Went to turn off my computer, checked e-mail first, and found this from Karen at Wildcare:[quote]Hi Niki, WildCare has begun to send volunteers. If you..."/>


AAAAAAA!! It's HAPPENING!!! (Gulf volunteer)

UPDATED: Friday, July 16, 2010 08:58
PAGE 1 of 1

Wednesday, July 14, 2010 10:52 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Went to turn off my computer, checked e-mail first, and found this from Karen at Wildcare:

Hi Niki,

WildCare has begun to send volunteers. If you are interested, please contact laurie@ibrrc.org and let her know you know Jay.

Please let me know what happens. Our volunteers are going down one by oneā€¦

Thanks, Karen

THANK GAWD!!! I've been so frustrated waiting, and now it actually looks like it's getting close!! I knew they'd need replacement people, and to be going down with IBRRC means in some way or another I'll be helping with the WILDLIFE!!!

I e-mailed her instantly, now I just have to wait and try not to get hypomanic doing so. My stomach's jumping up and down with excitement... Aaaaaaa!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off


Wednesday, July 14, 2010 10:57 AM


Volunteers? BP has $20 Billion in hand out's, tell your friend to go see BP or Obama for some $. Also, tell your friend to put those tar balls into little bottles and sell them as "Obama Balls", $5 a bottle. I get 15%.....K?


Wednesday, July 14, 2010 11:06 AM


please let us know before you head out because there are things we can maybe do to help out.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010 11:13 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Ha ha. No, Whatsit, it's ME who's going. You missed it, but a number of people from this forum got together a while back--Anthony started it with the suggestion they take up a collection to get me down there to help out, then Pizmo looked up the cost of flights, and they raised enough for me to go--PLUS $50! So I'm going down to represent Firefly and the folks from FFF, and taking all my Serenity t-shirts. My husband is kicking in by taking money out of our retirement for housing/food, and I had registered with every organization I could find, but hadn't heard back from any of them.

There was an Anderson Cooper 360 back then which covered the work the IBRRC (International Bird Rescue and Rehablitation), and the head of the IBRRC was interviewed. It turns out he's a guy I knew back in the 1970s when I volunteered at our local wildlife rehabilitation center, so I contacted Karen (now head of the center) to see if they were sending volunteers and if I could join them.

She said they weren't yet, but would let me know when they did, and I contacted IBRRC as well. This was all weeks ago, and I've been really down, hearing all the bullshit down there, being unable to help. I wouldn't TAKE a paying job--the people of the Gulf need everything they can get.

So it's a major thrill for me to have Karen e-mail me just now that it's actually gonna HAPPEN finally! I have to get off the computer, I can barely type, and start gathering things together...I'll probably have to wait a bit longer to coordinate wiht the IBRRC, but at least I know it's FINALLY going to happen!! I've wanted this so badly for so long...

AND I get to work with IBRRC AND I get to see Jay after all these years AND AND AND...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off


Wednesday, July 14, 2010 11:16 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oops, Frem, missed yours while I was typing mine. I'll fer shore let you guys know when I'm going, you're the ONLY ones I'll be sharing it with--aside from Jim and Choey of course.

A million things going around my head...especially the dogs. Kochak is terribly, terribly bonded, howls and sings even when I take Tashi up the road to work on training him (my sulky arrived yesterday, so time to get serious training going). All that goes on the back burner, but gotta get boots, gloves, wait to hear if I need respirator, figure out what to take, show Choey how to put out the bird feeders, feed the fish, rabbits, dogs, parakeet...aughhh! Mind is moving too fast, typing too fast, time to take a pill...

THANX Frem, you're a doll!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off


Wednesday, July 14, 2010 11:24 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Ha ha. No, Whatsit, it's ME who's going. You missed it, but a number of people from this forum got together a while back--Anthony started it with the suggestion they take up a collection to get me down there to help out, then Pizmo looked up the cost of flights, and they raised enough for me to go--PLUS $50! So I'm going down to represent Firefly and the folks from FFF, and taking all my Serenity t-shirts. My husband is kicking in by taking money out of our retirement for housing/food, and I had registered with every organization I could find, but hadn't heard back from any of them.

There was an Anderson Cooper 360 back then which covered the work the IBRRC (International Bird Rescue and Rehablitation), and the head of the IBRRC was interviewed. It turns out he's a guy I knew back in the 1970s when I volunteered at our local wildlife rehabilitation center, so I contacted Karen (now head of the center) to see if they were sending volunteers and if I could join them.

She said they weren't yet, but would let me know when they did, and I contacted IBRRC as well. This was all weeks ago, and I've been really down, hearing all the bullshit down there, being unable to help. I wouldn't TAKE a paying job--the people of the Gulf need everything they can get.

So it's a major thrill for me to have Karen e-mail me just now that it's actually gonna HAPPEN finally! I have to get off the computer, I can barely type, and start gathering things together...I'll probably have to wait a bit longer to coordinate wiht the IBRRC, but at least I know it's FINALLY going to happen!! I've wanted this so badly for so long...

AND I get to work with IBRRC AND I get to see Jay after all these years AND AND AND...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off

Good luck, really. But this no longger a big story kiddo, don't belive me, go to the Drudge Report and the other news sites. While you're in the gulf sweating your ass of off and washing the "Obama Balls" off yourself every night, Barry will be in Maine at some golf course yelling FORE! I wish you well and good luck..... but Barry does care, he'd rather go on vacation.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:49 PM


Congrats! Post some stories if/when you can, so that us cubical dwellers can feel like they made some small difference in the world.

I plan on living vicariously, you see, like a parasitic shoulder devil clinging to your hazmat gear.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010 2:02 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, be my guest! Choey said she'd loan me her laptop, so if she DOES, you can be sure I'll be typing my little heart out every night...assuming I can still lift a finger! Definitely a camera, and she prattled on about how I could upload from the camera's sim to the computer so I could put it on line, but I wasn't paying much attention back then. I'll have her give me careful instructions before I go.

Whether you feel like you're living vicariously or not, Byte, ALL of you made this possible, so you ARE gonna kinda be on my shoulder, definitely in my brain. Just don't whisper any encouraging things a la cute males...if I can't get this hypomania in tow, one of the symptoms is hypersexuality, hee, hee, hee!

At least the initial excitement has slowed so I can think again...whew! Watered the yard; hot today--83 ;o) and tore up the HUGE boxes my sulky came in to recycle them; it helped.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off


Wednesday, July 14, 2010 2:08 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Niki2:
Ha ha. No, Whatsit, it's ME who's going. You missed it, but a number of people from this forum got together a while back--Anthony started it with the suggestion they take up a collection to get me down there to help out, then Pizmo looked up the cost of flights, and they raised enough for me to go--PLUS $50! So I'm going down to represent Firefly and the folks from FFF, and taking all my Serenity t-shirts. My husband is kicking in by taking money out of our retirement for housing/food, and I had registered with every organization I could find, but hadn't heard back from any of them.

There was an Anderson Cooper 360 back then which covered the work the IBRRC (International Bird Rescue and Rehablitation), and the head of the IBRRC was interviewed. It turns out he's a guy I knew back in the 1970s when I volunteered at our local wildlife rehabilitation center, so I contacted Karen (now head of the center) to see if they were sending volunteers and if I could join them.

She said they weren't yet, but would let me know when they did, and I contacted IBRRC as well. This was all weeks ago, and I've been really down, hearing all the bullshit down there, being unable to help. I wouldn't TAKE a paying job--the people of the Gulf need everything they can get.

So it's a major thrill for me to have Karen e-mail me just now that it's actually gonna HAPPEN finally! I have to get off the computer, I can barely type, and start gathering things together...I'll probably have to wait a bit longer to coordinate wiht the IBRRC, but at least I know it's FINALLY going to happen!! I've wanted this so badly for so long...

AND I get to work with IBRRC AND I get to see Jay after all these years AND AND AND...

I am thrilled for you Niki - and even better that you get to see old acquaintences. As Byte said, keep us informed - I look forward to your "reports," I'm sure they will be very illuminating.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day - http://www.scifiradio.com


Wednesday, July 14, 2010 2:17 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Yay! I'm so happy for you! And I'm glad our little community could be a part of it all.


Thursday, July 15, 2010 5:08 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Ha ha. No, Whatsit, it's ME who's going. You missed it, but a number of people from this forum got together a while back--Anthony started it with the suggestion they take up a collection to get me down there to help out, then Pizmo looked up the cost of flights, and they raised enough for me to go--PLUS $50! So I'm going down to represent Firefly and the folks from FFF, and taking all my Serenity t-shirts. My husband is kicking in by taking money out of our retirement for housing/food, and I had registered with every organization I could find, but hadn't heard back from any of them.

There was an Anderson Cooper 360 back then which covered the work the IBRRC (International Bird Rescue and Rehablitation), and the head of the IBRRC was interviewed. It turns out he's a guy I knew back in the 1970s when I volunteered at our local wildlife rehabilitation center, so I contacted Karen (now head of the center) to see if they were sending volunteers and if I could join them.

She said they weren't yet, but would let me know when they did, and I contacted IBRRC as well. This was all weeks ago, and I've been really down, hearing all the bullshit down there, being unable to help. I wouldn't TAKE a paying job--the people of the Gulf need everything they can get.

So it's a major thrill for me to have Karen e-mail me just now that it's actually gonna HAPPEN finally! I have to get off the computer, I can barely type, and start gathering things together...I'll probably have to wait a bit longer to coordinate wiht the IBRRC, but at least I know it's FINALLY going to happen!! I've wanted this so badly for so long...

AND I get to work with IBRRC AND I get to see Jay after all these years AND AND AND...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off

You are quite the scam-artist. You just went up a couple knotholes in my book. Would you jump into the oil like that journalist did? It would be great if you got toxic poisoning. Think of the exposure you could bring to the plight of the gulf....You are officially a BDH. And do yourself a favor...Have an affair while down there, Those tooth-less wonders love fat chicks and this could be the last time you get a shot to cheat on your husband. Pack your own Twinkies. They make em different down there....Good luck I'll be rooting for you....to fall in a slick.


Thursday, July 15, 2010 8:58 AM


How much money did you steal?


Friday, July 16, 2010 8:58 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

August. I just heard back from a Laurie Pyne at IBRRC and they're scheduling people for August.

So more waiting. Sigh...but August is only two weeks away...two long weeks...

I plan to squeeze out every penny and try to BUY stuff while I'm there...they need that kind of help, too. Dunno what, but I'm sure I can find something...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off