RP: "Adventures in Gunrunning" - Act 8

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 4, 2004 21:54
VIEWED: 20726
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Friday, January 30, 2004 6:22 AM



(chat and storyline work)

(more in-depth conversations about character development/storylines)


Mal set up a deal with Badger to pick up some goods in Serenity Valley on Hera. While en route, Mal got a wave from Niska, who has apparently taken up with one Jubal Early. Neither Niska nor Early had anything immediate to say, so Mal told them to wave him when they felt like talking.

Wash, having not slept for three days for fear of River killing him in his sleep, has begun having sleep-deprived hallucinations and has taken the ship off course. Serenity is now rapidly headed toward the edge of explored space.

Zoe has been attempting to get Wash to wake up completely from the drug-induced, waking nightmare that is driving him, while Shepherd Book goes looking for Simon, hoping the good doctor can give Wash something to either bring him out of his nightmare or put him more fully to sleep.

While Inara points out the ship's current path will take them into Reaver territory, Jayne and Zoe try to convince Mal of the insanity of heading to Serenity Valley for a pickup...

ACT 1:

The crew was thrown into chaos over the mad dash into the edge of Reaver space and the resultant disabling of Serenity. Simon was knocked unconscious, Jayne armed himself in preparation for a Reaver attack, and Wash passed out from exhaustion after finding evidence the the ship had been sabotaged, probably by Jubal Early.

River took over care for Simon, Mal and Book took steps to revive Wash, and Zoe and Kaylee began repairs to the engine. Inara, thinking things under control, began dressing in her shuttle only to find that things were about to get much worse.

With the ship in disabled and in chaos, Niska and Early attacked. Mal, Zoe, and Jayne took out Niska's lackeys, but not before Early snuck up to Inara's shuttle and managed to get Inara stripped, bound, and gagged.

Niska avoided shooting and capture, then headed for the unconscious Simon in the infirmary. He found a scalpel and tried to hold Simon hostage for Mal to put down arms, but Wash managed to get the drop on Niska, pinning him and exacting revenge for his treatment at Niska's hands in War Stories before Niska passed out. Between them, Wash and Simon subdued Niska as Mal and Zoe entered the infirmary, leaving Jayne to deal with the bodies of the dead goons.

Book took Early by surprise, letting Inara get to safety in the cargo bay. Early and Book fought, Early finally knocking Book unconscious and stealing Inara's shuttle. As her shuttle disappeared, Inara freed herself and found Jayne's workout towel to wrap around her nakedness.

Kaylee got the ship limping, then came down from the engine room in the all-clear and found Mal exacting a little revenge of his own on Niska (in the form of taking off Niska's ear). There was no one on the bridge to see the proximity alert echoed in the sensors of Inara's shuttle. Book and Early made an agreement to work together to survive what's coming.


ACT 2:

As the Reavers locked their docking clamps onto Serenity, Book and Early worked together to draw them away. Early left Inara's shuttle and attacked the Reavers from Niska's ship, while Book used Inara's shuttle to ram the docking clamps, making them release Serenity and being knocked unconscious by the impact. Early brought him back to Niska's ship, where Book awoke, escaped, and returned to Serenity's infirmary for some rest and doctoring.

During the exchange between Early and the Reaver's ship, Zoe manuevered Serenity away from the battle, but close enough for Book to get back aboard.

Inara managed to borrow a shirt from Mal and pants from Zoe, completing her ensemble until her shuttle could be returned to the ship. She and Zoe got Wash into bed, where he dreamed strange dreams.

Niska escaped from his bonds in the infirmary and shot Mal in the back. Jayne paused in his cleanup after the gunfight to recapture Niska, inflicting damage while dragging Niska back to the infirmary to be drugged and re-bound. Simon got Mal's unconscious form back to the infirmary to tend his wounds, after drugging Niska into oblivion.

River retreated to her room; Inara and Kaylee heard the gunshot and went running to the infirmary. Book, upon seeing Inara, informed her that her shuttle had been badly damaged.

Jayne made his way back to the cargo bay to check the bodies of Niska's goons, spacing them once they had been stripped of guns and valuables. Kaylee returned to the engine room to continue repairs to the ship after seeing that Simon had everything under control in the infirmary.

Early chose to fly away, leaving Niska to the tender mercies of the crew. The Reavers followed and captured Early, subjecting him to torture. Early met Saffron aboard the Reaver ship and resolved to take control of the ship, using it to exact his revenge against the crew of Serenity.

After making sure that Mal was safely in Simon's care and Wash soundly slept, Zoe returned to the bridge, retrieved Inara's shuttle by remote, and got the ship back on course to Hera and moving toward the job waiting in Serenity Valley...

ACT 3:

ACT 4:

ACT 5:

ACT 6:

ACT 7:

Captian Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds - Humble ( temporarily played by Geezer (come back soon, Humble!)
Inara Serra - Ciara (
Zoë Warren - Astriana (, MSN, AIM )
Wash Warren - Temporarily played by Astriana (We'll miss you Zachsmind!)
Kaywinnit Lee 'Kaylee' Frye - BoomerGoodHeart (, MSN, AIM)
Simon Tam - CapnRahn (, MSN, AIM)
River Tam - TeelaBrown (AIM [Teela Sera])
Shepherd Book - ManiacNumberOne (
Jayne Cobb - SerenitysSon (

Adelai Niska - Kelso (
Jubal Early - Succatash
Roosevelt 'Rosie' Thorne - Geezer (
Rowan - Channain
Brink 'Slight' Helsing - RavenWhyteWing
Damon - Squee (, AIM [mandigirl777])

DIRECTOR {i.e. GameMaster}


EOM = End of Move
OOC = Out Of Character
POV = Point Of View
WT = Working Title

None have been established. Each player has a unique style for posting a move that is consistent within itself. You'll catch on!

Last but not least, the whole RP gang would like to extend a big THANK YOU to Joss Whedon for creating a whole new 'verse for us to play in, and to Haken for giving us a bright, shiny new sandbox theater!

JossRP Gang
HakenRP Gang

PS ~ The synopses for Acts 3-7 are still being written. They will be updated here as they are completed.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Friday, January 30, 2004 6:25 AM


River sees Simon go, and lays back on her bed.

He's not welcome.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Friday, January 30, 2004 6:29 AM



BRIDGE: WASH is waiting patiently (read: hiding from MAL and the turmoil on the ship) for Serenity to regain power so the crew can continue their trip to Serenity Vally, pick up the goods, and get the heck off this rock.

CARGO BAY: The tequila sits in the middle of the bay waiting to be put away.

GALLEY: JAYNE is (still) eating. MAL is listening to THORNE explain his connections to RIVER and SLIGHT.

ENGINE ROOM: KAYLEE and ROWAN are talking. ZOE has just arrived to help with repairs.

PASSENGER DORM (RIVER'S ROOM): INARA is watching over RIVER. SIMON is preparing to go to the infirmary.

PASSENGER DORM (HALLWAY): BOOK is blocking SLIGHT from entering RIVER's room.

INFIRMARY: NISKA is bound and locked in RIVER's old cryo-box. DAMON is sitting on the bed, waiting for SIMON to come tend to his wounds.

REAVER SHIP (from Acts 1-2): EARLY is trying to take over the ship.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Friday, January 30, 2004 6:32 AM


Wash's Move:

Seeing that everyone (except JAYNE - how CAN that man eat so much?) leaving MAL and THORNE alone in the galley, WASH decides that the bridge is the best - and probably safest - place for him. As he sits in his big, comfy chair, he punches up the intercom to the engine room.

"KAYLEE, what's our status? Can't say as I'm feelin' all warm an' fuzzy, just sittin' here waitin' fer the Alliance to notice that we ain't got to Serenity Valley yet."

End Move.

Zoe's Move:

ZOE, having accepted DAMON's gun and tucked it into her waistband, turns to escort him to the infirmary. Her lips pinch slightly and she glances at MAL as DAMON turns and leaves the galley, ignoring her presence. As she follows him down the stairs, she sees BOOK blocking SLIGHT's path. When she doesn't see them immediately, ZOE assumes that INARA has managed to get SIMON and RIVER away from SLIGHT in her usual, charming way.

Seeing that DAMON is well on his way to the infirmary, ZOE sidles into the passenger dorm past BOOK, looking for SIMON. She enters RIVER's room first, thinking the doc'll be comforting his sister after all the strangeness that's occurred today. When she enters RIVER's room, she sees the girl showing her brother some dolls.

RIVER: "They have no obligations. Just for show."

ZOE puts her hand on SIMON's shoulder.

"Sorry to interrupt, Doc, but it looks like the cap'n's heard enough for now. He's sent the kid to the infirmary to get fixed up. With a wry grin.Figure you better make your way there, 'fore the boy hurts himself."

Expecting that his training will send him straight to the infirmary, ZOE leaves the passenger dorm, headed for the engine room to see if/how she can help KAYLEE. The smell of spilled tequila from the cargo bay stops ZOE short; she figures after she checks in with KAYLEE, she'll head back out here to get the clean-up started. She thinks to herself:

"This stuff sits too long and it might start to eat through the floor."

She shakes her head and continues on her way to the engine room.

End Move.

OOC: Heading for Jacksonville this evening to attend SerenitysSon's shindig. May be able to get on and post during that time, but I'm not sure when or how often. I'll let y'all know when I know more.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Friday, January 30, 2004 7:44 AM


OOC: ahh, new thread, always nice. Do i need to do my own Simon? Or is Maniac still filling in for CapnRahn's friend?

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, January 30, 2004 7:53 AM


OOC: I believe Merx said he was caught up now.


Friday, January 30, 2004 8:29 AM


Slight stares at Book, then takes a deep breath.
"Look, Shepard, I have no problem whatsoever in sending you to your God. Hell, I'd love to send him a message or two that way. But. That girl is in plenty of danger. Right now, there's something growing inside of her, a failsafe that was designed in all of us, Thorne among them. I barely found out, as it was. But if you think she's lost her mind now, she will descend into a whole new level of madness. I won't be able to tell her brother how to help unless I can look her in the eye. So do what you will. But believe me when I say, I'm here to help her."
Slight pauses, enough to show what he means. "I'm not here to help anyone else."

Everyone Dies. Someone's carrying a bullet for you, doesn't even know it. The trick is, to die of old age before he finds you.


Friday, January 30, 2004 8:51 AM


OOC: Maniac, can you please post a link to your map of Serenity? I lost the page and cannot find it.
I laugh everytime I read your guys' characters calling Damon kid or boy. That wasn't what I had in mind, but I actually like it. So for the record, I'll be changing Damon's age on his profile from mid 30s to about 27.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, January 30, 2004 9:25 AM



Friday, January 30, 2004 9:38 AM


Book's move

Location: Bottom of aft stairs with Brink Helsing

Book listens to Helsing with the ear of a man who has heard many confessions and many pleas. Relaxing his shoulders a bit, Book exhales slowly.

Book to Helsing

"I'm ready to meet my God, but that girl is not. Now, I can see you somehow managed to talk your way past the Captain and Zoe, but I'm not going to be put off so easy. Stay here."

Book glances quickly to the closed door of River's room. Faster than you would think a preacher could move, Book leaves his post at the bottom of the stairs, grabs Wash's radio that had been put on the common room table earlier, goes to his room and returns with a gun in his hand.

"Don't think I haven't used one of these before."

Book gives Slight a meaningful look and gestures toward River's closed door.

"Through there. I'll be right behind you."



Friday, January 30, 2004 10:03 AM


River, seeing Slight entering with Book behind, says:

He's not welcome. He hurt people. He's not sorry.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Friday, January 30, 2004 10:35 AM


Damon's turn:

After cleaning his arm wound and wrapping it up, Damon pulls a clean shirt and pair of pants out of his bag. He considers taking his second gun out to relplace his missing one, but decides that he doesn't want to risk having it taken from him as well.
He tosses his bloddied shirt on the counter and starts changing into his clean clothes.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, January 30, 2004 10:50 AM


Inara's turn

Simon gets River settled on the bed, then turns to Inara:

Please watch over her, Inara. I don't think the new guests aboard are settling well with her.

He takes her wrist and steps closer, his thumb pressed to her strongly beating pulse. She tilts her head back to look up into his blue eyes--they shine with a preternatural glow. Simon's breath tickles her face, and she leans back a bit--put off by this unaccustomed closeness to the ship's medic.

He looks deeply into her eyes--"You'll watch over her, won't you Inara?

Here is more of the deep emotion that he'd exhibited earlier in his room, after he awoke from his apparent nightmare.

Inara nods mutely, unsure of what to say, as Simon turns and strides through the room's other door (ooc, is there another door?)

As Simon exits, Slight enters, Book in tow.

Inara hears a small whimper from the bed, and sees River backpedalling across the blankets. She rushes to River, and catches her in her lap as she nears the far edge of the bed. River pushes her back against Inara's chest and huddles there.

TO BOOK:Shepherd--I'm not sure River is prepared to face Mr. Helsing! Are you sure forcing her to is wise?

RIVER: He's not welcome. He hurt people. He's not sorry.

Inara makes small shushing sounds and holds River tighter.

End Inara's turn

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Friday, January 30, 2004 11:26 AM


OOC: Hey guys, I had an idea: how about we help Jayne not look like a raging food aholic and say that at some point he finished his meal and is now cleaning his guns on the table in the common room. What do you think?

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, January 30, 2004 11:44 AM


and it shall be done!



Feeling as if little of what's going on around has has anything to do with him, Jayne finishes his stew, takes bowl and utensils to the sink, and parks them there.

He doesn't know WHO's turn it is to do the dishes, but he's darn sure it ain't him.

Jayne heads to his bunk, retreives Vera, binky, and a whole host of other weapons, his cleaning kit and whetstone.

Plunking everything down on the dining table, and giving a grumpy glare to Damon and Mal, Jayne proceeds to go over every miniscule part of his arsenal.

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Friday, January 30, 2004 12:17 PM


Kaylee's Move
Location: Engine Room

Kaylee nods in Rowan's direction.

"I'm sure things're just fine out there now. You go on and see if you can't help out with sumthin'. I got things under control in here."

Kaylee smiles as Zoe appears in the doorway.

"Hey, Zoe! I know, I know...what happened, right? I had ta shut the engines down, she wasn't right. Don't worry, she'll be ready in no time. You go on 'n clean up that mess down in the cargo bay. The smell is starting to drift all the way up here. And tell Wash she'll be ready in a few. He sounds anxious."

Kaylee smiles, a bit nervously, and waits for Zoe's response. She's always been a little intimidated by the Captain's closest friend. She's so tough, and pretty, and....Kaylee sighs.

End Move

OOC: Thanks, Channain! I try.

"I love my Captain."


Friday, January 30, 2004 1:53 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move:
Location: Engine Room with Kaylee - Zoe just arrived.

Standing between the two women, sensing a touch of tension between the two - first officer to engineer kind of tension - she sees Zoe raise a speculative eyebrow, answered by Kaylee's "it's okay" smile. Feeling strength on one side and pure exuberance on the other, she decides the dynamics of the crew of this ship were truly vast and mind-boggling. Not entirely sure who to defer to now, she looks to them both.

ROWAN: Um...mop? Bucket?


OOC: Considering Astriana is off shindiging (can I use that?), this may be it for the Engine room for awhile.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Friday, January 30, 2004 1:53 PM


Book's Move

Location: River's Room, in the doorway right behind Brink.

Book enters and looks from River to Inara

Book to Inara

"I know Inara, I don't want to force River to do anything, this man's determination seems unquenchable though. He says he needs to look at River... to see if she's in danger. I know, I know, it sounds crazy, but I'm here and if anything amiss happens he's gonna find himself absent a couple kneecaps."

Book, looking to River

"Honey, how are you?"



Friday, January 30, 2004 3:33 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Mal's Move:

[Deciding that he better start acting captainy before things get totally out of hand, Mal heads for the engine room to get a status report. He enters as Zoe and Rowan leave for the cargo bay and meets them in the passage.]

"Zoe, Guess you got that Damon to the Doc. Why don't you get little Miss Obsidian-eyes here to cleanin' up the cargo bay? She wanted to work her passage, an' here's her chance."

[Making sure to give Rowan plenty of room as they pass, Mal moves on to the engine room. Kaylee is elbow-deep in the engine, and swearing like a Chinese sailor.]

"Kaylee! Ni bu gan kai ni de hwang chiang. Just tell me what's wrong with Serenity. "


Ni bu gan kai ni de hwang chiang = You must not talk so nastily.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, January 30, 2004 3:44 PM


River ignores Book and Inara, and locks eyes with Slight. (Can't spell actual name, not gonna try).

You're not welcome, ching wah tsao duh liou mahng. You hurt them, and you're trying to repent.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Friday, January 30, 2004 3:53 PM


Inara's turn

River straightens in Inara's arms as Slight approaches.

Inara sits back, pulling her arms from around River and watching Slight warily. She focuses on River's face, waiting to see how the girl will react.

Inara catches Slight's eye as he approaches. Her dark eyes narrow, their usual soft shine gone, replaced with a hart glint.

"Deng yi miao*, If you harm her in ANY way, if you so much as muss her hair, you will come to fully understand the wrath of a woman...dong ma?"

Inara glares at him a moment longer, just to make sure her point is made. She turns her attention back to River.

"fang xin, mei mei, fang xin*...Shepherd Book and I are right here..he can't harm you one bit. Isn't that right, Mr. Helsing?

End Inara's turn

Deng yi miao--hold on a second
fang xin, mei mei--don't worry little sister

ahmmm...could we just pretend that Teela's post followed this one? :P

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Friday, January 30, 2004 3:58 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's move:

Mal heads for the engine room and Thorne is left alone in the common area. He suddenly feels the increased fear from River and Slight's agitation. Things could go bad real quick. He heads for the passenger area. He meets Zoe and Rowan and nods in passing. Wasn't that the girl he saw in the bar? Wonder how she got mixed up in this mess.

As he near's the Tam's room he sees Slight just entering, the Shepherd behind him, gun in hand.

"Shepherd, I don't think you'd want to use that. I believe that I can calm things down, if you'll let me by."

[Placing a hand on Book's shoulder, he gently moves him aside and walks into into the room beside Slight. River is cowering on her bed, with the Companion holding her protectively. Thorne thinks she looks concerned, angry and beautiful. No time for that now, though. He speaks to Inara.]

"Ma'am, I believe that this man wants to tell you about the time bomb that your friend may be carrying in her head. It would be wise to listen to him. and to River "Child, you are as dear to me as if you were my own, and I will not allow anyone to hurt you. You know my mind, and you know that what I say is true. Please don't be afraid." and to Slight "It's your play now, but go gentle. Between the Shepherd and I, one of us will surely end you if you so much as think about hurting this girl."

Thorne can feel Book's nod of agreement as he waits for Slight to talk.


Fixed. Thought Simon was still here.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, January 30, 2004 4:21 PM


OOC: Hey, guys, could I humbly request that Damon doesn't have a bullet near his liver artery? Cuz otherwise I can't have him do anything until Simon gets here and finishes fixing him...

Damon's turn:
Location: Infirmery

Damon moves carefully over to the sink and begins washing his bruised face. Whatever meds the doctor had given him while taking care of his leg were wearing off and he was beginning to feel the pain of his injuries return. Not to mention his head felt like it had been split in two thanks to Brink.
After drying his face on a nearby towl, he searches the cabnets until he finds a bottle of motrin (or the futuristic equivilant), he gives the lable a brief glance and swallows a couple pills. Then he picks up his bowl of food and finishes it.
"Ai ya, this stuff is good."
He wished he could have more, but walking all the way up to the common room didn't sound very appealing. In fact, sleep sounded better than any meal in the 'verse. But first, he was going to get these damn cuffs off his wrists.
He pulls out the loose change and pocketknife from the pockets of his old pants and puts them in his new ones. Then he grabs his bloody shirt and duffle bag and walks out into the small sitting area, looking for someone to talk to.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, January 30, 2004 4:35 PM


Update on current locations:

Thorne, Simon, Inara, River, Book and Brink are all in River's room (somehow they all fit, lol)

Mal is on route to the engine room.

Zoe, Kaylee and Rowan are on route to the cargo bay.

Damon is standing just outside the infirmery (probably wondering what the heck is going on down the hall)

Wash is on the bridge and Jayne is cleaning his guns in the common room.

Get everyone? Oh good! Keep flying all!

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, January 30, 2004 4:43 PM


Cryptic mode!
River sees Thorne intervene. She looks away from Slight, and looks at Thorne.

He hurt them, he hurt them. Make it stop, make it stop!

She falls back onto the bed.

All for tonight! See you tomorrow!

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.


Friday, January 30, 2004 5:24 PM


Kaylee's Move
Location: Engine Room

Kaylee jerks up, hitting her head again, as Mal asks her about the engines.

"Ummm...they're fine, Cap'n. I mean, they will be, in a couple o' minutes. Got another thing or two ta see about, then we're shiny. Sorry I had ta cut the engines earlier, but things weren't goin' so good with Serenity. Got it taken care of, though. No problems."

Nervously, Kaylee smiles at Mal. She knows she's acting weird, but she just can't seem to help herself.

"We're good."

End Move

"I love my Captain."


Friday, January 30, 2004 5:46 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Mal's move:

Nervously, Kaylee smiles at Mal. She knows she's acting weird, but she just can't seem to help herself.

"We're good."

[It's impossible to stay mad at Kaylee, even when she's acting weird. She's like your little sister who's just so darn cute you forgive her anything.]

"All right, Niblet. You just let Wash know when we're ready to hit atmo. Might need to move pretty quick pretty soon.

[Calmed by Kaylee's mere presence, Mal heads for the bridge, to find out where in the wilderness Wash has landed them.]


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, January 30, 2004 5:51 PM


Kaylee's Move

Kaylee blows some wisps of hair off her forehead as Mal heads back down the passageway.

"That was close," she thinks, absently tossing a wrench up and down. "Hope he doesn't ask anymore questions. Jus' let me get this fixed n' everythin'll be back ta normal...or near as normal as it e'er gets."

Taking some plating off the wall, Kaylee crawls into the innards of Serenity to work her magic.

End Move

"I love my Captain."


Saturday, January 31, 2004 2:33 AM


OOC: Actually you would have been taken care of LONG ago but both you and (simon) were being moved around so much I could't get a work in edgewise without messing up someone else's move.

Simon's Move
Location: Infirmary

Simon comes in on Damon attempting to leave the infirmary and gently but firmly escorts him back inside. He is not long on words right now, far to much to think about and worried about River. But also distressed about having left a patient in need.

Strip and get back on that table. I need to get at those injuries before you hurt yourself.

He turns his back and rummages in the cabinet to give his patient time to comply.

It's OK, really. I took care of it myself. I just need some sleep.

Damon starts to leave again and again Simon stops him with a hand to the chest.

You need considerably more than that, and you ARE going to stay here and get it. Now you have two choices. Strip and get down on that bed, or I dope you, place you on the bed and cut your clothes off. Choose.

Damon relaxes to the unavoidable and complys.

OOC: I am not up to going all the gory parts
but we can finally get the bullets out, make with the antiseptic bit, clean, bandage and leave him asleep in the infirmary.

Simon finishes and pulls up a chair next to the bed prepared for a long watch. Between the food, the drugs and the exercise only time will tell if any adverse reaction will occur and he stands watch over his patient. And worries about his sister.

OOC: There, I hope this old girl did Simon proud.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Saturday, January 31, 2004 2:33 AM



If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Saturday, January 31, 2004 5:14 AM


you did 'em proud indeed, Merc :) *cheers*

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Saturday, January 31, 2004 5:24 AM


OOC: Well, that certainky turned around, but it should be interesting. you make a very good Simon

Damons turn:
Location: infirmery

Damon finds himself being taken back inside by the doctor and despite his best efforts, the doctor refuses to let him leave.
"You need considerably more than that, and you ARE going to stay here and get it. Now you have two choices. Strip and get down on that bed, or I dope you, place you on the bed and cut your clothes off. Choose."
Damon glares at the doctor, but the man isn't swayed.
He drops his bag on the floor, cursing silently, and kicks it under the table. Grabbing a fistful of his shirt, he pulls it over his head and lets it fall to the ground. In addition to the massive bruise growing over his broken/shattered ribs, are various scars along his chest and back chief among them a large slave owner's symbol burned into his right upper arm.
Damon ignores the doctor as he continues undressing, wishing he could at least get the handcuffs off, and upon finishing, lays himself on the surgical bed. He closes his eyes with a sigh, letting the dotor drug him. This was one of those days that he should have just stayed in bed. Now he was just happy that it was finally over. He can worry about everything else tomorrow.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Saturday, January 31, 2004 9:05 AM


Jayne's Turn: no really it is...

Jayne leans back a second and wipes his grease covered hands. Jayne starts to think he has too many damn guns, then smiles and thinks, ain't no such thing.

Also... I can kill you with my brain...


Saturday, January 31, 2004 12:46 PM


After DAMON lies on the exam chair...

SIMON prepares a hypo, the liquid within softly fluorescencing a light blue. SIMON turns to DAMON.

With no alcohol prep, SIMON inserts the needle in DAMONs carotid artery in the right side if his neck
"Any drug sentivities or allergies I should be aware of?"

Before DAMON can answer, SIMON depresses the hypos plunger. DAMON can feel a strange warm fuzziness flow from the point of injection ...

...the warm wash from the hypo has DAMON feeling quite a bit better and in good spirits all of a sudden.

DAMONs first reaction is to trust this young doctor, but ... still ... no ... Doctors are good, not bad, right? Warm comforting fuzzness seems to draw all concerns away from DAMON.

The Doc asked a question ... DAMON feels the need to answer it, no harm in that, right?

Warning bells seem to be ringing faaaaaar away in DAMONs mind, too far to pay attention to right now.

Yes, DAMON thinks, harmless question...

When DAMON tries to reply to SIMONs question, it is with a slight sibilant slur and does not notice that SIMON has moved to the Infirmary door and locked it yet again.


I'mmmmmmm baaaaaaaack!
AND caught up ... WHEW!!! I missed a WHOLE act!
Thanks to all who 'played' Simon!
'Specially Merz and Maniac!
Great calls!

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Saturday, January 31, 2004 1:42 PM


Damons turn:

Damon lies on the surgical bed feeling warm and fuzzy. A small voice is telling that something is wrong with this situation. But soon it disappears in a wave of comfort. This isn't so bad. Its been so long since he felt this relaxed. No more running, no more fists or boots, no more pain...
He looks up as the doctor starts speaking to him. He wants an answer... answers are good things, answers solve problems...

OOC: ACK! Look what he's done to him!! lol, ok this is fun. so is Simon asking him something or what?

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Saturday, January 31, 2004 2:06 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Mal's move:

[Mal goes down the aft stairs past the infirmary. Seeing that the door is closed and hearing low voices inside, he figures that Simon is patching up Damon. As he walks through the cargo bay, he sees Zoe and the new girl, Rowan was it, cleaning up. Looks like we found a use for her after all. ]

"Glad somebody's doin' somethin useful 'round here. Why don't you unload the truck an' trailer, and we can cram all this luh-suh in 'em and drive it out the ramp. Gotta make room for Thorne's cargo, if we ever find out were it's at."

[Mal climbs to the bridge. Wash is checking the instruments, making sure nothing was damaged in the rough landing. Mal stands behind the pilot's chair and watches.}


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Saturday, January 31, 2004 2:18 PM


Zoe's/Wash's Moves:

Turns as MAL enters the engine room.

MAL: "Zoe, Guess you got that Damon to the Doc. Why don't you get little Miss Obsidian-eyes here to cleanin' up the cargo bay? She wanted to work her passage, an' here's her chance."

ZOE pushes the intercom to the bridge to relay KAYLEE's message.

ZOE: "Dear, you might want to go grab a bowl of the Shepherd's stew. KAYLEE's finishin' gettin' the engine squared away and we should be ready to head out soon."

WASH: "Is the coast clear, or is MAL still yelling and lookin' like he's ready to shoot anything that moves?"

ZOE tosses a significant glance at MAL, as if saying that even WASH noticed his behavior, then responds.

ZOE: "Well, he's down here in the engine room with KAYLEE, so I imagine he's moved away from the idea of shootin' folk for the moment."

WASH grimaces, then pauses before answering in his most professional voice.

WASH: "Right... well... uh, yeah, I think I'll go get a bite, then...thanks."


ZOE turns off the intercom, looks at ROWAN and tilts her head toward the door. She turns and heads out to the cargo bay, stopping at a utility closet to grab cleaning supplies along the way. As they walk, ZOE begins trying to gauge where she can best use ROWAN's skills during the trip to New Hikido.

ZOE: "You said you had several skills that might be useful. What kind o' skills are we talkin' about, aside from the ability to clean cargo bay floors drenched in glass and tequila?"

ZOE grins as they arrive in the cargo bay and begin the tedious job of sweeping glass and mopping up alcohol.

"Pitiful waste..." she thinks to herself.

Before ROWAN can answer, MAL walks through the cargo bay.

MAL: "Glad somebody's doin' somethin useful 'round here. Why don't you unload the truck an' trailer, and we can cram all this luh-suh in 'em and drive it out the ramp. Gotta make room for Thorne's cargo, if we ever find out were it's at."

ZOE shares a glance with ROWAN.

ZOE: "Sir? Thought you had WASH buy all this hooch as our cover cargo, now you wanna put it off the boat? The truck, yeah, maybe we ditch it here in the middle o' nowhere, but I'm thinkin' we outta keep the hooch on board. Hell, we could prob'ly all use a pull once we leave atmo, all we've been through the last few days."


WASH turns off the intercom, shaking his head, and checks the instruments to make sure the ship didn't take any damage with their rough landing. He hears MAL enter the bridge, feels him stop behind his chair.

WASH: "Um, y'know, I think ZOE had the right idea. I'm gonna get some o' that food before it's gone... again."

WASH heads to the galley. As he steps through, he shakes his head at JAYNE cleaning his arsenal. WASH fills a bowl with the delicious-smelling stew on the stove, then pointedly sits at the opposite of the table from JAYNE and his gun-cleaning.

End Moves.

OOC: Probably won't be posting again tonight... May see y'all in the afternoon tomorrow. Have fun in the meantime.

Edit: My timing is impeccable. I always manage to post right when someone else does... LOL! Edit is a wonderful tool.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Saturday, January 31, 2004 2:37 PM


As DAMON looks up blearily from the exam chair

"Said ... um ... I mean ... I asked if there are any drug sensitivities or allergies you have that I should be aware of."

SIMON stares at curiously at the, now empty, hypo in his hands as DAMON struggles to answer.


Squee ... don't worry, this DOES have a purpose ... no death today!

Well, not DAMON at least!

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Saturday, January 31, 2004 2:42 PM


Damon's turn:
Location: Infirmery

Damon thinks about the question and then skakes his head.
"Took a couple motrin though..." mumbles.
Looks down at his arm wound below his burn and smiles "I cleaned myself up good too. Ths damn Feds n't gona stop me with one leg shot..."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Saturday, January 31, 2004 2:45 PM


Jayne's Turn:

Jayne looks down the table at Wash and pauses in his meticulous cleaning. He cocks his head to the side, staring hard and says...

"You spill any o' that gorram slop on my guns an' I'm gonna have to do somethin' a might unpleasant to ya'"

Jayne punctuates this statement by pulling th knife from the sheath at his side and sticking it into the table.

Also... I can kill you with my brain...


Saturday, January 31, 2004 2:49 PM


Wash's Move:

Rolls his eyes at JAYNE's threat.

WASH: "Sumthin' unpleasant? Oh, God, what could it be? Maybe you'll spit and clean your guns while I'm eating... Oh, wait, you're already doing that..."

WASH proceeds to ignore JAYNE and continue eating.

End Move.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Saturday, January 31, 2004 2:50 PM


OOC: LOL, thats a great Wash line, Astriana!

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Saturday, January 31, 2004 2:52 PM


After DAMON answers

SIMON drops the syringe on the metal tray with a clang as the expression on his face grows stern.

With an Hungarian'esque accent
"Good, iz it safe?"

SIMON uses the straps to secure DAMON while looking him in the eye expecting an answer, much like DAMONs mother did when she asked him "who ate all of the cookies"


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Saturday, January 31, 2004 3:01 PM


Damon's turn:

"Is what safe?"
Looks down at the straps with a confused look.
"Whatja doing?"

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Saturday, January 31, 2004 3:19 PM


After DAMON says...

"Is what safe?"
Looks down at the straps with a confused look.
"Whatja doing?"

accent fading somewhat
"Making you safe."

SIMON pauses and his eyes harden.

"Iz it safe?!"

SIMON turns and retrieves a scalpel. Holds it up to the light and admires the clean sharp beauty of it as light scintillates along the razor edge, like diamonds flashing in a spotlight.SIMON continues to speak

"Entered, you have into my domain. Unasked, uninvited ... iz itsafe!"

SIMON looks into DAMONs eyes with an intensity that bores through DAMON with a fiery, yet bitterly frozen intensity, still awaiting the correct answer.


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Saturday, January 31, 2004 3:24 PM


Damon's turn:

Damon sees the scalpel in the doctor's hand and hears the voice in his head again telling him that something's wrong. Its getting louder, but he is still unable to break away from the drugs affects.
""Entered, you have into my domain. Unasked, uninvited ... iz itsafe!"
Damon still looks confused. "You brought me in here, I didn't want to... is what safe?"

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Saturday, January 31, 2004 3:59 PM



Damon still looks confused
"You brought me in here, I didn't want to... is what safe?"

Calmed by the lights flickering on the scapel, SIMON lays the blade down and puts on surgical gloves. Picking up the scapel, SIMON quickly slices - expertly 'Xing' through the bullet wound in DAMONs abdomen.

PAIN shoots through DAMON, but his muscles refuse to react, except his vocal cords and lungs.

As SIMON reaches for the deep tissue forceps

no change in his now placid demeanor
"Lies ... door was locked, you here before I returned. Pretending you had not broken in, perhaps? Standing outside, hoping ... I would not notice the lock was undone?"

SIMON digs savagely into the wound and retreives a gore covered bullet. DAMON is hit by another wave of nauseating pain. Amazingly, no blood errupts from the belly wound after this attack disguised as surgery.

Waving the bloody forceps and bullet under DAMONs nose, an undisguised threat : this could get worse

"Lie no more ... lock you did pick?"


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Saturday, January 31, 2004 4:15 PM


Damon's turn:
Location: very bad place

Damon opens his eyes, gasping for air in pained breaths. The drugs no longer provides warm fuzzy feelings and the pain from the mans hand in his open wound sears through him without mercy.
Waving the bloody forceps and bullet under Damon's nose, an undisguised threat : this could get worse.
"Lie no more ... lock you did pick?"
"NO!" Damon pulls another breath and answers as fast as he is able. "Shit, no I didn't do anything..."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Saturday, January 31, 2004 4:22 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Mal's Move:

ZOE: "Sir? Thought you had WASH buy all this hooch as our cover cargo, now you wanna put it off the boat? The truck, yeah, maybe we ditch it here in the middle o' nowhere, but I'm thinkin' we outta keep the hooch on board. Hell, we could prob'ly all use a pull once we leave atmo, all we've been through the last few days."

[Mal shakes his head and replys]

MAL:"Best clean out your ears, ZOE. I said 'unload the truck an' trailer'. Don't want ta waste good booze, not when there's a whole load of limes an' a blender in that compartment there. Soon's we get Thorne's conex loaded and clear atmo it'll be margerita time. Dong Ma?"


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Saturday, January 31, 2004 4:34 PM



Damon pulls another breath and answers as fast as he is able.
"Shit, no I didn't do anything..."

SIMON narrows his eyes in a raptor like fashion and droppes the dripping bullet into a stainless steel bowl on the tool tray.

The bowl rings with the impact. SIMON seems to be studying the sound until it fades.

He then turns and poises the forceps over the wound in DAMONs hip with his right hand. His left swiftly lifts the scapel from the tray and cuts a quick 'X' over the hole, exactly like the last bullet wound. Slipping the forceps just inside SIMON smiles a tiny smile.

"Are you sure?"

Digs in with the forceps as roughly as possible and grasps the bullet. He pulls it out slowly with many twists and turns, stopping just from extracting it.

SIMON watches and makes sure DAMON does not fall into the void of unconsciouness. He waits expectantly for DAMONs answer.


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"






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