Police Brutality

UPDATED: Saturday, July 24, 2010 02:43
PAGE 1 of 1

Friday, July 23, 2010 12:17 PM


I've had it. I've got no more patience. So, ok.. bring it.

"Being called a racist by a Liberal is a badge of honor."


Friday, July 23, 2010 12:38 PM



Noone is going to pipe up about their encounters with the police? Or to argue that the poor popo are so overmatched that beating on citizen is par for the course?

Dammit, we need to demand blood EVERYTIME cops step out line. Otherwise what is going to stop them the next time?

Bump for effect.

"Being called a racist by a Liberal is a badge of honor."


Saturday, July 24, 2010 2:43 AM


Yanno, at this moment I am rather pointedly reminded of the first Trade Paperback issue of Transmetropolitan - when the "transients" decide to pick a fight with the city...

Didn't go well for em, did it ?

It's a damn fool stunt to provoke a fight with folk who outgun you, have ten times your weapons and equipment, and can call in backup all the way up to the fucking national gaurd - who are proven to be willing to bomb or burn you and your whole goddamn neighborhood to cinders (See Also: MOVE, Waco) including your kids without a blink to prevent any threat to their dominion.

Of course, this ain't the only place I am hearing this crap, some badge got his ass waxed the other day around here, and unlike Huff (who was defending the DPD's dope they were selling from our local version of Omar Little) the officer in question was actually trying to do his damn job when he got a bad case of lead poisoning, but even so, not a lotta sympathy around here.

More cops shot on duty
Increase in officers' workloads, growing anger toward authority contributing factors


These factors could be putting officers at risk at a time when O'Donnell said there seems to be aggressive dialogue toward police on the Web and people starting to challenge authority and the government.

As usual, more whine and whimper about "officer safety" - well hell, why not just send in the SWAT team and kill everyone, oh, wait, they come pretty close to ALREADY doin that, just ask Aiyana Jones, not that anyone hears a word of that since the Fraternal Order of Police (i.e. the blue suit mafia strongarm) threatened the local papers and made them bury that mess.

They actually called HERE Thursday night, demanding money with subtle *threats* - not just the usual whine and wheedle, but barely a hair short of fucking extortion.

Speaking of extortion...
Torments and tickets in the D


That said, the city's aggressive enforcement borders on harassment. Those little white Cobalts swarming the central business district like bees on honey strike terror in motorists everywhere. It's no way to encourage people to come down and drop some loot at one of Detroit's fine restaurants, clubs and bars. More to the point, if the city insists on enforcing parking to the nanosecond, it should at least make sure the bleeping meters work.

Oh come now, they KNOW the meters are broken, fixing them would reduce that income stream, and what with us cutting them damn budget in retaliation for their harrassment, they're not gonna do that.

And speaking of court, the dog and pony show we have to pretend that shit isn't decided before you even walk in there...
Court rules in favor of unequal justice for poor defendants


The plaintiffs in Duncan v. Michigan had challenged the state's deplorable system of providing legal counsel to poor defendants, arguing that the representation provided to such defendants in Berrien, Genesee and Muskegon Counties fell short of constitutional standards. Just three months ago, state Supreme Court justices unanimously allowed the lawsuit to proceed, setting the stage for a trial that could have established statewide standards for indigent defense.

Then, last Friday, four Republican justices who consented to the earlier court order inexplicably reversed themselves, adopting a dissenting lower court judge's opinion that the issues raised in the indigent defendants' suit were either premature or not amenable to judicial relief.

Which of course, makes sense only if you know the context, which I have been delivering lately.

But you do not fight this with guns - THAT plan is doomed to fail from the very first shot, this fight is best fought with MONEY, or the lack of it.

You think them punkass bluesuits will work for free, or minimum wage ?
Oh hell no, this, along with the illegally low speed limits, illegally short yellows, rabid "traffic" (extortion!) enforcement and asset seizure under the most ridiculous conditions...
And I do mean the latter - got a food scale and baggies in your kitchen ?
Lo and behold, you're a drug dealer, say goodbye to your house - which much like the cars, they sell in an auction not open to the public, for "security" purposes so only the blue suited horde gets to bid - why you think that one from my former township was so VERY pissed ?
Cause that nice house, nice car, USED to belong to some innocent schmuck before the blue suit mafia took it from them - and we used those same rules to take em from HIM!

And that's where you win this, you cut their goddamn budget, cut and cut and cut some more every goddamn time they piss off the community, and you block them from recieving a cut of the ticket or forfeiture income - you do either of the latter and the fullisade of bullshit tickets and false charge forfeiture stops INSTANTLY.

And you may not win every battle (them fuckers got the old casino as an HQ, to my ire) but step by step you remove any INCENTIVE to do some of this shit you can put a hard check against it, and since the folks who investigate abuses are no more trustworthy than they are, cause they'll protect their own, you go to the one leash you got, the purse strings....

And you strangle the motherfuckers with them until they either comply, or choke.

But you never, EVER go head on in a stand up fight you are guaranteed to lose, especially one where even if you "win" - then you fuck yourself worse cause whether we like it or not, there does need to be something to fill that gap, contract security is excellent for community protection and patrol, but fucked in imma cuff a perp and haul em off to lockup, or scrape up the corpse of some carjacker after you splattered his brains all over Michigan Ave - let them do the dirty jobs they're paid for and no more than that.

It's never black and white, and it's never freakin easy - anyone who tells you different is selling something...


I do not serve the Blind God.