Zach (Wash) is regretfully leaving "Adventures In Gunrunning"

UPDATED: Monday, January 26, 2004 15:13
VIEWED: 4674
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Saturday, January 24, 2004 8:47 PM


To all the participants in "Badger's Betrayal" aka "Adventures In Gunrunning," the ongoing roleplay session which christened this roleplaying forum in This ain't easy for me to do, but it is easier than the alternative. I won't bore everyone with the details as to why, but for offline reasons, I can't play Wash any longer. I am sorry.

My time online recently has changed a bit from how it was mere days ago. I see no indication this is going to change back. I have not been able to post a move for days. Too much has transpired since my last move. I can't keep up. It is unfair and selfish of me to continue claiming "ownership" of the Wash Warren role, when I'm sure there are others lurking who have more time to devote to this project; people who could do Wash better than I have.

I recommend the remaining players come to a consensus of some sort to find someone who can take the role from me and hit the ground running, picking up where I left off. However, ultimately how you determine a replacement will have no bearing on my wishes or recommendations. I just don't want my absence to cause more of a problem than it already has.

I might be able to devote time to roleplay in this forum or elsewhere online some time in the future. It might be a week or two from now, maybe never again. I honestly can't predict it. I hope it's soon, because it's great fun. I hope when I am again able I won't have to back out again so quickly. I would have liked to make it at least to a stopping place for the character.

It has been a blast. It has been a dream come true. All of you have been wonderful fun to interact with for purposes of this roleplay. Together we took something that some might have said could not be done and we made it happen. We told a story collaboratively, and breathed life into the unknown future of these characters. You are still making it happen.

I have enjoyed it immensely and it saddens me that I can't continue playing in Joss Whedon's sandbox in this manner. Wash has been a fun mask to wear; a great puppet to portray. Shakespeare once said all the world's a stage. Together we helped to prove that all the 'verse is a stage. Thank you for allowing me to share Serenity's stage with you.

Keep flying.

"Hang on, travelers..."


Saturday, January 24, 2004 11:34 PM


ZachsMind, you truly did justice to the character of Wash in the RP. I really enjoyed having Mal interacting with your Wash. He was a real pain in the ass at times, but Mal had a blast sparing with Wash verbally. You came up with some good creative work in the RP. I am honestly surprised at the quality of story and commeraderie of all the folks involved in this RP.

Figure now's as good a time as any to let everyone know I'm resigning as Capt. Malcolm Reynolds at the finale of this RP. School workload is going to put serious time constraints on my ability to continue playing as actively as I would like. One of the main reasons I'm interested in just a guest role on CapnRahn's Dragonfly:Justiciar RP. However, I would like for another Browncoat to pick up the baton and continue on as Mal in next RP adventure. I'd like to say in closing, that it's been a real honor and priviledge to participate with such a great group of people! 'Nuff said.


Sunday, January 25, 2004 2:12 AM


We will miss both of you!

Both have played the characters true to the series and Joss' view of them.

If the others agree - We will utlize the 2 characters as Non-Player-Characters (NPCs) and keep them 'low-profile' until a replacements are made...

I would suggest that Asriana (Zoe) play Wash, again as minimal as possible, with consideration to the story.

I would suggest Geezer to play Mal (seems to have the Mal 'flow') as minimal as possible, with consideration to the story. He may decide to do a dual role, since his character was a 'Semi-Reg' - I believe.

As to Dragonfly
You ar both most welcome to come and play Semi-Regs in that RP.

Humble has already come up with a very nice character.

If you are intersted, give me an email. Dragonfly won't be starting for a bit yet ... week or more - much like you situation ... much stuff going on!

But as soon as we close and move into our new house, I will be able to do justice ( DF players in-joke) to running DF.

I have enjoyed your roleplaying/writing and would like to see more!

So p-p-p-pleeeeeze think about it!

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Sunday, January 25, 2004 4:19 AM


I will miss you both. I do hope you could still do some guest roles for the RP. You both have done these characters justice, and you guys will be missed. Goodbye kisses from Teela:



Keep flyin', both of you. Don't ever stop flyin'.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Sunday, January 25, 2004 7:14 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Rats. And I (Thorne) never even got to meet Wash. Hope your situation in the mundane world works out so you can come back and play full-time. Your realization of Wash was excellent, and looked to be heading into interesting country.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Sunday, January 25, 2004 8:11 AM


Damn. You guys have been great. ZachsMind, you pretty much started the whole thing and cracked me up everytime you posted. Humble made a point to tell me that he wanted to interact with Kaylee more, made me feel like I was doing something right.

You'll both be missed *sniff*.

"I love my Captain."


Sunday, January 25, 2004 8:36 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

I've been fearful of this, not having seen either you or Humble add your sterling posts of late. I also understand how real life can sometimes foul up the best of intentions, and you're both showing a lot of courage in surrendering something that I think has meant a lot to all of us.

Zach and Humble - keep flying.

I draw, therefore I am


Sunday, January 25, 2004 12:08 PM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by CapnRahn:
...I would suggest Geezer to play Mal (seems to have the Mal 'flow') as minimal as possible, with consideration to the story. He may decide to do a dual role, since his character was a 'Semi-Reg' - I believe....

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"

Hope Humble can hang around to the end of this episode, anyway. If not, and we can't find a would be interesting to play two characters, especially when they interact. Get to do some peculiar riffs.

What might be more fun, if it isn't violating some RP taboo, is for everyone to play Mal as needed in relation to their own character. Never have a 'Mal's move' per se, but only see him as he interacts with everyone else, including providing his dialog. Would be interesting trying to do this and still maintain Mal's continuity in the story.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Monday, January 26, 2004 3:18 AM


Zach, you WERE Wash warren :) thanks so much for lending your talent and GREAT sense of humour to the RP ;) wish Inara and Wash had more screentime together, you were great to write with--please give us the pleasure in the future of writing with you again

Humble, I was so excited to get to know your Mal--I just knew the whole Rowan/Inara/Mal thing was going to be great fun. Mal's soulful looks and internal dialogue about Inara made me want to work that much harder....hope to see you again :)

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Monday, January 26, 2004 5:22 AM


All I have to say is...


Zach, I'm so sorry to hear that you have to go. I have very much enjoyed (read "sometimes lived for") the interaction between your Wash and my Zoe. I always got a big kick out of working with you on these scenes, and it will pain me greatly to lose that. I wish you well in your non-Firefly life, and hope that you will be able to return to us soon and often.

Zach (Wash)Astriana (Zoe)

Humble: From your post, it sounds like you might be able to finish out the current storyline. If that's true, then we'll treasure every post until you have to leave us. If not, know now that you take our best wishes with you, and hopefully we'll see you in Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money... um, I mean, Dragonfly: Justiciar aka "Procrustean Karma." *hugs*

If it's okay with the rest of the group, I will take over the Wash role (as necessary) until/unless we find another RPer to pick it up (or Zach comes back!!).

(Man, this whole thing just makes me want to cry... )


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Monday, January 26, 2004 3:13 PM


Zach, here is the semi reg I had in mind for you, if you haven't come up with one of yer own.

He is a villain, he is an ... ahem ... insane military commander ... ahem.

Justiciar's crew Former Alliance Commander of the Alliance Vessel Geste
Commodore Yancy Mekafoy
RP'd by
Dream cast actor: Jason Isaacs

Astriana: yer askin' fer it ... POW, to da moon, Astri, to da moon!!!

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"






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