Oh, I know what's coming...tho' my imagination probably isn't good enough to cover it all. There will be the "it was a conspiracy; he blew it up so he c..."/>


Obama addresses finger pointing, and some info on MMS

UPDATED: Saturday, May 15, 2010 08:53
PAGE 1 of 1

Saturday, May 15, 2010 8:53 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, I know what's coming...tho' my imagination probably isn't good enough to cover it all. There will be the "it was a conspiracy; he blew it up so he could backtrack on oil exploration", at the very least. Nonetheless, and despite the fact it's long, here are some facts about the MMS. First,

In Washington, President Barack Obama criticized executives from BP and two other companies for blaming each other for the catastrophe.

"This is a responsibility that all of us share," Obama said. "The oil companies share it. The manufacturers of this equipment share it. The agencies in the federal government in charge of oversight share that responsibility. I will not tolerate more finger-pointing or irresponsibility."

"I did not appreciate what I considered to be a ridiculous spectacle during the congressional hearings into this matter," the president said. "You had executives of BP and Transocean and Halliburton falling over each other to point the finger of blame at somebody else. The American people could not have been impressed with that display, and I certainly wasn't."

Obama said the federal government also was taking responsibility for its role. "For too long, for a decade or more, there's been a cozy relationship between the oil companies and the federal agency that permits them to drill," Obama said. "It seems as if permits were too often issued based on little more than assurances of safety from the oil companies.

"That cannot and will not happen anymore. To borrow an old phrase, we will trust, but we will verify. So I've asked Secretary Salazar to conduct a top-to-bottom reform of the Minerals Management Service.

In addition, Obama said, the administration has ordered immediate inspections of all deepwater operations in the Gulf of Mexico, and no drilling permits will be issued until a 30-day safety-and-environmental review is completed.

Obama also announced a new examination of the environmental procedures for oil and gas exploration and development.


I'm not sure what he thinks he/anyone can do to stop the finger pointing and get to the bottom, but again, it's a start.

Here are some of the things the LAST Interior Department report found: "Federal lease employees had sex with industry reps"..."a culture of substance abuse and promiscuity"..."used cocaine together over a multi-year period"..."nearly 1/3 of the Royalties In Kind {the ones that collect royalties from oil companies} socialized with and received a wide array of gifts and gratitudes from oil"..."sexual relationships with subordinates and in consort with industry"..."snorts crystal meth off a toaster oven"..."accepted lodging with the industry because they were too intoxicated to go home". That last one is about two MMS employees who reported that they once stayed overnight at an oil company's resort lodge because they were too drunk to get themselves home. Betcha didn't know they had "resort lodges", but could have guess, huh?

What Obama is talking about is separating the part of the agency which issues permits to oil companies for drilling off shore and collects royalties from oil companies for offshore drilling from the part which oversees environmental and safety requirements compliance of oil companies. Basically, if that last part finds safety problems and shuts the rig down, the first parts of that agency might be asked "Why did you issue the permit in the first place", and of course the second part would not be collecting any royalties. A real but-covering reason not to find anything on that rig unsafe.

More needs to be done, however. The MMS is required by law to get permission from NOAA that it's safe to drill where they are issuing a permit to drill. Apparently the MMS has been just ignoring that law, and handed out permits to BP and "dozens of other oil companies" to drill in the Gulf, not only after ignoring the law, but AFTER NOAA WARNED THEM about the dangers of drilling in the Gulf.

Now, Interior Secretary Salazar says the Interior Department will not be issuing any further permits for contruction of offshore wells, at least until a review was conducted. However, since then the MMS has issued at least FIVE final-approval permits to new drilling projects in the Gulf since last that announcement was made! "Despite being shown records stating otherwise [a spokeswoman for the MMS] said her agency had granted no new permits since Mr. Salazar made his announcement." Essentially, they showed her the new permits, and she just denied they had granted them! Looks like nothing much has changed. NOAA, by the way, did not sign off on the rig that just exploded.

Early in his administration, Obama put a stop to the "revolving door" of the MMS: Previously, the last two heads of that agency went on to become lobbyists FOR the industry. That won't happen anymore. This is the agency that gave TransOcean a SAFETY award last year; apparently they have Xmas parties with the lobbyists, etc. quite regularly. We don't know how much of those royalties made it to the US coffers, either...last year Obama put an end to "royalty in kind" aspect, but we can never know how much royalties were actually paid, given the accounting was done by these cocaine-snorting, sex-loving employees.

We've got a looong way to go.

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10






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