Browncoat happenings at Dragon*Con

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 16:36
VIEWED: 4428
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:57 AM


Okay, things are coming to a fever pitch and I got the urge to make a whole page dedicated to Dragon*Con. Think of this as Browncoat D*C central! The link is Thought I'd post this too, so please let every Browncoat know!

******There's now a Shindig!!******
Here's the note from the SEBC coordinator Serenity:

"So remember way back, when I said the D*C was not sponsoring a Shindig this year? Remember when I said that if that changed, I'd be yelling it from the rafters? Well, consider this me yelling it from the rafters. The SEBC is having a Shindig!

I no longer need hypothetical volunteers, I need real ones. Here's the sitch. We get the Hanover room C,D, and E [in the Hyatt] at 8:30 Saturday night to set up. We have the room until people leave. Doors open at 10. We'll be there all night, so go to the Wake, the Signal podcast, and end up with us. Make it just one big Browncoat day.

The plans for this year are to be less rave-y and more Shindig-y. And we have 10 days, so we're gonna need help. Who's with me?

Go forth and post this jubilant news wherever Browncoats may visit. Let's show everyone that the Browncoats are here to stay =)


******Meet fellow Browncoats******
at the Hyatt Regency bar. How this works is that we're just sayin', go there and hang if you have some downtime and want to meet fellow Browncoats. If you're the only one there, don't sweat it. Hopefully if you have Browncoat accoutrements on your person, others will join you! We're going to try and see if we can make some signs available that people can put up on a table when they're there. Email if you want to have a sign to carry in your back-pack.

******Show Sean where you live******
The SEBC will have a collection box at their table for the Show Sean Where You Live postcards. You can just drop them off with us, and they'll make sure they get to the right person. Visit this thread on for details of the project:

******Browncoat Costume Contest******
The costume contest is now scheduled to take place in conjunction with the SEBC Shindig in Hanover C, D & E at 10:00pm on Saturday. Anyone participating in the contest needs to be there NO LATER than 9:30.

For those of you who cannot attend or will have changed into another costume by that time, fear not. If you have already cleared your schedule for 3pm to be judged, the judge will be at the SEBC table at 3pm on Saturday to take your name, contact info, and judge you. Obviously you won't find out whether you've won or not until after the Shindig, but this way you still get your chance. If for any reason you cannot make EITHER time please contact sebcparade@gmail. com and let them know. As long as it is prior to the Shindig they can organize a time to meet with you for pre-judging.

******Eulogy Contest deadline******
is now August 28, submit your entry now at

******SEBC Booth******
will be at the Marriot. Stop by and say HI!

******The Wake******
Saturday, 6-9 PM, Dragon*Con Con Suite (223 and 226, Hyatt). Bring plastic Dinosaurs and Books (which will be donated to charity). More info at

******The Signal Podcast******
after the Wake and before the Shindig, head on over to the Live Broadcast which starts at 10PM. Details coming soon (like where!)

******The SereniFly Track @ D*C******

Friday, Sep. 1, 2006

8:30 PM Serenity: The Miranda Conspiracy.

An open session of the Anglo-Sino Alliance inquiry into recent events on Miranda. Testimony and comment will be accepted from the public.

Panelists: Keith R.A. DeCandido, Kelley Harkins, Miranda Thomas, Eric Hendrix, Jennifer Neault.

Saturday, Sep. 2, 2006

1:00 PM Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know.

Join us in giving a big Dragon*Con welcome to some new faces from the Firefly 'verse.

Panelists: Adam Baldwin, Summer Glau, Alan Tudyk. Centennial II-III.

Sunday, Sep. 3, 2006

11:30 AM More Fun With River and Jayne and Wash.

Another chance to meet the crew of the Serenity.

Panelists: Adam Baldwin, Summer Glau, Alan Tudyk. Centennial II-III.

5:30 PM Done The Impossible - A Screening.

We're pleased to present a screening of Done The Impossible, a documentary on Firefly fandom. Please note that this event will run out to 7:00 pm; after the 90 minute film we will have a Q & A session with producers Brian Wiser and Jeremy Neish.

Panelists: Jeremy Neish, Brian Wiser.

Up-to-date list at:

That's the latest!

As always, keep flyin'!


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 12:40 PM


Browncoat Bump

I aim to misbehave!

Firefly items:
For lapel pins and badge holder lanyards


Thursday, August 24, 2006 4:44 PM


America loves a winner!

Mighty fine Shindig was thrown last year, if I do say so my own self. While I won't be making the scene this year, y'all do good by helping out/ attending this fine affair.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, August 29, 2006 4:36 PM


Some of the dates and times have changed significantly, so for them that's interested, be sure to check for the latest....






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