O2TB got my email suspended! Or nefarious Police State DARPAbots?

UPDATED: Monday, March 12, 2012 17:22
VIEWED: 2134
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Thursday, July 30, 2009 2:58 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Didn't get a change to read the email before the no-warning suspension today. Was it some kinda super secret NSA code? New email: tamijlee(at)

Or perhaps it was my email to Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press in Washington DC, thanking them for their interview today, re court ordered ban of my TV show from court?

I've had that account with for almost 10 years. That's the Alex Jones hosting company...

My previous email and webhost accounts were immediately suspended by ATT and for the crime of sending an email quoting a Reuters news story from No refund of prepaid account.


Thursday, July 30, 2009 3:03 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Weird. You answer posts addressed to him, and he gets your e-mail suspended.

Have you ever been to Fight Club together?

Oh yeah... I forgot - you can't talk about that.


Thursday, July 30, 2009 3:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

PN, how could that possibly happen? Unless O2B is one of your mutliple personalities or something....


Friday, July 31, 2009 3:50 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Creepy update:

The website I sent the email to allegedly cancelled my email service instantly upon sending them an email. The site is Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.

Does that sound right to you?

Note that "upsteam providers" can read and censor your email in real time...

Comcast ISP immediately throttled my broadband then cut it off, requiring reboots. Coincidence?

Contrary to what my email provider says, my account is still suspended...


Friday, July 31, 2009 9:47 PM


That's what playin nice gets ya, Johnnie boy.

Smoke and Mirrors, old friend, Smoke and Mirrors.



Saturday, August 1, 2009 6:24 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

PN: I still don't understand how O2B could engineer YOU getting banned for an email that YOU wrote. Care to explain?


Saturday, August 1, 2009 8:07 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by piratenews:
My previous email and webhost accounts were immediately suspended by ATT and for the crime of sending an email quoting a Reuters news story from No refund of prepaid account.

It's a free country - they are free to not host your hate speech. I imagine they are not missing the network/dos attacks that your hate posts must have attracted either. Sometimes you have to consider others.

Sucks about the no refund!


Saturday, August 1, 2009 9:30 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


PirateNews, I enjoyed the apparently coherent, polite, and even-toned email you wrote, quoted in the thread above.

The narrative seemed to be highly focused on a particular issue, from the portion I could read.

I do not believe that this particular email was the cause of your banning. It must have been something that preceded it. Something else that someone thought was offensive enough to violate your right to free speech.

I, for one, do not agree. Nothing you write could possibly be offensive enough to rob you of your constitutional rights. The fact that people use 'the system' to silence you is lamentable.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Saturday, August 1, 2009 4:59 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by AnthonyT:

PirateNews, I enjoyed the apparently coherent, polite, and even-toned email you wrote, quoted in the thread above.

The narrative seemed to be highly focused on a particular issue, from the portion I could read.

I do not believe that this particular email was the cause of your banning. It must have been something that preceded it. Something else that someone thought was offensive enough to violate your right to free speech.

I, for one, do not agree. Nothing you write could possibly be offensive enough to rob you of your constitutional rights. The fact that people use 'the system' to silence you is lamentable.


Mr. News freedom to spread hate speech on the internet has not been violated - as most of his posts here are testament.


Saturday, August 1, 2009 8:10 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Coincidentally, my email account was blocked on the same day the judge dismissed all charges against the accused redlight shooter, Cliff Clark.

Mr Clark's attorney had subpoenaed a Knox County deputy to testify that Knox County deputies confessed to shooting at least one redlight camera. I supplied that eyewitness as a result of my investigative journalism. That's whatcha call legalized blackmail (Equal Protection doctrine of 14th Amendment to US Constitution). This subpoena for trial is probably what forced the dismissal, as a PR nightmare.

I also supplied the 2009 US Supreme Court case of AZ v Gant quoted by the judge's order, that suppressed all evidence seized during this traffic stop. Game over! Thank God for the internet. Who needs Westlaw?

All ballistic evidence is this case was destroyed by police -- the alleged bullets and the alleged camera housing with alleged bullet holes. Thus no way to test what caliber bullet, whose gun, or what direction the alleged shots were fired from. All audio "confessions" and "consents to search" his car and house were also destroyed by police.

Mr Clark still has 4 more trials scheduled in 2009, though at least 1 will be automatically dismissed as a result of this dismissal.

Then the civil rights litigation will begin for malicious prosecution, to recover his $50,000 in legal fees, so far.

Was my email blocked as retaliation from police and prosecutors, fearing a national news story about this case? Scary stuff for cops framing innocent people, when cops are shooting the cameras. That's an Operation Northwoods scam.

The last time cops retaliated against me for a newspaper article, they stole my car. 100 police contractors and the city court clerk got fired as a result. But I never got my car back, and no crooks went to jail.

It's sad that Mr Clark didn't shoot the scamera, because that's what all the Walter Mitty's wished they'd had the guts to do. Instead it was dirty cops, probably working for the redlight scamera company, at $75,000 profit per bullet. The contractor Redflex was fired during this trial for "suspected contract fraud and bribery", one week after the defense lawyer confirmed that deputies confessed to shooting the scameras...

This post is posted for my own safety. If you never hear from me agin, the cops did it!


Sunday, August 2, 2009 8:40 AM



This post is posted for my own safety. If you never hear from me agin, the cops did it!


Somewhere in the world are three trustworthy people, none of whom know each other, each of whom has a key.

Should anything untoward happen to me, they go open the boxes those keys go to, and lots of dirty laundry gets aired in a fashion I'll not specify.

Good insurance policy, PN - oughta get one yourself.



Tuesday, August 4, 2009 4:46 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Comcast has been blocking my broadband all day, which also kills email and phone. How CONvenient. My email company said somebody filed another complaint against my email. Who can do that, the NSA? My email was first blocked on the same day the judge signed the order to dismiss this case...

Today was the day my video interview was quoted on the front page of the local newspaper, without attribution or payment, for breaking that story for them:


"I hope that my exoneration will receive as much publicity as my arrest," Clark said in a brief videotaped statement posted on the Web site he created about the red-light case,

In fact, they had been censoring the story for 3 days, but I delivered the court order and video interview of the defendant to all local TV stations and the rival weekly newspaper, so the daily paper HAD to report it.

But of course the corporate hos censored the fact that cops confessed to shooting a redlight camera.



Charges Dismissed Against Accused Shooter of Redlight Camera

By John Lee
Pirate News TV
3 August 2009

KNOXVILLE, TENN. -- On Friday, Clifford Clark got a phone call from his lawyer. That is usually not a good way to start a weekend. But attorney Ron Newcomb was in a celebratory mood. It sounded more like an office party.

Newcomb declared that charges were dismissed against Clark in the redlight camera shooting case. Judge Mary Beth Liebowitz had signed the Order herself.

The jury trial had been scheduled to start on August 10th.

Some might call this a technical knockout by the defense. Others might say the United States Constitution is the law that keeps Big Brother in check. And that's exactly what Judge Liebowitz enforced in her order, along with a recent U.S. Supreme Court case, Arizona v. Gant.

"Even though these charges have been dismissed, I'm still going to grieve over this situation for awhile," Clark said. "It's quite a relief to have these charges dismissed. I hope that my exoneration will be as highly publicized as my arrest."

Charges of alleged criminal trespass and aggravated assault are still pending in two other trials for Mr. Clark. It is unknown how this dismissal will affect those cases.

Order of Dismissal

Video Transcript:

John Lee: How does it feel to win dismissal of this redlight case?

Clifford Clark: Of course it's a tremendous relief for me to have this particular aspect over with. I hope that my good name and reputation will be restored. I suppose time will tell if that's the case.

JL: How did your lawyer break the news to you?

CC: I received a phone call late Friday afternoon that the judge had dismissed all charges related to the redlight camera incident. Of course I couldn't hardly believe the news. It took awhile for it to sink in. My attorney, Ron Newcomb, did a superlative job, and I'd recommend his services to anyone.

JL: Did you shoot the redlight camera?

CC: No. I'd been asked this time and time again. I did not shoot the redlight camera. And I'm not quite certain if the redlight camera was shot. I never got to see the camera after this incident, or after these allegations. I got to see photos of pieces of equipment. So I'm not convinced that the incident took place as it was alleged.

JL: Did the camera housing disappear?

CC: Yes, many parts of the camera disappeared from evidence. The outside cover of the camera disappeared. That, of course, if the camera had been shot, that would have given ballistics evidence of trajectory, azimuth, et cetera, and that's gone. There are no bullets or bullet fragments amongst the evidence, which to me indicates that there was no shooting. Even if the bullets had disintegrated then the parts of the bullets would be within the camera housing. The official police report says three bullets entered the camera, and one bullet passed through, so there should still be fragments from three bullets. But no fragments exist, no bullets or bullet fragments exist. So I'm reluctant to believe that either the camera was shot, or very certainly, I did not shoot that camera or any other camera.

JL: Who do you believe actually shot the camera?

CC: I think it was the police. If that camera was shot, I can only believe it was the police who shot that camera.

JL: Why do you believe that?

CC: Every time a camera is damaged, the City of Knoxville pays the camera operators reimbursment for that damage. Which means destroying those cameras is profitable for the camera company itself. Another story in Washington, D.C. had the camera operators commissioning people to steal their cameras, so they could bill back the cost to the city as the leasee who is responsible for the cost of those cameras.

JL: Did you subpoena anybody who had evidence that a police officer had shot the cameras?

CC: Absolutely. I don't want to use his name on camera. But there was a witness, actually more than one witness, that has said publicly that deputies were responsible for other redlight cameras being shot. Of course, now the trial and charges have been dismissed. So at least for the moment we're not going to hear that testimony.

JL: You did subpoena one of those witnesses?

CC: Absolutely. The subpoena was issued for a witness who has said that a deputy had shot that camera, or had shot a redlight camera.

JL: Can we see your Happy Dance for Victory?

CC: No. I'm very grateful that this episode is over. But I'm not one to gloat. I've suffered a lot during the past two years. Some people have been very supportive and I'm grateful for their support. But there's also been a minority of people who have been very cruel to me for the past two years.

The corporate hos also censored the fact that my TV broadcast was censored from the courtroom in that case, despite 4 previous judges ordering that I be allowed to video that case. The news director for WBIR TV was even subpoenaed to testify against ME and my TV show during that trial, and signed an affidavit trying to kick me out of the courtroom, then refused to pay my invoice for my video he posted on the WBIR website!

Just like the corporate hos censored my brother's 10-page political advert when he was running for county judge, and they banned my TV show, which is the only reason he lost the GOP primary against the convicted deadbeat dad judge terrorizing divorce court and slandering my brother and me with his own TV show.

Media Hos Skate Pirate News

PS: O2TB's email was just a link to - tho that's a very subversive Truth site. Good nuff for the Red List.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009 4:57 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


...but I delivered the court order and video interview of the defendant to all local TV stations and the rival weekly newspaper, so the daily paper HAD to report it.

Smart move. Gets 'em moving, don't it? When their standard policy is to do nothing, once they see that everyone else has the same story, it becomes a race to see who can break it first, or at the very least, who can be seen NOT doing nothing on it!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009 5:00 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Kwicko:

...but I delivered the court order and video interview of the defendant to all local TV stations and the rival weekly newspaper, so the daily paper HAD to report it.

Smart move. Gets 'em moving, don't it? When their standard policy is to do nothing, once they see that everyone else has the same story, it becomes a race to see who can break it first, or at the very least, who can be seen NOT doing nothing on it!

I suspect that's why the court order was given to the defense attorney on Friday afternoon, or hoping if it did break in the news, nobody would see it.

Instead that just gave me all weekend to shoot video and edit with only 2 hours sleep to get it delivered to all news corps on Monday at 9am.


Monday, March 12, 2012 3:39 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

It's happened email with Alex Jones' was "suspended", this time "permanently".

My "spam crime" was replying to a disabled friend's email requesting me drive him to the doctor and go grocery shopping, since he cannot drive due to brain damage from a massive stroke. is my email provider, who was "ordered to suspend" me by an anonymous entity residing somewhere in the ethernet.

Cliff Clark uses Comcast as an ISP, but his email is with another company not related to Comcast. Comcast was the previous entity that officially got my email suspended.

How can a nation survive without reliable mail service, and allows instant theft of 10,000 of my letters? This is a rampant problem with all ISPs and email providers.

"email suspended" about 157,000,000 results


To: "Rovin Net Administration" <>Thank you. I'm very curious where this will lead.

In my experience, when an anonymous complainant is forced to identify themselves in court and testify to a judge, their motivation evaporates. It's no fun when they have to make their frivolous accusation face to face, then justify it to a judge or jury, and back it up with legal precedent.

--- On Mon, 3/5/12, Rovin Net Administration <> wrote:

From: Rovin Net Administration <>
Subject: Re: [Website Contact] email suspended by Comcast
Date: Monday, March 5, 2012, 12:48 PM

Just CCed you in a forward of this correspondence into an email to support department.
We are not allowed to see the complaints or log files in this matter so all I can do is put you in touch with them.

Let me know how it goes and if we can help in any way.

On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 10:55 PM, Dragon Baiter wrote:

RE: Fraudulent Complaints

These are illegal anonymous complaints against me. The only Comcast person I have communicated with is a friend of mine who is disabled by massive stroke and needs my weekly assistance or he will DIE. This disabled person has been involved in litigation against a municipal corporation, which got worldwide media attention, and we often discuss legal strategy via my email account at Our final conversation that got me "banned forever" by Comcast was locating a shopping service so he won't starve to death in his home, where he lives alone and cannot drive. This person does not have email with Comcast, just broadband ISP service.

If I need to sue Comcast I will, as I have a long history of suing and winning large lawsuits against the largest corporations on the planet, and against municipal corporations and their employees. My immediate family are all lawyers, law professors or judges, including a current justice on the TN supreme court. I was previously employed as a paralegal and investigator for my family's law firm, which was recently in the news for winning a trillion-dollar case against Iran on behalf of 9/11 terror victions.

I demand to see ALL communications in possession of regarding complaints against my email account, from Comcast or otherwise.

What's more likely these are frivolous POLITICAL complaints against me via Comcast, where my TV show and radio show are broadcast on Camcast Channel 12. I recently won a lawsuit to have my TV show reinstated after it was "banned forever" by an anonymous frivolous complaint by a political operative. I videotaped that entire court hearing, broadcast it on TV and posted on the internet, after my victory, which got worldwide newspaper coverage.

I actually enjoy litigation, like some people enjoy playing sports. I especially enjoy getting paid $100,000s after winning my lawsuits, as some people enjoy playing professional sports.

Thank you for your time to email me copies of all complaints agaianst my account at I need to know the NAME and email address of every individual who complained against me or handled a complaint against me, and all related internet computer tracking data. And please give me the mailing address of your legal department, with name of your legal counsel, as I will also require certified copies of all your records.

As Alex Jones likes to say, it's all part of the Info War, and you're not catching flak until over the target.

John Lee, executive producer
Pirate News TV and Radio Show
WBCR 1470am
Charter Channel 6
Knology Channel 6
Comcast Channel 12
ATT Uverse Channel 99
Knoxville TN

--- On Mon, 3/5/12, Rovin Net Administration <> wrote:

From: Rovin Net Administration <>
Subject: Re: [Website Contact] email suspended by Comcast
Date: Monday, March 5, 2012, 1:22 AM

Sorry sir we cannot help you with that. They have permanently banned your email account and we are unable to get them to enable it.
They have multiple complaints on file and they were real complaints that people had to go out of their way to register so that plus the past history of complaints and they refused to restore it.

Hope this helps;
Rovin Net

On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 7:20 PM, John Lee wrote:

Please restore my emai laccount immediately.

Comcast bots have fraudulently banned me again, for replaying to an email with 1 sentence to a friend who has Comcast internet service.

Name: John Lee


From: Technical Support <>
Date: Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 7:05 AM
Subject: Case: 00058602 - account suspended - Permanent
To: "" <>

Hello Dwayne Coots

I’m not quite sure why this user keeps bringing up Comcast. They had nothing to do with it the last report.

The reports are not illegal, or anonymous.

He is sending messages to people, those people don’t want the messages, so they are reporting the messages as spam.

We only keep abuse records for 2 weeks.

The last person who reported him was

Which has nothing to do with Comcast.

If he would like to peruse legal actions, you can send him this

XXXXXXXXXXX is a third party hosted service provider to over 200,000 websites and businesses. The website/user in question may be a user of our free or paid services. However, our Privacy Policy prohibits us from disclosing personal information unless to aid in an ongoing legal case. Please contact your local, state, or federal law enforcement agencies to file a formal case. Once this is done, please fax the case information to 408-517-4711, Attn: Client Services. will provide the necessary information as required by the court order, subpoena, or case investigation.


Although he should be aware, that email is done through private businesses, there is no rule saying that anyone has to accept the mail you send. Just like how we have the blocked senders list in a person’s webmail they can put addresses on. Receiving mail is totally at the discretion of the recipients, if they don’t want to accept the mail, they are totally within their right to deny it.

Thank You,
Support Department


Case: 00058602 - account suspended - Permanent

Hello folks;

Can we please get this user restored? He did not send any spam he simply replied to an email from a friend and Comcast flagged his reply as spam.

Thanks for your help;

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Date: Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 7:53 PM
Subject: Fix Suspended Email Account
To: Rovin Net - Network Operations Center <>


Comcast has apparently filed another fraudulent takedown request against my email account, for replying to an email from a Comcast subscriber who is a friend of mine.

Please fix my account immediately.

John Lee (suspended)

Rovin Net - Internet Business Consulting - A Division of The Rovin Network, Inc.
Membership Site Development - Social Media Integration - Search Engine Optimization - Streaming Media - Web Design & Hosting - Internet Marketing - At Your Servers - Since 1997
Follow us on Facebook: or Twitter:]


To: " Technical Support" <>

Ha. Cliff Clark is the disabled person who I am helping SO HE DOESN'T DIE FROM HIS MASSIVE STROKE. I am going to his house tonight TO HELP HIM BUY FOOD SO HE DOES NOT DIE FROM STARVATION.

It's remotely possible that he has some automatic setting on his email account listing me in his spam filter. He has double vision due to the stroke so he often punches the wrong key. Although he's a software engineer who designs computers, I now often help him take his computer to get it serviced, because he can't see nor remember how to do it himself.

I can get Cliff to send you an email today saying he is not accusing me of spam.



Be advised that that I have never reported as SPAM. The pressumption of this addressee as the origin of SPAM has caused me a great deal of trouble in obtaining assistance during my stroke induce disabilities.

I further request that I be given copies of these alleged SPAM reports. Your cooperation is appreciated.

.......[no reply, crickets chirping]

My email was "suspended forcer" the same week all charges were finally dismissed against Cliff Clark as the world-famous alleged Redlight Camera Sniper, after a Knox County deputy sheriff confessed to the crime (but was never charged). Police destroyed al lballistic and audio evidence in the Clark case, fired the foreign redlight camera contractor for suspected bribery and contract fruad in the middle of the Clark case, a judge in the Clark case got arrested by a robot for a redlight camera crime, and another judge pled guilty to a felony and resigned after buying dope from cops in the courthouse and banging his doper ho in judges chambers during trials. The state attorney general has now hired Clark's defense lawyer as a prosecutor, in the middle of Clark's trial and appeal...but Clark still won dismissal of all charges, which including pointing a loaded shotgun at undercover deputies in his own home who testified they "ran screaming out of the house having flashbacks to Afghanistan."


"Mr Clark is innocent of the charge of allegedly shooting a red-light camera."
-Ron Newcomb, defense attorney for Clifford Clark and current deputy attorney general prosecutor in Sevier County

Cliff Clark was stalked and beaten on the head by a gang of undercover cops or informants whom the Knox sheriff refuses to arrest and Knox DA refuses to prosecute. Clark's lawyer Ron Newcomb was threatened with sanctions by prosecutor Zane Scarlett and Judge Mary Beth Leibowitz for motion to read this Top Secret police report, same day that Pirate News TV was threatened with arrest during broadcast of this hearing, Did this beating cause 3 massive strokes AS CLIFF WARNED MIGHT HAPPEN?


"Do you think this was a false-flag, like Operation Northwoods?"
-Clifford Clark, after winning dismissal of vandalism charges for allegedly shooting a red-light camera in Knoxville TN, after a Knox County deputy confessed to the crime

Retired millionaire software engineer Cliff Clark, after winning dismissal of sniper charges 1 week after he subpoenaed a deputy sheriff to testify that another deputy confessed to the crime, 3 weeks for his massive stroke:

Feds Ignore Due Process, 1st Amendment, Shut Down 1000′s of Websites, Indymedias and Blogs

Government Resurrects Plan To Monitor All Phone Calls And Emails, Retain All Surf Data - February 20, 2012


Monday, March 12, 2012 5:07 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Wow PN, that sounds really obnoxious. I can't say I've ever had that problem with email but it sounds really frustrating and it would piss me off. Would you be more likely to have less trouble if you switched to something bigger and free like gmail or yahoo? Maybe since they have soooooooo many subscribers they wouldn't respond to complaints about you as quickly, or maybe they'd not respond at all? Yahoo didn't respond to me when I complained about my email not working a few months ago, my friend's fiance who works for yahoo had to fix it for me under the table. So maybe yahoo would not have time to respond if this guy complains about you again.

It sounds like you've been busy with this Clifford case.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, March 12, 2012 5:22 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Two and a half years later, and you're still trying to smear O2TB for this, eh, John?

Can you imagine how loudly you'd howl if someone here accused YOU of doing such nefarious deeds?

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill






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