And I don’t think you should either."


Once you pull the pin, Mr. Handgrenade is no longer your friend.


Thursday, June 2, 2005 7:02 PM


MERZ move


She is watching ROWAN again, noting movements, attitude, the setting of the playing field, the chalking of the cue … At the same time MERZ is pulling in the memories/actions/reactions of their last game. She will do better this time, there is no doubt about that in her mind. That she is also looking forward to it is on a level in her perceptions that she is not used to accessing. The RED ALERT is a distraction at best and she ignores it. She is OFF-DUTY, and besides if Captain Reynolds is calm then it is another error …

She hears and notes every word that Captain Reynolds shouts, but of more interest is the shattering of something. Random pieces of broken equipment trailing wires, comes sliding through the hatch to the crew quarters. Head tilted, MERZ contemplates that. She did not recognize any of the components, and the behavior seems out of character for the captain. She notes the opening of the door to her own quarters; hopes DAMON will be treated with … the concept dances away from her. He will be disciplined and that is appropriate. She would be interested in seeing what that civilian considers discipline. And how much discipline DAMON can take. Another example of the strengths and weaknesses of her new friends. All data is useful.

ROWANs words, "Is he usually like this when he imbibes?" takes her by surprise and she is attempting to formulate a response to a question she cannot answer, when she realizes the question is not intended for her. To cover her slight confusion and open mouth, MERZ raises her shot glass and sips again at KAYLEEs concoction. The more she drinks, the … nicer it is. She sets the glass back down and holds for ROWAN to remember their game.


Once you pull the pin, Mr. Handgrenade is no longer your friend.


Friday, June 3, 2005 8:46 AM


Book's Move
Location: Bridge

Book watches with a worried look as Mal exits the bridge. He turns back to the cortex and nods at the screen. "I think I need to hear that transmission from Slight again. I feel there's something I missed first time through." He moves over to the empty chair and begins to try deconstructing the message. "This is going to take some time." He says under his breath. Turning to speak to the remaining crew still on the bridge, he smiles. "Why don't you all go relax for a little while... captain's orders. I can take care of this. I'll let you know when I get anything." He waits until most of the crew start to depart then turns his full attention back to the screen. Almost immediately, a satisfied grunt escapes his lips as the message from Slight flips on its side and begins to show some hidden layers of unfiltered data. Before the crew has gone too far, he calls after them, "If you can find her, will you send River up here?"



Sunday, June 5, 2005 10:01 PM


LOCATION - BRIDGE (and thereabouts)

"If you can find her, will you send River up here?"

To normal people-- like the ones that have since disappeared out of the bridge-- hearing their name is like a homing signal. To the sensitive, a bright torch lighting the way.

To River, already halfway to the bridge anyways, Book's question is the sun on a clear day. She ponders calling for Kaylee's help, assuming the Captain is his usual self and locked down the Cortex, but there's no time.

Chaos waits for no being.

Climbing the last stairs, River sees only the Shepherd between her and the Cortex, and nods. "Secrets need to be cracked. They ignore the obvious and take bad scars and missing needles." A glance to the instrument board, and she spots Wash's t-rex; but the extinct, plastic animal can't actually talk. Too bad.

"Can you ignore it?"

Mal: "Define interesting."
Wash: "'Oh God, oh God, we're all gonna die?'"


Monday, June 6, 2005 1:18 PM



As ...

…sighing again and looks down at his scarred hands in his lap...
…"Okay, I acted like a idiot. I think once I had justification for that. Maybe not anymore. So, here and now, I will make the effort to not panic, at least not with you and your crew. With one exception. You keep Merz away from me, dong ma? I don’t trust her. And I don’t think you should either."

… first appraising DAMON and then in his best sergeant growl…
“And that is your problem, not knowin’ the signs in plain sight. She insured you WOULD NOT be shot. Iffn Merz hadn’t strong-armed ya – you would be d---e---a---d!!!”

DAMON mulls that over, confused. He has lived with the fear of death for so long, has he lost the ability to recognize when his own actions could make a difference? He shakes his head. Death, confinement, freedom, life – it all blends together in his mind. DAMON sighs, brow furrowed. Without looking up he begins unbuttoning his shirt and lowers it to expose his shoulders – the mark he hates visible to MAL. With a deep inhale, he speaks, softly

… eyes still downcast, away from the brand…
“What does this mean to you? To me it means that someone has had the power of life and death over me for a long time. It means I am still owned, no matter how far away I run. It means that anyone who wants a quick profit has the right to take me and hold me; sell me back and profit off of my pain. It means that however far I roam, I am NOT free.”

DAMON slowly began to look up, brown eyes blazing intently from under his lowered brows. He catches MALs eyes and holds them steadily. DAMON does not speak - he is expecting MALs reaction to be one of shocked revelation.

MAL watches the minute changes in the darkened pupils of DAMON. Notes the defiant expectations that lie within. Suddenly, MALs head begins to describe tiny left to right arcs that increase in swing. All the while, his jaw spasms as if choking back an angry retort. MAL valiantly tries to hold back the emotion – so much that tears begin to dribble from the corners of his eyes.

MAL looses this battle … with a great inhale and squeezing shut of his eyes, MAL lets loose.

A single gale of suppressed, and wholly alcohol radiant, laughter nearly singe DAMONs nosehairs. In this blast of emotion, DAMON can only sit dumbfounded as MAL stumbles back and activates the bunkrooms lone fold-down seat.

… flopping down bonelessly into the had shell seat…

MAL recaptures his composure. So suddenly re-captured – as to be called abruptly and every other synonym possible that indicates a light-to-dark switch from one precariously perched emotion to its dichotomous end of the swaying see-saw of sanity -
- other words, he continues in a deadly serious tone and expression…
“You … you… …suddenly remembers what he called DAMON before he entered the bunk… *fang zong feng kuang de jie … always thinkin’ you is the only one to go through sumptin that was a real horro-show…”

MAL unbuttons his shirts middle 2 buttons. He pries the shirt apart with thumb and forefinger of his left hand. Within this exposed diamond of flesh, his right hand indicates the large chewed and blistered scar that NISKAs pet machine left. Unconsciously, he uses his right forefinger to trace the irregular circle within triangle

…continues, strength springing from a hidden reserve, not one of hate, but of resolution…
“… NOBODY is free … everybody, even Inara, has scars, prisons – tortures. You just have yer head so far up yer own arse – you been missing the tells cause yer blinded by yer own crap.”

…clenching his fists defiantly …
“That’s different. So you have scars, I understand that. I see that. But you aren’t on the run. Not from a master.”

Why can’t he make MAL see? DAMON stands, but there is little room to pace in the confined space of the crew dorm, especially with the chair unfolded. But he covers what little ground there is, the need to move driving him. As he paces the available three steps back and forth, he slowly pulls his shirt back on and buttons it.

…spins and faces the recumbent MAL
“I want to believe that you and your people won’t choose to hand me over to the authorities. To …
…DAMON struggles and manages to spit out the hated name…
… Trin.

He stops dead in front of MAL and faces him, hands on hips.

“I would … like to be a member of this crew. I could make a place for myself here. I might even be an asset to you – I can work hard. I just need to know, to believe, that you won’t betray me. Too.”

MAL peers through the solid gloom up at DAMON. His eyes are narrowed, but the jumping of his jaw muscles belies another attack of ironic mirth.

The silence stretches as MAL continues to visually disassemble the oh-so-very-young and on-the-run little self-involved twit.


* fang zong feng kuang de jie = a knot of self indulgent lunacy

"I've heard more intelligent sounds coming out of a pair of corduroys" - Herbert Phillip Lovecraft from *Cast A Deadly Spell*


Thursday, June 9, 2005 4:01 AM


Wash’s Move:
Location - Bridge to Location - Front Hall

Mal (to Wash and Kaylee): "If the signal ain’t trace’n - we just have to wait till they call again. Fer now, I am a locking the Cortex off and cementing the Navi to Auto – tough pi yen if ya wanna yak on the Core. So Deal. Cap’n’s pee-rog-ah-tive."

(Catching Mal’s glare as he triggers the ship-wide comm, the corner of Zoë’s mouth lifts in a small smile.)

Mal: "Now the rest of ya - GET TA RELAXIN'! We got ta be loose for t'marrow. GIT – GO HAVE FUN, OR I’LL TAN YER HIDES!!! NOW (breath) GIT!!!!!!"

(Kaylee jumps slightly at Mal’s intensity, but recovers instantly, flashing her trademark smile at her Captain.)

Kaylee: "Alright, Cap', whatever you say... Jus' hope there's still some chocolate left when I get there..."

(Kaylee, feeling a little smug, plunges her hands into her pockets and heads off the bridge, toward the galley and its many delights.)

(Zoë doesn't respond as MAL leaves the bridge, apparently on his own personal mission before "relaxing" a little more himself. She pats Wash’s shoulder gently and nods toward the galley and laughs quietly.)

Zoë: "Come along, husband. Seems like there's some relaxin' to be done."

Book: (looking at the screen) "I think I need to hear that transmission from Slight again. I feel there's something I missed first time through." (He moves over to the empty chair and begins to try deconstructing the message.): "This is going to take some time." (He says under his breath. Turning to speak to the remaining crew still on the bridge, he smiles.): "Why don't you all go relax for a little while... captain's orders. I can take care of this. I'll let you know when I get anything." (He waits until most of the crew start to depart then turns his full attention back to the screen. Almost immediately, a satisfied grunt escapes his lips as the message from Slight flips on its side and begins to show some hidden layers of unfiltered data. Before the crew has gone too far, he calls after them): "If you can find her, will you send River up here?"

(Wash, turning to Zoë): “Ok, ài rén, Let’s go down and do some recreating, I really am starting to feel the need for it.” (Wash puts his arm around Zoë, and as they get to the door, pass River, who is entering the bridge. Wash gestures with his free arm to Zoë) “Ladies first…” (Wash watches appreciatively as she steps in front of him, and walks down the steps leading aft.)

(The time is 21:30 AMT (09:30 PM) Yes it was a dark and stormy night,
out there…
in the black…)

- EOM -

ài rén = sweetheart

Decoy, they make me go first.


Saturday, June 11, 2005 8:35 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Before Inara can answer, River appears from the rear access leading back to the engine room. The girl is in a rush toward the bridge, focused internally on something so intensely that she nearly ignores everyone in the room.

That is until she slows just enough to make eye contact.

RIVER: "2.6 more micrograms of chalk will create an ideal surface for ball to cue contact."

Rowan stops, the chalk poised over the tip of the cue and watches the girl depart toward the bridge. What surprises her more, she wonders; that River would know such an extraneous factoid, or that in every preoccupied state the girl has been stranded in since Rowan came on board, she always seems to have something insightful to say. In particular, to Rowan.

Watching the girl go, Rowan sees River and Kaylee pass in the hallway. Kaylee gives River the usual light-hearted smile, despite the fact that River just breezes on by. Nonplussed, Kaylee continues into the galley and gives Rowan the same smile as she heads for the bao.

Equal treatment for everyone is Kaylee's MO – that and do good and good comes back to you. Rowan has to wonder how such unmitigated innocence can still exist in the 'verse.

Then the hand-held at her waist vibrates. Switching the cue to the same hand holding the chalk, she pulls it out and checks the display which tells her someone else has entered Merz's cabin, where Damon is. Leaning back, she's in time to see Reynolds from head to waist as he descends.

Well... at least he's not leaving Damon in there indefinitely. Could be they finally have a conversation that brings them to an understanding. That factor seems fairly important to Reynolds – that he understand any and all motivations. He never seems to need the information up front, though, which might indicate a certain level of instant trust. That in itself is unusual, particularly for a Browncoat.

Then again, there's a lot of things about this Browncoat that are pretty gorram strange.

Slipping the handheld back into her waist band, Rowan turns her attention back to Merz and the table.

ROWAN: "Care to try your hand at the break?"


I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Monday, June 13, 2005 5:42 AM




ROWAN “Care to try your hand at the break?”

Before ROWAN spoke, MERZ heard the faint buzz/vibration from ROWANs small device, and that coincides with other sounds she has heard. So, ROWAN is keeping an eye on DAMON. Good. MERZ takes another small sip from her shot glass and reaches for the cue. “Yes”

RIVER had seemed to think the cue needs more chalk. Well, MERZ cannot judge that for herself yet. Holding the cue close to her eyes she closely examines the amount of blue chalk on the end of the stick. Picking up the chalk she carefully rubs it over the already dusted surface, attempting to apply a fraction more. When she judges the correct level has been reached, MERZ smiles at ROWAN and approaches the head of the table. She remembers how to break. Watching closely, one would be able to see that MERZ looks slightly less like ROWAN this time, there is more of herself in the stance and the set-up. Before leaning into position, she closes her eyes and inhales/exhales very slowly, and on the exhale her muscles visibly relax, particularly across her back and shoulders where they are visible on the bare arms and beneath the tight shipsuit.

Eyes on the table, mind on the game MERZ speaks. “It starts with the break” and smoothly drawing the cue backwards, she strikes the cue ball dead on and sends it towards the assembled balls.


Once you pull the pin, Mr. Handgrenade is no longer your friend.


Friday, June 17, 2005 3:51 PM



WASH (to ZOE): “Ok, ài rén, Let’s go down and do some recreating, I really am starting to feel the need for it.”

WASH puts his arm around ZOE and gestures with his free arm.

WASH: “Ladies first…”

ZOE feels WASH's eyes on her as she steps in front of him, leading the way to the galley. Heading down the stairs, she puts a little extra swing into her hips... just enough to make him miss a step.

At the bottom of the stairs, she turns and steps into his arms, putting her head down near his.

ZOE (soto voce): "Maybe when we've made sure everyone's followin' the Capn's 'orders,' and had a little refreshment, we'll have time for a little... recreation... of our own."

On that note, she grins slyly as she takes his hand and steps through the doorway into the galley.



...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Tuesday, June 21, 2005 5:24 AM


Wash's Move:
Location - Front Hall to Location - Galley

(Zoë to Wash, soto voce): "Maybe when we've made sure everyone's followin' the Capn's 'orders,' and had a little refreshment, we'll have time for a little... recreation... of our own."

(Wash, looking from some of Zoë’s assets, to the flashing pink lights in the ceiling of the gallery.): "Recreation is ok, but right now I’ll take chocolate and bao, (wince)pink or any other color, for that matter.” (To Zoë, directly): "Let’s maybe build up our strength by eating, ok? I mean, you’re planning on taking my strength later, right?”

(Wash walks over to the stove, and grabs a plate, and several balls of bao, and moves over to the table, not waiting for Zoë.)

(The time is 21:31 AMT (09:31 PM) But since the Cortex Audio/Video Recording Unit in Jayne’s dorm is flashing 00:00, he might not be aware.)

- EOM -

Decoy, they make me go first.


Tuesday, June 21, 2005 8:27 AM


Wash's Move:
Location - Galley

(Wash sits his plate down on top of the table, and watches around a dozen different colors of balls rocket around the table from Merz’s break… several balls pop over his plate)

(To Merz, with a bite of bao): “Nice break, can you see thru me enough to play on?”

(The time is 21:32 AMT (09:32 PM). I know this, because I know, O.K.?)

- EOM -

Decoy, they make me go first.


Thursday, June 23, 2005 5:31 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


MERZ: "Yes"

Simple answer to a simple request. Rowan also noted that Merz looked at her just as the hand held buzzed to alert her to Reynolds' visit with Damon. Could she only hear it, or could she actually feel the vibration in the air? Just how sensitive could her sensory reception be?

Watching Merz go through the motions is like watching a computer program play itself out. First the acknowledgement of the action to be taken, then the action itself. Granted, it all happens in a matter of split seconds, but the lack of natural movement is easily discernable for someone who's looking for it. Taking the cue stick from Rowan's hand, Merz's brows draw together all but imperceptivity as she examines the tip. Obviously taking River's advisement to heart, she tries her hand at chalking and Rowan can't help the smile, thinking that it's like watching a child trying things out for the first time.

With a little satisfied nod, Merz gives her a smile and moves to the head of the table. She takes her stance, somewhat differently from the first time, as if adjusting her own musculature to the task rather than attempting to adopt Rowan's own. Her hand changes position too, and she seems to prefer looping her index finger over the cue to steady it for the break. Leaning into it, she takes her aim as her breathing becomes more regulated. Then on a smooth exhale, her beautifully defined muscles loosen, softening her appearance somewhat.

MERZ (Rowan voce) "It starts with the break."

Rowan blinks in surprise, trying to decide if she really did hear her own voice coming out of Merz's mouth. She's changed her voice before, certainly - at least twice that Rowan can recall. As she's trying to adjust to the notion that Merz has imprinted that much of her own aspect, Merz executes a sterling, media-quality break. Near poetic in its perfection.

At the same time, Wash sets his plate on top of the table, causing several of the balls to fade in and out. The hand held vibrates again to inform her of the obstacles encountered and no doubt to alert her that the system has self-adjusted to compensate. Two of the balls hop over his plate and sail off in unintended directions.

Merz gives him a curious look, then turns to Rowan in time to see the rolling of her jade green eyes. This used to happen all the time on the Rembrandt.

WASH (To Merz, with a bite of bao): “Nice break, can you see thru me enough to play on?”

ROWAN: "Well now, that depends."

Moving to Merz, she takes the stick from her before going around to where Wash is already helping himself to a chair. After he's settled and checking out the holo-billiards set up as he eats, Rowan moves in behind him. Pressing close, she folds her arms around his head and is able to set up a shot on the two. Well aware that the man's wife is in the room, watching a beautiful woman cozy up close, Rowan feels Wash go completely still when her breasts press against his shoulders.

ROWAN: "If you're willing to consider yourself an obstacle, we can certainly work in a points system.


(The time is 21:32 AMT (09:32 PM). So says he who goes first.)

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Saturday, June 25, 2005 5:11 AM


Wash’s Move:
Location – (Shooting?) Galley

(Wash to Merz, with a bite of bao): “Nice break, can you see thru me enough to play on?”

Rowan: "Well now, that depends." (Rowan moves over and takes a shot by caressing Wash’s head with her breasts.) ”If you're willing to consider yourself an obstacle, we can certainly work in a points system."

(Wash, to Rowan, with a bit of a pushed yawn): “Nice rack job, but didn’t Merz just break them, and what do I get points for?” (Wash gently turns to Zoë, speculatively pops a piece of bao in his mouth): ”Bâobèi, I think she’s never heard the old saying that once you’ve had a warrior woman, you never go back.”

(In a crashed Alliance Research/Rescue ship, a console that is definitely showing it’s age reports that the time is currently 21:32 AMT (09:32 PM).

- EOM -

bâobèi = precious (item); ie: precious jewels (endearment)

Decoy, they make me go first.


Sunday, June 26, 2005 3:24 AM


Slight's move:

Slight takes a few drags from his cigarette, grimacing at the last pull. Filter drag. Yuck.
He glances down at Bolo's definetly dead form. Brief flashes of the battle before-
Slight screams as he spins from the bullet grazing his skull
-run themselves away from his conciousness. Tears are spilling down his face. Blue Sun operatives were trained to cry after a mission ending if they killed. It protected them psychologically from losing their edge. He lets them flow, until they turn to blood. It's done.
He stands up, almost falling-
Bolo roars as he jumps off a wall, spinning to take a shot, glancing off of Slights knee-
Slight falls, rolling to one side, shooting into Bolo's upper arm

-and limps to the intercom. Slapping it on, he broadcasts to Malachi, who's no doubt taken care of his wound.
It's done. I've gotta get a box in there, so give me a minute, then line up an airlock. Hope you got some room in there.
Hoping that Malachi has had enough power strugles to compromise and do it, Slight limps down into the bay. He know's it's important-
Bolo growls, throwing his body in front of the cargo to take a bullet fully, instead of letting it go through
-if a Nemesis is willing to guard it. As he stalks ungainly past him, he gives a small sneer at the Nemesis, the hole in his temple proof enough of death. He leans on the rail for support as he gets down to the cargo bay.
He stares at the long box. Cryo, absolutely. But it's big. Really big.
And the markings look old. Almost older than the Core itself. . .

Behind him, the struggle for the Nemesis biologic is intense. The experimental Pheonix program is working so far, however, and relatively above expectations. The new nanyte system being churned furiously by the DeepRED is working flawlessly.

Our scars remind us/That the past is real

I'm awake/But my world is half asleep.


Tuesday, June 28, 2005 3:03 PM


MERZ move


She hands the stick over to ROWAN without hesitation, she can count the balls in an instant and knows that she failed to ‘sink’ one. WASH's interference is ignored because ROWAN ignored it. MERZ concludes such things … happen and one takes them in stride. The remark about a point system she does not understand at all, and she decides to ask … later. Right now is the game. And her tone in talking to WASH is friendly, unconcerned, even playful as MERZ understands such things. She notes this and remembers it for future use.

WASH goes on, speaking both to ROWAN and ZOË. Part of what he says strikes MERZ strangely. “… old saying that once you’ve had a warrior woman, you never go back.”

One eye on ROWAN so she does not miss anything, MERZ turns to look at WASH. She sips at her drink …

MERZ “I do not know this saying. I may need to understand this; I am a warrior also. What does it mean? Had? Had how? Back to what?”

She looks at Zoë. “It would be interesting, to spar with you some time. I require regular maintenance to stay at peak ability. Would this be something of … she struggles for a word “use to you?”

Once you pull the pin, Mr. Handgrenade is no longer your friend.


Thursday, June 30, 2005 8:25 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

ROWAN move

WASH (to Rowan, with a bit of a pushed yawn): “Nice rack job, but didn’t Merz just break them, and what do I get points for?” (Wash gently turns to Zoë, speculatively pops a piece of bao in his mouth): ”Bâobèi, I think she’s never heard the old saying that once you’ve had a warrior woman, you never go back.”

ROWAN (grinning over the pun): "Yup, damn fine break. Too bad she's gotta sink one to move on."

Rowan then adeptly uses the 1 in a combination shot to sink the 2 in the bottom right corner. Straightening, and realizing she has had no effect on the man, she gives Zoe an approving nod that is likely unnecessary, since the other woman looks pretty smug.

ROWAN: "I may just have to find out about warrior women for my own self sometime. And obstacles don't get the points - the players do for playing them. Sorry ke ai ."

Returning her attention to the table, Rowan moves around to the opposite side, where she sinks the 1 in a simple straight reverse spin shot without even thinking.

Knowing Merz is watching her every move - and absorbing every iota of shooting information - Rowan keeps on going, not feeling the least bit guilty about clearing the table. Not that she ever did, but once Merz learns all the ins and outs of the game she won't waste any time clearing the table a dozen times herself. Rowan figures it's best to get her licks in while she still can.

After sinking the 9, Rowan watches the cue ball slowly roll around the table on its own as she takes out the hand held and sets up another rack, right in front of where Wash is sitting.

ROWAN: "Time for round two."

Moving back to the head of the table, she pulls the cue ball over to the left hand side and up as close to the shooting line as she can, a few centimeters out from the rail. Leaning in, she unconsciously gives the cue ball her signature scowl and POUNDS it into the rack.

The nine balls fly away with an ear-ringing SMASH, skittering off in separate directions. The 4 drops immediately into the corner and Rowan moves around to sink the 1, then uses the 2 to sink the 6 only to find herself hemmed up. Upon scanning the table from every angle and seeing no further discernable shot, Rowan moves back to her original position as she speaks..

ROWAN: "When there no good shots are to be had anywhere on the table, players are allowed to use a safety - or a freebie, really. I still have to hit it, but the object here is to do it in such a way that it leaves you no advantage either. Dong ma?"

When Merz nods, Rowan leans in to demonstrate, shifting the cue ball from one impossible shot to what she thought was another, until it takes a wrong spin and nicely lines itself up for a combination shot using the three.

Rowan swears colorfully, ducks her head, then looks up at Merz again a bit sheepishly. Merz is frowning at Zoe, asking her to define Wash's connotation of the word "had".

MERZ: “It would be interesting, to spar with you some time. I require regular maintenance to stay at peak ability. Would this be something of..." she struggles for a word “use to you?”

Angling her eyes to Zoe, Rowan can't help but think that that would be an extremely interesting exhibit to witness. How long would Wash's Warrior Woman last, Rowan wondered? Longer than one might expect, most like, although Rowan seriously doubted the outcome would be anything close to what Zoe might envision her own self. Although Rowan figured Merz would stop before any permanent damage was wrought.


ke ai - cutie (sarcastically, of course).

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 3:39 AM


MERZ move


She watches the movements of the balls, the spin, the angles, the strength of the strike, storing up the data like some kind of device. She understands the concept of leaving an opponent in an non-functional position, it is an easily translatable tactic. Merz almost believes she sees where that shot went wrong. Almost. It was a good breaking point to look over at Zoe and Wash and see their reaction to her question. They are still rather lost in each other …

Turning back to the game Merz walks over, accepts the cue from Rowan and studies the table intently. She walks completely around it once and runs prog on every ball, every angle, every possibility she can see. Then, carefully and slowly she lines up on the 2, intending to use it to sink the 8. This is the tricky part, Merz does not have the strike power completely configured yet, not having successfully ‘sunk’ one. She turns to Rowan and smiles.

“This is a medium strike, affecting two balls and crossing the length of the table. Consideration is given to the force needed to move both balls, the drag of the surface of the table, and having the target ball reach the pocket without bouncing back onto the table or off the table. Spin remains an issue and a forward spin is indicated on this strike as I intend the cue ball to continue to move forward for another 14.075 inches to line up with the 7 ball, for a straight shot into the leftmost side pocket.

Does that match your assessment, ROWAN?”

Once you pull the pin, Mr. Handgrenade is no longer your friend.


Thursday, July 7, 2005 10:18 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move

MERZ: Does that match your assessment, ROWAN?”

Assessment? Well, based on the geometry in her head, those numbers might indeed be right. Merz is bang on about the forward spin rather than a reverse. If she can actually make the cue ball stop at 14-and-whatever inches, then chances are pretty good that the rest of the table will be hers to clean up at her leisure.

Rowan: "Sounds good to me. Give it a go and lets see what happens."

Watching Merz move to comply - as if smartly following an order - Rowan experiences a chill in the realization that the other woman's ability to calculate distances and velocity and end result is likely a by-product of her training. Or would that be programming?

Rowan makes a note to check the audio and video hookups linked to Serenity's system later, after the party when everyone else is likely to be passed out or asleep. Could be a boon of information there. Robert would have killed for all the factoids Rowan was accumulating, simply by watching the woman play 9-ball. If he were there, she might consider apologizing to him. THEN she'd kill him.


OOC: I forget, did Kaylee leave us any fresh wine?

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Friday, July 8, 2005 3:42 PM


Wash’s Move:
Location – Galley

(Merz speaks to Wash): “I do not know this saying. I may need to understand this; I am a warrior also. What does it mean? Had? Had how? Back to what?” (She then looks to Zoë): “It would be interesting, to spar with you some time. I require regular maintenance to stay at peak ability. Would this be something of (She pauses for a moment) “use to you?”

(Wash reaches for another piece of bao, and says to Rowan): “This is good stuff, I really loved the good smelling chicken flavored whatever it was that you served us for lunch just 'round about five hours ago, but this pork flavored bao is even better.” (Wash shifts his attention to Merz, with a grin): “You need to ask mêilì Zoë here about that, and I’d like to watch the two of you… spar.” (Wash takes a speculative swig from his glass, and begins to inhale another piece of bao, even as he watches the billiard balls go rolling around the table, but he does lean back in his chair, taking his plate, and leaving his glass precariously perched on the side rail.)

(In the beginning, there was time and it said: 21:35 AMT (09:35 PM), and the director said that it was good. Time is what keeps everything in the universe from having to happen all at once, and making us all…have watches? Ah, so time is all a conspiracy started by a little group of Swiss watchmakers. Prove me wrong…)

- EOM -

mêilì = beautiful/pretty

Decoy, they make me go first.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 11:39 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move

WASH: Mêilì Zoe...

They stood under the skylight on the Firefly that transported them away from the Independent headquarters. The escape plan in place had been flawless and swiftly executed. They would set up a new headquarters on a planet closer to the border, although neither of them had any idea which one. It was safer that way - to keep the final destination known to only the few whose responsibility it was to take them there. That way none of them - she, or the Twelve - could be forced to tell, should the Alliance actually capture them and force information out of them.

As they left the atmosphere and sailed into space, she realized there was a vibration in the deck under her feet, but she ignored it. Blissfully happy in her husband's arms, she leaned back into his solid strength and stared up at the stars.

"I could almost believe we were headed away from it all," she commented.

His arms tightened, his mouth found that spot behind her ear and whispered.

"Mêilì Long."

She smiled. He only called her that when they were alone. In particular, he called her that when he wanted something. Given the way his hands were wandering, she could easily tell what that was. Apparently he was done being annoyed with her for having to go back for the memory crystal.

"Come on." She stepped out of his arms, took his hand and led the way down to the passenger dorms. They passed crew and other passengers on the way. Robert had started a game of tall card in the passenger commons, but looked up long enough to see them pass by. She waved and he rolled his eyes, but he had that same self-satisfied smirk.

"Robert is still patting himself on the back for introducing us," she said as he slid the door firmly shut behind him. She had her shirt off by the time he turned around, though, just so she could enjoy the look in his eyes.

"Ask me if I care," he said. He reached for her, and everything else was set aside.

He loved you too… in his own way.

Rowan shakes her head, denying any sympathetic feelings toward Robert. She has her own notions about him and his strong sense of self-preservation. Robert had been in charge of every single escape contingency plan they had. There was a time she wouldn't have entertained the notion that he would be responsible for any harm that came to either of them. Yet, she has no other explanation, no one else to blame but the man who had once professed to be her husband's best friend.

Thinking on Wash's comments, she looks at him and watches him devour another bao in two massive bites. Appreciating his obvious pleasure with her cooking, she smiles.

ROWAN: "Xie xie, I'm glad you like it. Actually, cooking with protein is one part art, one part science and two parts spices. If there's no rosemary on board, though, you're pretty much sunk."


Zathras voce: Time? You cannot run out of time… Time is infinite… You are finite, I am finite… This… this is wrong tool.

Nonetheless, for the time sensitive: 21:40 AMT-09:40 PM

OOC: CapnRahn? Where are you?

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 12:20 PM


Sakura Station-

The Blue Sun relay is tough to crack-tougher than what she's seen before. But nothing is uncrackable.
Parked as she was, she could detach and be gone in a minute, but she'd wanted a place to stay. Her whole life had been like that. Drifting from place to place. Until her mother told her the truth. Told her everything. Then she'd drifted in a very specific direction. Every so often, she'd stay at a place like this for a week, cool her heels, catch up on the 'Verse.
She sits back, watching the screen spill fourth graphics and algorithms. Already, she's recognized the pattern. Nemesis. Top notch.
She shrugs, about to cut the message. This probably isn't important. She needs to follow up on the failure on Hera. The ship messaged out, but the abrupt deletion of the file was more interesting. Coverup. Maybe it's him. Maybe she can finally catch up to him. Make that pi goo-whipe pay.
She reaches across, about to delete, the word "Stop" spilling halfway across her lips, and then she see the red, sees the codec, sees the order. She stops herself. Years she's been looking, and now she's got it. She finally pegged him.
The woman smiles as she slowly stands. The pale computer makes her skin actually look blue, as the pale skin catches the light and almost reflects it.
Got you. Finally. Couldn't run forever.
She turns, and puts on a small pair of sunglasses. The people here never saw her pupils.
Nobody here liked to see red eyes. Too scary.

Our scars remind us/That the past is real

I'm awake/But my world is half asleep.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 10:05 PM


Book's Move
Location: Bridge

Book turns to the door as River approaches and nods her over to him. "Secrets indeed, little one. There seems to be no end of them." He slides himself away from the monitor and motions her over to look at the screen. The message from Slight has been partially dissected, and it hovers in a repeating loop of unintelligible syntax. "What do you make of this?"



Wednesday, July 13, 2005 10:12 PM


Malachi's Move
Location: Desperate resignation

He looks through the control panel at a point far off in the distance, keeping all emotion and all thought completely buried beneath a mask of complacency. He doesn't think now. He only acts. His thoughts will only betray him with one such as this. Waiting a few minutes before he moves, he then mechanically lines up the airlock and sinks back into his chair. The end will come suddenly, and there will be no warning. Nothing to help either of them.



Thursday, July 14, 2005 1:21 AM


MERZ move


WASH”You need to ask mêilì Zoë about that, and I’d like to watch the two of you … spar.”

She lets his words nestle themselves into memory, to be attended to after her attention is not so strongly focused on something else. The “game” is her focus right now, although everything in the room, in earshot, in olfactory range is still a running, background picture in constant flux; never completely dismissed from notice.

Her shot has been determined. All that is left is seeing if her intended action does what it should. MERZ takes her shot and then watches the result, analyzing the result, and noting that the cue ball failed to make the required distance at the end, by 1.789 inches. Which still left it in good range to make the next shot, and was an indication of the inaccuracy of the power of her strike. Spin appeared to be correct. She lines up on the 2, which is a one-ball drop and sinks it easily.

Once again, MERZ circles the table, reassessing the postions of the 3,5, 7 and 9 balls, selecting her next shot. She decides to test her understanding of movements and strength needed, to go for two balls at once. This requires a bank shot with the cue, to reach the 3 ball and send it into the 9 at the correct angle to get both to drop in the uppermost right, corner pocket, bypassing Wash and his obstacle completely, and with the cue ball backspinning to land behind the 5. She does not speak – Rowan will understand what she is doing, and in her judgment of the conversation in process, the next remark should be ZOËs. Action follows quickly on thought, and she makes the shot. The cue ball lines itself obediantly behind the 5 ball, although it spins to a halt a bit short.

She glances at ROWAN to see her opinion of the shot and finds a steady gaze. As it looks as if Rowan has something to say, Merz pauses to see what she has missed. There is something there, ~perhaps Rowan is beginning to see me as an opponent rather than a student.~ Inwardly MERZ feels satisfaction, she is learning … it is good.

OOC: No Kaylee did not. However, since I was Kaylee at the time, I have determined that the ‘wine’ is in the cabinet and can be reached by anyone. Only the really hard stuff was concealed. Have at, Rowan, if you like.

Once you pull the pin, Mr. Handgrenade is no longer your friend.


Thursday, July 14, 2005 9:38 AM




"What do you make of this?"

A shift to take the proferred place in front of the screen, and RIVER stares at the gibberish and distortion that is SLIGHT's message. A finger touch at the screen, and she frowns. "Not enough."

There are secrets and pain and something else. Pain that plays along her nerves that aren't from wounds on her body.

Not a good sign. "Choices. Filter noise or voice, but we need video too."

RIVER turns and stares at BOOK, trying to pry the thoughts from behind his eyes as if the ability worked with an on/off switch. It doesn't work and there's no time to find out why; the pain that isn't hers is there again, ghostly. "Comm tricks don't change, you still know them." She sits down on the floor and brushes a hand along the bottom of the console. "Maybe even a quick re-wiring to enhance the transmission." A pause. "Old and new."


Mal: "Define interesting."
Wash: "'Oh God, oh God, we're all gonna die?'"


Thursday, July 14, 2005 1:28 PM


Wash is in the Galley

(Wash is sitting in the galley, eating and drinking at the side of the pool table. He has been and will be talking to the women in the galley.)

(The time is: 21:41 AMT (09:41 PM), and this post has been formatted for the lowest common denominator, and to run in the time allotted.)

- EOM -

Decoy / first.


Tuesday, July 19, 2005 7:16 PM



WASH (to Rowan, with a bit of a pushed yawn): “Nice rack job, but didn’t Merz just break them, and what do I get points for?” (Wash gently turns to Zoë, speculatively pops a piece of bao in his mouth): Bâobèi, I think she’s never heard the old saying that once you’ve had a warrior woman, you never go back.”

ROWAN (grinning over the pun): "I may just have to find out about warrior women for my own self sometime. And obstacles don't get the points - the players do for playing them. Sorry ke ai."

MERZ (to WASH):“I do not know this saying. I may need to understand this; I am a warrior also. What does it mean? Had? Had how? Back to what?" (Turning to ZOË) "It would be interesting, to spar with you some time. I require regular maintenance to stay at peak ability. Would this be something of... use to you?”

WASH (to MERZ): ”You need to ask mêilì ZOË about that, and I’d like to watch the two of you … spar.”

ZOË, amused by the entire exchange, leans forward over her husband's shoulder and grabs a piece of bao right out of his hand, laughing as he reaches to keep it away from her.

With a sly glance at WASH, she turns to answer MERZ's question.

ZOË: "I could probably use the workout, since WASH here seems to be able to find recreation in his own head. Now, husband, I'll let you answer our guest's question about the meaning of 'had'."

Watching WASH's reaction out of the corner of her eye, ZOË turns to ROWAN with a somewhat conspiring grin.

ZOË: "I don't know about you, but I think some chocolate would be just right with this bao. Knowing WASH, this explanation might take a while."

She reaches for some chocolate and heads for the common area of the galley, angling her head to indicate that ROWAN should follow.



...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Tuesday, July 19, 2005 10:47 PM


Book's Move
Location: Bridge

Book watches River sit and begin to pull at the wires beneath him, and steps back to the chair at the console retaking his seat. "A rewiring might not be a bad idea. Do what you can down there, and I'll make efforts up here." He leans back for a moment and stares at the screen longer than he normally would. After thinking over River's unusually non-cryptic words, he begins clicking away at the buttons with renewed vigor, shaking his head amusedly at the situation. "A filter, of course, should've seen it myself. Must be my age beginning to creep up on me." He pauses and looks out the starboard window into the blackness, not knowing that he's looking exactly in the direction from which Slight sent the message. "I never used to miss a trick." He smiles down at River, too involved already in her deconstruction of the connections, sighs and plows back into the work, softly singing under his breath.



Wednesday, July 20, 2005 6:20 AM




"A filter, of course, should've seen it myself. Must be my age beginning to creeping up on me."

Looking past the panel with an interested blink and going right back to the nest of wires in front of her, RIVER doesn't need to comment.

BOOK seems to know himself well enough for the moment.

And with a delicate tug, freeing a blue wire that was already coming loose, she holds onto it as she looks for the appropriate yellow one.

"I never used to miss a trick."

RIVER shakes her head, and the yellow and blue are put together, wire to wire, metal to metal.

The spark and puff of blue smoke are enough to make them both jump. Somewhere down in the galley, RIVER reckons that even KAYLEE and WASH, the ones usually in the guts of Serenity, can feel this tinkering from long distance.

And if not, they'll smell the briefly afire rubber and metal when everyone is back up at the bridge.

Another tug of wires, noting the Kaylee Brand of Quality Wiring, and the extra little red wire that was messing it all up falls out.

"Jungle has less trees to bushwhack through." Pulling herself off the floor and upright again, she stares at BOOK's hands and taps the screen with a finger. "He waits."

"I know the secret. If I'm wrong, you best shoot me now... or we could talk more." - Mal


Wednesday, July 20, 2005 9:03 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

OOC: See, that's what I was waiting for - more posts by players who aren't me!

Rowan's Move

MERZ glances at ROWAN to see her opinion of the shot and finds a steady gaze. As it looks as if Rowan has something to say, Merz pauses. There is something there, perhaps, MERZ muses, she is beginning to see me as an opponent rather than a student. Inwardly MERZ feels satisfaction, she is learning … it is good.

What would this girl be able to do on the circuit, Rowan wonders. Andreas certainly wouldn't be able to affect her in his usual fashion, as she seems immune to the mechanics of male flirtation. She can also see every shot - hell, every possible successive shot for that matter - in her head the same way others looked out to see the sun rise in the morning.

Rowan (with a smile): "And the novice surpasses the master."

When Merz looks at her quizzically, Rowan pulls out the handheld and deftly taps the touch-sensitive screen to set up the third tie-breaking game as Zoe speaks.

ZOË: "I don't know about you, but I think some chocolate would be just right with this bao. Knowing WASH, this explanation might take a while."

Rowan (with a chuckle): "I do like the way you think."

Rowan glances up to ZOE who is helping herself to the chocolate. She also notes the other woman's come on over nod in her direction. Curiosity has her in its grip in short time. But first she has to set MERZ back on the right path. She has the moves down, no doubt about that. All she needs is further instruction on the rules

Rowan (to MERZ): "By sinking the 9, you automatically win. You'd get extra points too, but as we're not tracking points, let's just say you're well on your way to becoming dangerous at the game."

Once the game is set up, Rowan goes to pour herself another cup of the fresh wine and plucks a couple of bao from the warm nest in the middle.

Rowan (to MERZ): "The break is yours this time. Call me over if you've got questions.

She moves to follow ZOE into the lounge area.


OOC: In re-reading, I found a scene were Rowan was partaking in the fresh wine. Act 24, I believe.

I draw...therefore I am.
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Thursday, July 21, 2005 12:18 PM


Wash’s Move:
Location – Galley

(Zoë says to Rowan): "I don't know about you, but I think some chocolate would be just right with this bao. Knowing Wash, this explanation might take a while." (And she replies with a chuckle): "I do like the way you think."

(Wash just sits quietly, trying to chew thoughtfully, a bit of blush coloring his cheeks… He looks to Zoë, with a twinkle in his eye): “You two aren’t going to fight for the chocolate are you? I don’t mind the thought of women’s chocolate wrestling, but I really don’t like the thought of using up all the chocolate that way…” (A slight pause, the twinkle breaks out into a smile, as he turns to Jayne, who is sitting quietly in the corner, eyeing his chocolate) “You’re going to make Jayne go to his bunk for some relaxation, aren’t you?”

(Out in the middle of the black, on a strange… living ship, crewed by strange alien life, being pursued by an insane military commander… In the hanger bay, a D.R.D. is sitting in a cockpit setting a digital clock: 21:36 AMT (09:36 PM). Another D.R.D. is underneath the white-winged ship, having just connected a thick cable to a metal pole, on a plastic box marked “Energizer”. On such ‘farfetched’ settings the entire universe is run. Wormhole, anyone?)

- EOM -

Decoy, they make me go first.


Thursday, July 21, 2005 10:04 PM


Book's Move
Location: Bridge

He sniffs the air as River stands up next to him and pulls away from the console. "I won't ask, because I'm sure that you know what you're doing under there." He waits and River gives him a shifty grin. He thinks to himself... Does she know what she's doing under there? A shake of the head later and he's back configuring the message to filter the excess. "This is almost beyond me. He seems to have taken a lot of trouble hiding what he really wanted to say..." Pausing, his hands over the keys, he looks up at River whose expression is knowing. "He might have meant this only for you."



Saturday, July 23, 2005 3:29 AM


MERZ move


ZOË “I could probably use the workout, since WASH here seems to be able to find recreation in his own head. Now, husband, I’ll let you answer out guest’s question about the meaning of ‘had’.”

A glance at WASH shows he will be no assistance, there is a rush of blood coming to his face, as well as a smile. MERZ cocks her head, thinking. Ah, yes. Overheard conversations between others she has known, Hlastoni particularly … he means … MERZ shakes her head. They make such a fuss over simple, tension release functions. She turns back to the game, no longer particularly interested.

WASH”You’re going to make Jayne go to his bunk for some relaxation, aren’t you?” ~ … ah, good. I did understand …~

ROWAN“By sinking the 9, you automatically win. You’d get extra points too, but as we are not tracking points, let’s just say you’re well on your way to becoming dangerous at the game.”

~dangerous?~ MERZ watches ROWAN set up the game once again.

ROWAN “The break is yours this time. Call me over if you’ve got questions.

As ROWAN moves away, MERZ prepares to absorb herself in the game once again. She is aware of the smell of smoke, hot wiring, burning insulation, but there are no alarms. No one is screaming. And there are voices on the bridge, where the faint trace is coming from. Good enough, she is not needed at this time. With another sip of her drink, MERZ circles the table, and breaks … unaware that she has not spoken to anyone.


Once you pull the pin, Mr. Handgrenade is no longer your friend.


Saturday, July 23, 2005 4:53 AM


Slights move:

The front of the box groans into view through the Inner corrider. Behind it, Slight can be seen, his eyes squinted tight from exhaustion, pain and effort. Finally getting it to the door, he leans his body against the edge of it. His elbow bumps one oddly shaped square, and the ornate panel slides off, instead revealing the inside of the paneling. Slight edges his head around, and instantly recognizes the type of circuitry. It's cryo, but. . .it's. . .very cryo. Slight can't of any other way to describe it. The nearness to absolute zero is disturbing to say the least.
He staggers over to the comm, slaps it on. Move it.

Our scars remind us/That the past is real

I'm awake/But my world is half asleep.


Monday, July 25, 2005 9:41 PM


Malachi's Move
Location: same... his bridge

"Move it yerself, Mr. Almighty." Malachi grunts beligerently. He doesn't move to help, but stays exactly where he is, closes his eyes, puts his feet up on the desktop in front of him, and tries to ignore any thoughts coming to him from Slight. "That one is gonna drive me to insanity" He mumbles under his breath.


Saturday, July 30, 2005 8:35 PM


River's Move


"I won't ask, because I'm sure that you know what you're doing under there."

RIVER's pause and smile are confident. Like a hunter and their favourite prey. The prey that is currently less blurry and less riddled with static as the message plays yet again.

"This is almost beyond me. He seems to have taken a lot of trouble hiding what he really wanted to say..."

A lot of trouble. She frowns at the remaining garble, tired of the long riddles and thinning medicine in her blood, and shakes her head. "The jungle is very full of snakes today," she complains to the air, and looks at BOOK's fingers.

"He might have meant this only for you."

A snort, and RIVER shakes her head. "No. Mei-mei is meant for blue hands or red shades. Message is meant to bring the Latin truth to the captain's name." She pauses and looks back at the screen. "They aren't very smart." She pauses again. "Are they?"


Mal: "Define interesting."
Wash: "'Oh God, oh God, we're all gonna die?'"


Monday, August 8, 2005 10:44 AM


Wash’s Move:
Location – Galley to Location - Front Hall

(Wash sits up straight suddenly, his chocolate thoughts simply running from his face. Blankly, he looks around, serendipitously, just glancing around the galley. Wash shivers, again gently, as if not wanting to alarm anybody. He relaxes again, and takes a bite from his chocolate bar, bliss rapidly filling his face again. He remarks quietly to no one in particular): “Something’s not right, but I know that this qin ài de chocolate makes everything better.”

(A short time passes, and Wash remarks out loud to Kaylee, who is getting some bao): “Great chocolate, no nuts, just like I like it, but why smoke flavored? Something bad happen to it?” (He visibly sniffs the air, and a look of abject horror settles on his face, as he sees a tell-tail tendril of smoke drift from the Front Hall hatchway. Looking straight at Kaylee, he hurriedly remarks): “Tìan xiâo de either my chicken’s done on the bridge again, or somebody daì ruò mù ji other than Rex is getting into serious trouble!”

(Wash jumps from his chair, and turns to Kaylee, handing her his nearly empty plate. Still holding his chocolate bar, he races out of the Galley, bounding up the steps into the Front Hall, and dashing past the Dorms to the left and the right. Entering the airlock connector between the Hall, and the Bridge, Wash pauses momentarily, catching his breath, and taking a strengthening bite from the bar of chocolate, he looks into the bridge, thru the open door…

As Bager sits at his desk, reading a newspaper, a lackey walks in and sits down, and says in a care-free voice: “Whadda’ ya want wid’ me, mate’ ”. Badger slowly lowers his paper, and flicks his fingers at another lackey, who is standing in the shadows at the edge of the room. A single shot is heard, and Badger remarks to the sitting victim: “Next time, nope, no next time for you.” (He pulls out a slightly dirty handkerchief, and wipes off a few blood droplets from his desktop clock. He notices the time: (21:37 AMT (09:37 PM). “Look here, you clean up this mess, and I’m gonna go get meself a drink. Here’s some cash, go and get one yourself… just not in my bar, I got my reputation to uphold, ya’ know. Oh, do I have any spots on me? Might be hard to explain to the citizenry hw I got myself all bloody.”

- EOM -

qin ài de = dear, darling
tìan xiâo de = God knows (heaven/sky only knows)
daì ruò mù ji = dumb as a wooden chicken

Decoy, they make me go first.


Monday, August 8, 2005 4:07 PM



As ...

Mal stood in silent contemplation of Damon for an immeasurable slice of time. Flashes of the young men and women that had died under his command marched in front of him as if in military review. Then came the innumerable that were killed in the heat of combat. Before his minds eye hundreds, thousands of souls that owed their deaths to Malcolm Reynolds strode silently past. Their steely eyes locked forward until they passed him. With precision, each head snapped to and locked eyes with Mal. With equal precision each arm shot up and saluted the man who was responsible for their demise. One step past Mal, the heads snapped back to the fore. It took all of Mal’s resolve to hold his hand at his side and not acknowledge the salutes. This was the past and you had to live with the decisions one made – even those that were made in the heat of conflict. However, in this dreamscape of responsibility, Mal did not look away from the stares of the dead. Finally, after the unremitting midnight of memory ground to an end, the last marched past. It was Tracy; a grim reproachful stare nearly causes Mal to break. Only until the touch of an intangible hand alights on Mal’s shoulder. He knows this touch, but she is not here, yet always with him. Thus grounded, Mal refocuses on the present, only to find an image of Simon overlaying the reality of Damon. The spectral Simon’s face was filled with anguish and fear. Mal can only stare dumbfounded at the double image.

Looking into that fixed gaze, Damon wondered what was going on inside that man’s head. He watched Mal watch him, stare at him for a long time, first in confusion, and then impatience. Eventually, he dropped his eyes from Mal’s, almost convinced the man was staring at the inside of his skull, or perhaps his soul. He held still and silent for as long as he could, but Reynolds was beginning to give him a serious case of the creeps. Finally, he can’t deal any longer. “What?” he demands belligerently.

Simon looks at Mal with rancor and demands “What?”

…shaking his head to clear the specters from the past, his eyes glittering in the darkness…
”Contimplatin’ time is over, time to make a choice.”

DAMON “I know, I know.” Damon rubs his face briskly with both hands. “I … want to stay. To be part of this crew. I do! I understand I have … changes to make. I want to … learn a new way of thinking.”

Damon shuffles his feet, hands in his pockets. “I ain’t quite sure how to go about it. I guess you folks can help. So if you’re willing … Please?”

Mal shakes his head in negation. Words, always words, when actions are clearer, more defined.

… growling in an impatient rumble…
”Yak yak yak, ya said that before and STILL tried to shoot up my crew and boat – TWICE...”

The unsnapping of Mal’s holster sounded like a cannon shot in a high walled canyon. His pistol seemed to magically appear in his hand.

”I got NO need fer a mewling, carping little self-involved catamite among my crew…”

Mal’s eyes shifted to the blackest obsidian as he readied his piece for this chancy action.


Note - , this is the Cap’n – his post are never what you’d expect!


Monday, August 8, 2005 4:11 PM



As ...

In a lull of conversation in both the Galley and Bridge, within the tiny fragment of time that ship was quiet and still, a single shot rings out and seems to shatter the burgeoning peace of Serenity.


Thursday, August 11, 2005 9:50 PM


Book looks up quickly at River as the sound of a shot reaches them. She is already halfway to the door, but she's hesitant. Almost as if deciding whether or not she wanted to go see what the sound that was about happen was going to be caused by.

Glancing back at the controls of Serenity, he makes sure nothing is going wrong. Unfortunately, everything is fine... that means that the bullet didn't go through the hull or any vital ship part, but could've gone through something much more fleshy.

Standing rigidly and boring into River's eyes with his own, he says. "There could be serious trouble. I want you to stay in this room." Going to the intercom, he snaps on the all-ship broadcast, and intones a low "What's going on? Is everyone all right?"


Friday, August 12, 2005 10:38 AM


River's Move


The bullet's gone, the sound is gone, but the echo is what's bothering her. There were voices before the shot rang out.

But there are no ghosts, and Serenity doesn't talk. Not like them, anyways.

"There could be serious trouble. I want you to stay in this room."

RIVER makes a small face at his order-- yes, it's a wise plan, but she was never one to blindly follow-- and leans against the bulkhead.

The message must not be forgotten. Even if she has to kidnap someone-- WASH, probably, considering his skills-- and start a two-man mission to end the thinning blood and missing crewmember. It's all chaos theory, and it's irritating her.

But BOOK's moving right on with the crisis at hand. "What's going on? Is everyone all right?"

Looking first to BOOK, then back to the hall where the shot started, to the noise of WASH's footsteps as he was nearly to the bridge to inspect the smoke, and finally to the monitor looping the message again, RIVER shakes her head. "Twelve equations to predict the weather patterns reduced to three in a false illusion of convection to eventually predict the nature of a water wheel."

BOOK's brief look of confused displeasure makes her grin a bit. Like the old days. Confusing teachers with their own material. It's almost fun.

"Chaos theory," she shrugs, just as WASH is about to leap onto the bridge, half-ducking all the way lest he get shot too.

Hmm. Maybe he's not the best choice after all. And ZOE would take it personally.


Mal: "Define interesting."
Wash: "'Oh God, oh God, we're all gonna die?'"


Monday, August 15, 2005 12:02 PM


DAMONs move

A few moments earlier

The sound of the snap on MALs holster is loud in the small room. Damon tenses as he raises the pistol – and presents it to DAMON, butt first.

“I got NO need fer a mewling, carping little self-involved catamite among my crew.”

Almost automatically, DAMONs hand rises to take the gun from MAL. He looks at the gun in wonder, amazed at MALs trust in him, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Until MALs words sink in. He - he said - how dare he say … THAT!

DAMONs hands tense. Most importantly, his right hand holding MAL’s pistol tenses and with his finger already on the trigger …

For a moment, DAMON can’t reconcile what he has seen or heard - or done. The sound of the gunshot makes no sense to him, nor the sudden blossom of blood that appears on MAL’s shoulder. The gun is heavy in his hand. His mouth shudders open, to take it back. To apologize. To make it right. He does not understand how … it … happened …

~I’m dead~, DAMON thinks, miserably.

Once you pull the pin, Mr. Handgrenade is no longer your friend.






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