Joss says maybe to ANGEL Season 6 in comic form!!!

UPDATED: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 09:16
VIEWED: 9555
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Thursday, March 15, 2007 4:34 AM


I knew it, I knew it! Apparently there's an interview with Joss in the new BUFFY/ANGEL magazine (read this on Whedonesque, haven't gotten my copy yet) where he says he's talking to the writer of Spike:Asylum about writing a sort of Season 6 (post-"Not Fade Away") cannon story!!!

I can't believe I'm getting this excited about comic books!!! Gorram it, Joss! First musicals, then sci-fi and westerns and country-fried music, and now comics!!


Thursday, March 15, 2007 4:57 AM


Okay, so now we can REALLY start speculating as to what's up with these characters post-series.


Friday, March 16, 2007 12:03 PM


I'm excited about this too...
they Angel Season 6 will evidently be written by the same guy who has been writing Spike: Asylum, and he has shown that he can do the humor and the action with a lot of imagination.

I am REALLY hoping that Wesley's control freak Father has raised his lifeless corpse... I'll accept any kind of zombie (because I'm confident that Willow could figure out a way to 'save his soul' while he continues his undead existence...
(crossing my fingers and knocking on wood)

It'll probably be a wait until this gets made & hits the stores, but just knowing it is coming is exciting.


Saturday, March 17, 2007 2:51 AM


Would LOVE to have Wes back!!!! Not that it would be remotely the same without Alexis, but still. If there was any way I'd be "okay" with Gunn becoming a vamp, which was the original intention with tv Season 6 and/or tv movies, that'd be it. Let us keep one of our humans!!!


Saturday, March 17, 2007 5:12 AM


yeah the humans were always fairly few, and had a tendency to die....
where did you hear that Gunn would be a vampire?
That is kind of cool considering his deeply held feelings, I would think his anti-vampire feelings might have been SO strong that there would be a self loathing there....

Have you gotten a hold of Buffy's Season 8 first issue yet?


Saturday, March 17, 2007 5:22 AM


I'm remebering that Forrest had pretty deep hatred of demons until he became one (partially) as a result of Adam. I don't know I guess some things remain when someone becomes a vamp. Spike's ability to love, Willow's eventual bi-sexuality, etc.

No, haven't gotten my copy yet. According to an email from TFAW, it won't be shipping to me until March 21. Probably because I chose to have it shipped the cheapest way. I'm stupid, I know...but at least I have a little more time to continue my marathon (currently on "Help") without the temptation to cheat!

Have you read it yet? If so, let me know how it was, but please don't spoil me...I'm committed to staying spoiler-free from now on!


Saturday, March 17, 2007 5:28 AM


OMG I didn't realize you hadn't finished the 6 seasons of Buffy yet (or is this a rewatching/refresher marathon?)!

No, no spoilers: but I am VERY happy... one issue per month is a long time to wait, but at least in your case you won't have to wait quite as long for the 2nd issue!

I'm also subscribing from TFAW, but I couldn't wait and I was lucky enough to get the last copy at my local comic book store (they are not reliable, that is why I went ahead and subscribed). I have friends to mail my extra copies to, so I didn't mind picking up one that will be a duplicate.


Saturday, March 17, 2007 5:31 AM


Sorry, I forgot to reply to your question about Gunn. I read in several places at the same time it was reported that the tv movies were officially dead in the water, the BUFFY/ANGEL mag would be one, but also other sites on the internet. Joss, J. August Richards, and Amy Acker have all said something about it.


Saturday, March 17, 2007 5:35 AM


Of course it's a refresher course for me! I actually have repeat marathons at least 2 or 3 times a year. Last Saturday was my 10th Anniversary with the show. Been a fanatic since Day 1! "Help" is the fourth ep. in Season 7.


Saturday, March 17, 2007 7:05 AM


This would be great (the Angel comic), but I have a couple reservations ...

First I would disagree with everyone about Wes being alive. He was a brilliant character, but his arc was so beautifully constructed from his days a bumbling idiot on Buffy through to the man dying in Ilyiah's arms in the series finale. It's so damn well done. Keep it closed.

For what it's worth I also really loved the idea that at the end, they all die. It was also a great way to cap the series with the message Whedon had been developing. For Season 6 I would suggest maybe continuing forth with Spike, but that's probably it ... I don't know. I always get feelings like this and then whatever Whedon does I end up feeling like "ok that's perfect!"



Saturday, March 17, 2007 11:24 AM


The show closed out with everybody fighting. Joss never said that they were all dead at the end. Only Wes, Lindsey, and in ten minutes, Gunn. Gunn was supposed to become a vamp in the tv movies that never happened. Still dead, technically, but now a villain. The futures of the others would be told when Joss was ready to tell it.

I love the entire Wes arc, too. But, much in the way Jane Espenson is about Jonathan, I will always have the tiniest bit of hope that there's a way to bring him back without ruining the impact of what has already happened. The gang tried to bring Fred back but couldn't only because her soul was gone as well. I think it's safe to say that the way Wes died didn't harm his soul.

I think someone should at least try, although I think it'd be more interesting if it were Illyria or Virginia than Wes's dad.


Saturday, March 17, 2007 1:13 PM


Joss had said at Whedonesque that he was impressed with Brian Lynch's Spike: Asylum series for IDW and thought Lynch could handle the canon Ats S6...
and then Brian Lynch posted at Whedonesque saying it was early days but they were talking to the publisher.
And NOW we have this from the publisher:
which says that Joss is co-writing (probably giving his ideas to Lynch to flesh out?)

I agree that the final episode of Angel's S5 did not mean that everyone dies, it means that they get no rest. Even if they survive this fight then there is another fight, and another after that....

It is a different ending from Buffy's season 7 which implied that she HAD earned a rest!

But I don't think any of it ever means that all the stories are done and there are no more to tell.... We know that Joss had wanted a 6th season for Angel, and that that show only ended because it was canceled.

Anyway I am thrilled and happy about this prospect!


Saturday, March 17, 2007 2:35 PM


I always thought it was a strong possibility (hence my previous post from a couple of months ago), but to have it now confirmed from 3 sources?!

Excited doesn't begin to cover it. I'm over the moon. I feel like I could actually throw up. I love these characters!!!


Saturday, March 17, 2007 6:23 PM



Originally posted by jwhedonaddict:
According to an email from TFAW, it won't be shipping to me until March 21.

I'm using, who I really recommend. Their S&H is a little high ($4.75 being the cheapest option), but it's hard to beat their service. Between the one issue of the "Serenity" series I got from them, the first two Dark Towers, and the first Buffy, everything has arrived two days after I ordered it, even having opted for the cheapest shipping (tho the fact that the packages are going from New York to New England probably has something to do with that).

I've heard TFAW can be pretty slow, which is why I haven't gone with them.

And one place to ABSOLUTELY avoid at all costs is Got one of the three Serenity's from them before I discovered midtown. Ordered it about the time the issue was released. Three weeks went by. Nothing. Tried to contact them to get an update. No answer to the e-mails. Finally sent an e-mail asking to CANCEL the order, only to get a response back a day or two later: "You wanna cancel? Gee, I suppose we could do that, but it'd be tough at this point--your order's being prepped for shipping right now. Why would you wanna cancel?" Angry gnashing of teeth, then just a frustrated sigh. "You know what, fine: just send it, then." So they do. And sent me the wrong frickin' cover variant.


Monday, March 19, 2007 8:20 AM


Groo: Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, I've already preordered #2, #3, & #4 from TFAW. It's likely that when I'm finally able to read #1, I will be changing the shipping for #2. If I'm impressed in the difference, I'll keep it. If not, I'll change #3 & #4 to the site you suggested.

Thanks again!


Wednesday, April 11, 2007 6:01 AM


I just want my favourite team back to see how they are getting on. I'm really hoping Gun is Alive and well with the whole eyepatch thing he spoted in Old Friends.

Cause without Gunn all the humans are out of Team Angel.


Wednesday, April 11, 2007 9:54 AM


I think this may have been posted before on this thread, but here goes just in case.

This is a spoiler regarding Gunn for the tv movies that never happened. It may or may not happen in the upcoming comics.

Select to view spoiler:

Gunn was, and maybe is, supposed to become a vampire.

Don't know about the comic you mentioned, but I think the only ones considered canon are the ones Joss is planning.
"In Joss We Trust."


Monday, April 16, 2007 7:28 AM


I also remember hearing somewhere that

Select to view spoiler:

they wanted to bring back Oz for Angel season 6.

However, since now Buffy's being continued, I'm wondering if they'll just send him over there instead?

Willow's a demon!?


Tuesday, April 17, 2007 11:11 AM


Wow...I don't remember hearing that before. I can't imagine what would've happened there. Would Jenny (Edit:Mollen, who played Nina. I realized it sounded like I was confusing her real name and character name ) have still been around? You know how he gets around she-wolves . Then again it has been said that they decided to "revamp" the way the wolves look because someone (or several someones) commented that Oz looked like a gay possum. Probably wouldn't've worked out .

"In Joss We Trust."


Tuesday, April 17, 2007 2:30 PM


they completely reworked Oz's look from Phases, so I don't think they would've had a problem doing it again. Honestly, it looked a lot better... Not a friggen gorrilla...

Willow's a demon!?


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 1:39 AM


I guess they would have brought Oz in through the Nina angle if they wanted him around.

Just as a by the way, I came across what is without a doubt the best fanfic Angel season 6 I've ever seen the other day.
The whole site that is a part of is excellent, dealing with the philosophical and moral issues raised by Buffy/Angel.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 5:29 AM



Originally posted by SerenityinScotland:
I guess they would have brought Oz in through the Nina angle if they wanted him around.

I hope they do try that angle in the comics. It would be interesting to see how Angel would react to it (though considering the events in "Power Play", he might not react at all.


"If you want to win a war, you must serve no master but your ambition."


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 9:16 AM


He was faking then, though. He wanted to keep her safe and being harsh was the quickest and easiest way to get her out of dodge before the fit hit the shan! Okay, I think he would care, but I can't see him having the big crazy love for her like Buffy or (dare I say it) Cordy. Her crush on him was cute (and oh so understandable), but I just didn't see the chemistry there for more. I couldn't even tell you how I'd feel about Oz/Nina without seeing it in live-action form. It's at least a start that she's so un-Veruca-like (wannabe serial killer).

"In Joss We Trust."






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