Curfews Suck

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 6, 2010 09:14
PAGE 1 of 1

Tuesday, July 6, 2010 9:14 AM


Yanno, I hated this crap ever since I was sixteen (and fully graduated via bagging a GED cause I couldn't take two more years of public education bullshit!) and had to dodge truant officers to get to my day job, and curfew cops to get to my night shift, it's asinine, counterproductive, and yet another of the many ways we disrespect the personhood of youth.
Call it a minor quibble and somewhat ridiculous if you will, but my people are under standing orders to NOT report or act whatsoever on a curfew violation, especially since at some of our sites the resident themselves might have a little problem over it cause a couple of em are quite young and happen to work nights.

Funny how the doubletalk in there acknowledges they're completely pissing on these peoples rights, in a sideways kinda way, innit ?

And I am SO gonna run with that "Freedom of Speech" exemption by getting a bunch of "Your Curfew Sucks" T-Shirts made up so it qualifies as a First Amendment Issue and renders prosecuting them all but impossible.

Wendy is especially at risk cause due to being a malnourished closet kid she looks a hell of a lot younger than she is, and is startin to get seriously pissed about the way folks treat her since she is eighteen, she had a spat with a local store clerk over something about that, who then seized her ID when she presented it, called her a liar, then called the cops - she called me, and I showed up in uniform and sorted it out, but she's very, very NOT happy about this kind of thing...

Conversely, she will not be stuck with the medical bill for that asshat, as in the meantime one of the other punks got arrested AGAIN (that was date-rape boy) for trying to sexually assault a girl in a local park, which got him kicked in the yarbles and chucked into a bush, another got busted for possession, and a third got pulled in on a probation violation, so this pack and it's continous pattern of criminal conduct convinced the court that they really *WERE* up to no good and she probably had proper justification to apply the boot.

Won't be a problem again, I don't think, as we installed a heavy bolt and peephole to her door, and she now has a Mossberg 50580 in 20G loaded with rubber ball shot handy.

But that whole treated like she's thirteen shit is getting on her nerves something fierce, and finally she has admitted that while knowing HOW to drive a car is useful, her vision problems, inability to see in full daylight, and looking like a kid is a recipe for problems(1), so imma refit a small scooter for her to use around the neighborhood.

(1): At least not so much with police issues, since due to to the asswhuppin she dished out, the legal fallout, and me making right damn sure every cop in our township knows her by sight, at least that problem is mitigated, especially since they're amused at the stomping she delivered, and her being small, female and cute trips every ounce of protective instinct they have.


I do not serve the Blind God.