Anyone here at the time remembers the Loma Prieta. Here in Marin, it shook us and sent us to grabbing the dogs and running outside with the other neighb..."/>


Haiti, Chile: Could it happen here?

UPDATED: Tuesday, March 2, 2010 10:29
PAGE 1 of 1

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 10:18 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Anyone here at the time remembers the Loma Prieta. Here in Marin, it shook us and sent us to grabbing the dogs and running outside with the other neighbors. But of course it ws much worse in SF. Jim and I were off that day, but a fellow worker described standing at the floor-oto-oceiling windows on the 32nd floor where we work, and watching the buildings across the City sway. Glad we weren't at work!

As everyone knows, we get a lot of quakes out here. As a result, some of our freeways have been torn down, others are being "retrofitted", as are other buildings in the City. I found this interesting:

Chile's Earthquake: We Can Protect Ourselves
Buildings Can Be Buttressed, or Designed to Sway Instead of Collapsing

We've now seen the destruction after the earthquake in Chile, and the utter devastation after the earthquake in Haiti.

Could such earthquakes happen here? They have before and will again. Can we protect against them? Yes.

Some years ago I found myself on a catwalk beneath the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, wearing jeans, work boots and a body harness.

The 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake had happened years before. Now California was trying to get ahead of the game.

Cuts would be made in the beams supporting the bridge, just beneath the roadway. Sections of steel would be pulled out, and replaced with "isolation bearings" -- flexible joints that sometimes look like gargantuan shock absorbers.

It was an ambitious, expensive plan, which quickly got caught in bureaucracy. Before much of the work was done, California decided it needed to replace much of the aging bridge anyhow.

Swaying Instead of Giving Way

But San Francisco's city hall is now on 590 isolators, installed in the hope that if the ground vibrates, the building will more gently sway back and forth above it. The building won't escape damage if The Big One hits, but engineers say it is far less likely to collapse.

These are examples of how structures in earthquake-prone areas can be designed to survive a disaster -- the kind that happened Saturday in Chile.

"This is the ultimate earthquake," said Peter Yanev, a California-based structural engineer. "This is the earthquake that we can learn the most from, both the positive and the negative."

"Buildings -- designed to withstand gravity -- have to be built to withstand lateral motion," said Art Lerner-Lam of Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.

Which is where those isolators come in. They're expensive -- unless a major earthquake hits.

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Tuesday, March 2, 2010 10:29 AM


The Bay area is a whole lot like most of Utah. It's all unconsolidated sediment. The moment you get any amount of ground shaking, the ground surface pretty much becomes liquified. It'll be like jelly.

California has a lot of standards for construction for earthquakes, but the best engineering can't stop you from shaking yourself apart if your foundations aren't solid. All you can do is put down stakes and try to drill yourself into bedrock, but bedrock is too far for that in most of the bay area.

You also have to worry a lot about your pipes breaking under those conditions.

For some reason, the fault around there seems to release pretty regularly, which helps prevent you from building up a lot of pressure and causing BIG tension releases. So you do have that, at least, though that's by no means a guarantee you won't have big ones.

I was in the 1989 earthquake. Never heard it called that before though. Family was near Sacramento, I forget which suburb.