Glenn Beck is the quintessential peformer. Unfortunately, his audience doesn't know it. This reflects my opinion of Beck to a "t", and I'm sure his def..."/>


On the subject of Beck...

UPDATED: Friday, May 14, 2010 09:23
PAGE 1 of 1

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 11:02 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Glenn Beck is the quintessential peformer. Unfortunately, his audience doesn't know it. This reflects my opinion of Beck to a "t", and I'm sure his defenders will stand up and huff and puff and try to blow my house down, but I'm not alone.

A schizoid raving street loon tends to command attention purely for the freak show curiosity of passers by, yet the nonsense is rarely taken seriously.

This isn't the case with Glenn Beck. Several million people every day take his word for it. They're suckered into buying the ruse. And it's bad for America.

What his regular viewers haven't grasped yet is that he's putting on a show. He's playing a role. He's tricking his audience. Unlike a left-leaning audience, Beck's audience is mostly composed of white conservative Christians who pride themselves on taking certain things on faith, and who often act against their own financial interests for the sake of patriotic cheerleading. It's an audience that embraces gun ownership and tends to be more reactionary and militaristic.

But it's hard to blame Beck's audience for being fished in. There's no wink and nod, so he's clearly not attempting some sort of obviously satirical character like Stephen Colbert or even a more bizarre character like Andy Kaufman's Tony Clifton. He performs this role as seamlessly as any decent character actor, but he never tips his hand (we're generally told when an actor is acting). Just an occasional mention of himself as a "rodeo clown." There's no crawl at the end listing "Glenn Beck as 'Glenn Beck.'" It's not a fiction program.

Glenn Beck is playing a character with a personality and a style that is laser focused at the souls of an intended audience. It doesn't take many minutes of viewing his television show to see that he's mashing up the most effective and successful aspects of Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones and '60s Bircher author Cleon Skousen, and filtering it all through the performance techniques of a televangelist. Listen to any random monologue by Glenn Beck and then watch some clips of televangelist Jack Van Impe. Both are master manipulators and (crazy aside) riveting speakers. They each nail their audiences with rapid-fire barrages of nonsense presented as dramatic fact -- so twisted and obscured that it begins to seem real and anything that might not seem entirely plausible, just have faith. After all, there are complicated drawings on a blackboard! Oh, and he cries. So he must be serious.

This is all stuff that's been proven to resonate with (and utterly manipulate) certain American audiences who also willingly hand over their cash to obvious flimflam artists claiming to provide salvation. Glenn Beck is just pooling these techniques and applying them to American politics.

Instead of asking for donations, by the way, Beck just markets all varieties of crap-on-a-stick to his people. Beck has released seven books since 2007. Seven books in three years! Add to the mix three DVD releases and 26 compact disc releases. There's his subscription-only "Insider Extreme" website which charges $75 per year. There's a print magazine called "Fusion" (20 issues for $66). There are the obligatory t-shirts, mugs and other forms of cheap swag. All of this is heaped on top of a multimillion dollar Fox News contract and a syndicated radio deal worth $50 million over five years. Capitalism is one thing, but Beck is manipulating his audience to hand over their cash in exchange for swag that can't possibly be worth the price, considering the volume of his output (seven books in three years!). As the saying goes: how hard he prays depends on how much you pay.

One of the reasons why the network news media was generally, in decades past, kept separate from the ratings and profit-motive of entertainment divisions was that to cross these streams, so to speak, would lead to the corruption of the news, forcing it to be driven by what sells, not necessarily by what's true. And, it goes without saying that such a corruption of the news is inherently damaging to democracy.

To that point, Glenn Beck likes to say that he's the new Howard Beale, the tragic and suicidal anchor from the movie Network. He's not. In fact, Paddy Chayefsky's screenplay was a prescient warning about the rise of charlatans like Glenn Beck infiltrating the news media -- regardless of whether or not they're presented as "opinion journalists." Actually, Beck goes far beyond the scope of opinion journalism as well, and has settled in a danger zone where he incites easily-manipulated, often militaristic audiences based on theories and claims that don't hold up to even the most cursory fact-checking, say nothing of empirical reality.

In terms of his impact, Beck isn't Howard Beale at all. He's closer to Lee Atwater.

In the riveting, must-see documentary, Boogie Man, about the rise and fall of the infamous Republican political operative, it's revealed that Atwater once considered politics to be nothing more than a game. Professional wrestling. Atwater, we learn, would have been perfectly happy doing what he did for either political party. Republican or Democrat. It didn't matter to him. After all, it was just a game. A show. And he was really good at producing a hell of a show -- no matter how many lives he left in his wake.

Yet at the end of his life, Atwater realized that treating politics like a wrestling match was a mistake. In politics, unlike wrestling, the societal damage is real. The lives are real.

Bloated and crippled from his cancer treatment, Atwater regretted using the Southern Strategy -- exploiting race as a wedge. He regretted making so many enemies, one of which being Ed Rollins who he had double-crossed during the waning years of the Reagan administration. He regretted the creation of his own reality at the expense of empirical reality.

While he was very successful in treating national affairs like a cornball burlesque show and throwing all professional ethics aside in the name of winning, the lesson of Lee Atwater is that such behavior is ultimately destructive.

The Glenn Beck Show might seem like the political equivalent of professional wrestling, but it's not even that sincere. At least with wrestling, we're all most aware that wrestling follows a script even though some of the moves require a high caliber of strength and athleticism (and occasionally resulting in real injuries to the performers). The difference between Beck and wrestling is that with Beck the fakery isn't common knowledge and the consequences of what he talks about on his show are very real.

He's committing a nationally televised fraud and, given the sorts of people who are the most susceptible to his trickery, it's only a matter of time before Beck's deception takes a tragic turn.

If Jesus returned as Glenn Beck:

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Wednesday, May 12, 2010 11:04 AM


On a roll today, Nix?

Guess losing would make anyone rant and rave.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010 11:07 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Losing WHAT exactly? I didn't rant and rave, I posted an article by someone else. Which, by the way, you couldn't possibly have read in the time between my putting it up and your response, thereby proving you don't read, you just snark back, probably at the titles? Tch, tch.

Which planet do YOU live on?

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Wednesday, May 12, 2010 11:15 AM


Ack, Wulf listens to Glen Beck?

I listen to him, and he generally makes my brain try to make a run for my earlobes. ._. What few good points he does make he VERY quickly undermines or goes off topic, and he has no credibility at all in my book.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010 11:17 AM


Beck, like the tea party, is not something I can support, but isn't the antichrist. Actually, I think this new crowd is a definite step up over the old guard. I'd much rather knave beck to throw around than limbaugh

ETA: Byte, lol. I don't know if he needs credibility, he has audience, which is what gives media people power. As I said, he doesn't make me quiver in my boots. Given a choice, I'd rather listen to Jon Stewart, but consider the talk radio competition ;)


Wednesday, May 12, 2010 11:22 AM


Heh, Wulfie gets called on knee-jerk bullshit, then vanishes. Typical.

Though I can totally believe he's a devout Beck viewer.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Wednesday, May 12, 2010 11:22 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I'd much rather knave beck to throw around than limbaugh

He is, at the very least, kinder to one's throwing arm.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Wednesday, May 12, 2010 11:30 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"Unlike a left-leaning audience, Beck's audience is mostly composed of white conservative Christians who pride themselves on taking certain things on faith, and who often act against their own financial interests for the sake of patriotic cheerleading. It's an audience that embraces gun ownership and tends to be more reactionary and militaristic."


I think there is a certain self-blindness in a phrase that begins, "Unlike a left-leaning audience..."

I have seen the left take things on faith (faith in ideals or individual leaders) act against their own interests after idealistic cheerleading, and be very reactionary when something happens that they don't like. The left can be as militaristic as the right. They may not own as many guns, though. I don't know.

I don't like Beck, but I don't like this statement any more than I like him.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Wednesday, May 12, 2010 11:41 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, gawd, Byte,

he generally makes my brain try to make a run for my earlobes
You owe me a keyboard, but I'll forgive you 'cuz it was my first REAL guffaw of the day. Many thanx.

And yes, I have no DOUBT Wuffie and Crappy are ardent FauxNews sycophants...for one thing, sometimes what they post comes STRAIGHT out of one of the FoxNoise "commentator"'s mouths.

I don't know if he needs credibility, he has audience, which is what gives media people power.
Bang on, DT. He certainly doesn't SCARE me, he makes me sick only in that so many people take his word as gospel, and by being thus misled, are harming the country.

I do agree, Anthony, that what was said can easily refer to both sides. It's a shame there has to be "sides" as I wish everyone could take the time to think for themselves. I disagree with Olbermann frequently and see his bias; I can't even WATCH that "Ed Show", he's so close to FauxNews idiocy, and I can only occasionally stand Matthews when he's not talking OVER his guests. I listen to Maddow, and if I can check her facts recognize their validity, but I catch even her in "lying by omission", so I don't trust any of them. In other words, I don't swallow it hook, line and sinker, which ClusterFox's rabid audience DOES.

I know the people I listen to are not nearly the frauds that FoxNoise is, and the only thing that truly worries me about ClusterFox is that it's run by Ayles and Whats-his-name, who definitely have an agenda and many, many pulpits from which to push it.

If there was a reliable, reasonable voice on the right, I'd listen to them; perspective is always good. But I haven't found one yet, and it sure as hell isn't Beck, who is so on another plane entirely that to listen to him would ruin my appetite!

Byte, re-reading this before posting it, I giggled all over again at your comment. That's two I owe you (well, I'll subtract one for the keyboard, but still...)

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Wednesday, May 12, 2010 11:49 AM


I always thought Rush Limbaugh was putting on a show too.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010 12:06 PM


There's only one cure for that drivel.

Not that, yanno, it'd take much given how freakin stupid anyone would have to be to buy into that tripe in the first place.

Correction, stupid and cowardly - like Wulf who wants to blame external issues for all his problems rather than man up and admit his own part, and the very great part of the people he foolishly supported, in causing those problems in the first place.

Here's a hint jackwad - WHO got us mired up to the neck in the middle east, fuck whether 'Bama is exploiting it, fuck whether he's gonna get us out, WHO got us neck deep in that shit ?

And then you'll come round and whinge "oh but i never supported him", like every body else with a fuckin gadsden covering the W, or that quiet little scrape-scrape in the middle of the night with that suspiciously clean patch... uh huh.

Ya don't fool me, none of you, and I don't feel a whit of sympathy, and I told ya it was coming - one reason we haven't put any real effort into busting the SPLC's chops despite the danger of such an unofficial policy arm is that it happens to be you idiots they're grinding into the dust, and all the while you point at everyone BUT yourselves when looking for someone to blame.

To quote Batsie "Oh, I won't kill you - but I don't have to save you."

Watching you flail and scream as the wheel of karma grinds you under it, you know, that's the high point of my day, boy.



Wednesday, May 12, 2010 12:09 PM


Calling Beck a douchebag is an insult to the douchebag community.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010 12:49 PM


A douchebag is inert; Beck actively shovels useless shit for a living. He is the backhoe excavator of douchebaggery.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010 1:09 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by canttakesky:
I always thought Rush Limbaugh was putting on a show too.

Rush is the modern embodiment of the late GG Allin, soiling himself and shitting all over the stage, all as part of "the show".

All Beck can do to compete with that kind of commitment is cry on cue.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010 1:21 PM


America loves a winner!

Everyone knows Beck is a drama queen.

EVERY one.

All that time and effort posting that which we already knew.


Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Wednesday, May 12, 2010 2:55 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

What you don't realize is that it took very little time, just a cut and paste, and videos which show the "ignoraumusness" of Beck abound on YouTube, so the whole thing took about five minutes. Well worth it. People should be reminded now and again, and watching him is downright funny...for a very short time.

Sorry to disappoint.

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Wednesday, May 12, 2010 3:22 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

I think you meant to call him an "IgnorAnus".


Thursday, May 13, 2010 7:11 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Everyone knows Beck is a drama queen.

EVERY one.

All that time and effort posting that which we already knew.


And yet, many raging teabagging idiots still believe his bullshit.


"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Thursday, May 13, 2010 7:43 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

...and I think Crappy is a perfect example. The things he spouts, as I said, sometimes come DIRECTLY out of some ClusterFox idiot's mouth; he spouts them without any proof; and when called on it, immediately or almost immediately resorts to name calling.

I wouldn't mind AT ALL if FoxNoise's audience would hear what they have to say then seek out the FACTS, and only present those things they can back up, but on this site, that seems to almost never be the case, and they hold fast to the bullshit AND LIES no matter what facts are presented refuting it. THAT's the pity, to me.

Something others might not have picked up on. Crappy said everyone knows Beck is a drama queen--he didn't say anything about him being accurate, or that he doesn't believe everything that comes out of Beck's mouth verbatum. Crappy, did you just put that up 'cuz it looks good but gives you the out of not admitting you buy his hogwash whole cloth?

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Thursday, May 13, 2010 8:08 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Rappy wouldn't know a fact if it kicked him in the teeth, Niki. There's a REASON we call Rappy's "facts" RapFacts™ - they have no relationship to reality whatsoever, but he'll claim 'til he's blue in the face that they're 100% accurate, even when shown in no uncertain terms that he's reciting things which have been PROVEN 100% false.

As you've pointed out, nobody here is trying to persuade Rappy of anything, because he's completely the prisoner of his delusions, and beyond reach or repair; the only reason to refute his "facts" is in case any gullible innocents happen across them and take them at face value. Those people deserve to know the truth.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Thursday, May 13, 2010 8:10 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Something others might not have picked up on. Crappy said everyone knows Beck is a drama queen--he didn't say anything about him being accurate, or that he doesn't believe everything that comes out of Beck's mouth verbatum. Crappy, did you just put that up 'cuz it looks good but gives you the out of not admitting you buy his hogwash whole cloth?

Also, it should be noted that nothing Rush Limpdick says should be taken seriously, either. He's another "entertainer" like Beck, and has no ties at all to anything resembling truth or reality. He should be pointed and laughed at or, barring that, hit in the face often with pies. Preferably pies made of steel and concrete. :)


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Friday, May 14, 2010 9:23 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yeah, I liked the putting up of "Bloomberg got it wrong", then "Obama fakes terrorist connections"--diametrically opposed to one another, but he probably firmly believes both of them right?

Wow, Crappy, what would we do without you? I think we'd have to look hard and long (outside this site) to find such levity elsewhere. At least in California. In Arizona...not so much. Then too, they're not that funny.

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10






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