RP: "Badger's Betrayal" or "Adventures in Gunrunning" - ACT 6

UPDATED: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 07:10
VIEWED: 14048
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Thursday, January 22, 2004 3:40 AM



(chat and storyline work)

(more in-depth conversations about character development/storylines)


Mal set up a deal with Badger to pick up some goods in Serenity Valley on Hera. While en route, Mal got a wave from Niska, who has apparently taken up with one Jubal Early. Neither Niska nor Early had anything immediate to say, so Mal told them to wave him when they felt like talking.

Wash, having not slept for three days for fear of River killing him in his sleep, has begun having sleep-deprived hallucinations and has taken the ship off course. Serenity is now rapidly headed toward the edge of explored space.

Zoe has been attempting to get Wash to wake up completely from the drug-induced, waking nightmare that is driving him, while Shepherd Book goes looking for Simon, hoping the good doctor can give Wash something to either bring him out of his nightmare or put him more fully to sleep.

While Inara points out the ship's current path will take them into Reaver territory, Jayne and Zoe try to convince Mal of the insanity of heading to Serenity Valley for a pickup...

ACT 1:

The crew was thrown into chaos over the mad dash into the edge of Reaver space and the resultant disabling of Serenity. Simon was knocked unconscious, Jayne armed himself in preparation for a Reaver attack, and Wash passed out from exhaustion after finding evidence the the ship had been sabotaged, probably by Jubal Early.

River took over care for Simon, Mal and Book took steps to revive Wash, and Zoe and Kaylee began repairs to the engine. Inara, thinking things under control, began dressing in her shuttle only to find that things were about to get much worse.

With the ship in disabled and in chaos, Niska and Early attacked. Mal, Zoe, and Jayne took out Niska's lackeys, but not before Early snuck up to Inara's shuttle and managed to get Inara stripped, bound, and gagged.

Niska avoided shooting and capture, then headed for the unconscious Simon in the infirmary. He found a scalpel and tried to hold Simon hostage for Mal to put down arms, but Wash managed to get the drop on Niska, pinning him and exacting revenge for his treatment at Niska's hands in War Stories before Niska passed out. Between them, Wash and Simon subdued Niska as Mal and Zoe entered the infirmary, leaving Jayne to deal with the bodies of the dead goons.

Book took Early by surprise, letting Inara get to safety in the cargo bay. Early and Book fought, Early finally knocking Book unconscious and stealing Inara's shuttle. As her shuttle disappeared, Inara freed herself and found Jayne's workout towel to wrap around her nakedness.

Kaylee got the ship limping, then came down from the engine room in the all-clear and found Mal exacting a little revenge of his own on Niska (in the form of taking off Niska's ear). There was no one on the bridge to see the proximity alert echoed in the sensors of Inara's shuttle. Book and Early made an agreement to work together to survive what's coming.


ACT 2:

As the Reavers locked their docking clamps onto Serenity, Book and Early worked together to draw them away. Early left Inara's shuttle and attacked the Reavers from Niska's ship, while Book used Inara's shuttle to ram the docking clamps, making them release Serenity and being knocked unconscious by the impact. Early brought him back to Niska's ship, where Book awoke, escaped, and returned to Serenity's infirmary for some rest and doctoring.

During the exchange between Early and the Reaver's ship, Zoe manuevered Serenity away from the battle, but close enough for Book to get back aboard.

Inara managed to borrow a shirt from Mal and pants from Zoe, completing her ensemble until her shuttle could be returned to the ship. She and Zoe got Wash into bed, where he dreamed strange dreams.

Niska escaped from his bonds in the infirmary and shot Mal in the back. Jayne paused in his cleanup after the gunfight to recapture Niska, inflicting damage while dragging Niska back to the infirmary to be drugged and re-bound. Simon got Mal's unconscious form back to the infirmary to tend his wounds, after drugging Niska into oblivion.

River retreated to her room; Inara and Kaylee heard the gunshot and went running to the infirmary. Book, upon seeing Inara, informed her that her shuttle had been badly damaged.

Jayne made his way back to the cargo bay to check the bodies of Niska's goons, spacing them once they had been stripped of guns and valuables. Kaylee returned to the engine room to continue repairs to the ship after seeing that Simon had everything under control in the infirmary.

Early chose to fly away, leaving Niska to the tender mercies of the crew. The Reavers followed and captured Early, subjecting him to torture. Early met Saffron aboard the Reaver ship and resolved to take control of the ship, using it to exact his revenge against the crew of Serenity.

After making sure that Mal was safely in Simon's care and Wash soundly slept, Zoe returned to the bridge, retrieved Inara's shuttle by remote, and got the ship back on course to Hera and moving toward the job waiting in Serenity Valley...

ACT 3:

ACT 4:

ACT 5:

Captian Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds - Humble (
Inara Serra - Ciara (
Zoë Warren - Astriana (, MSN)
Wash Warren - Temporarily played by Astriana (We'll miss you Zachsmind!) CASTING CALL IN PROGRESS
Kaywinnit Lee 'Kaylee' Frye - BoomerGoodHeart (, MSN)
Simon Tam - CapnRahn (, MSN, AIM)
River Tam - TeelaBrown (Teela Sera on AIM)
Shepard Book - ManiacNumberOne (
Jayne Cobb - SerenitysSon (

Adelai Niska - Kelso (
Jubal Early - Succatash
Roosevelt 'Rosie' Thorne - Geezer (
Rowan - Channain
Brink Helsing - RavenWhyteWing
Damon - Squee

DIRECTOR {i.e. GameMaster}


EOM = End of Move
OOC = Out Of Character
POV = Point Of View
WT = Working Title

None have been established. Each player has a unique style for posting a move that is consistent within itself. You'll catch on!

Last but not least, the whole RP gang would like to extend a big THANK YOU to Joss Whedon for creating a whole new 'verse for us to play in, and to Haken for giving us a bright, shiny new sandbox theater!

JossRP Gang
HakenRP Gang

PS: Should have the synopses for Acts 3-5 finished shortly.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Thursday, January 22, 2004 4:21 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move:
Location: Boarding ramp of Serenity. Mal has just gone to the infirmary. Book, having seen Rowan still standing on the ramp, is just walking out.
Mal: "Think I got all that I need though. I'm thinking, whatever you can do FOR me has already been done TO me by someone else, I'm sure. Now, unless there was something else, I've got a ship to run and cargo to deliver on New Hikido! So, xei-xei, but no thank you. Have a nice day bao bei!"

Book watches Mal rush past him to the infirmary, and sees through the window of the infirmary, River looking anxiously at her sleeping brother. Deciding to see who the woman standing apprehensively on the cargo bay door is, Book walks towards her, smiling.
Watching the captain march off, Rowan's first thought is somewhat less than kindly.

ROWAN (angrily, to herself): Tamade húndàn - he thinks I'm gonna beg for transport? Like some kind of cheap tramp on the lamb? Ching-wah tsao de liou mahng.

Then again, there are other ways to skin a mule, browncoat or otherwise. Still bristling, she glares after the captain as he goes on about his business, and sees a handsome older gentleman wearing a Shepherd's collar move past him and across the cargo bay, toward her.

Now Rowan hasn't had any encounters with men of the cloth that could be considered informative. The last two she's met were performing official duties - one a quick and fast wedding, and the other a quick and fast funeral. So far as she's concerned, they're just fellas who read more out of the bible than she ever could - literally, at least - with an uncanny tendency to be in just the right place at just the right time.

This one has that general vibe, and he definitely has the Shepherd's smile down. The false-sincerity smile that is generally friendly, but tends to give away that they know they're about to do the Lord's work, although not entirely sure they're going to enjoy whatever that work is going to entail. There's something else about him too, something a bit out of place. He walks with purpose, but not in a charitable way. More like the kind of shoulders-back stride that is taught to a man in a military setting, enhanced by confidence gained by years of experience and hard-knock lessons. Funny thing to see in a Shepherd.

Holding back her temper, Rowan makes eye contact with him and senses a kindness of spirit right away. Her hackles ease back down, but only a little.

ROWAN: "I was going to ask if your captain was in need of part time crew, at least as far as the next stop. I'm the best cook he'll find beyond the core, and I can offer more than a few system enhancements for this boat, but if he isn't in the negotiating frame of mind, I'm not the sort to go forcing myself on anyone."

Hearing the biting anger in her voice, Rowan manages to hide her own regret over speaking so sharply. Not just to a Shepherd, but to the poor man who gets to clean up what the captain started.

ROWAN (to herself): Gorram pride's gonna get me in a heap of trouble one of these days. I have GOT to get moving off this rock, but I will be gorramed if I'll grovel for it.


TX: The Chinese is all swearing, stock language from the series.

OOC: Chinese won't be my second language anytime soon, so I'll be borrowing pretty heavily from the series.

I draw, therefore I am


Thursday, January 22, 2004 5:00 AM


Jayne's Turn:

Jayne enters the cargo area, and heads over to his workout bench. He notices the exchange between Mal and this new woman. Book crosses the area and spot Jayne. As he starts lifting, Jayne remarks to Book...

"Well Shep, looks like the passengers a gettin' a might more appealin' than your grey haired mug."

OOC: Yay finally back and awake enough to post.

Also... I can kill you with my brain...


Thursday, January 22, 2004 7:06 AM


*cheer* welcome back SerenitysSon
haven't posted in a bit....

Inara's turn
Inara glares at Mal as she ascends the stairway, not dignifying his question with an answer. She watches at Mal dismisses her and turns to Rowan.

"He'll get his shirt when I'm good and ready to give it to him!" she thinks to herself, not sure where her anger is coming from. She glances again at Rowan and Mal.

Inara spots Jayne entering the cargo bay and readying the bench for a workout. He glances over at Rowan in that lavacious way he has, and makes a comment to Book. Inara wonders how safe her secret is with the big mercenary. She notices his hand is bandaged, and remembers for a moment the tang of copper and salt in her mouth.

I really must go speak to him...

Mal leaves the cargo hold...Book approaches Rowan.

Inara continues up the stairway and enters her shuttle. She stows her new stash of medication and narcotic soothers in her trunk.

Inara sits a moment and takes a deep breath, centering her mind on the here and now...this is her element, her sacred space. She takes down her indigo teapot and four cups, and begins the elaborate tea ceremony that so often clears her mind.

End Inara's turn

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Thursday, January 22, 2004 7:10 AM


Book's Move

Location: Cargo Bay

Book raises an eyebrow at Jayne's somewhat lewd comment regarding himself and the new-comer, and decides not to respond, instead he continues on through the cargo bay to Rowan.

ROWAN: I was going to ask if your captain was in need of part time crew, at least as far as the next stop. I'm the best cook he'll find beyond the core, and I can offer more than a few system enhancements for this boat, but if he isn't in the negotiating frame of mind, I'm not the sort to go forcing myself on anyone.

Book softens the smile on his face to try and relax the new-comer.

Book to Rowan

"Capn's a good man. You caught him at a hectic time though."

Book ponders over the "best cook" statement and asks.

"I consider myself a fair cook as well, though I haven't seen enough spices lately to keep me happy."

Book waits a moment to see if his small attempt to undo the captain's harshness has had any effect.

"I can't speak for the Captain, but I can tell you I've never seen him not help someone truly in need... and I've never seen him refuse passage off a world either."

Book thinks for a moment

"I believe you've met Kaylee and Inara. Both have a large influence over the captain's decisions."



Thursday, January 22, 2004 8:13 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan’s Move:
Location: Stubbornly staying put on the boarding ramp.

Rowan takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, easing her anger out along with it. No sense taking out any frustrations on a Shepherd. They always find a way to soothe the savage beast, so to speak. This one has a particularly kind demeanor, and an understanding of people – the kind of things found in the best of Shepherds.

ROWAN: "I’m sorry, Shepherd, I don’t mean to be so tetchy. I’ve been land-bound too long is all. My name is Rowan and I’m looking for passage off world. I’ve only got partial passage off-planet, though, and I’ve been able to make up the difference with barter before. I’ve got other crew skills I could put to use."

On another deep breath, she glances around and lets her gaze linger on the large fella pushing weight up toward the ceiling before moving on.

ROWAN to herself: NICE arms.

ROWAN: "I like the Firefly class, always have. Came out from Ariel on one, so if there’s a job that needs doing, I wouldn’t be too averse to doing it. Don’t much matter what it is."


I draw, therefore I am


Thursday, January 22, 2004 8:31 AM


Book's Move

Location: Cargo Bay Door

Book's smile quirks a little as he hears words that sound so much like Mal's. "Cut from the same cloth, those two," Book thinks to hmself.

Book has an inspiration and, with an unescapeable presence, he holds out a hand gesturing Rowan toward him and inside the ship.

Book to Rowan

"I've got an idea. Come with me."

A slightly mischieveous twinkle gleams in Book's good-natured eyes.



Thursday, January 22, 2004 9:27 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan’s Move:

ROWAN (to herself): This preacher must have been quite a charmer in his day.

Rowan takes a few steps toward the shepherd while lifting a suspicious eyebrow.

ROWAN: "Should I be having this odd feeling I’m being led astray, Shepherd?"


I draw, therefore I am


Thursday, January 22, 2004 9:49 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's move:

Thorne arrives at Dock 4 to do a little pre-caper scouting and preparation. He notes that a couple of squads are absent, and hopes they are busy pounding Elmore into paste. A glimpse of the two crates through the warehouse door verifies they're the size he thought...each one a chest high cube on a pallet.

"Hope that boy thinks to bring some transport. Those'll be difficult to hump back to his ship by hand. Prob'ly should prepare for the worst. Let's see whats laying around loose."

Thorne walks over to the nearby row of empty cargo trucks, and starts shopping.


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, January 22, 2004 10:07 AM


Books Move

Location: A few feet inside Cargo Bay door

"Considering you didn't even ask where we're headed, how can you ask? You seem more interested in the journey than in getting anywhere specific, am I right?"

Book looks over the head over Rowan and his keen eyes see three commonly dressed men appear around the same corner that Mal and Zoe recently rounded on their way back to the ship. The largest man, points the other two men off angrily to the right and the left, while he walks straight towards Serenity. Still a few hundred feet away, the man approaches quickly.

Book to Rowan as he nods his head behind her:

"It looks like we have some company. He doesn't seem very happy."

The large heavy man comes to within 40 feet of Book and Rowan before he squints his eyes with glee and increases his speed to a lumbering run.

Large Man talking loudly at Rowan:

"Why you little... Think you can hussle my man and then skip out soft as silk, eh?"

Book steps a few yards in front of Rowan. The large gruff man reaches behind him, pulls out a wicked looking knife and tries to brush Book aside, but Book grabs his wrist and snaps the knife out the man's now-broken wrist.

Book looks up at Rowan




Thursday, January 22, 2004 10:30 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

OOC: Not Thorne per se, but cant resist.

Two very proper housewives are walking down the street behind the Hara Cary when they notice eight naked men laying asleep in a neat row in the alley. They are the Fed squad that Thorne drugged. They have been stripped of their weapons and uniforms by enterprising locals. Someone has also gotten very creative with a can of red paint. The matrons go over for a closer look. One bends over the first man in line, gently turns his head to the side, and kicks him squarely in the face. They then procede down the street.


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, January 22, 2004 11:35 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan’s Move:

Not having so much as flinched – even when a shepherd deemed it prudent to break a man’s wrist in her defense - Rowan glowers at the man now howling on the deck, practically at her feet. Then she looks up to send an equally deadly glare across the cargo bay to the two men accompanying him. One of them is the mark from the Hara Cary bar.

ROWAN (loudly): "I suppose you conveniently forgot to mention you paid more attention to my boobs than the game, didn’t you?"

Reaching out a hand, the mark grabs his partner to hold him back.

On the floor, the mark’s boss looks up at the shepherd, then at her.

BOSS: "My man says you hustled him – cheated him."

Stepping forward to angle past the Shepherd, Rowan leans down so her face is right in front of the boss’s.

ROWAN: I won the break, square, and I sank all my shots, friend. You can even ask the bun tien-shung de ee-duai-ro and he might be able to tell you I sank each and every one - didn't have to call a safety even once. Not my fault he came in planning to pick up a piece of tail instead of play a decent game now is it?"

Seeing that the Boss’s eyes have wandered to the delicate dragon tattoo on the upper curve of her left breast - the exact spot that the Mark’s eyes went for the entire fifteen minutes it took to finish the game - Rowan grabs his face and lifts it so their eyes meet.

ROWAN: "First rule in nine-ball, hwin dahn – keep one eye on your opponent and the other on the gorram game."

Letting him go, she stands over him regally, completely unintimidated and unimpressed in the blustering of a local crime boss wanna be. Her black eyes are cold, and more than a little daunting.

ROWAN: "I’ve seen the worst in this ‘verse, and you definitely are not it. Best you get off this fine boat before the Shepherd here sees fit to damage something you might consider a little more valuable."


I draw, therefore I am


Thursday, January 22, 2004 11:51 AM



[Still in the Infirmary.]

Says to River:"Well, looks to me like Simon here is gonna be sleepin' for a spell. What-say I put him in his quarters?"

[Hoists Simon over left shoulder and puts him on his cot in his quarters.]

Says to River:"Now for you Missy. Why don't we go see what Kaylee's up to in Engineering, yeah? Maybe we can put some of that genius IQ of yours to good use! Plus, I think Kaylee might be a tad lonesome. Don't worry about your ge-ge, he'll be right as rain in no time."

[Pats River on the shoulder. Both set out for Engineering.]

[Mal, with River in tow, arrive in Engineering. Mal sees Kaylee busier than a one-legged man at an ass-kicking contest.]

Says to Kaylee:"Kaywinnit Lee Frye, you are a gu nian zhong de gu nian! How's it going on the repair work? We gonna be able to make our pickup in less than two standard hours? Brought our wonder child to help out if an extra set of hands is needed."

[Mal looks around Engineering, seeing equipment lying around. Looks like she really went shopping! Don't expect I'll be seeing any change back from all this. Typical woman!]


Thursday, January 22, 2004 1:09 PM


Book's Move

Location: Outside Cargo Bay Door

The large man on the ground leers at Book.

Large man says

"Shepherd... bah!"

Rising without ease, the large man reaches for his knife, but Book kicks it away.

Book to Large man

"I don't think you heard the lady so well."

The large man spits in the general direction of Serenity, cradling his wrist as he backs away with hate in his eyes.

Book moves back to Rowan shaking his head and says

"Riffraff. Hmpf! Is this all the baggage you've got? Come. Follow me."

Book leads Rowan (whom I hope is following him) through the cargo bay to the common area, just missing seeing Mal and River go up the aft stairway

"I thought the captain was back here. I wanted to.... Oh well, he'll find out soon enough."

Book leads Rowan to the room he had previously prepared for her, pointing out things along the way, such as the infirmary, the stairway upstairs, the bathroom and the like.



Thursday, January 22, 2004 2:01 PM


Kaylee's Move
Location: Engine Room

Kaylee is busy bustling around, installing things and moving other things around. Her hair is fly-away and her face is smeared with grime. She's in her element.

"Oh, Captain! Didn't hear ya come in. I got everythin' we need fer repairs, an' even some stuff that may save our collective butts one day. The engine's ready whenever you are. Serenity's almost right as rain. Gimme another day 'n you may not even recognize yer own boat. Cap'n. Oh, hey, River! How's Simon?"

Kaylee ends this little speech in a rush, her eyes sparkling and her cheeks flushed.

End Move

"I love my Captain."


Thursday, January 22, 2004 2:27 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move:

She watches the Boss leave, growling at his men as they go. The Mark follows, but not until after allowing himself a long look fairly dripping with raw lust. Looking pathetic that she can't help but laugh out loud.

ROWAN: "In your dreams, hundan!"

She's still laughing when the shepherd comes back from chasing the Boss off the ship.

Book moves back to Rowan shaking his head and says: "Riffraff. Hmpf! Is this all the baggage you've got? Come. Follow me."

Book looks back at her once as she follows behind, still tittering over the folly of men. He leads the way to the passenger area and conducts a comprehensive tour of all the ins and outs, the necessary, directions to the kitchen and finally her room.

Bigger than she expected, and brighter too. She likes the choice of color for the walls, the way it warms up the place. Stepping inside, she slips the duffle and attaché both off her shoulders and sets them near the entry. Going to the bed, she leans down to test the mattress with both hands and finds it firm enough. The bedding appears clean, as does the general condition of the place.

After what she'd been sleeping the past four weeks, this place is a palace. Turning, Rowan sits on the edge of the bunk and gives the Shepherd a smile of heart-felt appreciation.

ROWAN: "Nice - thank you for this."

Laying back, she stretches slow and surely like a cat, arching her back to work out the kinks - all of the kinks. Pulling herself back up again, she leaves her head tipped back to take another long, soothing breath before she centers her gaze thoughtfully on her escort.

ROWAN: "What do they call you, Shepherd?"


I draw, therefore I am


Thursday, January 22, 2004 2:45 PM



[Grinning from ear to ear, Mal pats Kaylee on the cheek and pinches. She's such a joy. Whenever I'm feeling like crap, she always lifts my spirits.]

Says to Kaylee:"Good work kiddo. I knew I could depend on you! We'll talk about that other 'stuff' you got ahold of after Supper."

[Mal goes to intercom. Clicks it on.]

Says to Bridge:"Okay, Wash. we're all squared away in Engineering. Get the engines fired up. Time to get this party started!"

[Mal waves to River and Kaylee and heads down to Cargo Bay. Thinking on where to store the contraband cargo.]



Thursday, January 22, 2004 2:54 PM


Book's Move

Location: Rowan's Room

Book waits until Rowan feels settled.

ROWAN: "Nice - thank you for this."

Laying back, she stretches slow and surely like a cat, arching her back to work out the kinks - all of the kinks.

As Rowan begins stretching, Book swallows and looks down at his hands, slightly shifting his stance so as not to be able to see her.

Pulling herself back up again, she leaves her head tipped back to take another long, soothing breath before she centers her gaze thoughtfully on her escort.

ROWAN: What do they call you, Shepherd?

Book looks askance at Rowan as she speaks to him, and seeing that she's done stretching, he turns back to her again.

"Book, they call me Book... [beat] We'll have plenty of time to get acquainted. I'll be around if you need anything."

Book nods once at her, and leaves Rowan sitting on her bed.



Thursday, January 22, 2004 3:06 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move:

ROWAN: "Shepherd? Shepherd Book? One second."

Following him out into the hallway, she waits for him to turn to her and notices that he doesn't quite turn all the way around. Recognizing his discomfort all too easily, Rowan decides that rumor she heard once upon a time about Shepherds being eunuchs was nothing but pure Shiong mao niao. Smiling gently, she stays put and asks a question.

ROWAN: "Now that you mention it, I have been in these clothes for more than one dance. I was wondering, since there's a shower on board - you don't suppose I could make use of it?"


I draw, therefore I am


Thursday, January 22, 2004 3:14 PM


Book's Move

Location: Common Area

Book smiles and gestures towards the semi-open bathroom door across the common area.

"You'll find what you're looking for through there. I'll bet you're hungry too. I'll go set out some things up in the galley. Meet me up there when you're through."

Book turns and goes up the aft stairway to the galley.



Thursday, January 22, 2004 4:09 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move:

Book smiles and gestures towards the semi-open bathroom door across the common area.
"You'll find what you're looking for through there. I'll bet you're hungry too. I'll go set out some things up in the galley. Meet me up there when you're through."

ROWAN (nodding gratefully): "Thanks Shepherd. I appreciate the kindness."
Book turns and goes up the aft stairway to the galley.

Returning to her bags, she sinks down to her haunches to open the duffle to pull out a toiletries bag, a robe and clean underwear. Zipping it shut again - and securing the padlock, for all the good it would do - she rises and heads out to the bathroom.

Certainly not the biggest room in the place, the passenger lavatory of an R3 is more like a converted walk-in closet, cold and painfully utilitarian. She finds towels under the miniscule vanity - dark colored so as not to show stains too easily, but not too coarse.

Turning on the water first, Rowan makes sure the hot is working before she starts to undress. Looking down at the dragon tatoo, she runs her fingers over it, thinking of the night on Jiangvin when she made promises and vows she ultimately wasn't allowed to keep.

Stepping carefully under the spray, she plays with the spiquets until she finds just the right setting and turns to let near scalding water drench her from the top of her head all the way down to her toes. Lifting both hands, she smooths her hair down and leans back just enough so the water washes over her face, down her neck and further. She waits until she is completely soaked before reaching for a small bottle of body wash and a scrubbing puff.


Actual washing and rinsing doesnn't take much time at all, but Rowan isn't in any particular hurry. Since she isn't entirely certain she'll be shipping out with this crew, she figures she might as well make the best of it.

Stepping out, she dries herself quickly and dresses in the only clean underwear she had left - matching black bits of lace that had been a gift.

XIANG's voice: You should always wear black, like a signature. Become the Black Dragon.

And so she had. Recalling what happened almost immediately after she tried them on - and swiftly had them removed again - Rowan hastily folds a short black silk robe around herself and takes the toiletry bag and towels with her as she steps out of the lavatory.


Edit: MAN! You know what's hard? Writing RP in present tense and fanfic in past tense and switching back and forth. Sorry for the confusion folks!

I draw, therefore I am


Thursday, January 22, 2004 4:46 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Deliveryman's move:

A small delivery truck pulls up to Serenity's berth. A crewcut young man with a clipboard gets out, checks the berth number against a manifest, and walks to the ramp.

"Well, this is where Mr. Thorne said to deliver the stuff. Anybody home?"

Getting no response, he unloads two cases of fresh limes, a blender, a box of fresh vegetables, a chest of frozen steaks, and a portable spice rack from the truck, leaves them on the ramp, and departs.


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, January 22, 2004 4:49 PM


River is in the Engine room, and just starts looking at things. When Kaylee asks how Simon is, River replies:

Ge-ge is asleep. The voices wouldn't go away. Someone's in there.

River goes back to lookaing around, admiring the machinery.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Thursday, January 22, 2004 5:40 PM


Inara's turn

Inara finishes her tea, the hot, green liquid steaming down her throat all the way into the core of her. She warms from the inside out, first her chest, then her arms, fingers, and toes. She hadn't realized she was so cold. She leans back, bare feet tucked underneath, her favorite elaborate robe hanging from one shoulder.

She leans her head on the back of the divan, her nest of spirally curls spread against the red brocade. She notices Mal's white shirt slung across the back of the sofa. She lifts the soft white fabric to her nose, and breathes deeply. She smiles softly and hugs the shirt to her chest.

Renewed and refreshed, Inara cleans and puts away all her tea paraphernalia. She pushes her unruly hair back into a sleek ponytail, and cinches her robe around herself.

"Well, there are new faces to see, new stories to hear, and I'm getting a bit hungry!"

Grabbing Mal's white shirt, Inara heads out onto the catwalk, intent on the kitchen

End Inara's turn

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Thursday, January 22, 2004 9:33 PM



[While in the Cargo Bay, Mal notices boxes sitting on loading ramp. Snoops inside, likes what he sees. Quickly puts goods in a cubby hole in the Bay. Heads back to passenger quarters to check up on Simon.]

[Mal, having checked in on the Doctor, and finding everything to be all right, feels the call of nature overcome him. Decides to use the Lavatory as this is closer than his cabin. As he is entering Lavatory, he runs into Rowan unexpectedly.]

Says to Rowan:"Tzao gao! Who the Hell are you?"

[Mal backs away from Rowan after having accidently run into her. The collision undoes her black robe, exposing her supple form to his steely gaze. Mal takes in her lithe figure and provocative under-garments. A less honorable man would not have hesitated to indulge in a multitude of sinful acts of indescribable pleasure upon this gorgeous flower of womanhood. However, Mal restrains himself, but only just. Tearing his gaze away from the splendor of her feminine beauty, Mal looks into her face and recognizes Rowan as the 'saleswoman' from the loading ramp.]

Says to Rowan:"If it's bras and panties you're sellin', I don't have the figure for 'em. Don't recall giving you the run o' the ship either, in fact, dan nang! So start talking, ma shong!!"



Thursday, January 22, 2004 10:39 PM


OCC- truncating the dream ... you'll see why later

Just after MAL checks in on Simon
Who is still locked in a dreamscape.

The dream takes a further turn for the worse. The images speed up until SIMONs vision is overcome with the Images that flash by. Then, without warning -- the stream of Images freeze-frames. The final picture stuns SIMON into insensibility.

River is still in the chair but Simon has her brain and partial stem in his hands. Its soft gelatinous archina removed and draped over the cranial clamp like a discarded hat.

Trying to pull himself from this nightmare, SIMON closes his eyes. To no avail, the image pops back up.

{ Ethereal voice softly emanating from everywhere }
"Ge-ge? I thought you were going to fix me. You lied, it isn't time to wake up. I can't NOW, since you have slaughtered me with you complete incompetence! { her voice takes on a strange quality and light accent } You are nothing. Your failure is complete."

RIVERs body then erupts in obscenely writhing tendons. They whip around, searching, seething.

SIMON rushes over in abject horror and tries to replace RIVERs brain into her skull. Before he can -- a blue surgical gloved hand, arm sheathed an expensive suit sleeve, emerges from the empty cranium of RIVER. The hand grasps at SIMON, missing him, only to latch on to RIVERs severed brain-stem.

Reacting without thinking, SIMON recoils. At this sudden movement and the blue gloved hands implacable hold, RIVERs brain begins to elongate and tear.

The terrible liquid ripping sound alerts the writhing tendons. They seem to orientate on SIMON and swiftly engulf him in a foul smelling sheath nearly up to his shoulders. With a supernatural speed, the tentacles efficiently pull and tear the clothes off of SIMON. Then begin an insidious probing for available orifaces to invade.

{During attack and still ethereal & softly emanating from everywhere & nowhere}
"And to think I wanted to get married to you!"

The light is suddenly extinguished and SIMON is left empty handed, naked and no longer restrained. But he is now in a total darkness that rivals the stygian abyss of death. He is left totally alone and bereft of any sensation -- except for the emptiness of complete pain and total loss.

Strange sounds flow from the dark. Whispers and accusations. Scrapings and the shrill squeal of a UN-oiled wheel shatter the dark.

RIVER, bloodied and sans her skull cap with remaining hair in a floating nimbus around her appears in front of SIMON with painful clarity.

{In her 'sane voice' as she slaps SIMON rocking his head almost off of his shoulders}

With a throat rupturing roar beginning to rend its way up his trachea, SIMON falls backward from RIVER.

SIMON wakes to find himself roaring at the top of his lungs and tangled in his bed sheets, still clothed and on the floor of his room.

He lies stunned in the far corner of his room ... with a pained expression glazing his features.


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Friday, January 23, 2004 3:43 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move:

The collision is startling, and the sudden contact with the captain's solid frame pushes her backward as she drops the toiletry bag and towel to regain her balance. Since she never bothered to tie the belt on her robe, it flutters open easily, exposing her shower-warmed skin to the cool processed air and giving the captain an opportunity for a good, long look.

Men like to look, its part of their basic make up. For a girl running around the 'verse on her own, that could be both advantage and hindrance. In this case the latter seemed to apply as the captain didn't seem to have any other mood except cranky. Nonetheless, he still has that same look in his eyes - very nice, twilight blue eyes - that she has seen in every man since she was 14 years old. The trick is to give them just enough, but leave them wanting more.

Righting herself, she leaves her things on the floor and the robe gaping open as she faces the captain dead on. If he wants to look, might as well let him although he doesn't seem near as gullible as that pitiful mark from the Hara Cary. Far from it. He confirms it by determinedly keeping his eyes above her collarbone, not that it wasn't something of a struggle. Only one other man has done that before, and she has to push the thought of him away for a later time. There is business to be done.

ROWAN: "My name is Rowan, and I'm not selling anything today, Captain. I'm looking for passage off world, and you just happen to be going to New Hikido, which is where I need to be. Your Shepherd indicate to me you were the sort who might be willing to help a girl out of a fix. I figured if you decided otherwise, at least I could meet the next captain refreshed and ready."

Bending down slowly, she picks up both her bag and the towel in one strong hand. Feeling his eyes on her, she straightens again and steps out of the lavatory to stand next to him, almost close enough to brush herself against his arm.

ROWAN: "So what'll it be ... Captain?"


OOC: Edited slightly to add her name (time Mal knew I think) and change past tense to present.

I draw, therefore I am


Friday, January 23, 2004 4:22 AM


River is in the Engine room, and suddenly she screams out, while gripper her head:

Ge-ge, you promised! TIME TO WAKE UP!!

River collapses...

Capn has permission to use my character in his dream, so I'm somewhat synchronizing it.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Friday, January 23, 2004 7:34 AM


Inara's turn

Inara's footfalls on the metal grate catwalk outside her shuttle are soft and muffled. The cargo bay is quiet, save Jayne's grunting below, as he lifts and lowers the weights. The rich fabric of her robe make a soft swoosh as she takes each step. The sound is as soothing to her as the roar of the ocean, or the hum of Serenity's engine.

Suddenly, a sound breaks the quiet. It cannot even be described as a scream...more like the tortured howl of some poor animal. The scream disturbs Inara on a very primal level. This is not a sound meant to be exhaled from the frail body of a human being.
It seems to be coming from the passenger quarters...

Inara hurries down the aft stairway, and back through the door to the common area.

As she nears the bathroom, Inara comes up short. Rowan and Mal are standing near the doorway, Rowan dressed in a black short robe and wisps of lacy underthings. It resembles many of the pieces Inara owns...but while Inara wears them with sensuality and soft femininity, Rowan wears them proudly, looking more like a cat poised to pounce than a woman at a disadvantage, caught in her undewear. Rowan's soft skin and gleams with moisture, her lean muscle flexing under it as she adjusts her weight and moves past Mal, toward the passenger dorm, almost brushing against him. Inara is too dumbstruck to have heard their exchange.

Another heart-wrenching scream breaks the air like thunder--this one sounds female. Inara throws Mal's white shirt, still speckled with a few drops of her blood, onto one of the seats in the common room, and follows after Rowan and Mal.

End Inara's turn

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Friday, January 23, 2004 8:01 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's Move:

Sitting in his 'borrowed' truck, Thorne has a momentary sense of unease, as if someone were calling to him for help from a distance. "No." He thinks. "None of them would come here, even if there were some left alive. Must be nerves. I'm just getting too old for armed robbery." He sinks down in the seat and waits for Mal and his crew.


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, January 23, 2004 8:03 AM


Abruptly, a buzzer outside the ship interrupts Mal and Rowans conversation. A lone man is standing there, hooded trenchcoat hiding his face. He is, however, wearing a tattered blue glove on one hand.

I do the job, (click) and then I get paid.


Friday, January 23, 2004 8:15 AM


Kaylee's Move
Location: Engine Room

Kaylee enjoys having River around. When her meds are working, she's sweet and funny. She can hear the girl puttering around behind her as she works.

Suddenly, River screams with pure terror. Whipping around, Kaylee manages to catch her as she stumbles. Amidst her screaming and wimpering, Kaylee hears River say "ge-ge", her pet name for Simon.

"Oh, god...not Simon," Kaylee whispers.

Taking River up in her strong arms--"This girl weighs next ta nuthin'! she thinks absently--Kaylee starts down the passageway.

"River? Honey, where's Simon? Is he still in the infirmary?"

End Move

"I love my Captain."


Friday, January 23, 2004 8:40 AM


Book's Move

Location: Galley pantry

Book, happily preparing food and oblivious to any noises, continues to sing in a loud baritone voice one of his many favorite aria's.

"ca drazi cal miento. Ah la la la la la"

He pauses mid warble, and listens for a moment at what he thought might have been a sound. But his lack of paying attention makes him drop a large sack of protein, which causes pots to fall to the floor making an even greater racket.
Book shakes his head happily, leans down to clean up the mess and continues to sing.

"la la la la la la."



Friday, January 23, 2004 8:49 AM


OOC: Ok, here it goes, I'm gonna get started... but can someone please tell me who the new charaters are and what the 'deal' is all about?
Oh, and can someone tell me what kind of city they are at and where they are headed?

Damon stumbles as he turns the corner, running at top speed and breathing rapidly. He quickly regains his balance and takes off down the new street.
Gun shots can be heard not far behind him. "He's headed for the docks!"
Damon raises his gun and fires at a Fed that tries to cut him off. (if there are no Feds on this planet, then make them local law men). He jumps over the dying man and races on. But his aching wounded body is beginnning to slow him down, and he knows that its only a matter of time before they catch him.

Everyone dies alone...


Friday, January 23, 2004 8:55 AM


The man outside the ship hears the weapons, and turns in the direction. He can feel someone in need. . .someone who could use his skills. . .

I do the job, (click) and then I get paid.


Friday, January 23, 2004 10:51 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan’s Move:

He’s tall, this captain, lean and built for battle. Nice mouth to go with those intense eyes. Wouldn’t take much to just lean up against him for a quick taste.

ROWAN to herself: He does smell awfully good ... for a space bum ... might be worth a grapple at that.

A man's roaring scream from the other passenger dorm hallway erupts just in time to stop her. The captain reacts instantly, taking off in the direction the shout had come from. Pulling the edges of the robe around to close it, Rowan ties the belt and considers going back to her room, getting dressed and getting out. There’s likely to be at least one more ship headed for New Hikido today or tomorrow at the latest. She can still get there in time.

Yet, even as she’s thinking of alternatives, she finds herself drawn up the passageway, following the captain to the ‘verse only knew what.

ROWAN to herself: No wonder the man is cranky – with this kind of stress going on every minute of the day, it's a wonder he hasn’t come completely apart at the seams already. If anybody was ever in need of a good grapple, it's definitely him.


OOC: Squee, I'll send you a run down of Rowan in a bit.

I draw, therefore I am


Friday, January 23, 2004 10:59 AM


Damon's turn
Location: running towards the docks (and to Serenity, though doesn't know it)

Damon tries to ignore the pains of his injuries as he forces himself to run faster. He can hear the Feds yelling at him to surrender. He looks over his shoulder to see three of them gaining on him.
"Go se... bu hao"
He turns back in time to see a fed aiming at him, and dives for the ground just as he fires. The concussion gun impacts the air with a loud jolt, barely missing him. He winces as he hits the ground, but quickly rolls onto his back and fires at the approaching Feds.
He takes them down with quick, efficient shots and tries to sit up. Pain rips through his body causing him to fall back onto the ground, holding a hand to his side. Those wangba dan(s) did more damage than he would like to admit.
More Feds can be heard not far away. He forces himself to his knees and climbs to his feet. He was lucky to get away the first time, he won't be able to do it again. He picks up a second weapon from the wounded Fed and starts running again.
Maybe I can loose them at the docks, he thinks to himself. Bullets fly past him as the Feds round the corner behind him and open fire. Almost there... dock 4 is on the next street...
Just then, three more Feds step out in front of him, blocking his escape.
"Shit." He veers to the right, but not before a shot hits his leg. He muffels a cry of pain and jumps behind a bunch of crates. The chase is over, but he'll give 'em hell before they take him again. He kneels on his good leg, and opens fire on the seven Feds.

OOC: this fight is not very far away so it can definately be heard from the ship...

Everyone dies alone...


Friday, January 23, 2004 11:27 AM


Abruptly, over damons head, a cloaked form flies over him. Damon peeks over, only to see his savior standing over all the feds that were chasing him lying in a perfect heap. With his tattered hand, he reaches down and picks up one of the comlinks, speaking slowly, but out of breath.
Brink: "All channels. We've trapped the suspect. Please send all available squads to the suburbs, we will require back-up. We think he has a scanner, so please invoke radio silence until further notice.
He drops the com, and wanders over to brink, offering his hand. "Need some help?"

I do the job, (click) and then I get paid.


Friday, January 23, 2004 11:27 AM


Abruptly, over damons head, a cloaked form flies over him. Damon peeks over, only to see his savior standing over all the feds that were chasing him lying in a perfect heap. With his gloved hand, he reaches down and picks up one of the comlinks, speaking slowly, but out of breath.
Brink: "All channels. We've trapped the suspect. Please send all available squads to the suburbs, we will require back-up. We think he has a scanner, so please invoke radio silence until further notice.
He drops the com, and wanders over to brink, offering his hand. "Need some help?"

I do the job, (click) and then I get paid.


Friday, January 23, 2004 11:46 AM


OOC: ACK! I have to go for an hour or two so here's a quick response:

Damon's turn
location: behind a bunch of crates near dock 4

Damon, breathing in hard labored breaths, looks suspisciously at the man offering his hand.
"Who wants to know?"

OOC: have to run! later

Everyone dies alone...


Friday, January 23, 2004 11:54 AM


Brink Helsing keeps his hand there, and watches the fallen one carefully. He allows his red eyes to have their full effect.
Brink: Well, Damon, I think we can bother with introductions later. Now, we could just let you bleed out here in the street, or I can take you to an infirmary. And unless I miss my guess, you'd probably prefer one that's leaving this world within an hour or so.

End Turn

I do the job, (click) and then I get paid.


Friday, January 23, 2004 1:14 PM


OOC: Back!

Damon is a little shaken that this guy knows his name and wonders how much more he knows. But the mention of leaving the planet brings him back to his current situation.
"You have a ship?"

Everyone dies alone...


Friday, January 23, 2004 4:08 PM


River gets out of Kaylee's arms, then again almost crupples to the floor.

Please, Ge-ge you promised! You lied, you lied! Please!

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Friday, January 23, 2004 4:19 PM


Jayne's turn:

Over the rythmic breathing and clanking of his barbells, Jayne hears screaming from within the ship, and gunfire from without. Jayne drops his weights stands up and looks around the empty cargo hold.

"Well, I rekon' its time fer some heroics... hope there's some profit in it, or at least a willin' and right grateful woman at the end o' this..."

Jayne heads to his bunk to grab his favorite acoutroments.

Also... I can kill you with my brain...


Friday, January 23, 2004 4:45 PM


OOC: I just wanted to say that I think you do a great job playing Jayne, SerenitysSon. I always smile when I read your entries.

Everyone dies alone...


Friday, January 23, 2004 5:27 PM


OOC: Thanks, what was once one of my least favorite characters on the show has quickly become my favorite. Playing Jayne in the RP has lead to a much greater understanding of the character. While I can't do Jayne the justice that Adam does, still a fan from his way back when "My Bodyguard" days during the 70's as I grew up, I try to follow where I think he would take him.

Also... I can kill you with my brain...


Friday, January 23, 2004 6:23 PM


OOC: We haven't seen Zachsmind in a bit to give info on what Wash's doing, so I hope he doesn't mind if I take a little license. We can always edit later if need be.

Zoe's Move:
Having finished giving instructions for the job, watches WASH leave the ship with mule, in search of that 50 cases of tequila for their cover to get off-world. Begins readying the guns, transmitters, and such that they'll need to pull the side job, a little put out that JAYNE went to go work out in the cargo bay rather than help get things set up as instructed. Shrugs it off as just another Jaynism.

As she finishes prepping for the job, ZOE hears a bone-chilling scream, the more so for that fact that the voice is male. Turns to leave the bridge and investigate just as she hears an answering, and very RIVER-sounding, scream.

Grabs up her Winchester and heads down the hall toward the passenger dorm at a dead run. She passes BOOK in the galley on her way, and grabs his arm to get his attention.

To BOOK: "Shepherd, didn't you hear that? I think someone might be needin' your help down there."

She continues toward the passenger dorm without waiting to see if BOOK follows. As she comes down the length of the hall, she sees MAL, ROWAN, and INARA enter SIMON's room hard on the heels of KAYLEE, who looks to be carrying RIVER.

Stopping short in the doorway of his room, ZOE sees SIMON curled up on the floor in the corner, RIVER moving toward him, crying and hysterical, and KAYLEE, MAL, ROWAN, and INARA stopped just inside the door.

"What in the tien xiaode is going on down here?"

End Move.

*translation: tien xiade = (TYEN shiao-duh) name of all that's sacred*

OOC: Zach, hurry back to us... Zoe needs her Wash fix!


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Friday, January 23, 2004 6:26 PM


Slight note-River wasn't crawling, but I'm easy.
River goes and curls up with Simon.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Friday, January 23, 2004 6:30 PM


OOC: Oops! Error has been changed, from "crawling" to "moving". This is what happens when I post late at night.

On that note, I'm heading out for the evening.
Catch y'all tomorrow! *waves*


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Friday, January 23, 2004 7:34 PM


OOC ... look over to the pic in the upper left, just above commands ... if it is still the same one ... well it is ironic'l! (it was Simon laying down next to River)

OK now we see what info our crew is looking for ... and if Simon now has it. Time fer some crime!

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"






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