Lezbo Kagan eats baby brains

UPDATED: Sunday, July 11, 2010 07:01
VIEWED: 1064
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Sunday, July 11, 2010 5:23 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Subject: Kagan's "kiss of death"
Fri 07/09/10 03:06 PM

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

The Washington Times called it Elena Kagan's
"kiss of death." The more you learn about her
successful twisting of expert testimony on
abortion and then waffling about it in hearings
last week, the more incensed you will become
about her nomination to the Supreme Court.
Please read my urgent message below. - Mat.

More than a decade ago, Elena Kagan manipulated expert
medical evidence submitted to the Supreme Court. What
she did played a key role in the Supreme Court's decision
to strike down the ban on the horrendous partial-birth
abortion procedure. She did it for political reasons while
working for the Clinton administration.

The Washington Times says Kagan "may be more responsible
than anyone for keeping partial-birth abortion legal for
an extra decade." Pause for a moment to think about that.

In part because of Elena Kagan's political activism, this
horrific abortion procedure - which amounts to infanticide
and culminates with a near full-term baby's brains being
sucked out so the skull will collapse - continued to be
performed across this country.

Elena Kagan's "handwritten notes" show that she personally
re-wrote the American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists' (ACOG) official assessment of partial-birth
abortion to better comport with her political views on

During her Senate Judiciary Committee hearings,
Elena Kagan did everything in her power to
avoid taking responsibility for manipulating
ACOG's expert testimony, but her defensiveness
only spurred closer questioning.

Senator Orrin Hatch asked Kagan a very direct question:
"Did you write that memo?" Kagan never actually admitted
she wrote the memo but was finally forced to reluctantly
acknowledge that, "the document is certainly in my

John, this hand-written document should be the
"kiss of death" for Kagan's confirmation!

The memo proves that she is a political activist who
intentionally corrupted key expert evidence. And it
proves that she holds radical pro-abortion political
views that make it impossible for her to use the
impartiality required of a Supreme Court Justice.

In the final analysis, Elena Kagan's past
actions show that she is a political operative
who would use a seat on the Supreme Court to
advance a radical political agenda.

++Unleashing our powerful fax barrage on Monday.

As you know, Liberty Counsel is joining other pro-family
groups in calling for a FULL INVESTIGATION of events
that took place during Elena Kagan's tenure in the
Clinton White House.

We are also calling for a full review of discrepancies
in her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee,
especially concerning her notes to President Clinton
giving political advice about abortion cases being
considered by the federal judiciary.

We believe this investigation needs to be
completed BEFORE the full Senate takes up
Kagan's nomination. If the pro-Kagan camp
doesn't accept this course of action, a
filibuster should be enacted until the
investigation is complete and all relevant
documents receive proper review!

I am asking every Liberty Counsel team member to press
Senators to examine ALL the evidence that may weigh upon
Kagan's qualification for a lifetime appointment to the
Supreme Court.

And the Senate MUST NOT BE RUSHED by the all-too-familiar
Obama/Reid/Pelosi arm twisting.

We have included new language in our faxes
calling for an investigation and review of
all pertinent documents, including Kagan's
writings. The fax barrage will begin when
the Senate reconvenes this coming Monday.

Please go here to initiate your faxes to
your two Senators and other key Senators:

If you prefer, we encourage you to send your own faxes. We
have provided all the information you need to reach
Senators here:

++Kagan's radical political activism should disqualify her.

As I wrote to you earlier, Elena Kagan's activities in the
Clinton Administration should not be characterized as merely
the actions of an ambitious young attorney whose zeal
temporarily overrode her better judgment.

Rather, they appear to be calculated attempts to manipulate
testimony by a seasoned lawyer who was at that time serving
as counsel to the President of the United States.

If Kagan purposefully manipulated expert findings, then
that was at the very least a disrespectful slap at the
Court upon which she aspires to serve. Some have said
that her manipulation of expert testimony approaches the
crime of evidence tampering - more than sufficient reason
to call for Kagan's removal from consideration.

The evidence clearly shows that Elena Kagan
does NOT have the ability to separate her quest
to implement a radical personal agenda from
the sacred duty of impartially judging as a
Supreme Court Justice.

And if Elena Kagan is seated, she would be in position to
review the lawsuits against ObamaCare when they make their
way to the Supreme Court. That is totally unacceptable!

++Stand with us in opposition to Elena Kagan's confirmation.

Last week, Liberty Counsel supporters generated tens of
thousands of citizen contacts to our United States Senators


There is STILL TIME for all of us to make our
voices heard by those on the Senate Judiciary
Committee, the Senators uncommitted in their
votes, and your own two Senators. This is
especially true now that Elena Kagan has
waffled during testimony about her personal
notes to President Clinton on partial-birth

Your faxes to the Senate will be delivered along with
thousands of other citizens' faxes as part of our massive
FAX BARRAGE that resumes on July 12th.


Sunday, July 11, 2010 5:36 AM


Why do we have to stop crushing baby skulls?


Sunday, July 11, 2010 5:38 AM


The resistance against Kagan is futile, she's in. But the good news is that she's just replacing another left-wing ideological douchebag, so no real net damage, except having to endure decades of her supremely ugly face, and all the future head-shaking in disbelief over her hundreds of votes in support for anything and everything that will damage our country's security and law-abiding citizenry.

I loved how Sotomayer's FIRST Supreme Court vote two weeks ago was a Loss, when her side of three kool-aid soaked leftist judges voted against the US Constitition and its' Amendment protecting gun ownership. Nice appointee there Obama!!! She's no hard-core ideologue!? Naw,' course not. I guess her and mama-psycho Ruthie-the-traitor-Ginsburg consumed a lot of Chablis, Brie, and re-fried Mexican beans the night before the big vote.


Sunday, July 11, 2010 6:01 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Problem is, SCOTUS judges are required to obstruct justice as condition of employment. That's what makes them different from other lawyers. Reinquist got busted stealing elections in AZ.

Of course, all prosecutors do that every day.


Sunday, July 11, 2010 6:25 AM



Originally posted by kaneman:
Why do we have to stop crushing baby skulls?

Young men and women from all corners of our great country have a drive, a desire, and even a calling to heal, so they go to school for a very long time, work hard, study hard, put in long tedious hours of practice learning to become doctors. Some become dependent on pills and some have tuition problems, So c'mon, after all that dedication and stress, haven't they earned the right to crush babies' skulls? And maybe even a few acid-bath harpoons to the gut for diversion too?


Sunday, July 11, 2010 6:32 AM



Originally posted by Riverlove:
The resistance against Kagan is futile, she's in. But the good news is that she's just replacing another left-wing ideological douchebag, so no real net damage, except having to endure decades of her supremely ugly face, and all the future head-shaking in disbelief over her hundreds of votes in support for anything and everything that will damage our country's security and law-abiding citizenry.

I loved how Sotomayer's FIRST Supreme Court vote two weeks ago was a Loss, when her side of three kool-aid soaked leftist judges voted against the US Constitition and its' Amendment protecting gun ownership. Nice appointee there Obama!!! She's no hard-core ideologue!? Naw,' course not. I guess her and mama-psycho Ruthie-the-traitor-Ginsburg consumed a lot of Chablis, Brie, and re-fried Mexican beans the night before the big vote.

She is ugly. She looks just like my plumber, the resemblance is uncanny. I've never seen her from the rear. Does her ass hang out? She will be there for a very long time, so I am sure(even with the robe) that my question will be answered in due time......


Sunday, July 11, 2010 6:59 AM



Originally posted by kaneman:

Originally posted by Riverlove:
The resistance against Kagan is futile, she's in. But the good news is that she's just replacing another left-wing ideological douchebag, so no real net damage, except having to endure decades of her supremely ugly face, and all the future head-shaking in disbelief over her hundreds of votes in support for anything and everything that will damage our country's security and law-abiding citizenry.

I loved how Sotomayer's FIRST Supreme Court vote two weeks ago was a Loss, when her side of three kool-aid soaked leftist judges voted against the US Constitition and its' Amendment protecting gun ownership. Nice appointee there Obama!!! She's no hard-core ideologue!? Naw,' course not. I guess her and mama-psycho Ruthie-the-traitor-Ginsburg consumed a lot of Chablis, Brie, and re-fried Mexican beans the night before the big vote.

She is ugly. She looks just like my plumber, the resemblance is uncanny. I've never seen her from the rear. Does her ass hang out? She will be there for a very long time, so I am sure(even with the robe) that my question will be answered in due time......

I can't say for sure if I have seen her from the rear, but I did see a picture of her playing softball, and she was wearing attractive athletic wear. I'm not sure which position she plays, but the story said she hits everything.


Sunday, July 11, 2010 7:01 AM



Originally posted by Riverlove:

Originally posted by kaneman:

Originally posted by Riverlove:
The resistance against Kagan is futile, she's in. But the good news is that she's just replacing another left-wing ideological douchebag, so no real net damage, except having to endure decades of her supremely ugly face, and all the future head-shaking in disbelief over her hundreds of votes in support for anything and everything that will damage our country's security and law-abiding citizenry.

I loved how Sotomayer's FIRST Supreme Court vote two weeks ago was a Loss, when her side of three kool-aid soaked leftist judges voted against the US Constitition and its' Amendment protecting gun ownership. Nice appointee there Obama!!! She's no hard-core ideologue!? Naw,' course not. I guess her and mama-psycho Ruthie-the-traitor-Ginsburg consumed a lot of Chablis, Brie, and re-fried Mexican beans the night before the big vote.

She is ugly. She looks just like my plumber, the resemblance is uncanny. I've never seen her from the rear. Does her ass hang out? She will be there for a very long time, so I am sure(even with the robe) that my question will be answered in due time......

I can't say for sure if I have seen her from the rear, but I did see a picture of her playing softball, and she was wearing attractive athletic wear. I'm not sure which position she plays, but the story said she hits everything.

Oh ya, I've heard she bats both ways....we are lucky to have her.