High school prom cancelled by ACLJews

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 11:24
VIEWED: 5539
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Friday, March 12, 2010 5:00 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Lesbian Constance McMillian and wife


Constance McMillen didn't believe her Mississippi school district would really call off her senior prom rather than allow her to show up with her girlfriend and wear a tuxedo.

On Thursday, a day after the Itawamba County school board did just that, the 18-year-old lesbian high school senior reluctantly returned to campus to some unfriendly looks, she said.
"Somebody said, 'Thanks for ruining my senior year.'" McMillen said.

Lesbian Wants To Dress In A Tux And Pee In The Boy's Bathroom

JACKSON, Miss. – A northern Mississippi school district will not be hosting a high school prom this spring after a lesbian student sought to attend with her girlfriend and wear a tuxedo.

The Itawamba County school district's board decided Wednesday to drop the prom because of what it called recent distractions but without specifically mentioning the girl's request, which was backed by the American Civil Liberties Union.

The student, 18-year-old high school senior Constance McMillen, said the cancellation was retaliation for her efforts to bring her girlfriend, also a student, to the April 2 dance.

School policy requires that senior prom dates be of the opposite sex. The ACLU of Mississippi had given the district until Wednesday to change that policy, arguing that banning same-sex prom dates violated McMillen's constitutional rights.

The ACLU Communists

The National Civil Liberties Bureau (NCLB) was formed in 1917, as outgrowth of the American Union opposed American intervention in World War I. The NCLB provided legal advice and aid for conscientious objectors (Jewish draft dodgers) and Zionists being prosecuted under the Espionage Act of 1917 or the Sedition Act of 1918.

The ACLU was formed to protect aliens threatened with deportation, along with U.S. nationals threatened with criminal charges by U.S. Attorney General Alexander Mitchell Palmer for their communist or socialist activities and agendas. It also opposed attacks on the rights of the Jewish Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and other labor unions to meet and organize.

Jewish S Naomi Herman ACLU President paid $480,000/yr

Christian Superintendent Of School District paid $32,500/yr

Lesbian teen sues over prom flap; back at school


Friday, March 12, 2010 5:16 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by piratenews:
School policy requires that senior prom dates be of the opposite sex.

Hmm. Used to require that they be of the same race.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, March 12, 2010 5:29 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Next thing you know clothing will be banned and sodomy required.

KKK was founded by jewish freemasons like Albert Pike, to divide and conquer USA. The first slaves sold in USA were white.


Friday, March 12, 2010 10:17 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Hear, hear, Geezer!

She's going litigious:

A Mississippi high school senior has filed suit to get the school's prom reinstated after officials canceled it because the young woman, an open lesbian, asked to attend with her girlfriend and wear a tuxedo.

The lawsuit, filed today in U.S. District Court, charges that 18-year-old Constance McMillen's free speech rights were violated when school officials told her they would be enforcing the district's policy that prom dates must be of "opposite sex."

McMillen is dating a sophomore girl at the school. She requested permission from the school's principal and the superintendent not only to bring her girlfriend, but to wear a tuxedo.

She was told, according to the lawsuit, that the pair would have to arrive separately and could be thrown out "if any of the other students complained about their presence there together." McMillen was also told she could not wear a tuxedo, according to the suit, because boys are to attend in tuxedos and girls in dresses.

On Wednesday, after the American Civil Liberties Union told the school board that banning same-sex dates violated the students' rights, the district canceled the April 2 prom for the entire school.

In a statement issued today by the Itawamba County Board of Education, school officials said the prom was canceled after consideration for the "education, safety and well-being" of the students and that they hoped "private citizens" would take it upon themselves to throw the students a prom.

McMillen was not named in the statement, but the statement said the decision to cancel the prom was "due to the distractions to the educational process caused by recent events."

The lawsuit -- which also names Principal Trae Wiygul, Assistanct Principal Rick Mitchell and Superintendent Theresa McNeece -- requests not only that the prom be reinstated and the opposite-sex date policy be lifted, but that female students be allowed to wear tuxedos and that the school district admit its policies restricted its students' freedom of expression.

"We certainly want a declaration that what the school district did was unconstitutional," Sun said, adding that the ACLU is planning to file an emergency motion to get the matter resolved in time for the prom to be reinstated.

I agree with Geezer: Unlike you, PN, I think pushing the envelope on same-sex rights is directly comparative to pushing it on civil fact, tho' "civil rights" is used with regard to sex, I think they're the SAME thing.

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Friday, March 12, 2010 10:30 AM



Originally posted by Geezer:

Originally posted by piratenews:
School policy requires that senior prom dates be of the opposite sex.

Hmm. Used to require that they be of the same race.

Silly policy. Only real question is whether or not they are hot.

I'm a moderate on the gay rights issue. I'm in favor of hot lesbian rights.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.


Friday, March 12, 2010 10:46 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

accuracy change


Silence is consent.


Friday, March 12, 2010 11:50 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Britain To Ban Skirts For School Uniforms In Case Transexuals Are Offended

In another case of 1984 Doublethink, where society holds two contradictory beliefs at the same time, the Equality and Human Rights Commission has issued a document claiming that it may be illegal for schools to have skirts as part of the school uniform because it might offend transgenders and transvestites, which are oh so rampant in our school system – that last line was sarcastic in case you didn’t know.

As reported in the Daily Mail:
The threat to take legal action against schools because some uniforms can be deemed ‘gender specific’ is beyond satire. The number of transsexual adults in Britain is tiny, perhaps as few as 5,000, yet the Commission wants all public services to be altered for the sake of this minuscule group.

And here lies the problem with this hypocritical extreme left politically correct nonsense. In an effort to bring equality and rights to everyone, what we are really seeing is mass discrimination against everyone. Instead of bringing people together we are dividing society because this group might offend that group. I guess we should just make everything illegal so nobody can become offended about anything. But then again I’m offended that people might be offended at girls wearing skirts.

Is it so difficult to just deal with such an issue if and when it crops up? So there might be one girl in England that is having a tough time dealing with these issues. Isn’t that for the school and parents to work through together? Why have a piece of paper declaring such a sweeping proposal as banning skirts?

The article continues: Such action highlights three of the most dangerous traits of the Left-wing doctrinaires. One is their remorseless focus on categorising individuals by race, gender, sexual orientation or class – and then placing them within hierarchies of victimhood according to the perceived disadvantage they have suffered.

Another is the sexualisation of children, in which the innocence of youth is destroyed by the aggressive promotion of the so-called ’sexual rights’ agenda.

The third is the eagerness to obliterate all traditional morality by presenting support for normal, married family life as outmoded and discriminatory.

One alleged plank of the New World Order social engineering agenda historically was to break down the family unit by funding and promoting the feminist movement, while disenfranchising the traditional male archetype. Another pillar was to make vast amounts of people dependent on the state through the benefits system.

In some scary rhetoric Harriet Harman has said in regard to her equality bill that it will create ‘a new social order’. Every office, factory, club and pub will have to submit to the ideology of the state.

It seems as we become more and more dependent on the state, there will be an increasing push to adopt their ideologies, rather than the state simply representing the collective ideologies of the public.

“Power is tearing human minds apart and putting them back together in new shapes of your own choosing.”
-George Orwell’s – 1984


Friday, March 12, 2010 9:34 PM


I guess we should not be surprised that they would cancel the prom instead of allowing this couple to attend.

It shows that a 17 year old has more maturity and courage then the school board.


Friday, March 12, 2010 10:59 PM



Originally posted by traveler:
I guess we should not be surprised that they would cancel the prom instead of allowing this couple to attend.

It shows that a 17 year old has more maturity and courage then the school board.


You're not kidding. This is the kind of thing that keeps me moderate on most things. I can not side with some of the liberal movement for bigger government(though I feel SOME of it is good/necessary) and I cannot side with conservatives because while they push a "small government, governments get in a man's way" sort of thing, they like to bring in moralizing social standards and restrictions, via government.

Pirate News: As I understand it, you're in the business of being inflammatory, so I'll try not to get to wrapped up in your agitation. Just a few thoughts.

First I'd like to point out, this was not a Christian School, it was a public school. So trying to set the table of "Jewish conspiracies" attacking a Christian school is a flawed image, even before we discuss whether or not your claims about the ACLU have any validity (not something I will attempt to confront here as I do not have the documenation at this time).

You want true "small government" you wouldn't be trying to use the government to fight the ethical battles of sexual orientation and abortion, you'd live and let live. (Abortion does have the issue of death so PLEASE don't get into that here) but with something like homosexuality, how does it burden YOU that someone else is gay? How does it affect YOUR ability to pursue happiness? Unless you can answer me that, you are just looking to control someone into conforming to your social and "moral" standard, the keyword being control. Just like the big government of your bad dreams (communism (an abused word in America if ever there was one)) or the theocracies we have set ourselves opposed to BECAUSE THEY LIMIT FREEDOMS.

Now, on the other side of that coin, should there ever be the forced hand for someone to have to say you agree with the lifestyle of someone, of course not. That's just as bad. Tell me up and down how you don't like what these people do. And I'll tell you that's too damn bad, because you're not them, and you're disagreement with their lifestyle does not grant you the right to take away theirs. Their rights, their pursuit of happiness, or to commit hateful actions towards them (of course you can say whatever you like, but I"m talking violence or scare tactics).

And please don't dig into the conspiracy theories about the ACLU and reverse racism. Is affirmative action something that should be phased out probably? Does Jesse Jackson and his lot preach entitlement that just stretches the racial divide so they can profit, definitely. But don't get into puppet strings please. Your comments and more directly your link are pretty openly anti-Semitic. I'm not Jewish and I still find that pretty offensive, but you have your right to speak your views and I abide it, even if the level of Slander and hatred are pretty high. Just saying if you are not preaching intolerance directly, I'd tread lightly if I were you.

my $.02

P.S. I'm speaking of America, can't speak for England their dynamic is very different as you don't have the religious right-wing movement in the same way, which is mainly what I'm addressing here.


Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:05 AM


I seem to remember that most of the school dances when I was in school had girls dancing together. In the 70's many boys decided it wasn’t cool to dance, lack of dancing males is probably the number one cause of lesbianism.


Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:34 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Her problem was that she asked permission, apparently in order to make a public statement. The couple should have just shown up at the prom once it was in progress. I doubt they would have shut it down and sent everyone home. They may have asked them to leave but it wouldn't have ruined the event for everyone else.


Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:42 AM



the young woman, an open lesbian, asked to attend with her girlfriend and wear a tuxedo...
I respect her for asking because it was the responsible and considerate thing to do, but given the school's idiotic policy, I think I would've said eff it in that case and just shown up.


McMillen was also told she could not wear a tuxedo, according to the suit, because boys are to attend in tuxedos and girls in dresses.
Gee whiz, at my prom TWO girls showed up in tuxedos, and no one had a problem with it (I don't know if they were gay, but regardless it was a non-issue)

I thought we were moving in a direction of tolerance in this country. Guess I was wrong.


Saturday, March 13, 2010 6:12 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Thanx for trying, Rue...he changed it back. Can’t remember the original title, so I’m doing what I can with the cite title. Sheesss...

The skirt banning is just plain stupid. If we tried to “fix” everything that offended everyone...’nuff said!

Traveler, yes, canceling is stupid and small-minded, but the girl doesn’t have the pressure of umpteen parents coming down on her head. If she hadn’t asked, they’d probably have thrown them out; maybe by making a stink, the school board will be forced to have the prom in the end. Who knows?

Re, If you check the facts, government expanded (and so did the debt) more under the right than the left. Yes, they TALK a good game, but the truth is the reverse. As to PN, you’re right, best not to engage him, but you should know (are you someone we should greet as new?) nothing will stop him from his obsession with his beloved hatred of Jews, gays, and dozens of others, and his obsession with sex and conspiracy theories. Just so’s you know, any time you spend trying to address those is a few minutes out of your life you’ll never get back, to no avail.

Kirk, yes, it. was the fashion back in the ‘50s and ‘60s, you’re right—nobody minded THEN, did they? Of course, they didn’t even dream any of THEIR students could be “The Gay”. I’m assuming your second remark is a joke....good one!

Gordon, I thought it might be a statement, too, until I read she’d ASKED. That kind of means to me more respect and maturity—if they’d just shown up, they’d have been thrown out and nobody would have gotten any “statement” out of it (until she or her parents sued!). Asking seemed to me more like trying NOT to cause trouble, just wanting to celebrate the dance in her own way. JMHO

Free, just like every country having to grapple with changes in society, some places are faster to change, some resist change more. I would make some kind of crack about “After all, it IS Mississippi!”, but I know there are thinking people even there, and wouldn’t want to put THEM down. It can be compared to which states were faster to accept integrated proms (just saw a movie based on that actual situation, in Miss., where a black girl proposed holding ONE prom to save money rather than a White Prom and a Black Prom). Societal change takes time...and courage on the part of those who want to change it...

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Saturday, March 13, 2010 8:05 AM


I was hoping when I saw this that maybe PN would see that this was an issue of a PUBLIC SCHOOL canceling the prom, and creating a situation in which the lesbian students are "harrassed" for "ruining senior year" (melodramatic much? teenagers).

No such luck. But then, PN is catering to a particular crowd, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It's the problem that all syndicated (is that the right word?) "news" heads face. If you deviate from the platform you present in order to say "you know, maybe the people who I'm always saying are the enemy are standing up for increased freedoms this one time" they alienate their reader/listener base and lose credibility. They have to constantly maintain a position, because that's all their base can understand. And I mean liberal news outlets as well as conservative.

I'll grant it's likely that the girl and her girlfriend decided to do all of this just to get attention, as teenagers are wont to, and groups glomped on to the cause as an opportunity. But ultimately I don't see this as malicious, nor do I think motive prohibits these teenage girls the right to express themselves that way.


Saturday, March 13, 2010 8:27 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Kirkules:
I seem to remember that most of the school dances when I was in school had girls dancing together. In the 70's many boys decided it wasn’t cool to dance, lack of dancing males is probably the number one cause of lesbianism.

So wouldn't that mean that it's also the number one cause of male homosexuality? I mean, if the girls were all dancing together and turning the gay, then weren't the BOYS all hanging out together at the same time, and ALSO turning the gay?

Man, makes me glad I was dancing. Otherwise I might have caught the gay from the wallflowers!

Of course, maybe that also feeds into the hypothesis that team sports makes one gay. Y'know, football, baseball, all that hanging out in the locker room with the naked fellas and snapping towels at each others' asses and all...

But of course THAT would mean that the military makes people gay. Only the military doesn't want the gays. But if that's true, why are they making so many of them?

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Saturday, March 13, 2010 9:19 AM



Yes I guess I've been lurking here for awhile but not really been formally introduced so I'm new-ish. , and as for trying to convince me of anything on whether the conservatives were wrong or right or either party being better than the other, please don't. I've become rather disenchanted with both parties, my only stance now is that the government be hedged from invading our homes any more than they already are, and that the crazies like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh should be punished for encouraging those who hypocritically claim small government but then want to use government to restrict freedoms based on "moral fiber"

The rant aside, it's nice to be here talking with all of you Browncoats about the 'verse I love. (and the occasional reality based discussion. lol).


Saturday, March 13, 2010 9:54 AM


Welcome to the shark pond, then.

I cannot really comment here on this one without being a total hypocrite given the lunacy I pulled on my own junior prom, which I don't have the time to go into the details of at the moment, alas.



Saturday, March 13, 2010 2:55 PM


I'm dreaming that a backup prom will be held and all of the female students will show up in tuxes, just to show the wisdom of the younger generation. Wouldn't that be the best?

OK. Or maybe it'd be the closing scene from some progressive-alterno-Disney made-for-TV movie. It'd still make me teary.

Good for this girl, for standing up for herself.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:48 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by mal4prez:
I'm dreaming that a backup prom will be held and all of the female students will show up in tuxes, just to show the wisdom of the younger generation. Wouldn't that be the best?

OK. Or maybe it'd be the closing scene from some progressive-alterno-Disney made-for-TV movie. It'd still make me teary.

Good for this girl, for standing up for herself.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left

Right on. I'm with ya.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:50 PM


Ok, Junior prom - the school had already blacklisted me from it, not for anything specific that I *did* but on the assumption that me being there would cause a disaster/incident/hassle, while maybe perhaps understandable, in no way justifiable, and the trigger for one of the funniest non-hostile incidents pulled off in a long career of stickin it to the public school system.

See, I wasn't gonna go, didn't have all that much interest in social events, and despite a couple invitations from the girls in home ec, had many of the same concerns the admin did about my presence being perhaps troublesome, so I figured to give it a miss - right up till they told me I *couldn't* go.

You would THINK that by then they'd have friggin known better!

With the assistance of my mother, who was a willing co-conspirator on this one cause she was severely pissed at the county educational system and thought this wacky plan was hilarious, we rented an expensive sports car, and she drove it to a family friends house who lived up the block, at which point she stopped in for coffee, tossed me the keys and it was my ballgame...
(which meant in truth I drove the thing all of MAYBE two blocks, mind, and she took the long way so SHE could play with it!)

Of course, the school itself being in a well off suburb and having some real concerns about the driving/parking skill of the students who showed up in their own family cars they had some hired valets doin that - which meant I got to roll up to the entrance in that fancy bit of fluff and show it off, which was of course all part of the plan.

Eff the tux, leather jacket, jeans, shades, your basic mid-eighties hoodlum look, with a big grin just *daring* anyone to say a word, which no one did right off, although given that the administrator wanted to I stepped off to the side with him and told him flat out, I wouldn't *cause* any trouble, and if any came of it, I'd just leave - and after weighing what might happen if he made an issue of it he just let it go, one of the few times the man ever showed a lick of sense.

And no trouble DID come of it, not really, I didn't start a brawl, didn't spike the punch, or sneak heavy metal into the sound system, heaven knows I'd considered it, but I just nibbled the snacks and walked around the edge of the dance floor with some of the girls I knew from home ec so they wouldn't be mocked for being all by their lonesome, one of which dragged me onto the floor and danced while I just kinda stood there cause I don't dance, alas.

And when a girl I knew slightly got into it with her beau and things looked like they were gonna get heated and unpleasant (mostly her fault, cause she kept lighting into him as he was tryin to let it go) I politely offered her a ride home, which she accepted - and I did *that* cause she seemed bent on creating a scene, which'd be a damn shame since things had been going so nicely.

And so, off we went, collected my mom and she drove the car back to the lot, paid up the rental and we took the girl home, collecting a dirty look from her parents but with nothin of it since she was too angry to be flirting with me and I was being polite rather than having any interest.

Of course, this didn't stop the rumor mill from the notion that I "showed up stag in a debateably-borrowed sports car, dressed like a hood, crashed the prom I'd been banned from and left with someone elses date..." which amused me to no end cause it was mostly true other than a lack of any real malice to it.

That said....

I concur that asking permission in advance was likely a mistake, but a well intentioned one, since the kid was *trying* to do things with respect - and prolly learned all the wrong lessons from this due to the petulant behavior of the school, who quite frankly seems to be engaging in much the same bullshit Lower Merion is - seems a trend these days that when a student or their parents has some disagreement with a school, the school officials start subtly and deniably encouraging violence against the student in question.

Whether it's this schools finger-pointing and blame at the girl and her friend, or Lower Merions PA announcements and attempts to rile up the community against the Robbins family cause holding them to the law is going to cost money, it's all the same, and something which came to my attention shortly after Columbine when a California school acted against three students who albiet foolishly, tried to do the right thing and bring it to the attention of school officials that a student was planning a shooting spree.

For their efforts they were "excluded from returning to school for their own safety" and they and their families "suffered abuse and harrassment" at the hands of other students, encouraged by the school administrations comments on the matter - despite that they likely *did* prevent a violent incident, again, teaching all the wrong lessons.

The biggest grudge I got about all that is Tempest Smith, driven to suicide by to be blunt, school-sponsored bullying, which this seems another case of.

I sincerely hope Miss McMillen kicks the shit out of them in court, it's one thing for a school to have an issue with it, but way out of line to cancel the prom and then point the finger at her and discretely encourage the other students and families to flame and blame - excuses be damned, they KNEW this would be the result when they did it, and that makes them responsible, besides which collective punishment is a tyrannical act any way you slice it.

And as such, they oughta be HELD responsible, when the administration is complicit in such matters, they all too often get a free pass, which leads to students eventually waging their own personal war against the adult world which they feel has betrayed them, and in a fashion, it has.

People like to talk about how awful kids are these days, but the fact of the matter is that they ain't born like that, contrary to the bullshit and excuses used to deny responsibility, they LEARN that conduct - and they learn it from US...

And it is incidents like this one that teach it to them, cause for many students, this is also going to encourage intolerance, especially if already present in their families, by showing them which side of the matter the authority figures they one day hope to be are on.

We corrupt them, and then blame them for being corrupted, how insane is that ?



Sunday, March 14, 2010 5:03 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by mal4prez:
I'm dreaming that a backup prom will be held and all of the female students will show up in tuxes, just to show the wisdom of the younger generation. Wouldn't that be the best?


At least one supporter has offered to help McMillen and her classmates hold an alternate prom.

New Orleans hotel owner Sean Cummings told The Clarion-Ledger of Jackson he was so disappointed with the school board's decision he offered to transport the students in buses to the city and host a free prom at one of his properties.

"New Orleans, we're a joyful culture and a creative culture here and, if the school doesn't change its mind, we'd be delighted to offer them a prom in New Orleans," he told the newspaper. "Concluding your high school experience should be a joyful one. One shouldn't conclude that experience with all their friends on a negative note."

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Sunday, March 14, 2010 8:33 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Byte, you silly thing; did you REALLY think that!?! Wow...and I can't even excuse you by being "naive" about PN

Re, welcome! A new voice is always a treat. Hon, I'm not a prosletyzer; I'm disenchanged with both parties too, and I'm an Independent. My current stance grows out of eight years of the Dumbya administration and its atrocities; were it not for that, and the way the Repubs in Congress are acting, I'd probably be as disenchanged with the Dems--it's the SYSTEM that's broken, and both parties are just outgrowths of that.

Yeah, Geezer, I heard about that: Good for them!!!

I didn't attend my prom; at the time I was six feet tall with a double set of braces and thick, thick glasses (I was "legally blind" until I got my first cataract surgery). Not exactly date material!

Shortly before I graduated, however, I met a 6'6" guy and fell in love. Went to a dance at HIS college (he was a year ahead) but not my own. Don't feel I missed anything.

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Sunday, March 14, 2010 1:19 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:
I didn't attend my prom; at the time I was six feet tall with a double set of braces and thick, thick glasses (I was "legally blind" until I got my first cataract surgery). Not exactly date material!

Meh, that was also one of the incentives that tipped my hand to go, since mean as I was, despite that heaping helping of misanthropic hostility, way down deep even then was a little bit of chivalry, and watching how public school society demeaned and abused girls who were not picture-perfect ground my nerves cause I'll take a stout heart and gentle nature over a pretty package any day of the week, the latter is a temporary thing anyways.

I mean, really, who do you think the girls I was walking the edge of the dance floor with *were* ?
Not the prom queens, certainly, but the other outcasts who had the guts to come, even alone, because they did not wish to bear the shunning from what should have been a joyous event and all too often isn't.

Hell, the girl who dragged me out onto the floor and danced around me was so infectiously happy that it triggered the only less than nasty smile those folk ever saw, not that many noticed - reputation be damned, most of the more put-upon girls, especially the ones in home ec, were very well aware by then that behind that wall of cold, misanthropic rage, there lurked a human being.

That was also one of the things that annoyed the crap out of my ex - mind you, she's a whiner when she gets sick, and my kinda sympathy isn't real expressive in the way she'd like - but then who else'd go haring off at 3:40am and come back with medicine, throat spray, cough drops, 2 cans of chicken noodle soup, oyster crackers, a quart of ice cream and a stuffed teddy bear, albeit grumbling about how much a wuss you are the whole time.

Too many folk tend to get too wrapped up in either/or, black/white, yes/no thinking, but people aren't like that, more like shades of grey, some darker, some lighter.

But of course, acknowledging that someone else has positive qualities makes it harder to hate them, and so most folk refuse to, as if hate is ever all that dandy a reason to do anything, whether it's justified or not, cause that'll just feed the cycle and justify someone else's...

Not all violence is rooted in hate, some of it is rooted in compassion for those unable to take a stand themselves, and I think, on some level, most of those other outcasts, they knew that.



Sunday, March 14, 2010 3:34 PM


In my day a boy could not wear boots, blue jeans, and if your pants had belt loops you were required to wear a belt in high school.

Girls could only wear skirts. No pants of any kind allowed.

This was the late 60's. By 69 the rules were amended. It was a like night and day when the new year began with the student body showing up dressed as the wanted.

Because society was so anti-gay no rules for same sex attendance existed in my high school days. No need for rules when you are ostracized by society. This makes me ponder when these rules were adopted by the school board?


Sunday, March 14, 2010 4:19 PM



Originally posted by Kirkules:
I seem to remember that most of the school dances when I was in school had girls dancing together. In the 70's many boys decided it wasn’t cool to dance, lack of dancing males is probably the number one cause of lesbianism.

Really? and here I thought it had to do with the taste of vagina.........


Sunday, March 14, 2010 4:19 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Geezer:

Lesbian teen sues to force school to hold prom

ACLJews get to extort up to $400,000 per lawsuit from the taxslaves in that county.

ACLU Seeks $488,601.10 in Attorneys Fees in Library Lawsuit


"You know what happened to the Romans? The last six Roman emperors were fags. Neither in a public way. You know what happened to the popes? They were layin' the nuns; that's been goin' on for years, centuries. But the Catholic Church went to hell three or four centuries ago. It was homosexual, and it had to be cleaned out. That's what's happened to Britain. It happened earlier to France. Let's look at the strong societies. The Russians. Goddamn, they root 'em out. They don't let 'em around at all. The upper class in San Francisco is that way. The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time--it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine, with that San Francisco crowd. I can't shake hands with anybody from San Francisco."
-President Richard Nixon, White House audiotapes

Gay transvestite nudist compound for human sacrifice at kosher Bohemian Grove


Sunday, March 14, 2010 4:25 PM


Reenact12321 wrote: "and that the crazies like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh should be punished for encouraging those who hypocritically claim small government but then want to use government to restrict freedoms based on "moral fiber"

One of the smartest posts I've ever read here. and I think you are for small Gov. but seem able to seperate liberty from the conservative mosaic of religous absurdity.............


Sunday, March 14, 2010 4:38 PM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
Her problem was that she asked permission, apparently in order to make a public statement. The couple should have just shown up at the prom once it was in progress. I doubt they would have shut it down and sent everyone home. They may have asked them to leave but it wouldn't have ruined the event for everyone else.

Quite the assumption to say she was trying to make a statement by asking. The High Schools I've worked at require students to register the name of the person using the ticket (students from other schools, for instance, must have permission to attend) so the mere act of buying her prom tics might have required her to reveal who she was taking.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Sunday, March 14, 2010 8:04 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I went to prom with a girl. I never went to my own prom, because I didn't care about prom. I cared about this girl, so I escorted her to her prom, because it was important to her. I don't know if she was required to register my name with the school or not, but there was no problem at all with us going together.
Of course, this was the Denver School of the Arts. A rather liberal high school environment with an active GSA and a high percentage of openly GLBT students. I'm not sure what the reaction would have been at my own high school, which was certainly not my favorite place in terms of policy or open-mindedness.



Monday, March 15, 2010 3:01 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Ok, Junior prom - the school had already blacklisted me from it, not for anything specific that I *did* but on the assumption that me being there would cause a disaster/incident/hassle...

Sound judgement. Too bad we can't do the same thing here...alas free speech's downside is we have to let everyone have their say (except PirateNews).

Actually, I have a similar story from college where I was asked not to attend a lecture by the Row v. Wade lawyer because I was a known conservative activist. In a room with my advisor and the dean, threats were made, it was very intimidating...I listened and respectfully refused to comply with their wishes or give them any promise to behave in manner they would approve of. I went anyway, I was also bound for lawschool and interested in the legal issues and the chance to listen to a lawyer who argued the biggest case of her generation before the high court.

I note for the record that even at our worst, our group never disrupted or disputed anyone's right to come to our campus and speak. That's what liberals do.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.


Monday, March 15, 2010 6:14 AM


Frem: The thing that annoys me is how come so few people see that sort of blame pointing authority endorsed harassment for what it is? Though I guess it wasn't fair of me to just shrug and say "teenagers," high school is just practice for when they grow up and do it as an adult.

But why are people so easily manipulated? Why is it the kids at school never seem to see if they banded together against the authority trying that "punish them all, divide and conquer" bullshit, they could actually win? If they think the punishment is unfair, why don't they take it up with the punisher instead of the kids being painted as the troublemakers?

From a young age, kids are conditioned to accept the absolute authority of their parents. So by the time they get into elementary school, is that deference to authority and authorized punishment ingrained? Is that what causes this?


Monday, March 15, 2010 6:38 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
Too bad we can't do the same thing here...alas free speech's downside is we have to let everyone have their say (except PirateNews).

Oh, please. Step off your high horse chump. PN can say what he likes, and by the same token we can make fun of it as much as we like. Part and parcel.


I note for the record that even at our worst, our group never disrupted or disputed anyone's right to come to our campus and speak. That's what liberals do.

Riiiight. Because there's no example of conservatives shouting others down. I know you're a lawyer, and thus morally compromised from the get-go.... but you're usually not so stupid as to make such a ludicrous claim. Or maybe I misjudged you, and you are that dumb.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, March 15, 2010 7:35 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I didn't mingle with the other kids in school, aside from my own little group of outcasts, and prom didn't mean diddly shit to me anyway, so it was no biggie for me. Yes, that was the late 60s (graduated in 66, just in time to become a "flower child", hee, hee, hee), and we had to wear skirts, of a certain length, etc., etc.

I spent most of my time in school literally slinking from tree to tree; in my school it was the time of the "beehive" hairdo, and some of the girls hid razors in their know the thing. So I just kept a low profile for the most part, and was DAMNED glad to get out!

Went on to jr. college, and that was GREAT...Cupertino was pretty free, I went the first year the college opened, and our professors were, some of them, TRULY wigged out! So it worked out great for me, but I know what you mean about the girls (and boys) who suffered from ostracism...I guess you could say I ostracized MYSELF.

Yes, I agree with Kane, too; it's a pretty succinct explanation in part of why I hate FauxNews and the crazies on it.

Hi Rose, good to see you! I have a feeling a lot of kids went either alone or with a friend, of either sex, but as Traveler said, back then EVERYONE was in the closet, so it never came up.

Byte, I agree:

The thing that annoys me is how come so few people see that sort of blame pointing authority endorsed harassment for what it is? Though I guess it wasn't fair of me to just shrug and say "teenagers," high school is just practice for when they grow up and do it as an adult.
But to a degree you CAN shrug and say "teenagers". Remember the hormones and where they are in growing up, etc. The urge to separate from parents in strong, peer pressure is even stronger, but they haven't separated ENOUGh (most of them) to challenge real authority figures.

Unfortuntely enough of them never DO, so you're right, it ends up just being practice--and indoctrination...

Story darling, are you whistling into the wind again? I thought I heard something too, but it was so garbled I couldn't make sense of it. Oh well...

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Monday, March 15, 2010 8:10 AM



Frem: The thing that annoys me is how come so few people see that sort of blame pointing authority endorsed harassment for what it is? Though I guess it wasn't fair of me to just shrug and say "teenagers," high school is just practice for when they grow up and do it as an adult.

We're taught NOT to see it, NOT to question it, every day in so many tiny little ways that conditioning is nonstop, I think because of who and what you are, and how it has less of an effect, you maybe didn't notice it at the time, but if you look back on it NOW, it'll become kind of obvious in the same dopeslap-to-the-forehead way a lot of things have recently.

But why are people so easily manipulated? Why is it the kids at school never seem to see if they banded together against the authority trying that "punish them all, divide and conquer" bullshit, they could actually win?

Because the school administration will do *ANYTHING* to prevent such a challenge against their authority - the year before I walked out and got a GED, the "Unholy Alliance" was BASED on that principle, and it was not my first effort to do such a thing, just the first one that didn't get me expelled before it took off, cause that's the main reason the resolution of the dress code issue in the school my niece goes to involved expelling me and Roger as conditions of the deal, cause they FEARED that.

The same game, mind you, is cloned directly from the penal system, the way wardens keep the gangs at each others throats in order to prevent uprisings, and so when they adapted that tactic to the public education system, others followed to the point where the education and penal systems are really not all that much different and in too many cases one becomes training for the other, for both students and administrators - as the administrator for the school in which the "Unholy Alliance" took place WAS a former prison administrator.

Any time someone tries it, they get expelled or transferred, or pressure is put upon their parents in so many ways due to the incestuous relationship between the public education system and the state, so there's a LOT of pressure that could be brought to bear - but by the time I was sixteen I had learned the benefit of having adult political influence and had several former corrections officials stonewalling that particular administrator at every turn and corner in retaliation for the backstabbing she did in order to climb the ladder - in short, doing unto THEM what they were bent on doing to us, and doin it faster and harder.

Most kids that age don't have the life experience, and while they got the rage, don't have the ruthlessness and scope of vision to play the game at that level, they're more concerned with how pre-fucked they are over the choice of army-debt-dead end job and the endless series of catch-22's like needing experience to land a job, but needing a job to land experience, and jobs that require a car/phone but will not even pay the insurance for one.

It's a neat little trap the adult world has made, by rendering them to utterly dependent on the systems exploitation that by the time they even think to question it they're already mired in it up to the neck and dare not do so.

If they think the punishment is unfair, why don't they take it up with the punisher instead of the kids being painted as the troublemakers?

Because by then they've spent a decade being conditioned NOT to do things like that.

Side note: this is also why when a single kid gets pounded by half a dozen punks, they always wind up taking the blame too, cause an administrator would rather deal with one set of pissed off parents than six.

From a young age, kids are conditioned to accept the absolute authority of their parents. So by the time they get into elementary school, is that deference to authority and authorized punishment ingrained? Is that what causes this?

Yes, it is, and in recent history, more than education this has become THE POINT of public school, given over to more indoctrination than education.

And all based in the same kind of authoritarian bullshit our society reeks of, which despite proposing itself as the solution, is in fact the root of the PROBLEM.

“As long as the child will be trained not by love, but by fear, so long will humanity live not by justice, but by force. As long as the child will be ruled by the educator’s threat and by the father’s rod, so long will mankind be dominated by the policeman’s club, by fear of jail, and by panic of invasion by armies and navies.”
-Boris Sidis, from “A lecture on the abuse of the fear instinct in early education” in Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1919.

But there's hope yet, that whole "Unholy Alliance" idea, someone took it one step further and considered not only the students as a unified force, but putting them in co-charge of their own education, AND IT WORKS!

That's one of three focuses we've been at from the start - eliminating the hellcamps, undermining forced medication as a control device, and educational reform, cause all of this is key to a sane society.



Monday, March 15, 2010 8:28 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Ok, Junior prom - the school had already blacklisted me from it, not for anything specific that I *did* but on the assumption that me being there would cause a disaster/incident/hassle...

Sound judgement. Too bad we can't do the same thing here...alas free speech's downside is we have to let everyone have their say (except PirateNews).

Actually, I have a similar story from college where I was asked not to attend a lecture by the Row v. Wade lawyer because I was a known conservative activist. In a room with my advisor and the dean, threats were made, it was very intimidating...I listened and respectfully refused to comply with their wishes or give them any promise to behave in manner they would approve of. I went anyway, I was also bound for lawschool and interested in the legal issues and the chance to listen to a lawyer who argued the biggest case of her generation before the high court.

I'll bet you were every bit at effective at arguing your point there as you are here. Which is to say, you got laughed out of the auditorium. ;)


I note for the record that even at our worst, our group never disrupted or disputed anyone's right to come to our campus and speak. That's what liberals do.

Yes, your kind would NEVER disrupt or dispute... You'd behave more like you did at Kent State, and just open fire on the "damn hippies". And then your idol Ronald Reagan would react to such atrocities by saying, "Well, if it's going to take a blood-bath, let's get on with it."

True story.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Monday, March 15, 2010 8:30 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Storymark:

I know you're a lawyer, and thus morally compromised from the get-go....

Story, you misspelled "liar"...

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Monday, March 15, 2010 8:36 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Bang, marry or kill?


Monday, March 15, 2010 8:42 AM


...I was actually going to comment here about the objectification of women as something to either have sex with, possess, or murder, but then I remembered that I'm on the internet.

So in the interest of not buzz-killing honest male speculation, I'm just going to opt out here.


Monday, March 15, 2010 9:03 AM


Oh hell no, buzz-kill away.

Given how offensive I find the lack of respect for the personhood of children, I get even more pissed when folks go disrespecting the personhood of women now that we've forced society to fucking acknowledge it.

Hell, seeing a woman as a person in no way reduces the pleasure of her company, without respect to activity or gender - but NOT seeing her as a person is walkin backwards down a path that leads to our doom as a species.

I can accept that people are idiots, but I'll have no part of respecting their stupidity, only their right to it.

To not see women as people is to deprive oneself of many potential friends and allies - a point which I ALSO made today towards that local Imam over pets, specifically of the canine variety.

Given his recent experiences with my HARD chops busting about the way he sees women, he was a little more thoughtful and less offended this time around - it helps that the reason he started listening to me in the first place is that my presence draws every cat in a certain range to me since Muslims like cats and tend to feed strays, which means there's a bunch of em usually hanging around any mosque, and when I show up, it's usually with the whole bloody horde of em rubbing my ankles, which he took as a sign, it seems.

If he can get over his own prejudices, I got a certain labrodor I wanna introduce him to, and defy him to call THAT dog unclean or evil.
(heh heh heh)



Monday, March 15, 2010 10:34 AM


PN, gee, do I gotta pick just one?


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:57 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:
Oh, please. Step off your high horse chump. PN can say what he likes

For now...because we allow it, but someday he'll be pulled over for speeding by the Jew Nazi Gangsta Her Majesty's Highway Death Squad Patrol and that will be the end of it. The last thing he sees will be Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, and Adolf Hitler looking down at him...


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 5:02 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
Too bad we can't do the same thing here...alas free speech's downside is we have to let everyone have their say (except PirateNews).


I note for the record that even at our worst, our group never disrupted or disputed anyone's right to come to our campus and speak. That's what liberals do.

I guess all that lawyer school didn't teach Hero enough basic logic to see the irony here...

But you got it Storymark - conservatives don't block liberals from campuses, they just lock them in distant "free speech" zones. Or show up at their town meetings and shout down all rational discussion. Or invite them onto Faux News talk shows and yell in their faces: SHUDDUP! SHUDDUP!

Bytemite: Why is it the kids at school never seem to see if they banded together against the authority trying that "punish them all, divide and conquer" bullshit, they could actually win?

Frem: Because the school administration will do *ANYTHING* to prevent such a challenge against their authority

Um... ok, I don't think you mean this a general statement, but just in case...

The problem with this is that not all school administrations are evil. Nor are children - and high schoolers are to a great extent still children - ready to run their lives completely independently.

Frem, I know what you're getting at: authoritarian types abuse their power and kids suffer. Trust me, I know that very well from personal experience. I also know what I've experienced as an educator. These kids I teach, though bright and motivated and mature, often make dumb decisions. Really. I could give examples aplenty. A few have brought battles to me that are really lose-lose for them, but they are so blinded by stubbornness, and want their own way too badly to see the poor outcome they're setting themselves up for. So I just shrug and let them go. It's a shame they *cannot* see that I'm on their side, even though I'm an adult.

The thought of such kids needing to "band together" to "win" creeps me out. A school environment is not about this kind of winning, for anyone. At least, it shouldn't be.

Left to their own devices, kids can do some pretty evil shit. One thing I love about where I work is the awareness of cliques and bullying. If we see that happening, you bet your ass the grown-ups will try our best to divide and conquer. I have the authority to call kids out if I think they're behaving in a rude or disrespectful manner. (This includes standing in a clump blocking a busy hallway. That's a long time pet peeve and I'll freely admit I LOVE having the power to break those up LOL!)

Point is, not all authority figures are evil. In the case of this prom, the authority is all wrong. But please do not paint it as all the good innocent kids against the evil power-hungry adults. Not unless you really know more about it and can back that up.

I posted what I did about wanting the other girls to show up at the back-up prom in tuxes because I'm imagining the other thing that's more likely happening - I'll bet more than one other student is getting down on this girl for "ruining" their precious once in a lifetime prom event. "Why can't you just be like everyone else and stop making a fuss?" I got that message plenty when I was a kid, and it most often didn't come from adults.

Note to self: would like to say more about authority versus guidance, and about the expectations that the kid brings to the table. But first I need coffee, which requires milk, which means crutching my ass to the store. *sigh*

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 5:03 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
in my school it was the time of the "beehive" hairdo, and some of the girls hid razors in their know the thing.

Um... no. I'm afraid to ask, but... why?

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 6:03 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by piratenews:

Bang, marry or kill?

After her interview on CNN, I'd have to eliminate bang and marry. She's morphing into an ACLU jewclone, with a redneck accent.

She has no mommy, and no therapy. Daddy must be a real winner.

My cousin was county attorney when ACLU sued to remove the 10 Commandments from the courthouse. Can't have litigants being told not to lie and kill in court. My cousin bowed down to ACLU and lost the case without a fight. I fight parking tickets harder than that. As reward she was promoted to TN Supreme Court.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 6:56 AM


Mal4Prez, I think Frem has had some very different experiences with school administrators than you have, partially because of his geographic region.

But the thing is, when Frem and I talk about divide and conquer, we're talking about the times we've seen school administrators actually ENCOURAGE people forming into cliques, and being abusive towards other cliques. This is what happens when a jock culture predominates at a school. Now jocks aren't bad, and they're not dumb, either. But when they have a combination of unquestioned popularly plus sanctioning and protection from the authority because game winning = school funds and donations, well, it encourages a might is right, only the strong survive, being smart is nerdy and uncool attitude.

And that's only one example of how a school sometimes might promote and encourage cliques. And it's not always accidental.

And look here, at this particular case, where the school administrators are trying to cover their butts by getting the students mad at these two girls, who *I* don't think did anything wrong. Angry teens will go to their parents, who will go yell at the PTA/school board, and there you go, the school will win by majority, and by first dragging one of the students through the gutter to do so.

The problem Frem and I have with that is it's not fair to ANY of the students, nor is it respecting the rights of the students (particularly the girl in question). This is NOT in the best interests of anyone BUT the school administrators, who SHOULD have the best interests of the students at heart, even a student who raises a difficult issue, or who the school administrators disagree with on a values level.

I don't know if it's every administrator, I know that a lot of schools have become more careful about this sort of thing and have tried to stop the cliques or at least keep things agreeable.

At the same time, a lot of schools have responded by going completely nuts and installing security measures and treating the school like a prison. Which are the kind of schools Frem is familiar with. And when an administrator who likes to play power games takes over... Yikes. Once again, that actually HURTS the students and makes them LESS safe.

When I talked about banding together, I mean about something cross clique an issue that brings people together despite their differences. Clearly the administrators are in the wrong here, and without student action, the administrators will have their way.


I posted what I did about wanting the other girls to show up at the back-up prom in tuxes because I'm imagining the other thing that's more likely happening - I'll bet more than one other student is getting down on this girl for "ruining" their precious once in a lifetime prom event. "Why can't you just be like everyone else and stop making a fuss?" I got that message plenty when I was a kid, and it most often didn't come from adults.

The problem here is the adults at the school are doing this by proxy through the teens to the girl. There's a big difference between that and regular bullying at a school, which happens because the way our educational system is set up emphasizes the differences between kids (poor versus rich and popular, powerful parents versus underprivileged, smart versus strong, eccentric versus mainstream) and encourages conformity.

None of that should matter, and the answer is not school uniforms, the answer is fostering a sense of equality through a democratic process. I can't say I understand fully how the Sudbury model that Frem endorses would work for the actual TEACHING aspect, but I can see how it would be an improvement over current school culture.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 7:02 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


She has no mommy, and no therapy. Daddy must be a real winner.

Didn't even know you had any kids. Guess that explains why she doesn't like guys, eh?


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 7:05 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"I listened and respectfully refused to comply with their wishes or give them any promise to behave in manner they would approve of."

But you were OK with a student being tasered and forcibly removed when Kerry was speaking on a campus.

Or did you think we'd forget your gaping double standard ?


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 7:40 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Re: Behive hairdo...

The Beehive is a woman's hairstyle that resembles a beehive; it is also known as the B-52, for its similarity to the bulbous nose of the B-52 Stratofortress bomber.

“The Beehive” originated in 1958 as one of a variety of elaborately teased and lacquered versions of "big hair" that developed from earlier pageboy and bouffant styles. The beehive style was highly popular throughout the 1960s, particularly in the United States and other Western countries, and remains an enduring symbol of 1960s kitsch.

Someone on yahoo put up pix, along with "Ok a beehive hairstyle is the most unattractive thing EVER!!! People who have them look very stupid and weird. . You may think that these women are wearing their hair like this as a joke, but they aren't!!!

A la:

This is what I saw a lot of in high school:

Interestingly, I can't find anything on women hiding razors in their beehives, but they did. For fighting.

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 7:41 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by rue:
"I listened and respectfully refused to comply with their wishes or give them any promise to behave in manner they would approve of."

But you were OK with a student being tasered and forcibly removed when Kerry was speaking on a campus.

Or did you think we'd forget your gaping double standard ?


Silence is consent.

Which of his two faces were you addressing? :)

Remember, he's also the guy who claims to LOVE free speech - except when PN exercises it, at which point he'd love to do away with free speech altogether.

"Hero" is almost as high-larious in his application of double standards as GlenBeck is. Did anyone catch Beck cursing Christian churches for advocating "social justice"? He compares such churches to the Nazis and the communists, and warns his listeners that if THEIR churches start preaching anything approaching social justice, then it's their duty to turn the priest in to the "authorities". All of which sounds VERY Nazi-ish...

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 7:44 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yes, I did. Was alternately sickened and jubilant--get the churches to go after him, and MAYBE some of his audience will look for something else to watch...some of them anyway...just maybe. And if they do, they MIGHT hear some TRUTH about all the crap he spews. One can hope...

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10






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