We're Recruiting

UPDATED: Friday, November 14, 2008 12:06
VIEWED: 12805
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Thursday, September 4, 2008 12:03 AM


The Independence, a Firefly RP is recruiting. We lack the players to maintain it. She's my baby and I'm not prepared to let her die.


Some Information/History on the Independence:

She's an Ex-Alliance Experimental Ship based on a Firefly '01 frame. She's old, and now on her last legs.


Name: Independence ("Indy")
Type: EX01 Firefly
Class: Mid Bulk Transport (Class B)
Drive: Experimental Drive Core Tantalus
Powerplant: Two Blue Sun 5V8-EX12-1532 Trace Compression Blocks 36 RCS Thrusters

She was stolen from the Alliance by Lt. Jack Shepard and his unit after escaping from torture in the last year of the war. He and His unit crewed her for almost a decade, until Reavers hit her and she was forced to crash land.

As the only survivor, Shepard was rescued by Colt, captain of the Book. Shepard served with the Captain until she was rebuilt.

Returning to command the Independence, the crew soon comprises of:

Jack Shepard - Captain
Jay Quick - First Mate
Larry Smythe - Pilot
Dashile - Mechanic

The crew rapidly changed over a short period, and shortly before Shepard was captured, looked like this.

Jack Shepard - Captain
Jay Quick - First Mate
Dashile - Mechanic
Leopard - An assassin aboard the Independence, acting as their gun hand.
Ansell - Passenger

Shepard is captured soon after, and the RP died effectively.

The Independence Now:
It has been several months since Shepard's capture. An Di refused to deal without Shepard, and the job went south. The ship is now in the worst state it has ever been. It's flying with parts it shouldn't and even the fuel is wrong. There have been talks of selling her and going their separate ways.

The crew has lost Ansell, Dashile and Shepard is in hiding. Jay is now in command and, despite of their status, has managed to hire new crew. A mechanic, "Logan Hunt", and pilot "Katrina 'Chance' Blake".

Shepard, escaping by unknown means to even the Alliance, he is now hounded by the retired Alliance Officer "Cain" and other Bounty Hunters.

The Crew:
Jay Quick - Captain
Kat - First Mate/Pilot
Leopard - Assassin
Logan - Mechanic
Rune - Shuttle Renter

Logan and Kat were supposed to be Characters anyone could play, but in the absence of Shepard (My Character) Kat has practically become my character. Anyone is welcome to Logan, who is free to change and addition - as he has no bio or description to him.


The Independence is obviously not over at these boards, but over at another site. Link to be give on acceptance.

Over there, the site creator does not wish any randoms to join, as we moved from to get away from certain... Negative elements.

APPLICATION FORM! Copy this and email the to me. ( EDIT: Be best to send it there and

Player Name:
Player Age:
Player Email: (don't worry, this will remain private)

Character Name:
Character Age: (Example: Mid-Twenties or a definate age)
Desired Position:

A small writing sample:

(Just a little something to make sure your grammar and punctuation is up to the standards of this RP. We're not mean on this but we don't want the following:

**** land us in the ocean at the uploaded coordinates. we will 'go dark' and float there at night until the **** approaches.

we will use a scarab as a raft to come up alongside the cargo ship and board her near the aft.

i will need **** [cryo expert], **** for heavy lifting and **** with me. may be some mechanical issues to deal with over there.

hands **** and **** each a wepon

-Really, you can see why. You just come out with "What the hell...". The Ideas don't make sense and you can't make head or tail of the grammar or punctuation. And what happened to the spell checker!)


Thursday, September 4, 2008 12:09 AM




Player Name: John Doe
Player Age: 100
Player Email:

Character Name: Katrina "Chance" Blake
Character Age: Twenties
Desired Position: Pilot/First Mate

A small writing sample:

Electronic beeps belted from a machine mounted on the wall slightly above Kat's rack.


She hauled her self up, slaming the palm of her hand on the machine, turning it off. The room smelled heavily of tobbacco smoke, the air filters bearly keep up with keeping the ship's air breathable, without the aided strain of Kat's smoking.

She rubbed her eyes and dragged herself over to the sink, washing her face. They would be starting the approach to Haven in only a mater of hours. While she could skip most of it, this was routine.

Getting dressed, she grabbed a cigarette. She took a hard look at it, and placed it back. She rubbed her eyes once more and pulled herself up into the narrow corridor above before making her way to the mess.

Once again grabbing a small bowl, filled - if you could call it that, only partly. The stuff was repulsive, but the ship lacked anything else...


Thursday, September 4, 2008 12:15 AM


The Site:

We are decent folk over there, just like ya'll are for the most part. It's not just an RP forum, and most of us have become good mates.

It's a small site, as the restrictions make it but, I'm hopping to see some new faces over there shortly!


Thursday, September 4, 2008 3:23 PM


Hi! This is the girl that changes her name on a regular basis, I've been RiverFlan and LeopardFlan, I'm Leopard on the Indy, and I promise not to kill off your character with my character .

It might be that the thread moves slowly sometimes, but that's the reason we need more crew in the first place! Please please please, with a cherry on top? We'll have fun, I promise ^_^


Thursday, September 4, 2008 3:25 PM



Originally posted by Aiko:
Hi! This is the girl that changes her name on a regular basis, I've been RiverFlan and LeopardFlan, I'm Leopard on the Indy, and I promise not to kill off your character with my character .

It might be that the thread moves slowly sometimes, but that's the reason we need more crew in the first place! Please please please, with a cherry on top? We'll have fun, I promise ^_^

See... I even let crazies on!


Thursday, September 4, 2008 3:34 PM


What? Me? Crazy? Noo... well, okay, maybe I am lolz. but that's what makes me for fun to be around then this guy up here is (someday, the emoticon will work again..., I'm just too lazy to dig up photobucket and copy+paste a link)


Thursday, September 4, 2008 3:38 PM


Yes... I'm perfectly sane!


Thursday, September 4, 2008 3:39 PM


Exactly :P


Thursday, September 4, 2008 6:37 PM


*Sniffle* I can't believe you left me out! *Sniffle*

Just kidding. I ain't crew, but I will shortly be renting the shuttle.


Thursday, September 4, 2008 7:27 PM


Doh! *Facepalms*

I forgot. Fixed.


Friday, September 5, 2008 4:43 PM


oh, sorry... I kinda forgot that you were there, you were being sane for a good long while now...

Edit- remark directed at rune ^


Sunday, September 7, 2008 4:16 AM


Okay. Kellen is going to be out of town for a while, so, anyone interested will have to send applications to me. My email is

And, also, we aren't as terribly strict about writing and such as Kellen might make it out to be; we've just experienced the horror of some really really bad writers in another RP that we were temporarily associated with, and we don't want to read that kinda crap again. Decent writing, is all we ask, and if you're not the best of the best we'll help you improve ^_^.


Originally posted by Kellen:


Player Name: John Doe
Player Age: 100
Player Email:

Character Name: Katrina "Chance" Blake
Character Age: Twenties
Desired Position: Pilot/First Mate

A small writing sample:

Electronic beeps belted from a machine mounted on the wall slightly above Kat's rack.


She hauled her self up, slaming the palm of her hand on the machine, turning it off. The room smelled heavily of tobbacco smoke, the air filters bearly keep up with keeping the ship's air breathable, without the aided strain of Kat's smoking.

She rubbed her eyes and dragged herself over to the sink, washing her face. They would be starting the approach to Haven in only a mater of hours. While she could skip most of it, this was routine.

Getting dressed, she grabbed a cigarette. She took a hard look at it, and placed it back. She rubbed her eyes once more and pulled herself up into the narrow corridor above before making her way to the mess.

Once again grabbing a small bowl, filled - if you could call it that, only partly. The stuff was repulsive, but the ship lacked anything else...


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 3:06 AM


I'm back!

*Shameless bump*


Friday, November 14, 2008 12:06 PM


Hello, question... I just found the FF RPG books. Now I have not really had a chance to read them yet, but I am used to playing DnD (( all editions )) with pencil, paper and dice. I was wondering, what all is needed for your online RPG game of FF ? Do you play it live over the net ?

I have seen some Virtual Table Top programs such as Fantasy Grounds, Really awesome program. So I was curious if that is the route you are taking.

Also, i'm on the hunt for people who are already making a fan film who want some help with it. I am a graphic 3D artist as well as musician. ( Both as hobbies ) I am hoping to find a real fan film and not some spoof. Thanks for your interest.
Thank you.

"He is of the Warriors..." said a man. -- Gor






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