Enneagram Personality Types

UPDATED: Saturday, August 31, 2024 02:56
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Saturday, May 3, 2008 1:15 AM


Been reading about Enneagrams lately and applying them to fictional characters, namely the Firefly cast:

Mal- 8 (Leader, Protector)
Zoe- 3 (Motivator, Achiever)(I think...)
Wash- Not sure
Kaylee- Either 2 (Giver, Helper) or 7 (Enthusiast, Sensationist, Generalist)
Simon- Either 6 (Loyalist, Devil's Advocate)or 1 (Perfectionist, Reformer, Critic)
River- Either 4 (Artist, Dreamer, Individualist, Aesthete) or 5 (Observer, Investigator, Outsider, Intellectual)
Book- 9 (Peacemaker, Mediator)
Inara- 4 or 9
Jayne- Not sure

For those unfamiliar or who want more info:

There are nine personality types and nine characters, though I doubt each would have a corresponding character without one or two types being repeated. I did use all the types above though. Further discussion on characters' personality and their relationship to the Enneagram would be appreciated.


Tuesday, May 6, 2008 6:28 PM


This is totally one of those threads I've meant to

start myself , but have never quite found the

time...I always figured Joss most have started

with a book on enneagrams/personality theory

when conceiving the Firefly crew...

You have a great mind , and I'm glad you thought

to start this thread...

I have a hard time picking a favorite character ,

'cause I'm like all of them in some way , and I

feel like they're each a part of me...

Wun Mo Ting , Wash would be

Artist/Savant/Conscience , etc. He'd be primarily

a Style 7 by the link you gave...

He's like the 'Yang' Kaylee , if you think on it

a tick...But , he and River have much in common ,

too...That's why River ends up being a new pilot

for Serenity...She's a lot like he was...

Using the Link you provided , Jayne would be


Challenger , Individualist ,

Loyalist !, and Critic...

He's primarily Style 8 , though...'Challenger .


Wednesday, May 7, 2008 10:01 AM


Well, I'm a 5, 'Observer', according to the test. The descriptions on the site seem to fairly accurately describe my behaviors as well. Please note that I have always identified most closely with River (note my avatar), because I recognize in her a certain dissociation, a distance, from the immediate world and its inhabitants; while simultaneously being keenly aware of crucial minutiae that her fellows do not recognize, and which help her make cognitive leaps (as when she senses the fire in OoG).

I often say that people seem oblivious to obvious cues in the environment and others' behavior, and that I don't know how anybody could miss them. In my work, I am frequently able to predict what my next series of control instructions will be, how pilots will respond to them, and how much assistance a pilot will need to taxi/fly the pattern/exit a runway -- 10 to fifteen minutes before any of this transpires -- to the amazement (and occasionally, apprehension) of my coworkers. I always chuckle and say, "I'm not psychic, just observant."

So, I think River is definitely a 5, and I can very easily see River saying "I'm not psychic, just observant", regardless that Joss decided to give her mystical powers. That was my biggest disappointment in her character's development. I felt that she could just as easily be explained without resorting to the supernatural...



I'm also a Meyers-Briggs eNTP... γνῶθι σεαυτόν

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Thursday, May 8, 2008 9:14 AM



Originally posted by zoid:
Well, I'm a 5, 'Observer', according to the test. The descriptions on the site seem to fairly accurately describe my behaviors as well. Please note that I have always identified most closely with River (note my avatar), because I recognize in her a certain dissociation, a distance, from the immediate world and its inhabitants; while simultaneously being keenly aware of crucial minutiae that her fellows do not recognize, and which help her make cognitive leaps (as when she senses the fire in OoG).

I often say that people seem oblivious to obvious cues in the environment and others' behavior, and that I don't know how anybody could miss them. In my work, I am frequently able to predict what my next series of control instructions will be, how pilots will respond to them, and how much assistance a pilot will need to taxi/fly the pattern/exit a runway -- 10 to fifteen minutes before any of this transpires -- to the amazement (and occasionally, apprehension) of my coworkers. I always chuckle and say, "I'm not psychic, just observant."

So, I think River is definitely a 5, and I can very easily see River saying "I'm not psychic, just observant", regardless that Joss decided to give her mystical powers. That was my biggest disappointment in her character's development. I felt that she could just as easily be explained without resorting to the supernatural...



I'm also a Meyers-Briggs eNTP... γνῶθι σεαυτόν

You're an ATC-droid , then ?

SWWEEET ! I useta want to be one of those , 'cause I was already a 'flyer' , and the best ATC-bots are nearly always flyers...

Iffen you've got the Riparian skillset like you describe , you should definitely get the stick into your hand...Unless you already have , that is...

Your self-description indicates a high degree of integration of the cerebral hemispheres...And the super-intuition that makes for a great glider pilot or astronaut...I'd fly with you , if you're the willin' sort...

Hmmm , I never quite attributed River's gifts to the supernatural...Just the Super Natural...

I come out as a '4' , but have more than a fair share of 5-ish attributes...Have a super natural sense of where to find my next thermal , or what part of a ridge is 'working' , and I can 'see' the airflow patterns...

Couple years ago , I got an invite to test-drive an Aviat Husky at my home-drome , and I obliged 'em...

The controller got some laughs out of it , 'cause there was a strong quartering headwind , and verily , I levitated the craft before it had rolled half its own length...


Thursday, May 8, 2008 9:14 AM


Gorramn double-post...Ah well , opportunity knocks...






Thursday, May 8, 2008 10:44 AM



Well, thanks for the invite, but no thanks just the same. I'm one of those 'terra firma' guys: The firma the terra, the less firma the terror. I guess I've listened to too many black box recordings, and read too many NTSB reports... Funny, innit? It's always the pilot's fault, even if it's not the pilot's fault. I mean, the engine can fail, you can encounter wake turbulence and microburst downdraft, and they'll conclude that the PIC failed to control his aircraft.

Seems a little unfair. Seems like at least some clairvoyance is part of y'all's job description...

As for the tail-dragger: I know they say, "a real pilot wants to fly a tail-dragger"; but, I've only ever seen two mishaps, and both of them were in tailwheelers: 1.) a Piper Pacer ground loop performed by a 20-year airline pilot; and 2.) a prop strike by a taxiing Citabria, piloted by a controller co-worker. Apparently, the trick is to never stop flying them, from departure hangar to destination hangar.

All due respect, I think I'll stick with surface travel, unless I just have to get somewhere really fast...



When one dies suddenly, one's life is supposed to flash before one's eyes in that last moment as Death becomes imminent. The problem with dying in a plane that has suddenly decided to forget how to fly is that it takes soooo looong to fall out of the sky to one's final proof of gravity. I mean cartwheeling earthward from five miles AGL? What's that take, like 5-6 minutes? That's way too long for my liking. I've got entirely too many events in my past that I'd just as soon skip over in my waning moments. And imagine screaming like a lost soul for a full five minutes (see, 'black box recordings', above)...

"I aim to misbehave (but not at an altitude of one mile or greater)." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Monday, April 10, 2023 5:09 AM


Jayne is a Low IQ hedonist brute that follows Mal for the money, a mercenary that is skilled at shooting and little more.
Inara is the cliche hooker with a heart of gold is a stock character.

You perhaps over analyze if you put them in 'Enneagram Personality Types'


Monday, April 10, 2023 12:35 PM


I don't think anybody on Firefly was so static as you're claiming them to be.

There were moments of them showing character growth as the show went on. I think had Firefly gotten the 5 or 6 season run that it should have gotten that both Jayne and Inara would have been almost unrecognizable to the people they were in the first season.

And I don't think Jayne was low IQ either. I think he was the type who dropped out of school early and fell in with the wrong crowd, but wasn't challenged in school and was bored of it because he was probably smarter than most of the other kids and didn't have any good role models. The type of guy who might be out there splitting atoms in his lab coat in a parallel dimension where he had nurturing parents and went to a school that had good teachers. He never came off as dumb to me in the show... just ignorant and uneducated.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, April 15, 2023 7:55 PM



Friday, August 30, 2024 9:36 AM


Personality Test: Your Toes Reveal Your Hidden Personality Traits


Saturday, August 31, 2024 2:56 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Personality Test: Your Toes Reveal Your Hidden Personality Traits

Well... That's actually kind of interesting.

Stretched Toes:


You are likely a very private individual. You value privacy, independence, and intellectual engagement. In your career, these traits make you a strong, independent worker. You prefer to keep your professional life separate from your personal life. You may prefer roles that allow you to work autonomously. You may thrive in careers that involve research, analysis, or debate. Your ability to argue different sides of an issue makes you a valuable asset in negotiations, law, diplomacy, or any field requiring critical thinking.

In general life, you maintain clear boundaries, valuing your personal space and time. Your secretive nature means you don’t easily share your inner thoughts with others, preferring to keep your cards close to your chest. However, you enjoy deep, intellectual conversations and often play the role of the devil’s advocate, challenging others to think more critically and explore all sides of an issue.

Some suggested career options include software development, investigative journalism, academic research, intelligence analysis, financial planning, cybersecurity, legal consulting, librarian, archivist, and independent contractor.

I've worked in software development and several times as an independent contractor. Financial planning for myself has been a large part of my life. I also am an archivist as a hobby.

I can't believe your feet actually tell you that much, especially when there's only 3 types to chose from, but I can't argue much of the above.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.






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