It's early, and the difference isn't that great, but nonetheless, the first sentence is true:[quote]For many Democrats in Washington, a Sarah Palin presi..."/>


Bad news for Sarahcuda in new poll

UPDATED: Monday, July 19, 2010 17:47
VIEWED: 1897
PAGE 1 of 1

Friday, July 16, 2010 10:18 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

It's early, and the difference isn't that great, but nonetheless, the first sentence is true:

For many Democrats in Washington, a Sarah Palin presidential run would be a dream come true.

As their thinking goes, Palin's popularity among Republican base voters in early primary states would be enough to swamp the rest of the 2012 field and vault the conservative firebrand to the GOP nomination.

But in a general election, her standing among independent and swing voters, which began to crater in the closing weeks of the 2008 presidential race, might be too much to overcome.

New (admittedly early) polling data suggests that very scenario could play out if she decides to seek the White House.

According to a new Gallup survey, 76 percent of Republicans have a favorable opinion of Palin - the highest rating among any of the presumed presidential candidates. The former Alaska governor also maintains the strongest name recognition of any potential candidate, while only 20 percent of Republicans view her unfavorably.

Palin is trailed by Mike Huckabee (a 65 percent favorable rating), Newt Gingrich (64 percent) and Mitt Romney (54 percent). Bobby Jindal, who has yet to signal any serious 2012 intentions, had 45 percent favorable rating among Republicans.

Among all Americans, though, Palin's numbers are upside down. More Americans view her in a negative light (47 percent) than a positive one (44 percent). What's more, only nine percent of Americans haven't formed an opinion of the former Alaska governor, making it difficult for her to correct that deficit.

Romney, meanwhile, appears to have repaired his image among Americans since the height of the contentious Republican primary battle in February 2008, when his unfavorable rating was at 46 percent. Now, 36 percent of Americans have a favorable view of Romney, with 28 percent having an unfavorable view.

You see, if she ran, she'd get more media attention and more scrutiny. More scrutiny is bad for Sarahcuda, it exposes the realities about her. And it's not the realities about her that make her attractive, it's her "affect", her speaking what the Tea Party wants to hear, lack of real scrutiny into her record, and more. If she were to run, so much would come out and be seen by the American public, it would be WONDERFUL for the dems!

Iibs are not afraid of her, you see; we'd LOVE her to run. We mock her because she's a joke; putting her in the spotlight as a potential head of the country would be an even bigger joke.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off


Friday, July 16, 2010 11:44 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

On the other hand, according to a Public Policy Polling survey, if the candidates for president next time were Palin and Obama, it'd be 46% Palin, 46% Obama and 9% not sure.

Mike Huckabee would win 47% to 45%, with 8% not sure. Newt Gingrich 46% 45% 9%. Mitt Romney 46% 43% 11%. Only Jan Brewer doesn't win or tie, with 36% 44% 20%.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, July 16, 2010 11:50 AM


Geezer for the WIN.

Uggh, tho I really hope it doesnt come down to a choice between Sarah and Bama. I might just light the whole thing on fire if THATS the choice Im given.


Friday, July 16, 2010 11:55 AM


Hell, Geezer for Prez. :)


Friday, July 16, 2010 11:58 AM


That poll also shows the Palin does have a lot of support in the Republican party. If she decides not to run, the candidates will be lining up to kiss her ring. She just might be able to deliver the base to the candidate of her choosing. Given the current demoralization among dems, an enthusiastic base could deliver the Presidency.


Friday, July 16, 2010 12:07 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

I definitely hope she runs then

It's not personal. It's just war.


Friday, July 16, 2010 12:09 PM


I thought Palin was a TV hostess now? Isn't she out of politics and a TV hostess now? Why do people care what Palin is doing now that she's out of politics and is a TV hostess now?

Also, I've been wanting to say this.....IT'S SO FLUFFY!!

Those arn't boobs, they're lies! - Stewie Griffin


Friday, July 16, 2010 12:26 PM



Originally posted by Kirkules:
That poll also shows the Palin does have a lot of support in the Republican party.

Which does not speak well for the intelligence of the party.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, July 16, 2010 12:42 PM


Remember well these words...

Cause imma feed em to ya.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, July 16, 2010 12:43 PM


10% unemployment

STILL fighting 2 wars

WE STILL have the "Patriot Act"

Gitmo is STILL open

Oil is STILL washing up on Gulf beaches

Barry has played over 200 hours of Golf

Bad news for Sarahcuda?


Saturday, July 17, 2010 4:46 AM


Didn't we pretty much decide *here* that most of us would vote for Sarah Palin in the right circumstances? I suspect that means she has a chance, cause not a lot of people here have a lot of respect for her abilities.

I suspect that Sarah Palin will be one of two Tea Party candidates, the other being Ron Paul. The machine hates Paul, so it will kill his candidacy, because they can, they own the voting machines if they are unsuccessful in poisoning the minds of the people.

Next, I suspect the new dynamic is that the Tea Party candidate always wins. This means that Sarah will become the candidate, and then president.

Whether or not Obama wins re-election really depends on the economy at the time of the election. If it's good, he'll be re-elected, and if it's not, he'll be replaced by Palin. I suspect that the president has precious little control over it, since much of economics is outside his control, and much of it is long term tides.

I half suspect the economy will collapse, in which case, yes, sure, I suspect Sarah Palin will win. I suspect the correct move in that case is probably to join the Palin 2012 campaign sooner rather than later.


Saturday, July 17, 2010 10:12 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Kirk, I agree on that point; she might deliver the base. But you don’t win with just the base.

I didn’t notice that “most” people here said they would vote for her, circumstances or not...?

I suspect the new dynamic is that the Tea Party candidate always wins
No, thus far the Tea Party candidates have won the PRIMARIES, we don’t know about most of the GENERALS yet. We’ll have to wait and see for that, but common wisdom running around for the most part says they’re too radical to take the general elections. I agree on everything you said about the economy, but Palin? Not so much. Or if she does, gawd help the country!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off


Saturday, July 17, 2010 10:17 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"10% unemployment

STILL fighting 2 wars

WE STILL have the "Patriot Act"

Gitmo is STILL open

Oil is STILL washing up on Gulf beaches

Barry has played over 200 hours of Golf"


Which of these items is Palin likely to ameliorate?


Due to the use of Naomi 3.3.2 Beta web filtering, the following people may need to private-message me if they wish to contact me: Auraptor, Kaneman, Piratenews. I apologize for the inconvenience.


Saturday, July 17, 2010 10:23 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Aw, c'mon, Anthony, it has nothing to do with actually "fixing" anything...has to do with her appeal, what she parrots in her speeches, and the old bullshit abou the "common man"--which she is most definitely NOT.

You're being too logical...silly thing.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off


Sunday, July 18, 2010 1:20 PM



I don't see that this is common wisdom, it seems to be the MSM opinion. They don't like the tea party, but then, the media thought that all the incumbents would lose in "anti-incumbent fever" which they batted very close to a zero on. I'm not sure what the media wants has much to do with reality.

Meanwhile, I don't see where these characters are "out of the mainstream." Tea Parties and Sarah Palin represent pretty much the US mainstream point of view. It's outside of the beltway in that we haven't seen a lot of it in congress, but perhaps we will now, and I can't see how that would be a bad thing.

For years we've been hearing socialists and neocon thinktankers telling us that their superior intellect is needed on the inside, and they will tell us how to run our lives and our country, which neither group has had even a percentage point of popular support. It's hard to see how, after decades of failure, we should even listen to these guys at all. Likewise, it baffles me that AIPAC should have any influence at all when they have less than 15% support within the jewish community, none outside of that, and <12 million people who are any part jewish in the country. that means the maximum support for zionism in american is less than 1% as well.

I suspect that actually what we are seeing is the opposite: The positions way outside the mainstream are the ones which are in power *now*. These "outsiders" actually represent normal american viewpoints. I don't find them scary at all. I find them refreshing. Sure, I don't always agree with them, often I don't agree with them at all, but they have very common sense human attitudes towards issues and problems, and not elitist imperialist ones. I don't get what the panic is about.


Sunday, July 18, 2010 4:46 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Didn't we pretty much decide *here* that most of us would vote for Sarah Palin in the right circumstances?

No, I don't believe we did.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Sunday, July 18, 2010 4:49 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Niki2:
Kirk, I agree on that point; she might deliver the base. But you don’t win with just the base.

I didn’t notice that “most” people here said they would vote for her, circumstances or not...?

I suspect the new dynamic is that the Tea Party candidate always wins
No, thus far the Tea Party candidates have won the PRIMARIES, we don’t know about most of the GENERALS yet. We’ll have to wait and see for that, but common wisdom running around for the most part says they’re too radical to take the general elections. I agree on everything you said about the economy, but Palin? Not so much. Or if she does, gawd help the country!

Tea Party candidates haven't even done particularly well in the primaries, nor in the special elections in which they've run. Some wins, some losses, just like any other parties...

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Sunday, July 18, 2010 4:52 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by dreamtrove:

I don't see that this is common wisdom, it seems to be the MSM opinion. They don't like the tea party, but then, the media thought that all the incumbents would lose in "anti-incumbent fever" which they batted very close to a zero on. I'm not sure what the media wants has much to do with reality.

Meanwhile, I don't see where these characters are "out of the mainstream." Tea Parties and Sarah Palin represent pretty much the US mainstream point of view. It's outside of the beltway in that we haven't seen a lot of it in congress, but perhaps we will now, and I can't see how that would be a bad thing.

For years we've been hearing socialists and neocon thinktankers telling us that their superior intellect is needed on the inside, and they will tell us how to run our lives and our country, which neither group has had even a percentage point of popular support. It's hard to see how, after decades of failure, we should even listen to these guys at all. Likewise, it baffles me that AIPAC should have any influence at all when they have less than 15% support within the jewish community, none outside of that, and <12 million people who are any part jewish in the country. that means the maximum support for zionism in american is less than 1% as well.

I suspect that actually what we are seeing is the opposite: The positions way outside the mainstream are the ones which are in power *now*. These "outsiders" actually represent normal american viewpoints. I don't find them scary at all. I find them refreshing. Sure, I don't always agree with them, often I don't agree with them at all, but they have very common sense human attitudes towards issues and problems, and not elitist imperialist ones. I don't get what the panic is about.

That sounds very like what Bush's supposed "appeal" to the common man was: "He seems like a guy I'd like to have a beer with." And while that may be true, these Tea Party people might seem like genuine people you might like to have a beer with (or burn a cross with, even), I've got lots of neighbors I'd like to have a beer with, and I wouldn't want a single one of them anywhere near the nuclear launch codes!

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Sunday, July 18, 2010 5:48 PM


Or a bowl of pretzels, for that matter...



Monday, July 19, 2010 1:45 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

You guys are thinking too hard, or at the very least in the wrong direction. It has nothing to do with what Sarah is doing now or what she would do with Gitmo or your *feelings* about her as a person, it's about how many clicks she gets. She has a +10 million click lead on everyone else but Obama (thanks to the hate from the right - ain't that a funny irony?), she will always be in the news gaining eyeballs and fans and she will always stay in the news because when she is she sells Toyotas, and shampoo, and Dell computers... it's not politics it's MATH.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Monday, July 19, 2010 3:24 AM


King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Monday, July 19, 2010 3:41 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

All hail the Quitter from Twitter!


Monday, July 19, 2010 3:54 AM



Don't worry, your bankster elitists with still have enough seats to force us all to pursue their international imperialist agenda.


Monday, July 19, 2010 4:53 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

*MY* bankster elitists? Last time I looked, it was *YOUR* guy (the Republican) who gave those "banksters" close to a trillion dollars with no strings attached and no oversight at all. And it's YOUR right-wing comrades who want zero regulation and zero oversight in the future.

Wouldn't that make them YOUR bankster elite?

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Monday, July 19, 2010 5:18 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
*MY* bankster elitists? Last time I looked, it was *YOUR* guy (the Republican) who gave those "banksters" close to a trillion dollars with no strings attached and no oversight at all. And it's YOUR right-wing comrades who want zero regulation and zero oversight in the future.

Not to mention the right's well established habit of funneling all tax breaks possible to the wealthy, as well as giving corporations free rein to buy elections.

It shocks me that anyone can convince themselves that the Republican powers are not solidly on the side of the wealthy, the banks, and the corporations. If W's time in office didn't make it clear, the behavior of the Republican minority over the past two years has cemented it.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Monday, July 19, 2010 7:18 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Ah, ah, ah, Mal4, you're forgetting human nature--or at least some people's nature. Eight years changed a lot of minds, but there are some minds that will never change and will always believe:

a) Whatever happened the past eight years must have been the Dems' fault anyway;

b) It was only bad because the Repubs didn't do ENOUGH of it;

c) It only happened because the Repubs didn't stick to their agenda, the next one will;'

d) What happened was all good anyway; or

e) All government is bad, so no government, or at lesat one that doesn't do anything (which is what the Repubs are doing and which Palin maybe represents to them) is best.

Now let's wath the agreement come on one or more of those as an argument that a Repub Prez/Congress would do better.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off


Monday, July 19, 2010 7:25 AM


"e) All government is bad, so no government, or at lesat one that doesn't do anything (which is what the Repubs are doing and which Palin maybe represents to them) is best"

How about a Constitutionally restrained government that doesnt frak with its citizens, stays out of world problems, and in general..

Doesnt Tread on Us?

That would be nice. That would be right. That would be lawful, correct and what the founders envisioned.

But no.

Since we have been at the forfront of everything for so long, too many of our citizens have become lazy, compliant, and...........SPOILED.

Like the child who never had to work for anything, there are people living among us who wish for their "parents" (the government) to give them everything.

To "take care of them from craddle to grave".

To act as the parents they abandoned years ago, and to act as better parental figures than they could ever hope to be.

It makes me sick.


Monday, July 19, 2010 7:31 AM


I still think it is very dangerous to listen to the likes of Olberman and that ilk and characterize Palin as a quack-job. This can be done with almost any politician that has been around awhile. This is a woman who has gone against the establishment time and time again, and has come out on top. Many people see what she did in Alaska and have a bunch of respect for her "balls". She gets more Air time than anyone(see, what that did for Obama). Love her or Hate her she is the most powerful voice in politics and will be a force in Nov. and beyond.


Monday, July 19, 2010 7:40 AM



Originally posted by QuestionableQuestionality:
I still think it is very dangerous to listen to the likes of Olberman and that ilk and characterize Palin as a quack-job.

No need to listen to Olbermann. The stuff coming out of Palin's mouth solidly characterizes her quackiness. It'll only get better (as in, funnier) if she leaves the butter-my-bread circuit and tries again for public office. Oh the whacky fun! (And I do mean whacky.)

Niki, I'm not sure if that whole list is necessary. Seems that some folks have only one rule: my team is always right and all must be twisted to fit accordingly. Of course, there are these self-blinded types on both sides, but there's many more on the right. In these threads, anyway.

It's that whole RWA thing again.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Monday, July 19, 2010 7:57 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
"e) All government is bad, so no government, or at lesat one that doesn't do anything (which is what the Repubs are doing and which Palin maybe represents to them) is best"

How about a Constitutionally restrained government that doesnt frak with its citizens, stays out of world problems, and in general..

Doesnt Tread on Us?

That would be nice. That would be right. That would be lawful, correct and what the founders envisioned.

Which tells me nothing at all about why you're supporting Republicans, because they have never done a single one of those things, and have in point of fact, done the exact opposite at every single opportunity.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Monday, July 19, 2010 8:02 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by QuestionableQuestionality:
I still think it is very dangerous to listen to the likes of Olberman and that ilk and characterize Palin as a quack-job. This can be done with almost any politician that has been around awhile. This is a woman who has gone against the establishment time and time again, and has come out on top.

When? When has she gone "against the establishment"? She *IS* the fucking establishment! She's the GOP, she's the Tea Party, she was the Republican governor and the Republican VP choice. That's like calling Nixon an "outsider". Christ, man, she's the insider's insider!


Many people see what she did in Alaska and have a bunch of respect for her "balls".

Balls? To spend them deep into debt? To take her tiny little town of Wasila, and as mayor plunge it millions of dollars into debt? To abuse her position of power as Governor to pursue personal vendettas against family members? To redistribute the wealth of the oil companies, handing out their money as "bailouts" to her constituency?


She gets more Air time than anyone(see, what that did for Obama).

By that logic, shouldn't Lady Gaga be a shoe-in for the Presidency?


Love her or Hate her she is the most powerful voice in politics and will be a force in Nov. and beyond.

Let's hope! Her voice is going to be a powerful one, all right - for DEMOCRATS! She's going to be for Democrats this year what Dubya was in '08 - just hold up the picture, and voters will swarm to pull the 'D' lever! :)

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Monday, July 19, 2010 8:04 AM


I dont JUST support Republicans.

I try to pick the best man for the job. Even if it means a write-in.

But I will NEVER support a Democrat/Liberal/Progressive.



Monday, July 19, 2010 8:04 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
"e) All government is bad, so no government, or at lesat one that doesn't do anything (which is what the Repubs are doing and which Palin maybe represents to them) is best"

How about a Constitutionally restrained government that doesnt frak with its citizens, stays out of world problems, and in general..

Doesnt Tread on Us?

That would be nice. That would be right. That would be lawful, correct and what the founders envisioned.

Which tells me nothing at all about why you're supporting Republicans, because they have never done a single one of those things, and have in point of fact, done the exact opposite at every single opportunity.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.

I think you are talking about Bush and his neo-con cronies. Wulf is talking about the people going back to true conservatism(well, one hopes). And that is Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and a whole slew of tea party types that mock Bush as much as they mock Barry. See, we see them as the same...Big intrusive government types. So, why you bring neo-cons up when talking to myself, dreamtrove, wulf is beyond me. I think we all agree Bush is no different(in a lot of ways) as Barry. You are stuck on blame Bush. I could care less. I don't every want to go back to rino's. I want Libertarian/Constitutionalists in office. I believe wulf does too. So why talk about fake conservatives?


Monday, July 19, 2010 8:05 AM


"I think you are talking about Bush and his neo-con cronies. Wulf is talking about the people going back to true conservatism(well, one hopes). And that is Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and a whole slew of tea party types that mock Bush as much as they mock Barry. See, we see them as the same...Big intrusive government types. So, why you bring neo-cons up when talking to myself, dreamtrove, wulf is beyond me. I think we all agree Bush is no different(in a lot of ways) as Barry. You are stuck on blame Bush. I could care less. I don't every want to go back to rino's. I want Libertarian/Constitutionalists in office. I believe wulf does too. So why talk about fake conservatives?"



Monday, July 19, 2010 10:44 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
I dont JUST support Republicans.

I try to pick the best man for the job. Even if it means a write-in.

But I will NEVER support a Democrat/Liberal/Progressive.


Even if he's the "best man for the job", huh?

So for all your non-partisanship, you really are quite the little partisan, aren't you?

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Monday, July 19, 2010 10:52 AM


Well Kwick,

To be fair... its personal.

So even IF a Demo-Lib-Prog EVER came forward with the creds and the ability to lead properly, and to follow the Constitution and all of it...


Not that one of you has ever come forward with that... but EVEN IF you did, I doubt it.

I have a long memory, I know you and your kind, and..

I. Don't. Forgive. You.


Monday, July 19, 2010 11:28 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
Well Kwick,

To be fair... its personal.

So even IF a Demo-Lib-Prog EVER came forward with the creds and the ability to lead properly, and to follow the Constitution and all of it...


Not that one of you has ever come forward with that... but EVEN IF you did, I doubt it.

I have a long memory, I know you and your kind, and..

I. Don't. Forgive. You.

Well, Wulfie, to be fair...

It's personal with me, too.

You claim to want to follow the Constitution, and ALL OF IT. Then you talk about wanting to kick out the U.S.-born children of illegals, even though according to the U.S. Constitution, those children ARE U.S. citizens. You talk about how the Constitution IS NOT a "living, breathing document", and how you'd like to do away with all of it except the document and the first ten Amendments, so it's quite clear to me - and to everyone else here - that you're either lying when you say you want to follow ALL OF IT, or you're an idiot who doesn't know anything at all about the document, or both.

So you've advocated on many occasions doing away with the Constitution, ignoring it, tossing it aside whenever and wherever it doesn't suit your agenda, while I have stood by the document as the closest thing to anything "sacred" I've ever seen on this Earth.

And. I. Don't. Forgive. You. Either.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Monday, July 19, 2010 11:37 AM


Typical, spoiled, lib response.

"Then you talk about wanting to kick out the U.S.-born children of illegals, even though according to the U.S. Constitution, those children ARE U.S. citizens."

No. I've talked about expanding the ability of foreign-born labor to come here legally, and quickly. THAT would end a lot of the illegal problem. AS, would getting the government off the backs of small business.

But you don't want to hear that do you?

"You talk about how the Constitution IS NOT a "living, breathing document","

Yes, I do. Sorry, its not going to "expand" so that you can fuck yor dog, your boyfriend, your goat, children, or your mom. Its not going to live and breathe its way to pay for your weed, pay for your sex change, or your abortion.

Its a set of rules to follow, that allows everyone to be free and to play fair.

It doesnt give special consideration to one group over the other.

"So you've advocated on many occasions doing away with the Constitution, ignoring it, tossing it aside whenever and wherever it doesn't suit your agenda,"

No. Never. But that you would make that claim shows your desperation.

And I dont care if you forgive me or not, you obviously missed the point of what I was saying. And truth be told, I havn't the "energy", the small words, the time, or the effort, to try and explain it to you.


Monday, July 19, 2010 5:47 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
Typical, spoiled, lib response.

"Then you talk about wanting to kick out the U.S.-born children of illegals, even though according to the U.S. Constitution, those children ARE U.S. citizens."

No. I've talked about expanding the ability of foreign-born labor to come here legally, and quickly. THAT would end a lot of the illegal problem. AS, would getting the government off the backs of small business.

WHY would I have a problem with any of that? Hell, I wish the government WOULD get off the backs of small businesses, and start paying some attention (of a regulatory nature) to LARGE businesses.

But you DID advocate kicking out the American-born children of non-citizens. It came up in one of the Arizona threads, when one of those idiots proposed legislation to do just that, and you wholeheartedly agreed with him.

Maybe you were drunk, and don't remember it, but you said it.


But you don't want to hear that do you?

Well, it seems YOU don't want to hear that, certainly.


"You talk about how the Constitution IS NOT a "living, breathing document","

Yes, I do. Sorry, its not going to "expand" so that you can fuck yor dog, your boyfriend, your goat, children, or your mom. Its not going to live and breathe its way to pay for your weed, pay for your sex change, or your abortion.

Its a set of rules to follow, that allows everyone to be free and to play fair.

It doesnt give special consideration to one group over the other.

Actually, if you would have ever READ the document, you'd see that it quite explicitly DOES give special consideration to some groups over others. Negroes are considered three-fifths of free men, for one thing. Also, any citizen over the age of eighteen (used to be twenty-one, but the document lived and expanded to make it eighteen) has the right to vote, giving special consideration to those over the age of 18. It's full of "special consideration".

When you say everyone is to be free, you don't mean that. You mean they're free to do as you say, as YOU want to interpret the Constitution. You say it doesn't include "paying for your abortion", but that's just you imposing your supposed christianity on the document, where it's quite clearly NOT a "christian" document. You're asking for your own group to be given special consideration.

You're also trying to maintain that the Constitution SHOULD give special consideration to one group (heterosexuals) over the other. You've been maintaining that for years now.


"So you've advocated on many occasions doing away with the Constitution, ignoring it, tossing it aside whenever and wherever it doesn't suit your agenda,"

No. Never. But that you would make that claim shows your desperation.

Actually, you have. As mentioned above, you'd happily toss aside the 14th Amendment, you've stated before that you'd freeze it at the document and the Bill of Rights, and get rid of all the other Amendments (although what your problem with the direct election of Senators or the two full terms limit on the Presidency is, I can't imagine), and you've openly stated that you think Presidential assassination and violent revolution are viable methods of government. In short, wherever the Constitution becomes uncomfortable for you, or conflicts with your very narrow world-view, you're only too happy to throw it aside or crumple it up and wipe your ass with it. That tells me everything I need to know about you, and how dangerous you and your ilk really are to this country.


And I dont care if you forgive me or not, you obviously missed the point of what I was saying. And truth be told, I havn't the "energy", the small words, the time, or the effort, to try and explain it to you.

Oh, I think I've gotten your point all along, probably better than you have. 156, remember; 156. ;)

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.