Anyone who believes militias and hard-core political groups aren't being encourged by today's rhetoric has blinders on, IMHO. They're right to put Chris..."/>


'Christian warrior' militia accused in plot to kill police

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:11
VIEWED: 1466
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Monday, March 29, 2010 8:02 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Anyone who believes militias and hard-core political groups aren't being encourged by today's rhetoric has blinders on, IMHO. They're right to put Christian in quotes!

Nine people federal prosecutors say belong to a "Christian warrior" militia were accused Monday of plotting to kill a Michigan law enforcement officer and then attack other police at the funeral.

A federal grand jury in Detroit, Michigan, indicted six Michigan residents, two Ohioans and an Indianan on charges of seditious conspiracy, attempted use of weapons of mass destruction, teaching the use of explosive materials and possessing a firearm during a crime of violence, U.S. Attorney Barbara L. McQuade and Andrew Arena, FBI special agent in charge, announced.

The five-count indictment unsealed Monday charges that since August 2008, the defendants, acting as a Lenawee County, Michigan, militia group called the Hutaree, conspired to oppose by force the authority of the U.S. government.

The group says on its Web site that Hutaree means "Christian warrior" and proclaims on its home page, "Preparing for the end time battles to keep the testimony of Jesus Christ alive."

In the Web site's "About Us" section, the group says, "We believe that one day, as prophecy says, there will be an Anti-Christ. All Christians must know this and prepare, just as Christ commanded."

(more at

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Monday, March 29, 2010 11:06 AM


Problem is, Niki - this story is coming from Andy the Bullshitter, as he's known around here, and there's very little, if ANY, evidence of actual wrongdoing by anyone other than the Federales little plant, you see.

This coming on the heels of what was prettymuch the outright execution style murder of a local Imam, and nobody, not even the folks who hate the militia goons, believes a single damn word of it.

Until they present some actual evidence beyond a bunch of accusations and stuff their own agent did in efforts to try to implicate em, ain't no one buyin it, and as I said before, enough of that kinda shit will make it a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Damn near already *is*, watchin the communities extremely hostile reaction to the feds here, up to and including the folks that hated these people.

So far, it ain't passin the sniff test, not at all.



Monday, March 29, 2010 12:03 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
nobody, not even the folks who hate the militia goons, believes a single damn word of it.

That strikes me as pretty hard to swallow, given that I've been reading quotes from other Militia leaders in that area who thought this group was a bunch of wierdos.

Not to mention their own friggin youtube channel.....

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, March 29, 2010 1:07 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

FBI is the largest terrorist organization attacking the USA, second only to the CIA and White House.

FBI confessed on audio in court to bombing WTC in 1993, killing 6.

150 years ago the Feds bombed most of USA, burned down entire cities like Atlanta, and murdered 1-million US citizens.

Al Qaeda Dictator Saddam Hussein Obama Bin Laden will murder more blacks than any other man in history. He personally burned down 800 Christian churches and genocided 1,500 black Christians in his native British Kenya during the 2008 presidential coups d'etat.

TODAY NEWS HEADLINE IN TN: FBI SWAT raids "Christian extremist" trucker, nothing found


Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:25 PM


Raid on Hutaree puzzles Adrian

The locals are somewhere between puzzled and enraged, depending on who you talk to, and once again, just like in other incidents they seemed bent on TRYING to start something, cause they brought that damned APC with em too.

Will Grigg also did a writeup on this one as well.

So far, no actual evidence of anything beyond talk and bullshit, most if not all of it BY the Federales plant, and nobody around here believes Andy the Bullshitter for a minute.

And of course, just like the FLDS mess and the implied, then explicit, threats to go after anyone else they could cook up half an excuse for, the end result has been tremendously provocative of many otherwise peaceful groups since they feel backed into a corner.

Cooperation will buy them nothing but a ruined life and long prison stay even if they're not actually guilty of anything, and fighting tooth and claw will get em killed - and so a lot of em feel that, if they're doomed anyway, pave the road to hell with bodies.

Hell, even ordinary citizens have started to worry, there was a freakin LINE at the ammo counter at the nearby store, and they were outta 12gauge all the way down to number nine shot!

I dunno what to say but that it seems a deliberate provocation and a test to see how much bullshit they can get away with - hell, even daring to COMMENT on the issue is making people scared and nervous, and that bothers me, that bothers me a lot...



Wednesday, March 31, 2010 11:49 AM


And the locals still don't see what the big deal is about, over em.

But here's the most disturbing part, beyond the fact that the planted agent is in truth responsible for most if not all of the behavior in question...
"All have been charged with seditious conspiracy."

That's all, that's IT - all the weapons were legally owned, they committed no particular crime, but rather are charged with a plot that was hatched and founded by a Government plant.

And they face potential life in prison, for this.

You know what that means, that means if - say, you were approached by some goon on the street, and chose to tolerantly listen to his rantings for a few minutes - YOU could be charged similarly.

Think on that, think HARD.

Sure, they'll try this crap on some fringe group no one cares about, which seems a little off, first - complete with demonization helped along by a compliant media, but I don't have to sit here and add two and two up for you, do I ?

And I am really, REALLY concerned about how this looks to militia, gun club, or even re-enactor groups - if you cooperate, life in prison, if you fight, death, if you DO NOTHING, life in prison...

So what else *IS* there for them to do but shoot on sight and stack the bodies in heaps ?

You back folk into a corner, threaten them, leave em no way out, they can do, will do, some seriously crazy shit - and from the things I am seeing and hearing.... stupidity may soon ensue.

If you knew, outright, absolutely KNEW, that the folks coming to your door meant your death and destruction, that even innocence would not save you, that NO MATTER WHAT, you were dead, or good as dead - and *you* were damn well armed, what then, would you do ?

And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling in terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand. The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst; the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!"

- The Gulag Archipelago, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

If cooperation buys you nothing but doom, why cooperate ?



Wednesday, March 31, 2010 2:50 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Hell, even ordinary citizens have started to worry, there was a freakin LINE at the ammo counter at the nearby store, and they were outta 12gauge all the way down to number nine shot!

I was talking to a nuke engineer yesterday about his arsenal for Armageddon. He said he needs a 50-cal, since his sniper rifle only goes 1 mile. He said it's a done deal that the New World Order global dictatorship will overthrow USA. I informed him about Operation Northwoods and my Fed job of controlled demolition of 1-dozen nukes on US military bases in highly populated areas, that nuke plants probably have similar "warplans" for explosive demolition.

Immediately after that conversation the local sheriff candidate knocked on my door at dark, and I gave him a dose of the PN Rant (with a pistol in my pocket). He said he wanted to get cops to stop running radar speedtraps and start arresting burglers and dope dealers. I told him about the Constitutional right to travel without license or tickets, that TN leads the nation in sheriffs convicted of dope dealin (which he agreed was a fact), heroin production is up 1,200% since the US invasion of Afghanistan and Obama refused to destroy the opium farms last week, and that the CIA runs most of the coke and heroin, and he better watch his back or the Feds will get him. I think I may have skeert him a little... LTs are such wusses. Probably just controlled opposition.


Thursday, April 1, 2010 3:52 PM


It's still not passing the sniff test.

Here's the indictment itself, which we and others got a hold of.

There's also some *really* strange stuff goin on related to the case - I am limited in how much I can currently comment, but having someone who's been an ally for well over a decade suddenly start twitching and sweating bullets when questioned over it was bad enough, but followed by a sudden explosion of (uncharacteristic) profanity and threats, including one of arrest - that freaks me out, a bit.

Goddamn good thing for having an inflated reputation, as it seemed to be all that prevented him from carrying out some of those threats, for no better reason than asking some pointed questions of the case.

I can't really go into detail, but there was almost bloodshed, it was THAT close, and this was a guy I've *known* for years and years, a staunch ally!

WTF is goin on ?
Dunno, but imma find the fuck out.



Thursday, April 1, 2010 8:42 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


US Constitution, Amendment II

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Youtube Christian Militia Raided by FBI

The Militia "Straw Man": I don't think you can call 7 men a militia (6 less the informant)

Connecticut Militia Group Indicted by Feds

Hutaree Militia v Fed Provocateurs

US Supreme Court allows any person (or cop) to kill any cop, John Bad Elk v. The United States, 177 U.S. 529 (1900)

Battle of Athens TN: 500 civilians open fire and make citizens arrests of 300 sheriff deputies, rewarded by Congress, promoted to sheriff

How about the REAL Militia?


Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, an Army physician, has refused to obey any orders from his commanding officers -- including President Obama -- until Obama produces his birth certificate.

"Any reasonable person looking critically at the evidence currently in the public domain would have questions about President Obama's claim to be a natural born citizen," Lakin says in the below video released the right-wing American Patriot Foundation. "I will disobey my orders to deploy [to Afghanistan] because I, and I believe all servicemen and women and the American people, deserve the truth about President Obama's constitutional eligibility to the office of the presidency and the commander in chief."

Lakin says this marks the first time during his 18 years in the Army that he has chosen to disobey "what I believe are illegal orders."

LTC Terry Lakin has tried in vain to get the same verification from our President that he has been asked to provide countless times in his career, for many jobs, and to obtain a security clearance for the trusted positions he has held within the U.S. Armed Forces.


My mom had to show her birth certificate to Social Security this week, to prove she wasn't dead. SS had quit paying all her retirement pension and Medicare, and for 4 months refused to admit she was alive WHILE STARING AT HER IN THE SS OFFICE. Even a letter and phone calls from Congressman Zack Wamp could not convince SSA to admit she was alive, UNTIL SHE SHOWED HER ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE.


Saturday, April 3, 2010 4:28 AM


Imma defer, for the moment, to William Grigg, who has done an excellent and well sourced writeup, which, in combination with the affidavit shows this whole mess is simple bullshit, a bunch of redneck morons with fantasies they'd never actually carry out and no threat to anyone.

Yes, they're a little cracked, but who *isn't* these days, and Strickland in particular seriously has some mental *issues* which is more properly a personal and mental health matter than a matter of public safety since he's showed not a sign of acting out beyond talking shit, and if that's a crime we're all for the stone hotel, neh ?

Worse is how much time, money and effort went into what amounts to a total setup, from the same morons who handed KSM's goons a live bomb and let him set it off - the real "terrorist" threat in american comes from the fucking FBI, and that's a fact.

And this is far, far from all of it, what Grigg either does not know, or is not saying, imma hold back - I plan to USE these trump cards before I flip em over, right-O ?

You'll know, but first, imma confront some folk with the stuff that ain't public yet, and you watch just how fast this whole goddamn thing falls apart all of the sudden like, you'll see, cause they only got three options - admit it, which opens some HUGE cans of worms, cut the hutaree goons loose, or start a fuckin shooting war in Adrian, and if the latter, well, lets get on with it then.

Anyhow, all I can say for the moment, and here's Will Griggs writeup, completely sourced and properly verified.

The Manufactured Menace From Michigan, Take Two

You really wanna fight terrorism ?
Carpet bomb Langley and Quantico, not Afghanistan and Iraq.



Saturday, April 3, 2010 1:38 PM


You know WHY michigan is so tolerant of militias ?

See, one thing one reason the locals don't hate on the militias as much as you'd think is cause of a certain level of behavior on behalf of their so-called protectors, okay ?

Look at this example from Jersey, and it follows a VERY long, well established and known, admitted, pattern of behavior from drug and gang squads, Rampart being the worst example, but from LA to Baltimore, it's always the same story, the cops wind up being a worse detriment than the damned criminals.

Residents of NJ city say cops worse than criminals

And locally, we're having the same freakin problem.

Dozens allege brutality by Gang Squad

You all need be thinkin about these folk a bit - they don't wanna live in these horrible places, but they can't *afford* to live nowhere else, and you gotta skirt the law just to freakin survive, lets cut the bullshit.

Worse is the poor kids, since most of the time the parents are single, busting ass at two or more jobs just tryin to put food on the table and unable to afford child care, risking the wrath of CPS, and frankly foster care would be no benefit to them since they'd be at the same level of risk or worse - there's a couple really horrible incidents on our docket related to that I am not gonna go into right now...

And all the while getting constantly roughed up and shaken down by their so-called protectors, the boys in blue, who are essentialy just one more gang, since they manage to avoid successfully busting the kingpins, cause that would end the game, and remove the continued excuses for more funding and less restraint.

You know which places do NOT have so much of this problem ?
The ones with either contract security, or active militia units!

The city of Benton Harbor is an example of how bad that can go, back in 2003, frustred to extremes by this kind of abuse, and following an incident which was something of a final straw and resulted in the suspects death, the whole city went berserk and started rioting - which is a damned piss poor way to solve anything, admittedly, but instead of sending in the National Gaurd to beat them down into submission, which was of course the suggestion/demand from the "Authoritarians" (mostly, but not all, GOP) instead the Governor started actually investigating abuses by michigans police...

Problem is that the problem is so goddamn trememendous you're trying to stuff a genie back in the bottle, and half the folks you'd need to do it right are the ones guilty of the fuckin crimes, okay ?

So that means bringing in the damned Feds.
And that's about as far as the case went, although some of the more problematic officers were allowed to sleaze away in lieu of being charged, many of whom found themselves arrested for continuing the pattern of criminal behavior over the next couple years, most of whom got off so light everyone knows it's just tokenism and pacification.

And the Feds then DO THE SAME AND WORSE, spending more time terrorising and harassing the populace than protecting them from fellow law enforcers gone out of control, and reinforcing the idea that anything with a badge is just an officially approved mafia, especially if you happen to be Muslim or Black.

And now being a fundamentalist redneck isn't a defense either, which has resulted in some really bizarre socio-politic shifts over the past couple days, when you got crazyass racist birchers standing next to black anarchists and united soley by their hatred of the badge bearing goons, who seem all intent on picking a goddamn fight...

But that by itself would be prettymuch the normal order of business around here, useless and abusive "law enforcement" and a hostile populace who is uncooperative and angry.

Except for....
And here's trump card number one.

Miltary comm traffic indicating a substantial unit presence, confirmed by boot and tire tracks inconsistent with law enforcement equipment, and a set of prints from tracked equipment along with some photos from a local which seem to indicate the presence of something a bit heavier than an APC - and both the APC used by the state police, and the urban pacification vehicles spotted at camp grayling are *wheeled* vehicles - nor do those tracks belong to an M113 as they are too wide.

The specifics of the comm traffic imma hold out on for a while, but apparently some folk took exception to our ad hoc investigation of the site and gave chase, they neither identified themselves nor attempted to communicate with us whatever, nor did any of their equipment bear standard law enforcement or military patches, badges or identifiers - initially we'd taken them for another militia but I ain't so sure about that, it's bitch hard to chase after unarmored folk in the full battle rattle, and your average militia goon wouldn't last a quarter mile if that, and they did chase us pretty damned far all things considered.
(I am so getting too old for this kinda shit and will not be runnin anywhere for a while now, argh.)

My assessment, someone wanted another waco, had it all set up to happen, and due to a miscommunication, someone fumbled the ball, missed their cue, and the plan went to hell, resulting in a garden variety bust instead of the intended slaughter.

And I am beginning to maybe suspect that that particular fumble wasn't accidental, which if true - the responsible party is someone I wanna talk to, badly.

And of course, everyone any kinda related to this mess offically starts pissing themselves in fear when questioned about it, then goes into full ass covering mode - while every armed soul within a hundred fucking miles is doin a check, clean and load, a serious recipe for bad BAD stupidity, and some of the folk involved on the official side seem to be wanting exactly that to happen.

And yet, in between the local paranoids, and jumpy jackboots, there's the goddamned Michigan Militia pouring oil on the waters by the truckload, and despite the love-hate-bemused-annoyed-tolerance they have with the rest of the state, it isn't the presences of our so-called protectors which is comforting people, it's the presence of so many armed folk as a check against abuse and stupidity BY those so-called protectors.

And those protectors THOUGHT they had a big green trump card up their sleeve, but the thing is people, without a distributed repeater network, EVERY TIME YOU TRANSMIT, you might as well throw a fireworks show over your position, and given the frequencies in use you might as well run your unit flag up a pole besides.

I want those assholes gone, I don't care where - unless the powers that be plant to assault a civilian city, they got no reason to be there, and since they seem really keen on not being photographed, if they ain't out soon, they're gonna get pushed northwest into the low ground if they keep goin, and had better pray it don't rain.

All I got for the moment, pain meds are kickin in and I can't even think straight.



Monday, April 5, 2010 8:25 AM


We got this resolved, albeit in a temporary fashion, while I hold it over their heads concerning the rest of it.

I still wanna know WTF the tracks are from, since they don't match up with any american equipment on the TO&E currently and the weight distribution makes me think that might be a bulldozer.



Wednesday, April 28, 2010 3:50 PM


Annnnnd as predicted, it's already falling totally apart.

FBI agent short on details on militia inquiry

The FBI's "testimony" here prettymuch amounted to...
"Uhh, err, ummm, huh ?"

Sorry but *that ain't good enough* - especially when some evidence has come to light that the prime mover behind this so called "plot" was an FBI plant who made it up out of whole cloth and fed it to a guy who wasn't all there upstairs, and then rounded up the rest of them who had no fucking idea about any of it.

Essentially they have no case, other than the ravings of one of these Hutaree dudes who is in serious need of a mental health evaluation, and worse, and most amusing to me, is that the FBI didn't vet the guy they roped into trying to set them up, who appears to be off his gourd in a major way as well - which means they can't put him on the stand cause he's so OBVIOUSLY round the bend the case would implode on the spot.

And remember folks, this is what YOUR tax dollars are used for, bullshit like this, harrassing YOU, spying on YOU, fucking with YOU, while they completely fumble the ball when faced with any real threat.

So, how do YOU feel about their 2011 Budget Allocation, eh ?

Might be a good idea to take that up with your reps, mighten it - cause the one restraint we got left on these assholes is the purse strings, and I damn well say we oughta use it.



Thursday, April 29, 2010 3:18 AM


Just a quick update, most of the lies are being shot to bits by the Judge, who may not even allow the case to proceed to trial because there is not sufficient evidence to charge them - the bond hearing has dragged, with no decision made yet, and the "manufacturing" of "evidence" has really pissed off some of the court...

The feds stand accused of tampering with some of the weapons, and some of the "short barrel" arguments were weapons they TOOK OUT OF STATE to test, in states with a different length requirement, and then applied THAT STATES LAW to make the case - which is bullshit any way you look at it, since said weapons never left MI save in the possession of the Feds...

And the gun dealer they are harrassing over a supposedly "obliterated" serial number on one of his personal weapons - they failed to acknowledge that the firearm in question is a collectible antique and does not HAVE a serial number, a lot of pre 1960 and especially pre 1930 weapons have no serial number whatever, and the laws in question often have no basis in objective reality, like forbidding Cyrillic characters in weapon serial numbers retroactively (and what about that little ex-post-facto thing eh?) which means possession of many Mosin-Nagant rifles could get even the unaware in trouble...

WTF they wanna do, go back in time and arrest the Russians for stamping the numbers in russian instead of english ??

So - it's all bullshit, and I wouldn't be surpised (and mind you, the Feds have been *caught* doing this) if they had tried filing down the sears of some of those weapons to make another accusation, which will also fall pretty flat considering how much time has passed.

Oh, did I mention there's a couple lawsuit-lawyer sharks already circling the courthouse the way vultures circle a battlefield prior to an imminent slaughter ?

And guess WHO gets to pay the bill ?

Angry yet ?



Monday, May 3, 2010 8:51 AM


Ayep, once again, called it.

Judge orders release of 9 Hutaree militia

The judge not only questioned any need to remand them, but also was quite explicit about questioning even where there *IS* a case to prosecute, since all the "evidence" is from sources the judge deems somewhat less than credible, and when pressed on it the FBI response was "Uhhh, well, err, umm, trust us!" - and that is NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

So, it'll fall apart - one more puff-play PR stunt that costs your and me huge amounts of tax money better spent on improving our world instead of creating artificial threats to justify the existence of predators masquerading as protectors.

And we pay, in money, in freedom, in peace of mind.

I say we toss these so-called protectors in jail and see if that improves our lot any, I bet it would, hell, I'd lay MONEY on it - any takers?



Tuesday, May 18, 2010 8:02 AM


Well, what with all the other bullshit goin on, I guess they felt they could spring em without anyone calling into question just how bullshit the case is.
3 Hutaree militia members to be released today

Roberts reviewed the evidence against the members and concluded they were neither a danger to the community nor a flight risk and could be freed with more than two dozen bond restrictions, including house arrest, electronic monitoring and curfews. She ordered their release two weeks ago but an appellate fight immediately ensued and they have remained locked up.

Oh, but wasn't that the fucking POINT ?
There goes their case right there - if they're not a danger to the community now, then they never were - but when does common sense ever enter the courts around here... oh, yeah.. NEVER.

Waste of bloody time and resources for political points, all it is, all it ever was.

ETA: Part of why the case fell apart, is that the guy the feds planted to wind them up and feed the crazy one stories and ideas... well, he's EVEN CRAZIER, and they didn't quite realize this initially, which makes putting him on the stand to testify a pretty bad idea, ok ?

And given that most of their case would have rested on his testimony, that doesn't bode well for the case, now does it ?

Also gives one to wonder about the damn feds, getting so effectively played by a guy who belongs in a mental ward.



Wednesday, May 19, 2010 7:13 AM


Hoo boy, they're gonna let Sickles out - of all the Hutaree, he's the one you maybe *shouldn't*!

Seriously, that boy is four-plus crazy, he's the one the federales plant was winding up and feeding the stories to, you see ?

Sure, he don't belong in criminal custody, but the dude is a couple cans short of a sixpack upstairs and could seriously benefit from a little help from a mental health professional, which I think, having some responsibility for worsening his condition with ill-intent, the authorities are morally obligated to make available to him at their own expense.

Which, I think, if they were even gonna intervene on the situation due to a potential danger to the community, is what they SHOULD have done to begin with, not send another crazy in to wind em up and give the jackboots an excuse to go arresting people.



Wednesday, May 19, 2010 7:24 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

This is what They're REALLY afraid of:

Guns & Ammo October 1995, pp. 50-51

Fluoride was added to the water the next year for the first time, MANUFACTURED TOXIC WASTE FROM THAT SAME COUNTY...


Wednesday, May 19, 2010 7:26 AM


Waiting for Nix to retract her statements... lol

Long wait Im sure.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:11 PM


Why should she ya little punk, they WERE being wound up by inflammatory rhetoric, it just happened in this case to be coming from a Government plant, but then that's all too common - hell the only thing holding up the skinheads and neonazis *is* the federal money and support via their agents to keep up the booga-booga, and yes, there *is* the chance that eventually one of em might get their head out of their ass far enough to blow something up... or at least pretend to, enough to hang it on them, like a truck full of ANFO in Oklahoma, when the *real* damage was done by devices inside the building, which they mighta got away with, save that a few of em failed to detonate.

And even some of those supposed anti-establishment pricks are in on it, case in point Hal Turner.

So why should anyone retract a comment that's factually true despite your blind, racist partisanship and punkass bitch cowardice when facing the truth of real issues ?

Your mouth is talkin boy, you should see to that.







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