Berkeley creepiness

UPDATED: Thursday, May 20, 2010 09:58
PAGE 1 of 1

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 7:01 AM


This is just wiggy.

UC Berkeley Asking Incoming Students For DNA
"The confidential process is being overseen by Jasper Rine, a campus professor of Genetics and Development Biology, who says the test results will help students make decisions about their diet and lifestyle."

I call bullshit, EVERY time someone collects data, prints, DNA, it always, *always* winds up in the hands of the jackboots, anyone remember those kid-safety lectures where they took fingerprints back in the 1980s ?

You DO know they gave em to NCIC, right ?
Some kid where I lived at the time wound up staring down the barrel of a burglary rap cause his prints came up on the house, although it was found up before they charged him that the daughter had been sneaking him in the window and he didn't have nothing to do with the theft, but still, that was the ONLY set of prints anyone had taken from the kid, so it was pretty obvious how that went.

NEVER comply with such a thing, it's not confidential, and even if it was there's plenty of alphabet agencies who think the law don't apply to them, and then THEY will share it with the others and it's all nice and legal, right ?

It offends me that Berserkerly would even tolerate this in principle, none too long ago, someone would be gettin a brick through the window with a threatening note taped to it for something like this.



Thursday, May 20, 2010 3:40 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Ahhh, but you forget. Berserkeley's attitudes war between super-health and super-paranoid! I don't think there's anything Big Brotherish intended about this, just more of the usual intrusion into trying to "fix" our diets and lifestyles, which is big here in places and at times. As is being on the cutting edge of all kinds of, as you said, "wiggy" ideas!

But yes, I wouldn't trust alphabet agencies to keep their hands off, fer shore.


Previously incoming students were advised to read Michael Pollan's "The Omnivore's Dilemma" and Stephen Hawking's "A Briefer History of Time" as behavioral guides.

There will also be a variety of events and lectures at the campus on lifestyle choices for all undergraduate students who choose not to participate in the DNA program.

Hee, hee, hee, it actually sounds very Berserkeleyish to me, in that it's very U.C. Berkeley. THEY aren't interested in our personal freedoms, world peace, or any of that "hippie rot".

Give it time; betcha you hear about protests. It just hit the news, from the article you posted, and given it's May, no students should have their packages yet so be aware of it. Some of them are aware of it for it. ;o)

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Thursday, May 20, 2010 4:01 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Frem, look into the fight going on right now between the hospitals in Austin taking blood and DNA samples from newborns - supposedly just for some routine tests - and then keeping them on file without the parents' permission or knowledge. This is turning into a bit of a big deal, because parents were either not told, or were outright lied to and told that the samples would be discarded or destroyed once the standard battery of tests were completed - and they of course WEREN'T discarded or destroyed.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Thursday, May 20, 2010 7:42 AM


I don't have to "look into it" Mikey, given that I heard about it within 48 hours of the programs inception, and we finally got the samples supposedly destroyed, not that it matters since they wound up analysed six ways to sunday and all THAT info is on file, much of it being shared with the jackboots to build yet another one of their precious friggin databases.

And we're still stoking the flames mind you, even as late as this very week.

It's just that if I spent time posting about every pie we got our fingers in, I'd be doin little else, and sometimes I don't wanna tip our hand or reveal involvement, is all.

And yeah, maybe to add a little to the creepy factor in that the powers that be don't *know* whether any of the flak is being aided by us, some other advocacy, or simply a response from the community.

I didn't intend it that way, but in a way I pulled that on my niece - by harrassing her schools administration with their own damn cameras, which, mind you, they're NOW trying to find any excuse possible to have removed, and it ain't workin, not now that the parents have realized they can use em to monitor the administrations conduct towards their kids, oh the delicious irony of the sword cuttin both ways...

So now, EVERY time that kid sees a camera, she starts wonderin if I am watchin, and whether when she pulls something, her phone is gonna start ringing - even funnier is that I was calling about something else and had NOT been watching, but her guilty reaction and fumbling excuses gave her away to where I could play it off to her like I was, hehehe.

It's done wonders to improve her behavior, it has, although I'd honestly prefer to NOT have a surveillence society, thankee muchly.

Of course, cause of her end of the families misperceptions about my religious beliefs, too much TV, and the fact that every time she does try to get over on me I cut her off, explain what her intent was, what mistakes she made and how she shoulda done it - she seems to think I have psi-abilities as well, but really it's just that I know how she thinks, and wrote the book she's workin from.

Frustrates her quite a bit, but she's never much angry about it cause I am very tolerant, and if it does no harm to her or anyone else, all I'll do it point out the potential consequences and let her own guilty conscience do the work for me - hell, if she's really in trouble, I'll leave her to wonder for a bit what imma do about it, knowing damn well she'll self-inflict the heebie-jeebies far worse than anything I'll actually do.

But I digress.

Anyhow, yeah, imma wind up the Berserkers all about this, not that they'll need much help, I'm sure.

As for the austin DNA thing, between that, and the immunization overload and potential health conflicts, should the ex actually manage to produce a spawn, I've already arranged for 24-hour guard coverage, NOBODY touches that kid without explicit permission and direct supervision - maybe a little extreme, but remember, my reaction to the horrors of Gardasil was considered extreme too, and one of those precious nieces is in the ground because of them.
(She got horribly ill following the second shot, even worse after the third, developed GBS and swiftly left this world in a fashion I really don't wanna talk about.)

So until that kid is old enough to say "No!" themselves, they'll have some goons to do it for em, and be damned what folks think about it.



Thursday, May 20, 2010 7:47 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Frem: So sorry to hear about your niece. That sucks. I don't know how you keep it together after something like that.

And if your good work brings you to the Austin area, you've always got a place to stay.


Thursday, May 20, 2010 8:35 AM


Cause I just don't have it in me to *not* stand and deliver, Mikey - kind of like a racehorse grown too old to run still jumping at the clang of the gate, I've done this so long, against such horrible odds, that I don't even know how not to - something which frustrates Justin to no end when his official, more subtle and discrete involvement winds up crossin wires with my personal, crash-bang-bam approach to the same problem cause I heard about it somewhere else and decided to meddle...

But as for that situation, like I said, there is no comfort in being right about something so awful, that end of the family dismissed my warnings utterly as mere crazytalk, scoffed and mocked... and then she got sick, and sicker.....

And I dunno what the current eldest thinks, she's kinda tight with her own opinions, but it was very pyschologically disturbing to the middle one, since it came clear to her that all the awful things that her uncle was waging war against... they might be true.

And she suffered a serious case of extended emotional breakdown over that, cause she was being threatened by that end of the family *WITH* being sent to a hellcamp - this was after me informing her of what they are, and my war against them, over the xmas holiday she spent here, and her end of the family totally dismissing the idea as an myth, conspiracy theory, a fantasy, as well as dismissing the idea that this wonder drug might be harmful.

And then, over some incident or another, they go and start threatening her with one of the hellcamps on my shitlist, showing her the pretty pictures like it's some high class private school for kids with mild behavior problems - after she's seen the OTHER pictures of the place and it's victims over my shoulder, and knows the truth... and then the one who went and got the wonder drug SHE was scheduled to also get, starts getting sick, and sicker...

And it all came crashing in on her.
"They're all LYING TO ME!"
And she went quite a bit bonkers for a while, and her mom then tried to have her stuffed in one of the "mental-health" end hellcamps, which upon realizing WHO SHE WAS (and was related to), booted her right out the door and told her mother there's nothing wrong with her decent parenting wouldn't solve...

So now she's trapped in this society where everyone is knowingly and intentionally lying to her, about damn near everything, and all of em sharpening their knives for her, and the ONE PERSON who has ever been any kind of honest or decent to her, is considered four-plus crazy, dangerous, mad as a hatter and social pariah.

And in December she turns eighteen and can no longer be held by chains of blood, no longer be ordered about like a servant since she's the only one who'll do a whit of housework, no longer be forbidden to work, to learn to drive, forbidden to leave the premises, forbidden to use the internet... and she has NO CLUE how to cope, no skills or training cause she's been preventing from learning anything which might break the dominion over her, and when that cage shatters she's gonna be tumbling into a world which'll eat her alive as she desperately flees a home she sees as a cage crushing her, without realizing or accepting that SOME rules have a purpose, and SOME of them protect her.

A complete and total disaster in the making (and it's worse than I am telling you, but I won't share all of it) and the ONLY check I have against watching her self-destruct or get chewed up by our twisted society is the fact that she might just listen to me, might manage to make it here alive... maybe.

For a fact, my own sister or not, there's times I'd like to drag her mother behind a truck.



Thursday, May 20, 2010 8:50 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


And it all came crashing in on her.
"They're all LYING TO ME!"
And she went quite a bit bonkers for a while, and her mom then tried to have her stuffed in one of the "mental-health" end hellcamps, which upon realizing WHO SHE WAS (and was related to), booted her right out the door and told her mother there's nothing wrong with her decent parenting wouldn't solve...

It might help her to understand, and possibly even forgive, if you explain to her that often people lie TO THEMSELVES. That they're mistaken, propagandized, traumatized, and possibly even delusional, but not usually purposefully malicious. It's a shame that she has to be her own mother and father... no help from the "adult" end of things.


Thursday, May 20, 2010 9:58 AM


Nah, she's not gonna understand, and certainly not forgive, not until her little fangs take some blood over it - this I know, I know all too well, and it horrifies me just how well.

Hell, she's ME, 25 years ago, wrapped in a new package.

I pray that I can prevent her from making many of the same mistakes, as fervently as I have ever wanted anything in my life, the only saving grace so far is that she doesn't have the same violent bent - and yet that is a danger to her as well, since the path she is on would require it for survival.

I'll try, I mean to try my damndest, but I stand little chance of getting through to her until the moment her hands are soaked in the (metaphorical, I hope!) blood of those who have wronged her and she realizes what a horrible thing revenge is.

That's why I use the avatar I do, cause that whole series is about the terrible price extracted not only upon the agressor, but the victim as well, and everyone around them, the cycle of violence and it's whirlwind of destruction - a chain I mean to break every chance I get.







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