TRANQUILITY PART 13 ( 'What was that?' )

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 3, 2010 18:33
VIEWED: 21130
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Saturday, January 9, 2010 3:27 AM


Here's how it all started:
TRANQUILITYS journey Part 1
Be part of my virtual firefly crew

On board TRANQUILITY, WASH picks up ALLIANCE troops moving towards SHADOW, SHINY and OREO.

"Cap, I think it's an ambush. I'm coming to get you."

SHADOW calls out to SHINY and OREO as they are heading out to the assignment:

"Get back here you two! ambush!"

The 2 turn back and run towards SHADOW, just as 4 ALLIANCE battalions pour out of the warehouse that OREO and SHINY were headed to.

TRANQUILITY races towards him from the other direction.

The 2 get to SHADOW 1st.

"Quick, we may have time to save the mule!"

The 3 run to the mule, uncover it and drive it towards TRANQUILITY ahead of the gunfire.

"Barn swallow WASH!"

WASH picks them up on visual, opens the bay doors and scoops the mule up.

A loud explosion is heard coming from the ground as the ship begins ascent.
Then a loud 'THUMP' against the ships hull.


Crew Ident Cards:


Thursday, February 18, 2010 6:34 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

The ship sat on the asteroid with minimal power signatures coming from it. The sensors seemed to show a large impact site beneath the starboard wing.

‘Missile impact?’ Wisp thought to himself studying the sensor data in front of him. It looked pretty fresh from the thermal traces around the edges of the hull. His best guess was this must have been the ship he heard cortex chatter over back on NILO.

“Great more Alliance trouble” Wisp muttered to himself. That was a bad habit he’d developed recently. Long periods by yourself make you a little crazy. “Ok Wisp turn off the sensors and disappear into the mist again”

His hand hung between the Communication panel and the Navigation. His inward mind battled as to whether to do the clever thing or the right thing. A few years back he wouldn’t have hesitated but he’d had a lot of bad luck doing the right thing and he knew it would only end in trouble.

Still his hand hung there.

“You’re going to regret this” His hand picked up the microphone and he keyed in a wide broadcast to the ghost of the ship. “Unknown Firefly Class vessel this is the ISSCV Epsilon do you need assistance?”

No answer. Could be their comms are down. Could be they’re afraid I’m an alliance type out to earn a reward. Could be they’re all dead.

“Firefly Class vessel I am not an Alliance vessel do you require aid?”


Thursday, February 18, 2010 5:52 PM


TRANQUILITY'S emergency systems are activated
from the semi-crash landing on a nearby asteroid.

A computerized female voice echoes in the background over the PA:

"Emergency. Oxygen level critical!
Use of oxygen mask imperative."

[Message repeats in Chinese]

The ships computer system, T.O.B.I., comes back online after being briefly knocked offline by the hard landing
after losing attitude control, due to the surface-to-air missile hitting the starboard wing.



Keel laid: August 2459
Registry: 404-E-132-4FE274
Firefly Engine: 2 Blue Sun 6V4-178-B31
Trace Compression Blocks
36 RCS Thrustersall
Standard Radion Accelerator core

Awaiting further authorization inputs for NavComp,
Flight Systems are in automatic mode.......

All remain power being diverted to life support.







Mid-bulk Transport Standard Radion Accelerator core. 03-K64-FFF-00
ONLINE Tuesday, March 25, 2517 - 19:50


Friday, February 19, 2010 4:49 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp managed to land the Epsilon at the rear entry of the Firefly class ship despite the uneven surface of the asteroid fighting against him. From the looks of the surrounding landscape the vessel had come in far too fast and left a trail of bumps and grooves for around a half mile behind it. Wisp had to extend the soft air lock several times around the docking hatch before he got a hard seal and even then he didn’t really trust it. The high rate of spin of the asteroid combined with the uneven ground made the risk of a decompression high and the last thing he wanted was to die in agony as his lungs exploded due to a minor rock slide breaking the air seal.

Wisp tentatively examined the air pressure on the Firefly’s hatch and was surprised to see it reading barely above the red. He theorised to himself that the gaping wound in the vessels side must not be properly sealed leading to a dangerously low atmosphere throughout the ship.

“Well that complicates matters” said Wisp to no-one but himself as he headed back from the flimsy plastic seal to the much safer metal airlock of his ship. He cast his mind back to his lectures back in his youth on procedure for entering an unknown decompressed atmosphere. Of course it was always implied back then that you would have a full compliment of marines doing the dirty work for you. Trust the alliance never to think of a one Samaritan rescue effort; it was hardly their style. He walked back into the cargo hold to survey the equipment he had on hand.

The Epsilon was originally designed as a short range troop shuttle that Wisp had come into ownership of 2 years prior back on Santos after he and his friends had come under siege and had to part ways suddenly to separate ends of the verse. He’d spent most of his time since then trying to find them which had involved him doing serious retrofits to the vessel. Usually he took great times of his solitary repairs insulting the ships poor design and his misfortune to be stuck wandering the verse in it, but on this occasion he counted his blessings that he was on this ship. Part of its original use had been for high orbit marine drops and therefore it contained 16 high grade combat space suits. Of course he’d sold 15 to pay for his various parts and upgrades but had kept the final one for a situation such as this.

He donned it slowly checking every seal and valve twice before turning back towards the airlock before he stopped himself. One thing he had remembered from his incomplete education had been that under no circumstances should you enter an unknown vessel unarmed. This was a sound piece of advice but left Wisp with another decision to make. He walked across to the weapons locker and entered the access code revealing a very sparse looking rack of weapons. As the ship had originally housed 16 Marines the locker contained space for many conceivable weapons, but as Wisp had been flying solo most had been sold long ago. He still had more than one man could ever carry and was very careful to keep a wide selection of arms for every eventuality. The decision he pondered now was which of these weapons should he carry?

The safest choice was a modified 12 Terra Watt pulse rifle that he’d obtained very illegally. The weapon was favoured by the Expendables and created a very threatening profile. This however was the problem, to carry in such a weapon gave any crew members the instant impression that he was here to deprive them of their wordy goods and perhaps their souls in the process. As much as he would have felt very safe carrying it he decided against it. He decided the safest option would be a stun rifle, not as intimidating as a deadly weapon and therefore less likely to create an aggressive image but still able to disable any Reavers in case this was a trap.

“Reavers..” Wisp said to himself. The word sounding even more eerie through his headset. He mentally punished himself for not thinking of this situation previously. This did stink of a Reaver trap. He briefly reconsidered his choice in firearm then decided he should be more sure of where he was waking into.

He replaced his weapon into the locker and headed to the cockpit. A radiological emissions scan would prove signs of Reaver activity one way or the other. Although how he would get himself away from this mess if that was the case was another matter entirely. Wisp stared slowly at the screen as the various bands of EM radiation were scanned and breathed a sigh of relief as the vessel came up clean. Not a definitive test but it decreased the likelihood of him being eaten alive that day.

Picking up the stun rifle and just to be sure placing a small automatic pistol onto his leg holster he headed back across the soft lock and into the abandoned vessel.


Friday, February 19, 2010 2:53 PM


On the edge of consciousness, Shadow pulls himself up from the floor and leans against the control panel on the bridge.
He looks to his right and sees Wash unconscious at the helm.
After multiple attempts to revive him, Shadow decides to get help from the crew.

He 'coms the crew but the 'com is dead.
He runs to leave the bridge but the airlock is sealed.


Shadow is already running out of the precious little oxygen left on the bridge.

Shadow goes back to the helm and has T.O.B.I. play back the last moments before the crash.

The ships' computer plays back all the video from all the cameras in each of the ships' sections.

We've come a long way from the
'little black boxes' of the airplane era.

The 1st camera replays video from the cargo hold.
It shows Shadow putting 2 children, a boy and a girl, into a cryo-box and setting the controls.
Then it shows him running [out of frame] towards the bridge.

The 2nd camera angle shows Oreo securing Shinyfrye's room door. Then it shows Oreo running towards the engine room.

The other cameras show nothing significant.

[Computerized Female voice]
"Oxygen levels critical.
Deploy oxygen masks at once."
[Repeats in Chinese.]

=Breathe slowly.=

The last video screen shows the main viewer.
A long, hard, bouncy landing.

Shadow reaches over to the unconscious Wash, slaps him on the shoulder, and says:
"Nice work. Anyone else crashes us."

Then, a loud bang from the rear of Tranquility echoes throughout the ship.
Then a series of quieter bumps.
Then a hissing sound.

Shadow looks at the video screen and sees a man entering from the stern of their home.

=Almost out of air.=
=Last chance.=

Shadow types in the code to unlock the airlock on the bridge...

[Falls to the floor unconscious...] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]

Crew Ident Cards:


Saturday, February 20, 2010 3:53 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp stepped through the airlock into the dark and cavernous cargo hold of the firefly vessel. Although the bay was usually well lit with life support failing it was now barely illuminated by emergency lighting creating eerie shadows clawing at the walls. Wisp activated two powerful lamps on the shoulders of his suit thrusting twin shafts of light into the grey unknown. In the centre of the bay lay a hover mule clumsily run into the far stairs as if it had approached at far too great a speed. Around the edges the usual assortment of boxes and crates lay tied down as one expected to see in such a ship.

The Firefly class, Wisp thought to himself, the staple work horse of galactic trade. Cheap to run and repair they served as carriers for all sorts of small goods across the verse. Shaking himself from his ponderings he looked checked his external atmospheric gauge. It’s needle was firmly planted in the red indicating no breathable atmosphere in the room.

“Probably where the atmospheric leak is then” Wisp spoke into his helmet. The microphone giving his voice an electronic echo with his head. He thrust his mind back to the last time he’d been aboard a firefly and remembered there should be a cargo terminal somewhere to his left near the stairs. Swinging his upper body the torches ran a course to a terminal exactly where it should have been. Walking over Wisp saw it had powered down probably to conserve energy in the dying ship. He reached down to one of the thigh pockets on his suit and extracted a small power cell which he placed onto the screen of the console causing it to light up with a low atmosphere message.

“Now were in business”
Touching the screen a core menu appeared with the heading ‘T.ranquility O.n B.oard I.nteractive computer === T.O.B.I’.
“Hello TOBI I’m Wisp nice to meet you” Wisp liked computers. He was a computer wizard, he could make them sing and dance like a Broadway star on Earth-That-Was. Looking at the menu he saw a status report option which gave him a schematic of the ship showing oxygen levels. The cargo hold showed up in a strong red colour at 2% whilst the rest of the ship hung in a yellow somewhere in the teens. The crew quarters were fairing the best but not by far. This was the problem with the old class of ships, in the event of loss of pressure a series of hatches closed to maintain atmosphere in the rest of the ship. However the hatches only functioned at 100% if they were closed BEFORE depressurisation. The rest of the time they only served to slow the rate of loss. Add to that the general lack of repairs done to emergency seals and you had the current emergency.

Wisp gathered his bearings from where he saw the impact on the hull and made his way to the corresponding walkway inside. The hole was around a foot in diameter with various shards of metal pointing into the ship. Wisp didn’t know it at the time but the rocket had been making a very accurate path to the ships engine before a sudden movement caused it to plough into the hull instead. Wisp placed his stun rifle on the floor and removed his backpack unzipping its contents. He had made a good estimation of the damage from the exterior and was therefore well equipped to seal the breach. It wasn’t going to be a permanent fix but all he needed was an air seal so he could start recreating the atmosphere.

His first task was to even out the injury, he couldn’t apply a patch with spokes of jagged metal jutting out at him. Extracting and lighting a portable plasma arc he began gently severing the bent hull until he had a pretty even surface. After a quick glance at his oxygen reserves he removed a polymer seal and began unfolding it. The seal had a square of magnetised metal at each of its four corners which Wisp placed over the opening pulling the plastic tight. Then setting the plasma arc on its lowest setting he began melting the edges onto the internal hull. As he finished the last inch of melting he was rewarded with a suctioned pull as the vacuum of space pulled on the sheet. Walking back to the computer terminal he checked the atmosphere again to see dishearteningly that the reading now read at an equally poor 3%.

As much as life support was working it was going to take a long time for the room to be sufficiently oxygenated enough for the emergency seals to open. In a normal situation Wisp would have simple returned to his ship whilst the air returned then continued his salvage but he had no idea who else was aboard the vessel and if they could wait as long as he could. Wisp looked around the room and set his brain to the new task at hand.

He could open up the airlocks to his ship which would quickly restore atmosphere but with his soft seal being so fragile the risk of decompression to the Epsilon was too great. If only he’d had a portable life support unit he could set it up and restore atmosphere in no time but alas he was not so fortunate. Then Wisp spotted something in the corner. This ship (the Tranquillity as he had been told by the computer) had an acetylene torch in the corner. Walking over Wisps luck was confirmed as a large oxygen tank was attached for use in a vacuum. He pulled out the hoses connecting the tank to the torch, opened the stops to full and was rewarded with the hissing sound as oxygen rushed into the chamber. Returning to TOBI he saw the atmosphere creep up from the pitifully red 3% to a manageable 25% yellow as the tank reached its last. Not quite thick enough to breathe but enough to open the emergency seals to the rest of the ship.

Checking his oxygen tank and weapon charged Wisp headed towards the engine room to try and repair the engine and get more power to life support.


Saturday, February 20, 2010 5:01 AM


As Shadow lay on the floor, he regained consciousness slightly, as a small pocket of oxygen wafted past his face.

Groggily, he stood up and stumbled to the small locker on the bridge that held the O2 masks.
In all the commotion, he hadn't thought of doing this earlier. There wasn't enough time to anyway.
His last moments of consciousness was spent trying to revive Wash, before they were both 'out' again.

This time he donned the mask and went to the helm to work on fixing life support, when he noticed
activity near the engine room on the monitor.


Shadow draws his weapon and quietly makes his way to the engine room.

= If I know Oreo, and he's awake on the other side of that door, my bullet will soon be this guys best friend.
That half-reaver's gonna give him a real 'Tranquil' welcome. =

Maybe out of compassion for the interloper, Shadow sneaks up behind the man whose full attention is on getting into the engine room,
taps him on the shoulder with the barrel of his pistol and says:

Crew Ident Cards:


Saturday, February 20, 2010 5:25 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp walked to the back of the cargo hold and gets to the door to the passenger quarters. Despite the emergency seals being deactivated the door still held fast and required a large dose of brute force and ignorance to pry open. ‘Damn this suit’ Wisp thought to himself. Although the combat suit offered great armour and oxygen reserves it was unwieldy and slow. He made a mental note to himself that when this was all over he was going to get himself something sleeker for his space walks.

The living area was deserted and in a terrible state of disorder with everything not bolted down thrown towards the front of the ship. He took a quick look into the med bay but found it in more of a mess than the seating area. He thought about starting to look through the passenger rooms but decided against it. The best thing he could do for now was get enough oxygen flowing around so anybody who was still here would wake up. With that in mind Wisp turned up the stairs and headed for the engine room.

Upon reaching the door he again encountered it stiff and unmovable. Grasping the handles with both hands he begins pulling with all his might to shift the steel bolts. So caught up in his task he didn’t notice the crewman exit the bridge and step behind him. There’s a certain way you get when you’ve been alone for a long time, you kind of forget other people exist. But when you step onto an abandoned ship your always looking out for people. Unfortunately in Wisps focus on opening the door his brain shifted to the first way of thought rather than the second, so when the voice came out of nowhere Wisp in one very classy movement jumped out of his skin, tried to turn around and ended up falling back against the door in a seated position. Needless to say the crewman did not expect this to occur and had a slightly surprised expression at the general failure he had just witnessed.

His heart pounding in his mouth Wisp managed to move it aside long enough to shout:
“You’re ALIVE! Somebody’s still alive on this Gorram Ship!”
Unfortunately Wisp hadn’t keyed on the external microphone on his suit so the gentleman infront of him heard it as a muffled sound through his glass face plate. Noticing the mans puzzled expression Wisp quickly rectified himself turning on the speaker and repeating himself.
“You’re Alive! I thought everybody would be dead. Not that I came here to go stealing from you sir I just...You’re Alive!”


Saturday, February 20, 2010 6:05 AM


"And you're dead - less'n you tell me a happy story as to why you're pokin' around on my ship." - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]

Crew Ident Cards:


Saturday, February 20, 2010 6:16 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

“Sorry didn’t mean to be rude. Err. Well” Wisp had been caught off guard and he really didn’t like it. He had around 3 seconds to do the math and start talking before his gallant attempt to do his daily good dead would find him dead. So the math.

They weren’t Reavers which was one call for relief and they weren’t dead so after they’d gotten over the breaking and entering they owed him their lives. Unfortunately This gentleman didn’t seem too happy about him being on his ship so it was time to start singing.

“I was flying past on my merry when I saw your vessel powered down on this asteroid. I hailed you a few times and got no answer so I thought you may be in need of some help. I came in through your cargo bay and talked to your computer a spell. I put a field patch over your hull breach and managed to restore an atmospheric seal over the ship. I was just on my way to you engine room to try and prise some more power out of your life support when you came up behind me and scared the living Go se out of me” Wisp paused for breath. “I’m Wisp by the way and as much as im sorry for coming aboard without permission you do owe me”


Saturday, February 20, 2010 7:05 AM


Shadow comes up close to Wisp and says, in a low voice:
"Then welcome aboard. Now let's get to savin' some lives... and thanks for the patch."

As he walks away, he flashes a quick grin at the surprised guest. - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]

Crew Ident Cards:


Saturday, February 20, 2010 11:42 AM


*Regains Consciousness* What happened? No Sight Of The Captain I'll Just Assume That's A Good Thing *Sees The Open Mask Locker* That's Not A Good Thing.*Grabs A Mask For HimSelf And Puts It On* Jao Gao


Sunday, February 21, 2010 5:58 AM


Secondary systems coming back online.

Oxygen level at 27%.

Use of oxygen mask is still imperative.

Mid-bulk Transport Standard Radion Accelerator core. 03-K64-FFF-00
ONLINE Tuesday, March 25, 2517 - 19:50


Sunday, February 21, 2010 6:24 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

“Im Wisp by the way” Wisp throws to the strange man as he heads back towards the bridge. Awfully trusting folks he thought to himself; they seem nice enough though. Wisp eyed his stun rifle casually propped against the wall. ‘Probably shouldn’t pick it up again’ he thought to himself ‘and I probably shouldn’t go too far away from it’. As much as these people hadn’t shot him at the first sign of intrusion and they appreciated his help he had no idea who they were. They could be murderers or bank robbers who are going to blow him away as soon as he’s served a purpose. Surprisingly Wisp had known a large number of Murderers and bank robbers in his lifetime and most seemed perfectly pleasant.

“I was going to have a look at your engine if that’s alright? If I can get the oxygen saturation up to around 50% we can all take off this breathing equipment and get the main repairs going faster. I took an eyespy at your damage from space and your losing some fluid out there into the vacuum. I think its probably coolant which would explain why your engine isn’t running too well.”


Sunday, February 21, 2010 6:53 AM


The Captain replies:
"Shadow, Captain. And I'll be right back.
Gotta revive my pilot and override the lock the seal on the engine room from the bridge.
Back in 2 shakes of a horses tail."

=Thank the maker! We'd all be dead if he didn't show up. Not big on lettin' strangers poke around my boat,
but he seems a nice enough guy.
'sides, what choice have I got?"=

Shadow shoots a glance at Shinyfryes room and see's that it's still secure.

=No need lettin' him know where everyone is just yet.=

He also see's that the cryo-box that the Twins are in is also still secure. - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]

Crew Ident Cards:


Sunday, February 21, 2010 10:19 AM


Shiny's eyes open, she looks around her room in confusion . Her chest feels heavy. she starts coughing when she hears T.O.B.I "Use of oxygen mask is still imperative".
Shiny struggles to sit upright, Still confused and sore she reaches above her head and pulls a mask down from the overhead compartment.
holding the mask to her face shiny rests her head in her other hand. Every cough she makes, her head feel like it's gonna explode.
Shiny vaguely remembers what happened. She heard a loud explosion then Oreo caring her to her bunk and securing her in.
Shiny removes the mask from her face and shouts as loud as she can "Oreo"!
She place the mask onto her face again. she needs
to get to the captain and find out whats going on. but there's not enough oxygen to move around freely.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Monday, February 22, 2010 5:18 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp watched Shadow walk down towards the bridge. Captain he called himself. If he called himself Captain there must be a crew. He began to wondering how many people would be onboard this vessel? And if they would all greet a strange man as rationally as the Captain had. Waiting for the Engine room door to unlock he walked into the dining room. ‘A Kitchen’ He thought to himself. The Epsilon only had a radiological oven so He’d been living off rations and things for the past two years. He tried to remember the last time he’d actually cooked something from scratch. It must have been at least 4 years previously. Back on Shinon before he’d got involved with Vankeetsen. He’d worked in a kitchen for a few months then and had picked up a few tricks and things in the kitchen. The way he saw it cooking was just edible chemistry, mix the right reactants and get the right product. He paused for a moment to let his mind imagine himself stood in this very kitchen rattling the pots and pans again.

No Wisp. He stopped himself. This is a good deed but then you have to get back on the road, people need you. Had he been holding onto this self elected mission too strongly? Ever since they’d become separated back on Santos he’d spent his time travelling the verse after them but had it been time well spent? They could have been captured by the alliance, perhaps they went underground with the resistance, and maybe they were dead? Well Needy wouldn’t be. Had he spent two years looking for bodies? Maybe it was time to stop running around the verse chasing memories. The more he thought about it his solitude aboard the Epsilon was hardly a dreamy existence, and just because he wasn’t dedicating his life to finding them didn’t mean he was forgetting about them. He also had his research to think of. If he wasn’t singlehandedly trying to run a ship and keep it in repair he might actually make more headway into the galactic hiccup that had catalysed the whole chain of events of the past few years. On the other hand did Wisp want to give away his freedom?

Wisp shook his head and gave a short laugh to himself. What was he talking about? He came aboard an abandoned vessel which so far he’d only met one inhabitant of and here he was planning to settle down. It must have been too long since he’d had any interpersonal contact. He was sure after he’d helped them with their repairs he’d been eager to get back into space and on the hunt. Though he was right that he should stop putting Seryn, Safe, Soul, Needy and Vixen at the top of his list. Wherever the galaxy had taken them he had to have some faith that they could look after themselves. If he hadn’t found them by now they either didn’t want to be found or weren’t going to be found.

Drawing him back to the matter at hand Wisp heard a noise behind him as the door to engineering unlocked with an audible clunk. Wisp stepped back and this time opened it with ease. As the door slid open it revealed the body of a man lying unconscious and slightly blue. Wisp grabbed one of the oxygen masks now dangling from the roof and proceeded to attach it round the man’s face. Once it was in place he scanned the engine room for an intercom which he found to the side of the doorway.

“Captain Shadow I’ve got one of your crewmembers back here who’s not regained consciousness yet. I’ve put a mask on him but I thought I oughta let you know.”

Stepping over the prone man Wisp locates a computer terminal alongside the engine and tries to engage it. Like the one in the cargo hold it was powered down and Wisp had to use another power core to get it up and running. The screen filled with a basic readout of engine function which like everything else onboard hung with needles in the red. From the looks of things the fluid he saw leaking into space was coolant. Looks like the engine had reduced down to idling to prevent overheating. Sound plan except that the rapid loss of atmosphere left the crew with nothing to breath in the interim. Pressing a few buttons on the terminal Wisp shut down all systems to the external engines and re-routed the coolant to the central core. Hopefully as the engine found it could burn a little faster the atmosphere should return faster.

“Now TOBI I know we just met” Wisp said to the console like a man thoroughly lacking in marbles “But if you could just get me life support to 100% I’ll give you a complete systems overhaul before I leave. What do ya say?




Monday, February 22, 2010 6:30 PM


Shadow bumps into wash just outside the bridge and gets him up to speed with all the new events.

"Stay on the bridge and monitor everything that's happening Wash, dong ma? Keep yourself under the radar."

Wash acknowledges the Captains drift.

Then Shadow hears Wisp's message about the downed crewman in the engine room.
He hits the 'com.

He turns back to Wash.
"Gotta go bring Oreo to the medlab."

Wash looks back at the helm and sees that TOBI is slowly reconfiguring internal systems to improve life control.

Wash picks up his dino's and puts them back on the helm - where they belong. - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]

Crew Ident Cards:


Tuesday, February 23, 2010 10:45 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp double checks the computers calculations and silently curses himself as Captain Shadow enters the engine room. Making to speak over how to transport the fallen crewman Wisp cuts him off before he can begin.
“Forget him a minute and come and have a look at this”
Taken aback a moment over this apparent disregard for his crew Shadow begrudgingly goes towards the console. This strange man had just saved his and his crews lives he was allowed a little social leeway.
“I was just looking over your life support systems and we have a very big problem. It appears that whatever struck your ship...” Wisp was careful not to specify what had caused the damage at this point. To someone not as technologically minded it may appear to be a simple asteroid collision but Wisp knew a missile strike when he saw one and he didn’t wanna go pointing fingers. Especially with what he had to say next. “... has damaged your auxiliary life support system. The auxiliary deals with the lesser toxins that go about a ships interior things like hydrocarbons and aromatics. Usually you can go without it a few days before the atmosphere becoming toxic but this ship doesn’t have an atmosphere yet. And if we try to restore one without an auxiliary system its gonna be toxic and probably ignite in a few hours.” Wisp paused for a moment to let the gravity of this sink in. “Now my ship has an Auxiliary drive that is compatible with this ship but my life support isn’t as efficient as yours is. So here’s the dilemma. We have one drive that works and two ships that need it, so we have two options. One we all load on my ship and look for a replacement or two I come onboard yours and we leave mine behind temporarily”

The unspoken communication between both men was that whatever ship was left behind wouldn’t be here when they got back. Wisp had found the ship easily whilst passing even without a distress signal being emitted, he just happened to be of the helping disposition. But it would easily take between three and five days to get hold of the part and return and by that time the ship would have been stripped bare with nothing but a hull. Wisp had also failed to mention the non-socially acceptable options three and four. Three being he got back in his ship sailed away and felt guilty over an unknown number of people he’d let die. And option four (which was foremost in his mind at the current juncture) was they shot him stole the part and lived happily ever after.

Both men held very good reasons over whose ship deserved to live. Wisps ship was entirely undamaged and he’d helped them out of the goodness of his heart. He had no reason to sacrifice his vessel for these strangers. On the other hand Wisp was one man displaced from a solitary existence whilst this ship had at least 3 people who would be left without home or life. Wisps ship did have room for them all but it would quickly become very crowded.

Wisp did the maths and realised that he was on the losing side of the equation and He was pretty sure the Captain had come to the same conclusion as well. The captain didn’t want to ask this stranger who had already been more than kind for such a large sacrifice, and Wisp didn’t want to leave his ship and freedom behind.

But it was the right thing to do.

And if there was one thing Wisp always had to do it was the right thing. “Is there a room free aboard I can put a few things?” By a few things the both knew he meant take for an indefinite length of time “ a shuttle perhaps?”


Tuesday, February 23, 2010 11:34 AM


Shadow paused at this request.

"There's a bit of 'data' that you may want to collate before you join my 'merry men'.

"We have a crew member who is genetically part reaver, due to being experimented on by the Alliance
in a top secret project called
Operation Reaver Echo One. He's being hunted.

"We also have twins aboard. A boy and a girl - both part of another secret Alliance project called
'The Gemini Project' - a sort of 'Super Soldier' project. Currently they are in stasis in a cryo box,
but very much wanted by the Black market, which is who we rescued them from originally.

"If you join this crew, you would join climbing into Pandora's box.
We do have 1 shuttle left. The other one's back on Miranda with some old crew we left there.

"Question is... Do you want to open the box...? - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]

Crew Ident Cards:


Tuesday, February 23, 2010 6:01 PM


(Oreo stands over the sink while washing his hands. vivd and dark thoughs popping and flashing in his head. he and the rest of the crew had been through so much and it just kept getting worse.)

Oreo- go from petty theivin and banking scratch to fugitives to...(oreo reaches for a hand towel to dry his hands) be hunted like gorram animals. whens it gonna end. captain gots me and those kids on board. alliance aint never gonna stop still they got us.

(Oreo makes his way silently to the infirmary doors, but before you leaves, he takes one more look at shiny)

Oreo- you're gonna be safe now girl, this whole gorram ship is gonna be. Got one more shuttle left...

(oreo leaves, his pace hard and quickly. he steps with purpose, anger and a mission. Up the steel stairway into the shuttle he enter. Oreo rotates the swivel pilots chair towards him and he lowers himself down into it)

Oreo- it's time to end this once and for all. The alliance wanted a weapon and now those bastards gonna get themselves a war.

(The ship powers up. A flashing light on the bridge catches wash's eye. he reaches for a com.)

Wash- ahhhh,captain...

Captain- Yeah, what do you need wash?

Wash- are you by chance doing a systems check...or anything on the shuttle?

Captain- No.

Wash- Then i think we have a problem...

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010 6:02 PM


(Oreo stands over the sink while washing his hands. vivd and dark thoughs popping and flashing in his head. he and the rest of the crew had been through so much and it just kept getting worse.)

Oreo- go from petty theivin and banking scratch to fugitives to...(oreo reaches for a hand towel to dry his hands) be hunted like gorram animals. whens it gonna end. captain gots me and those kids on board. alliance aint never gonna stop still they got us.

(Oreo makes his way silently to the infirmary doors, but before you leaves, he takes one more look at shiny)

Oreo- you're gonna be safe now girl, this whole gorram ship is gonna be. Got one more shuttle left...

(oreo leaves, his pace hard and quickly. he steps with purpose, anger and a mission. Up the steel stairway into the shuttle he enter. Oreo rotates the swivel pilots chair towards him and he lowers himself down into it)

Oreo- it's time to end this once and for all. The alliance wanted a weapon and now those bastards gonna get themselves a war.

(The ship powers up. A flashing light on the bridge catches wash's eye. he reaches for a com.)

Wash- ahhhh,captain...

Captain- Yeah, what do you need wash?

Wash- are you by chance doing a systems check...or anything on the shuttle?

Captain- No.

Wash- Then i think we have a problem...

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010 3:14 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

“Unfortunately in our current situation I don’t have much choice in the matter. Only one of these ships is gonna be leaving this rock and despite yours being a little banged up mine just doesn’t have room for all you for a permanent basis. Besides that this is your ship which I imagine you’ve worked pretty hard for. Mine just sort of came to me from a friend who’d stolen it from somebody else. And just so YOU know my head comes with a price tag as well” Wisp didn’t go into details of his run-ins with the Crimson Squad. He was actually an Alliance experiment himself he just didn’t know it, so he had the boys from EINSTEIN after him as well. All in all he’d probably fit in pretty well with this rag tag bunch, kinda reminded him of the good old days back on Boros sitting round the fire with his previous crew getting to know one another.

“Now that’s sorted ill get the part installed double quick and we can worry about who gets the top bunk when we can get these damn oxygen masks and space suits off. I’ll give you a hand with your crewman on my way…” They turned to where the body of Oreo had been lying when this conversation started and found him conspicuous by his absence. “Where the hell did he go?”

Just then a clunk and clang was heard as the vessels remaining shuttle powered up and detached itself from the ship.

“WASH!” The captain shouted through his oxygen mask making a run for the bridge “What the hell is going on with my ship?”

As much as Wisp was confused by the current goings on he knew his first priority had to be the Auxiliary rather than the inter person politics of the crew he now found himself unwittingly a member of. The air was slowly becoming more and more volatile and the faster he got the air supply working again the better off they’d all be. Heading back to his own ship he gave his patch a cursory check to make sure the seal was still tight. As long as the ship remained landed it would hold up fine until a more permanent repair could take place. Stepping through the airlock back onto his own ship Wisp removed the helmet and breathed deep the fresh air. As much as this air was as recycled as his space suit it lacked the chemical odour or the stench of sweat that went with it.

He began to make his way to the crew section to pack up a few things but then corrected himself and headed to the internal engine. Packing would have to wait until his new house had air. He began saying a final farewell to this ship that had been his home for the past few years. It hadn’t been a very cosy home he reminded himself. Regulation bed, no kitchen, having to spend days without showering as the water recycled. In some ways a Firefly class would be a much more comfortable surrounding. But he had to resign himself to the fact that his direct search for his friends was over as of now. He couldn’t scour the verse as he had done chasing up every lead and clue. He was stuck on their route.

Reaching the internal engine Wisp disabled the safety locks and deactivated the life support. As the various gases contained within the system vented into space he placed a fresh oxygen tank into his space suit and replaced the helmet. As he extracted the auxiliary unit he decided the best bet was to deactivate the internal engines as well to save fuel which he could transfer to the Tranquillity. It meant when he returned to pack he’d have to do it with a respirator but that was a job for later. Picking up the auxiliary he headed back across the airlock to install the new part.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010 8:24 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Professor Trepsil stood in his best suit fiddling awkwardly with the collar as he travelled up the elevator. He hated wearing these damn suits, he was much happier in a comfortable lab coat with a cheap shirt than this expensive fandanglement. On that point he hated these holo-meetings. Every month for two years since what happened on Santos he’d given the same talk on his work just adding in updated results. He should have been thankful that he and his work hadn’t been disposed of but the results were too impressive to let go of. The operatives were chomping at the bit to get hold of Phase II’s and the Military were just as excited over the Phase III’s. And in-between him and them were the Crimson Squad.

The Crimson Squad were the military branch of Alliance-Scientific, The field operatives, and the people in charge of the general wet work. They were the ones responsible for making sure everyone knew that no matter what field of research you were in you knew who you were working for-The Government. The CS were the people in charge of investigation of any unusual observations in the verse and control of ‘classified material. They had no interest in the science they were involved with only that it remained in the correct hands and was directed in the correct field. In his case they were chasing down a generally ballsed up field study of part of his research.

His research, Bah. His science that had been corrupted into a field it was never intended to go into. And now here he was going to see military types about how their problem, that was their idea, was somehow his fault.

Eventually the elevator stopped on the conference floor and he stepped out into a gleaming beige waiting area. He was sure it had been designed by psychologists to make it as relaxing and comfortable as possible which somehow reduced the effect in his mind. A blonde receptionist sat behind a curved desk in the corner and he approached trying to look at ease.

“Morning I’m Professor Trepsil here for a Holo-Conference with Crimson.”

“one moment please” she chirped typing away at her monitor. How could she be so peppy he deliberated? She obviously she wasn’t about to go into a meeting with twelve men who’s job it was to think of ways to turn all research towards killing things. “Righty ho Professor you’re in Booth 3 this morning. Have a nice call”

“Thank you” he said with nervous politeness as he stepped towards the door labelled with a dark blue three. The inside opened into a closet with a 3D projection screen in front of him and a small control panel at his waist. Pressing the connect button a projection of himself appeared on the screen to make sure he looked presentable. Trepsil stood at a tall 6 feet but appeared more so due to a thin frame. His hands were long leading down to spindly fine fingers. He was slightly more haggard than he should have been for his age and sported a bald head with white hair hanging on thinly around the sides. His thin angular features were matched with thing glasses that perched on the tip of his nose.

Pressing connect again the display changed to a table with 12 men seated around it all in black uniforms with crimson collars. Behind them he could also see two standing gentlemen who he knew to be the head of the UQI division and the Professor in charge of Project: Valkyrie who he couldn’t quite remember the name of. Those two gentlemen knew they had no place in this meeting but they were always dragged along due to the interactions that had occurred.

“Morning Gentlemen” Trepsil Began “Im here to provide an update on project: Einstein with particular reference to subject #23 William Spacer AKA Wisp and operation caged sparrow...”


Wednesday, February 24, 2010 8:23 PM


(the captain steps onto the bridge, weezing breathes being taken)

Captain- what hell is going on wash?!

Wash- shuttle just detached...

Captain- Well who the hell is in it?!

(wash turns to the captain with an "I don't know Look" on his face. he's chuckles slightly)

Wash- Ummmmm, beg your pardon captain, but i think the best question to ask is, "Who is on THIS ship?"

(The captain slip into deep thought for a moment)

Captain- wash, com...NOW!

(Wash opens a direct channel to the shuttle)

Captain- OREO! you damned idiot, return to the ship, NOW!

(On the shuttle, oreo begins to set a course into the shuttle navigation unit when the captain voice begins to fill the air. Oreo, stops for a brief second until the captain voice penetrates deep into his brain. He cracks a smile and continues setting his course. The captain continues to avert oreo from his doings with idol threats of shooting and things have to do with the letter M.Captain, slams his fist down onto tranquilites control panel. he peers out the window and watches as the ship slowly drifts away.)

Captain- Im pretty sure he's setting a course for god know where, so as soon as you can, find out where.

(The captian storms out,cursing Oreo's name and leaving wash alone once again on the bridge)

Wash- First hes dead, then knock out, then he's knocked out and then not dead and now he's stolen our last shuttle. that half breed more trouble then the Alliance.

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Thursday, February 25, 2010 5:37 PM


"Wash, keep tracking him. He'll be out of range soon and we won't be flyin' in time to catch him.
All we can do is estimate his course after that."

"Ruttin' reaver steals our last shuttle.
I shoulda stuffed him in the cryobox with the Twins. He probably woulda stolen them though." - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]

Crew Ident Cards:


Thursday, February 25, 2010 5:47 PM


Shadow returns to Wisp from the latest crisis on the bridge.
"Well, our resident reaver just took your new room and flew off with it. I guess he had an oxygen mask.
He probably stole that too.

"You're still welcome to shack up in one of the available rooms, which seem to be vacating in a rapid fashion. We stuck the Twins in a box,
Wash sleeps on the bridge half the time, and as you can see, Our gunhand just checked out." - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]

Crew Ident Cards:


Thursday, February 25, 2010 5:49 PM


"Wash, You still reading the shuttle?" - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]

Crew Ident Cards:


Friday, February 26, 2010 4:25 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp had just finished installing the auxiliary when Shadow re-entered the engine room. Wisp had had to do a bit of creative sealing and rearrangement to get it in place but as he opened up the air flow into it he was rewarded with a satisfying green light. Shadow explained what happened as Wisp returned to the computer console to check on how the oxygen was increasing.

“Quite a motley crew you have going on here captain. How many people do you have onboard? Discounting the guy who just stole your shuttle.” Wisp would like to start meeting these people but respirators and space suits didn’t make for a great greeting setting. TOBI was saying that the atmosphere was at 45% throughout the ship, at 50 that atmosphere would be ok to go about without respirators just a little thin. When it hit 60% he’d go back to the Epsilon and start packing.

“And on a similar vein do you have a mechanic on board? I'm pretty good at repairs but i was wondering if you had anyone to help repair your breach in the cargo hold? I’ve not had too much experience with structural repairs. I’m a tech guy you see, circuits and things. I'm a pretty good pilot as well and I can handle myself well in a fire fight. But my real talents lie in computers, seeing as I'm gonna be onboard for a fair period of time I can upgrade your sensors and jammers to state of the art.”


Friday, February 26, 2010 10:55 AM


(On the Shuttle)

Oreo- I can feel the captains hands around me neck, but i can't think about that now, gotta get back to Nilo, talk to Jasper see what info i can get, but this shuttle ain't got that much life support to make it all the way back.

(Oreo pulls up a S.System chart. he scans through looking for the next nearest planet.)

Oreo- Gorramit! Kito! are you serious?! that reaver infested rats nest! can't land there, them reavers will be on me in no time.

(Oreo re-checks the chart)

Oreo- damn...

(Oreo hesitates for a moment. he begins to think to himself, wondering if he should turn the shuttle around and dock back with the ship. Alliance goons are easy to take down by himself, but he had already had a run in with the reavers once back on Silas when they kiddnapped him before the explosion. Shiny and Irish had to rescue him. Oreo,figures that this time if he does, that no one will be there to rescue him this time. Sitting still, staring at the control and lost in thought. a sigh escapes from tween his lips. Oreo plugs in coordinates...and heads back to the Tranquility)

Oreo- Gonna have to think of a new plan...after the captain is done with me.

(On thge bridge of tranquility wash is frantically scrambling to capture the cooridnates of the shuttle oreo hi jacked)


Wash- No, nothing...maybe his jamming the shuttles sig...nal?


Wash- I...I got the coordiantes?

Captain- Ok, where's he going?!

Wash- he's not going anywhere, he's coming back

(The captain gives wash a slightly confused look)

Captian- coming ba...whatever get him docked and i'll be waiting for him.

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Saturday, February 27, 2010 6:17 AM


(El, Kat and O2 make it to the Alliance station without any problems. Inside the station they find a small alliance transport vessel. After two days time, O2 and El get it running. They make it back to the other with no trouble.)

**At basecamp**

El:Don't know about you guys but I'm itching to get back to the verse.

Kat: Tell me about it. I miss the rest of the crew.

El: Yeah, we'll be at full strength again.

(Claire steps up and wraps her hand around El's

Claire: Something is bothering you. You can't hide it from me.

El: I've had time to think on this planet. I've made a decision. I'm done running. It's time I take the fight back to Cole and the Alliance. They have to be stopped. Their is much he has to atone for, and I will see him pay for what he did to her....

Claire: Did what to who?

(El, realizing he said to much walks away mumbles something about having to do a last minute check and heads off.)

Claire: As much as I care for him he still won't open up to me.

Kat: Trust me, he will talk when he's ready. He is one of the bravest men I've ever met, but he is still to afraid to speak about his past.

Claire: Someday he will tell me what happened to him 16 years ago.

(A few hours later, the transport shuttle departs, leaving Miranda behind. The only thing making the lone ship noticeable is a single transmission aimed at Tranquility.

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Saturday, February 27, 2010 2:44 PM


Shadow was avoiding this question by Wisp, but now that he would be joining the crew, he should know about who really is on board.
Shadow had been secretly monitoring Shinyfrye, each time he went to the bridge, stopping at the medlab and watching the medlab
from the monitor on the bridge.

"Yes, we do have a mechanic. Her name is Shiny.
She's recovering in the medlab. I saw Oreo take her there on the monitor before he left.
He's now on his way back here. So the current crew consists of Shiny, Wash the pilot, Oreo and myself."

As Shadow finished his sentence, Washes voice came over the speakers:
"Um Cap., we've got another shuttle on the edge of the radar coming straight at us." - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]

Crew Ident Cards:


Saturday, February 27, 2010 3:42 PM


Shadow rushes back to the bridge to see this new shuttle headed their way.

"Cap, the second shuttle has an Alliance signature." - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]

Crew Ident Cards:


Saturday, February 27, 2010 3:45 PM


"Well, let's just hope that Oreo gets here 1st so I can kill him before the Alliance kills us." - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]

Crew Ident Cards:


Saturday, February 27, 2010 6:00 PM


( oreo sits in the swivel chairs rubbing his forehead, but he's not concerned what the captain will do to him. lock him up, oreo would just escape. the captain could shoot him, but oreo been shot plenty. it'd be like trying to chop a tree with a small pistol and a heck of alot of bullets. what oreo was concerned about was what the captain was going to say, not even really that. it was if and when shiny find outs. Oreo has let her down so many times and now this. his half ass plan to do nothing but take the shuttle out for a joyride. Things weren't easy like it used to be. Oreo felt as if he was growing weak and tired. his thought process slowed. he shake his head to try and cler the cob web outta his head, when suddenly a flashing light catches his eye.)

Oreo- what the hell is that?

(Oreo leans over the montior and see a shuttle closing in not far behind him. it's closes in rapidly.)

Oreo- where did a little bug like you come from. ain't a planet around. ain't no ships around

(oreo leans in closer and notices an alliance badge on the the side of the shuttle)

Oreo- hu dahn!

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Saturday, February 27, 2010 6:01 PM


( oreo sits in the swivel chairs rubbing his forehead, but he's not concerned what the captain will do to him. lock him up, oreo would just escape. the captain could shoot him, but oreo been shot plenty. it'd be like trying to chop a tree with a small pistol and a heck of alot of bullets. what oreo was concerned about was what the captain was going to say, not even really that. it was if and when shiny find outs. Oreo has let her down so many times and now this. his half ass plan to do nothing but take the shuttle out for a joyride. Things weren't easy like it used to be. Oreo felt as if he was growing weak and tired. his thought process slowed. he shake his head to try and cler the cob web outta his head, when suddenly a flashing light catches his eye.)

Oreo- what the hell is that?

(Oreo leans over the montior and see a shuttle closing in not far behind him. it's closes in rapidly.)

Oreo- where did a little bug like you come from. ain't a planet around. ain't no ships around

(oreo leans in closer and notices an alliance badge on the the side of the shuttle)

Oreo- hu dahn!

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Sunday, February 28, 2010 2:56 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

“Repairs are gonna have to wait a spell by the looks of things” Alliance, half Reavers, what the hell had he gotten himself into here? Leaving the engine room he casually picked up the stun rifle he’d left by the door earlier. He attached it to the back of his suit now so he could access it with a moment’s notice and headed to the bridge.

“Hey gents what’s going on now?” Wisp said as he entered the room causing Wash to turn from his duties.

“Who’s he?” He asked.

“New guy” Replied Shadow “Now forget about him and tell me what’s going on with that shuttle”

Wisp moved himself to the co-pilot seat and began to activate the long range sensors. He was then appalled at the low resolution they provided. He would have to give these a serious overhaul with parts from his ship but for now he could only tweak and fine tune.

“Captain Shadow there’s a transmission coming through from the alliance shuttle. Erm. Interference is a little high at this range lemme clean it up. There we go. It says ‘Elbarto STOP Returning from Miranda STOP’ thats all there is does it make any sense to you?”

The captain paused for a moment before a grin overcame his face “Well I’ll be. Looks like everyone’s coming home for the party”

There was a beeping on Wisps space suit followed by the flashing of a green light on the console in front of him “One more thing Captain. Atmosphere is back up to 60% we can go around without respirators now, just don’t push yourself too hard its still pretty thin”

As the Captain and Wash unslung the respirators from their mouths Wisp unbuckled his helmet with a satisfying hiss and placed it on the ground beside him. Wisp shook his hair out and cracked his neck from side to side. The Captain then got a good look at Wisp for the first time. He looked in his early twenties, boyish charm with thick black hair that clung untidily due to sweat from his space suit. He guessed him to be around 5ft10 maybe 11 it was hard to tell as he still wore the rest of the suit. Wisp was a pretty healthy guy, not built with muscle but toned. Wisp may not have been a big muscle bound weight lifter but he could do any job that needed doing.

“Captain the flight plans of those two shuttles are converging. They should be here in no time”


Sunday, February 28, 2010 5:03 AM


"Shiny, lets prepare for their arrival. Wisp, can you see if the Alliance shuttle that Elbarto has apparently stolen, is compatible for docking and integration with a firefly '03 model? Shiny Frye is in the medlab. She can help you with the mechanical." - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]

Crew Ident Cards:


Sunday, February 28, 2010 5:13 AM


"Wash, stay here and act as 'ground control' as the 2 shuttles converge, and guide them in.
If you want, you can have Oreo land a mile away and make him walk the rest of the way."

That made them all smile. - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]

Crew Ident Cards:


Sunday, February 28, 2010 5:18 AM


As Wisp heads off the bridge, Shadow says:
"We'll all sit down in the galley once we're in the black and explain our stories to each other, dong ma?" - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]

Crew Ident Cards:


Sunday, February 28, 2010 6:21 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

“I can’t be 100% certain at this range but I think so. Looks like a standard Alliance short range shuttle craft, a little out of date by the carrier signal. It’s actually a little smaller than a standard firefly shuttle so it should be able to dock no problem.”


Sunday, February 28, 2010 9:38 AM


(Oreo continues to watch out the window when washs voice coms in)

Wash- Oreo, it's wash...

(Oreo rolls his eyes, as if he didn't know who it was)

Oreo- what do you want?

Wash- im pretty sure you've noticed that alliance shuttle by now.

Oreo- yeah, what are they doing way out here?

Wash- it's an alliance shuttle but the pilot isn't.

Oreo- so it's stolen.

Wash- yep, it's Elbarto I think.

(Oreo's eyes get wide and jumps up on the control panel palms against the window.)

Oreo- El... Is Kat with him?

Wash-Don't know. he'll be docking about 2 minutes ahead of you so i'll let you know. Oh, i kinda have an order to have you land about a mile or two away from the Captain. Figure he thinks a nice little walk will straighten you out.

Oreo- So, where am i landing?

Wash- Just get ready to dock with the ship. We have a new crew memember, meet everyone in the galley.

Oreo- yeah. Docking in less then a mintue and a half.

(Both shuttle procede to dock with tranquility one after the other.the hatch open on Oreos shuttles and he steps back out into familiar territory and continues his way to the galley.)

Oreo- El...Kat...are you two really here?

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Sunday, February 28, 2010 3:50 PM


shiny looks around the med lab. inhaling and exhaling. enjoying each intake of breath. She hops off the Table, not really sure how she got there.
She stands for a moment not liking the quietness of the ship. She makes her way to the engine room. As she enters the room she glances around at the mess
She also cant help but smell something funny. She opens the engine the old girl is still running.
Shiny still shaking up, go's to find the Captain.
She walks bye the Galley and looks in, Oreo's sitting at the Table looking like he's up to something or was.
Shiny, "hey Oreo, you seen the Captain?
Oreo, "no, and not sure he want's to see me."
Shiny debates for a split second on asking him what he ment. BUT She figured real quick she probably doesn't want to know. She grabs two drinks opens them, sits down and slides one over to Oreo. She takes a big gulp, something in the air feels different, she shivers. then looks at Oreo, What happened? and why do we have
oxygen? Oreo staring at his drink, "beats me" clearly seeing Oreo is in a "mood" She finishes off her drink and leaves. She makes her way to the cargo hold.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Monday, March 1, 2010 3:46 AM


Shadow turns to Wisp:
"How soon 'til we're patched enough so's we can we get off this rock? It won't be long before the unfriendly's start showin' up." - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]

Crew Ident Cards:


Monday, March 1, 2010 3:50 AM


Shadow 'coms Wash:
"Wash, are both shuttles docked and secure?
And tell me who's all aboard. I want a head count." - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]

Crew Ident Cards:


Monday, March 1, 2010 3:58 AM


Wash let's the captain know that Oreo's shuttle has docked and Oreo has disembarked.
He also says that Elbarto's shuttle is docked but has readings of high levels of contaminants both inside the shuttle and on the exterior.

"As long as they have oxygen in that shuttle, I want it quarantined until we can 'decon' it.
Make sure both shuttles are secure for take off, but keep a seal on Elbarto's Alliance shuttle, dong ma?
And i want to know how many life forms you're reading in that shuttle." - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]

Crew Ident Cards:


Monday, March 1, 2010 4:26 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

“I’ll get right on it. I figure if I take a nice piece of my hull and seal it over the external and internal breach that should hold no problem. The coolant leak is simply a matter of replacing a section of piping which I’m sure you have kicking around. I’ll go and find that mechanic of yours and get this show on the road.” Wisp picked up his helmet and headed out of the bridge. He’d also need to get his stuff across If he was gonna be pulling chunks out of the hull but luckily he didn’t have much to move. He made a quick mental checklist as he headed down to the cargo hold:

Clothing and personal effects- He had about a rucksack worth which would take around 10 seconds to pack up.
Items that aren’t tied down and would be useful on Tranquillity- There were 16 helpings of bedding for starters. Not to mention rations and some miscellaneous equipment.
Weapons- Not only did he not want to leave his collection it was also pretty dangerous to leave such an arsenal in an abandoned vessel.
Items that are tied down that would be useful on Tranquillity- He’d already mentally stripped his entire sensor and countermeasures packages. He could also pump across fuel and water in no time at all. Any time he did have left he’d strip down the engine for parts.
Seeing as he didn’t have a room set out so far he’d just dump everything in the cargo hold in a neat pile.

This day had not turn out how he expected. This morning he’d been happy as Larry gliding through space in his own ship and now... He was practically a refugee. Forced out of his ship by his own dumb generosity. But what was it that the philosophers always delighted in saying? ‘Sometimes life takes you down roads you didn’t plan on going down’ They usually followed it up with some bull about divine destiny but he’d had enough of that crap. But no matter the reason he was here now and he had to make the best of it. As he reached the cargo bay he found a young woman looking at his polymer patch.

“Hey there” he shouted across the bay as he made his way towards her “You Shiny Frye the Mechanic?” He reached her as she looked at him with confusion obviously not knowing who he was or why he was on her ship “I'm sorry my name’s Wisp. I found your ship leaking atmosphere so I came aboard and did some repairs. Your auxiliary life support was destroyed so your Captain offered me a room if you could use mine. I was just going to do a space walk and attach a more permanent plate to the outside and Id really appreciate a hand if you could spare it?”


Monday, March 1, 2010 7:49 AM


Shiny stands there looking at wisp. dumb founded.
"huh, you fixed the....... (Shiny looks him up and down)You fixed the auxiliary? Wisp nods as he suits up. Shiny watches him, "the capt let you aboard our ship?
Shiny knows the answer to her questions, If the capt didn't want wisp here, He sure wouldn't be.
It was her way of processing the information.
Wisp. "well... you gonna help me?
Shiny not sure why and surprised herself by how quick she answered "Sure".
Shiny grabs a suit from one of side compartments
in the cargo hold and suits up. As she walks over to where wisp is waiting She starts thinking she's crazy. what he decides she should go on a permanent space walk.The thought frightened her Shiny hesitates a moment, then walks up to wisp.
Before she puts the helmet on she says, "don't pull any stunts, if you do I'm bringing you with me." With that Shiny puts her helmet on.. Crooked.
Embarrassed she quickly fixes it hoping wisp didn't notice, but she's sure he did.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Monday, March 1, 2010 11:18 AM


(shiny leaves the galley leaving oreo once again alone, waiting. The seconds go by that turn to mintues and the mintues start to feel like an eternity. he crushes the can in his hand and throws it to the ground. Oreo begins pacing back and fourth and eventually leaves heading towards the cargo hold. once there oreo play about, tossing and knocking things over before coming across the cryo unit that the twins came in.)

Oreo- this thing is still here?

(a realization suddenly hits oreo)

Oreo- come to think of it, i ain't seen those little brats around in a long ass while.

(Oreo stares atthe cryo unit, then, in a quick moment he unlatches the lid and pushes it off. A cloud of white smoke escapes. Oreo walks up and peers inside, to find both the twins inside. Oreo cracks a grin)

Oreo- Hide and seek is over...

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010 3:39 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

At first Wisp felt a knife of anger and ungratefulness. Here was a stranger he’d just saved the life of and here she was thinking he was gonna pump her out into the black for no reason. Then it dawned upon him the very strange situation that was upon them. She had every right not to trust him he was still a stranger. Then he caught the slip with the helmet and casually decided not to notice. She was talking bigger than she was, making sure I am who I say I am. Smart girl he thought to himself, I’m gonna like her.

The pair of them suited up and headed into the vacuum of space armed with welding equipment. By taking part of the rear landing door of the Epsilon they managed to create a pretty seamless weld with the ships hull. Unfortunately the grey patch didn’t mix with the standard brown of the Firefly class but that would even out in time. All in all the job had only taken around an hour to weld on the new plate and repair the coolant leak.

“Hey shiny” Wisp said as they stepped back through the airlock onto the Tranquillity “Do you mind running the diagnostics on the starboard engine alone for half an hour or so? I gotta pack up my things so we can get off this rock.”






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