Jeeze! Angelus was a real bastard !

UPDATED: Thursday, August 3, 2006 00:20
VIEWED: 3299
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Wednesday, August 2, 2006 1:11 PM


America loves a winner!

( I'm watching Buffy on DVD , S1 - S7, but technically I'm talking about Angel, so I post this here. )

Saw what happened after Angel and Buffy hooked up, and damn! Having watched Angel from start to finish, but missing most of Buffy, I had no idea at what a evil fucking bastard he was. I mean, yeah...I knew he was evil and all....but day-um! What he did to Giles was .....just terrible.

Select to view spoiler:

One question though, when did Giles ever invite Angel into his home ? I somehow missed that part. I recall some reference to Angelus almost killing Willow, but I had no idea of what all that had happened. Yikes.

I've just finished S2 of Buffy, so I know there's lots left to come. While I get that Angel / Angelus aren't the same, I'm not sure I'll see him the same way from now on.

I mean, a Puppy??!! Man!

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 1:36 PM


I know, who'd have thought he would kill Maris?

Check out my Serenity Auctions for Equality Now, including DVDs and Posters signed by all 9 BDHs + Joss!


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 3:34 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Having watched Angel from start to finish, but missing most of Buffy, I had no idea at what a evil fucking bastard he was. I mean, yeah...I knew he was evil and all....but day-um! What he did to Niles was .....just terrible.

Your reaction kinda helps explain why I was relatively disappointed with (Angel Season Four spoilers follow)

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Angelus’ much-hyped return. If they’d done it right, his turn of evilness in Buffy’s second season wouldn’t surprise you--but instead on Ats he comes off as all talk and no bite (literally--he doesn’t even kill any non-demons). Probably not as much a problem for someone who hadn’t seen him before, but a bit underwhelming for those who had.

Still, season two Angelus was amazingly evil, one of the show’s greatest villains (though my personal favorite is the Big Bad from Buffy Season Three). You lucky dog, getting to see it all for the first time.

Oh, and word to the wise--it’s Giles, not Niles. (For some reason, people always have trouble with his name--the writers put a hilarious joke about that in Season Five, something to watch for.)


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 3:35 PM


Since when did Angelus go to Seattle?

We never saw Angel hang out at Giles's place in the early seasons, but it was (obviously) just assumed. He was pretty much one of the annex members of the Scooby Gang, and we didn't see every single moment of their daily lives, so it's very plausible that he was there at least once. And of course, if he was never invited then what would the world be like if that "discovery" scene took place somewhere other than Giles's apartment?

And Angel/Angelus ARE the same. He doesn't turn into a completely different person. Angel desires violence and mayhem on the inside, but he feels really guilty about it. Angelus does not, hence the outward personality change. Shouldn't you have figured that part out in the entirely of Angel? Well, that's my theory anyway.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 4:23 PM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
I know, who'd have thought he would kill Maris?

Oh my god they killed Maris! You should have spoilered that puppy.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 4:36 PM


America loves a winner!


Since when did Angelus go to Seattle?
Huh? What'd I miss ? Did I miss something ? Was that meant for me ? If yes, will I catch on later ? Grrrr.


Oh, and word to the wise--it’s Giles, not Niles. (For some reason, people always have trouble with his name--the writers put a hilarious joke about that in Season Five, something to watch for.)

Ugh. I knew that. I really did. I can't even claim n00b level status for that faux pas. I have no excuse.


We never saw Angel hang out at Giles's place in the early seasons, but it was (obviously) just assumed. He was pretty much one of the annex members of the Scooby Gang, and we didn't see every single moment of their daily lives, so it's very plausible that he was there at least once.
I can see a 16 yr old slayer w/ a crush inviting a handsome, tame Angel in, but a Watcher? Seems to me that even he'd think twice,three times about that....but of course, there'd no 'pay off' if he hadn't.


And Angel/Angelus ARE the same. He doesn't turn into a completely different person. Angel desires violence and mayhem on the inside, but he feels really guilty about it. Angelus does not, hence the outward personality change. Shouldn't you have figured that part out in the entirely of Angel? Well, that's my theory anyway.

The same, yet not the same. I'm not as confused about the Angle/Angelus thing as I may appear. Just that Angelus in "Angel" is, as was mentioned above, far less evil than what I saw in "Buffy" . Capiche?

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 5:00 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Since when did Angelus go to Seattle?
Huh? What'd I miss ? Did I miss something ? Was that meant for me ? If yes, will I catch on later ? Grrrr.

It's a joke about calling Giles Niles. Niles was a character on the tv show Fraiser, which was set in Seattle. And referring to Simonwho's comment, Maris was the name of Niles's wife for part of the series.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 12:20 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by amyel:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Since when did Angelus go to Seattle?
Huh? What'd I miss ? Did I miss something ? Was that meant for me ? If yes, will I catch on later ? Grrrr.

It's a joke about calling Giles Niles. Niles was a character on the tv show Fraiser, which was set in Seattle. And referring to Simonwho's comment, Maris was the name of Niles's wife for part of the series.

Man, thanks for the clue. I'm up to speed now!

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "






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