Win Castle Stuff!

UPDATED: Saturday, December 19, 2009 06:07
VIEWED: 2372
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Saturday, December 19, 2009 6:07 AM


Recruit a Viewer for Your Chance to Receive Some Castle Goodies!

You’ve been watching Beckett, Castle and the rest of the crew at the 12th for some time now and it’s time to put the skills you’ve learned to the test! Go out and investigate your friends, family members, co-workers and enemies and figure out who’d be the most likely candidate to fill the position of “Newest Castle Fan!”

Once you have your suspects in a lineup invite them to a Castle viewing party and work on getting to the truth. (That Castle is must-see TV).

Your efforts will be rewarded. Not only will you be helping create new fans but you’ll also be in the running to receive some random giveaway goodies!

The Details

During December and early January ABC is airing repeats of episodes from season 2 of Castle. During this time would like to invite you to host your very own Castle Viewer Recruiting party!

1. Register Your Event
2. Introduce at least one new person to Castle
3. Tell us how it went to enter the random giveaway

Castle has been gaining new viewers with every new episode but there are still many who have yet to hear of Castle. Our aim is to reach out to some of these people and introduce them to something we hope they will enjoy as much as we do. We know that there are some big episodes coming up when season 2 resumes mid January so the holiday break is the perfect time to get some new viewers on board.

Each person hosting a party will need to invite at least one guest who doesn’t watch Castle to come along and watch an episode or three. You can co-ordinate your event to allow you to view one of the episodes being aired on Saturday or Monday nights, or you can chose episodes from your Season 1 DVDs or from those season 2 episodes available on Hulu or iTunes.

If you’re not in a position to be able to invite people to watch Castle with you in your home you can take a different approach, loan someone your Castle Season 1 DVDs or host an online viewing party (you can even use our chat room. You’ll need to arrange a time with Admin in advance).

Your event must take place in a private environment, you cannot air episodes of Castle at a public venue/event due to copyright and public performance regulations.

You will need to register your event using the form below. After your event has finished, in order to be eligible for the random giveaways, you’ll need to send us a photo and let us know how your event went!

We have some Season 1 DVDs and copies of Heat Wave to give away and we’re working on getting some extra special signed goodies to give away too. The goodies giveaway recipients will be chosen at random so don’t miss this opportunity. To be entered in the random drawing you must have registered and get your report in to us by the time the next new Castle episode “A Rose for Everafter” airs (Check Episode page for air date details). Click here for more info & registration stuff






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