CSTS North Texas: Thirty-Six Hours And Counting

UPDATED: Monday, June 25, 2007 14:32
VIEWED: 3219
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Friday, June 22, 2007 5:54 AM


First and foremost, we're sold out. In the last two days, we blew through the fifty tickets we had remaining, and now we have a packed house for Saturday night. If you didn't buy your tickets, you should still come out to the Jane Espenson book signing at the Arlington Highlands Borders -- it's turning into a nifty little shindig in its own right, and it's free!

Now, to the good stuff. We've got a great array of door prizes and auction items to give away Saturday night. Bring your wallet and checkbook. Seriously.

Oh, you don't believe me? Fine. Here's the list, starting with the item that just arrived on my doorstep this morning:

Courtesy of the Prop Store of London, this is an actual costume from the movie 'Serenity.' It was worn by Erik Erotas, the student in River's classroom dream who talked of Reavers, and how they'd eat you, and wear your skin, and rape you for hours... charming lad. And you can own his costume. We'll be taking silent auction bids on the costume from 6:00 pm until 9:30 pm, with the winner announced during the pre-show festivities.

Now, on to the contents of this year's Big Damn Bag (auction):

* Firefly DVD box set
* Serenity: Special Edition DVD (voucher)
* Finding Serenity signed by Jane Espenson
* Serenity Found (voucher)
* Serenity: Those Left Behind graphic novel
* QMx's Alliance Currency Money Pack (Fan Club Exclusive Edition)
* 'Done The Impossible' DVD
* On The Drift by the Bedlam Bards (signed)
* Gift Pack
* Gift Pack
* CSTS 2007 t-shirt
* CSTS 2007 final movie poster (signed by Jane Esoenson, Cedric, and more)

...and a couple other items. Last year, we had two Big Damn Bags, and they each went for $300. This year, there's twice as much stuff in the Big Damn Bag... and only one bag to auction off. Bidding on the bag will start at $50.

In addition to all of that loot, there are individual door prizes as well:

* A copy of the 'Serenity: Special Edition' DVD from Universal Home Entertainment -- two months before it will be available in stores (voucher)
* A copy of BenBella Books' upcoming release Serenity Found -- months before you can buy it in stores or online (voucher)
* A copy of Finding Serenity: Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds and Space Hookers in Joss Whedon's Firefly, courtesy of BenBella Books, autographed by editor Jane Espenson
* A set of 'Serenity' PVC figures from Dark Horse and Things From Another World (voucher)
* A copy of Dark Horse Comics' graphic novel Serenity: Those Left Behind
* A Serenity "Alliance Currency Money Pack" from Quantum Mechanix
* A set of Ariel "ambulance ID badges"
* A copy of 'Serenity' on DVD or the "Firefly" DVD box set, courtesy of Best Buy at Arlington's Lincoln Square
* One of three limited edition Can't Stop The Serenity 2007 teaser posters, autographed by Jane Espenson, Equality Now Director Amanda Sullivan and designer Adam Levermore-Rich
* A copy of 'Done The Impossible: The Fans' Tale of Firefly and Serenity'
* A "Miranda" poster from Black Market Beagles
* A set of Buffy the Vampire Slayer PVC figures (Vamped Out Buffy, the Master, Liam / Angelus, Subway Spike, Xander, Willow), from Keith's Comics
* Copies of Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men and Runaways comics, from Keith's Comics
* A knitted "Jayne" hat from
* One of several copies of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" and "Angel" comics with variant covers, courtesy of Things From Another World
* One of several gift packs from
* One of several gift packs from of
* A 'Serenity' pendant, courtesy of DragonWeave Jewelry

...and yes, there are more prizes as well.

Every ticketholder has an entry into the door prize pool... and you can purchase additional entries at the event for $1.00 each.

Oh! How could I forget the t-shirts and posters? If you missed your chance to pre-order 2007 CSTS merchandise, we'll have a limited amount of the items available for purchase at the Studio Movie Grill, beginning at 6:00 pm Saturday.

Remember, all of the proceeds from tomorrow night's screening go to Equality Now, an international women's rights advocacy group near and dear to the Browncoat community's heart.

So... like I said: bring your wallets. There's a LOT of great stuff available, and you'll want some of it.

Devin Pike

"Last year, we did the impossible. This year, we top it."


Monday, June 25, 2007 2:32 PM


Here's the video footage we made from the TX event for

You can't take the sky from me....






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