Christina Hendricks' body officially endorsed by UK government

UPDATED: Thursday, July 29, 2010 09:34
VIEWED: 4236
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010 5:31 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

I agree with some of the comments at the bottom of the article, beautiful bodies can come in many different types.

But I throw this thread open to thorough pictural analysis of Ms Hendricks' figure (we shouldn't rely totally on the official position of the British government).

It's not personal. It's just war.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 6:49 AM


Holding her up as a symbol of "curvy" women, which is often synonymous with "heavy" is disingenuous. At a 32 inch waist she's still fairly slender, and probably not over 125 pounds.

I say that because her boobs probably weigh about five pounds more than mine do, and her hips are slightly wider. Otherwise, about the same.

I do agree that her size is probably healthy. I might even suggest she put on a pound or two more, but that could be a product of the lighting from the camera.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 9:13 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Holding her up as a symbol of "curvy" women, which is often synonymous with "heavy" is disingenuous.

I personally think using "curvy" synonymously with "heavy" is disingenuous (although maybe well-intentioned). Having curves as well as slender parts is called "having curves in the right places" I would say. And that's enough for most men I believe.


I do agree that her size is probably healthy. I might even suggest she put on a pound or two more, but that could be a product of the lighting from the camera.


I'm going to give her the green light. I will say that for her to slim down to a stupid, bony hollywood physique, would be a crime.

It's not personal. It's just war.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 9:23 AM



I never got how being a clothes hanger is suppossed to be "sexy".

I want hips, lips, butt and boobs on my women!

"Being called a racist by a Liberal is a badge of honor."


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:10 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by kpo:



Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:18 AM



I personally think using "curvy" synonymously with "heavy" is disingenuous (although maybe well-intentioned). Having curves as well as slender parts is called "having curves in the right places" I would say. And that's enough for most men I believe.

Check out a women's mag sometime, this is what ladies mean when they're talking like this. Curvy = full-figured = heavy.

Why do you think people are taking such offense about this, and why do you think some of the people were saying "if some women try to work towards this as an ideal of beauty, they're going to be disappointed?"

Why do you think they were stressing "this takes lots of exercise?"

They're talking to heavy women. Christina Hendricks is not heavy, and it's ridiculous to tout her as an example to heavy women.


Looking up "curvy" in a thesaurus.
Main Entry: curvy
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: shapely
Synonyms: bosomy, buxom, curvaceous, sonsie, sonsy, voluptuous

Main Entry: buxom
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: bosomy
Synonyms: ample, built, busty, chubby, comely, curvaceous, curvy , full-bosomed, full-figured, healthy, hearty, lusty, plump, robust, shapely, stacked, voluptuous, well-made, well-proportioned, well-rounded, zaftig

Main Entry: curvaceous
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: voluptuous, full-figured
Synonyms: bosomy, buxom, curvesome, curvilinear, curvy , rounded, shapely, statuesque, well-developed, well-proportioned, well-rounded, zaftig

Looking up "full-figured" on a thesaurus.
Main Entry: buxom
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: bosomy
Synonyms: ample, built, busty, chubby, comely, curvaceous, curvy, full-bosomed, full-figured , healthy, hearty, lusty, plump, robust, shapely, stacked, voluptuous, well-made, well-proportioned, well-rounded, zaftig

Chubby, plump, hearty, healthy, robust...? Come on.

If you want a gorgeous full-figured lady, I'd more look at when she played Mellie in Dollhouse. Christina's lovely, but she's not full-figured. She's a busty hourglass. It's different.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:57 AM


Christina is, by her own admission in Firefly, "hot."
And while I find her attractive, I actually find athletic looks even more so.
Like this:

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 11:03 AM


America loves a winner!

Damn near nekkid and sportin' a camel toe..... of course you'd find that hot!

She could double as a middle linebacker, if the call came.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 11:04 AM


Her arms are too big. I know thats such a petty thing but...

"Being called a racist by a Liberal is a badge of honor."


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 11:11 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Originally posted by Bytemite:

I personally think using "curvy" synonymously with "heavy" is disingenuous (although maybe well-intentioned). Having curves as well as slender parts is called "having curves in the right places" I would say. And that's enough for most men I believe.

Check out a women's mag sometime, this is what ladies mean when they're talking like this. Curvy = full-figured = heavy.

Why do you think people are taking such offense about this, and why do you think some of the people were saying "if some women try to work towards this as an ideal of beauty, they're going to be disappointed?"

Why do you think they were stressing "this takes lots of exercise?"

They're talking to heavy women. Christina Hendricks is not heavy, and it's ridiculous to tout her as an example to heavy women.


Looking up "curvy" in a thesaurus.
Main Entry: curvy
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: shapely
Synonyms: bosomy, buxom, curvaceous, sonsie, sonsy, voluptuous

Main Entry: buxom
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: bosomy
Synonyms: ample, built, busty, chubby, comely, curvaceous, curvy , full-bosomed, full-figured, healthy, hearty, lusty, plump, robust, shapely, stacked, voluptuous, well-made, well-proportioned, well-rounded, zaftig

Main Entry: curvaceous
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: voluptuous, full-figured
Synonyms: bosomy, buxom, curvesome, curvilinear, curvy , rounded, shapely, statuesque, well-developed, well-proportioned, well-rounded, zaftig

Looking up "full-figured" on a thesaurus.
Main Entry: buxom
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: bosomy
Synonyms: ample, built, busty, chubby, comely, curvaceous, curvy, full-bosomed, full-figured , healthy, hearty, lusty, plump, robust, shapely, stacked, voluptuous, well-made, well-proportioned, well-rounded, zaftig

Chubby, plump, hearty, healthy, robust...? Come on.

If you want a gorgeous full-figured lady, I'd more look at when she played Mellie in Dollhouse. Christina's lovely, but she's not full-figured. She's a busty hourglass. It's different.

Hmm okay, but to say that Christina is not "curvy" is pretty funny - I know curves when I see them. But I agree the language has gotten somewhat confusing - I rather think that was some people's intention. For me there's skinny, curvy and overweight. Some women's best shape is skinny, some curvy - but overweight means you've gone too far (and of course underweight is too far in the other direction I supose).

As far as ideals go, not all women have those kind of hips, and breasts in their genes... Ideals are rarely attainable I believe - that's why they're 'ideals'. I think the best that any woman can do in this regard is be healthy: balanced diet, decent amount of exercise (as soon as your health starts suffering for beauty, I think you're going wrong). But I'm not saying anything new here...


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 11:17 AM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
Her arms are too big.

Uhhh, perhaps YOURS are too small-?

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 11:22 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

She could double as a middle linebacker, if the call came.

Sorry- I guess I forget how non-muscled girly-men view an athletic woman. My bad.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 11:33 AM



I like my girls to be in shape (no fat chicks.. heheheh)

But when she looks stronger than some guys?


Not that I think the girly men of yester year are the model of masulinity.

You know, these freaks:

"YAY Look at me, im on a vegan no meat diet! Im healthy, really! Ignore my eye teeth, we were never meant to eat meat cus thats yucky! Why YES! I will have another hit of crack, cocaine, or anything else that will keep me skinny. Im a guy, but I think women should be stronger than me! Rule me! Why no, I dont have mommy issues, and dont WANT a woman to be stronger than me and tell me what to do like my mommy did! NO! (really) Im not gay either! Just cus I like muscular girls, with no breasts, or hips. And I dont like little boys either... even if the girls I go for look like them..."


"Being called a racist by a Liberal is a badge of honor."


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 11:39 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

She could double as a middle linebacker, if the call came.

Sorry- I guess I forget how non-muscled girly-men view an athletic woman. My bad.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 11:57 AM


Christina Hendricks is a stunner, so it's kind of sad really that she gets pointed out as the 'role model for women' along with other 'plus' size (sic) women such as Kate Winslet, whose weight was so commented upon that she is now just another twiglet actress.

There is a significant difference in reality - between how we see ourselves or that which we attain to as women, ie most women in the media are tiny, tiny, tiny and how we REALLY are in society - increasingly obese, particularly America and Austtralia (I think Europeans are still a lot slimmer).

And then this story is followed by posts about 'what men prefer...' because you see, for all the changes in our lifestyles and feminism and post feminism, the most important thing about women is that they please men in how they appear visually.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 12:05 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

That's so funny, LOL.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 12:05 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


And then this story is followed by posts about 'what men prefer...' because you see, for all the changes in our lifestyles and feminism and post feminism, the most important thing about women is that they please men in how they appear visually.

Men will never stop being fascinated by how females look, I'm afraid. I'm all for women becoming more than just that, though.

"I cannot abide useless people."

It's not personal. It's just war.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 12:11 PM


I've heard France, despite the imagine it likes to put forward, is not that far behind America. Of course, that's relatively speaking: our ass is HUGE.


And then this story is followed by posts about 'what men prefer...' because you see, for all the changes in our lifestyles and feminism and post feminism, the most important thing about women is that they please men in how they appear visually.

Well, much of the article in question IS about a va-va-voom actress playing a woman working for a 1950s-era ad company. Some regression is going to be expected, as well as the article not really giving anyone much to talk about apart from womenly figures.

Hence, why I chose to attack the categorization of Christina Hendrix as full-figured. Not much else here to talk about, because the other stuff is implied.

Maybe we ladies need to not be so sensitive. Just because some people aren't talking about how goddess-like and intelligent we are ALL the time, doesn't make the people talking about women a bunch of sexist neanderthals.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 12:15 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

And then this story is followed by posts about 'what men prefer...' because you see, for all the changes in our lifestyles and feminism and post feminism, the most important thing about women is that they please men in how they appear visually.

Strength (physical AND psychological) is sexy, but far more than that, it's healthy & the cornerstone of feminism IMO.
It JUST SO HAPPENS that strength & health leads to sexy. What *I* "prefer" is meaningless in the big picture, except that on the physical side, I'd much "prefer" to hold up athleticism as a goal for girls & women than genetics that determine *supposedly* desirable breast/waist/butt size that only select females may possess.

Have I redeemed myself at all in your eyes here, MD?

The pro-feminist Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 12:19 PM


I've heard SOME girls on this board talk about Nathan Fillion playing Mal, you know, especially that scene in Trash, or the shirtless scene in the movie. Ditto Simon, Wash, and Jayne, who also had shirtless scenes.

Think that qualifies as fanservice, so doesn't that suggest the girls eating that up are treating those men as sex objects? I mean, since they're paying more attention to the looks at that particular moment than their personality, intelligence, or other traits that might make them attractive.

You don't need to justify yourself, Chris. Most people do this. I don't lean either way, so I see it pretty clearly.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 12:20 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Well, much of the article in question IS about a va-va-voom actress playing a woman working for a 1950s-era ad company. Some regression is going to be expected, as well as the article not really giving anyone much to talk about apart from womenly figures.

I was disappointed Wulf didn't have something to say about the British government controlling its citizens and telling them what to think. I personally have been waiting a long time for official permission to find Ms Hendricks attractive.

It's not personal. It's just war.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 12:21 PM



Oh, Christ.

Where as racisim pits people based on color, feminism pits men and women against each other based on sex.

Yay for putting us all in our little boxes and having us fight each other.

Fuck femminism.

Heh, I just realized how witty that is.

"Fuck a feminist... they need it."

(I want a t-shirt of that... and the proceeds to go to me)

"Being called a racist by a Liberal is a badge of honor."


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 12:23 PM


Except Wulf.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 12:26 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


I'd much "prefer" to hold up athleticism as a goal for girls & women than genetics that determine *supposedly* desirable breast/waist/butt size that only select females may possess.

I see where you're coming from, but ideals of beauty are exclusionary by nature (and that includes ideals of strength and athleticism) - it feels wrong to me that we should try to lose them. IMO, what else is there to life besides beauty?

It's not personal. It's just war.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 12:26 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:

You don't need to justify yourself, Chris.

Thanks, Byte.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 12:27 PM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:

Oh, Christ.

No, that's religiousity.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 12:38 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Thanks, Byte.

No problem. It might surprise you to hear me say that, considering that one debate we had in that Jon of Mars thread, but I have no problem with the fact that fanservice exists, or the people who oogle it.

My only objection, as I said in that thread, is when the fanservice takes the place of practicality or plot, or when it goes down a darker path, of symbolically turning rape, abuse, dominance, and dependence into a titillation mechanism.

As someone who doesn't get anything from fanservice of either sex, you can see why I might be annoyed by distraction from the plot. I'm disturbed by rape and abuse imagery because, well, possibly because I'm weird about it, and see it in lots of places other people don't, and also because if you SEE it, it probably SHOULD be disturbing, right?

The particular image was a woman lying crying and broken at the feet of an apathetic and disdainful male, I'd be just as disturbed by a picture of some amazonian female torturing a male (or that one picture you posted, with the chains and the big snake).


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 12:40 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
I've heard SOME girls on this board talk about Nathan Fillion playing Mal, you know, especially that .... shirtless scene in the movie.

Wasn't Nathan buff in that scene? Honestly, I felt he was kinda skinny in the series, but in Serenity, he was a-bulgin', baby!
(I can say that as a secure hetro male who does not possess any pretty floral bonnets)

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 12:42 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

And then this story is followed by posts about 'what men prefer...' because you see, for all the changes in our lifestyles and feminism and post feminism, the most important thing about women is that they please men in how they appear visually.

Strength (physical AND psychological) is sexy, but far more than that, it's healthy & the cornerstone of feminism IMO.
It JUST SO HAPPENS that strength & health leads to sexy. What *I* "prefer" is meaningless in the big picture, except that on the physical side, I'd much "prefer" to hold up athleticism as a goal for girls & women than genetics that determine *supposedly* desirable breast/waist/butt size that only select females may possess.

Have I redeemed myself at all in your eyes here, MD?

The pro-feminist Chrisisall

You don't need to, Chris. It wasn't directed at you, per se. Just 'how things are'. I might add that women are probably more critical of other women in regards to how they look.

We have a new PM here - a female *gasp* at least until the election in a month. When she took the job, the thing that was in ALL the media straight after was 'how she looked' discussion of her hair and figure and clothes. Can't quite remember that happening to the same extent (or any extent)when the job went to a bloke.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 12:43 PM



I thought he was a little flabby in Trash, honestly.


He... JIGGLED. :/

Of course, the lady friends on the board here think I'm out of my mind.

Toned up some for the movie. Still nowhere near Sean Maher. Where the hell does a doctor get those kinds of abs? Sometimes it breaks my suspension of disbelief. A pet peeve.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 12:48 PM



We have a new PM here - a female *gasp* at least until the election in a month. When she took the job, the thing that was in ALL the media straight after was 'how she looked' discussion of her hair and figure and clothes. Can't quite remember that happening to the same extent (or any extent)when the job went to a bloke.

I blame the fashionistas and entertainment industry. They do this to men, as well, but you don't HEAR about it. But they get coverage when it's a woman, because for some reason when it's a woman in a prominent position being analyzed, for some reason her sense of style becomes a talking point and valid criticism. I suspect it's because women and fashion are still too tightly associated with the collective psyche. A woman with poor fashion sense must have poor common sense. Men are given a free pass because they aren't supposed to know or care about fashion. Irritating double standard. The most common sensical men and women BOTH don't particularly care about looks, mostly because they also tend to be independent thinkers, and somewhat eccentric.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 12:54 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
symbolically turning rape, abuse, dominance, and dependence into a titillation mechanism.

Hey, I grew up with Wonder Woman, & she was nobody's bitch!

Seriously, I totally agree. That Tarzan stuff was pretty raw, but in the pulps of the 30's, who knew better, then more recent artists brought the visuals from the books to life, and, well, no so good feelings ensue.

I mean, no one finds the torture scenes in War Stories titillating just 'cause of the shirt-less dudes, right?

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:00 PM



I mean, no one finds the torture scenes in War Stories titillating just 'cause of the shirt-less dudes, right?

I did mention Wash's shirtless scene. :x

There was a picture, on uncyclopedia I think, that explained why people watch Firefly. The top picture was the torture scene with Wash and Mal shirtless, with the caption "What 50% of the people who watch Firefly are watching for." The second image was Mal kicking Crow into the engine, with the caption "the other 50%."

Some people don't seem to understand context... :x

Very squick.


Seriously, I totally agree. That Tarzan stuff was pretty raw, but in the pulps of the 30's, who knew better, then more recent artists brought the visuals from the books to life, and, well, no so good feelings ensue.

Interesting. Well, even though I still think you would say the Tarzen picture in question was innocuous, I am satisfied by this. Very after the fact agreement. :)


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:02 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Sean Maher. Where the hell does a doctor get those kinds of abs? Sometimes it breaks my suspension of disbelief. A pet peeve.

Yeah, he was straying into Bruce Lee territory there, right?
General chronic stress & a low fat diet might explain it in Simon, I conjure.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:09 PM


Maybe he grabbed a muscle enhancer from the Alliance lab on his way out with River...


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:13 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:

Some people don't seem to understand context... :x

*raises hand* I'm one, possibly...

Interesting. Well, even though I still think you would say the Tarzan picture in question was innocuous, I am satisfied by this. Very after the fact agreement. :)

Not innocuous- I would not expose my Son to it... I guess I was talking back then of mature adult reaction to what is understood to be trashy pulp fiction of the past.

Anyway, there's stuff you can show to kids ( orange juice would be my analogy- it's good for you), and stuff like, oh, say Watchmen ( orange juice & vodka- not so good for you although it kinda has it's place in responsible hands).

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:17 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Maybe he grabbed a muscle enhancer from the Alliance lab on his way out with River...

Maybe one of those isometric electric ab stimulators, just in case Jayne ever tried to manhandle him...

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:19 PM


...Somewhere, a Simon/Jayne slash fan just squealed in delight.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:20 PM



The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:22 PM


So, Christina Hendricks. In Firefly, would she have gotten a much hinted at lesbian scene with Morena?


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:24 PM



The too-hetro Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 2:07 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:

I blame the fashionistas and entertainment industry. They do this to men, as well, but you don't HEAR about it. But they get coverage when it's a woman, because for some reason when it's a woman in a prominent position being analyzed, for some reason her sense of style becomes a talking point and valid criticism. I suspect it's because women and fashion are still too tightly associated with the collective psyche. A woman with poor fashion sense must have poor common sense. Men are given a free pass because they aren't supposed to know or care about fashion. Irritating double standard. The most common sensical men and women BOTH don't particularly care about looks, mostly because they also tend to be independent thinkers, and somewhat eccentric.

It's not just the entertainment industry and fashionistas - it's culturally all pervasive, and its impact is far, far greater for women than for men. And although I'd like to think that both men and women could be sensible and not focus entirely on appearance, I think the reality is that most women feel inadequate about their appearance most of the time because of the endless focus (and I might add criticism) on appearance, regardless of whether you are a supermodel, a politican or a nuclear physisist.

I might add that I'm all for a good ogle, having seen 2 of the Twilight films for that purpose alone, so it's not the appeciation that I object to but the obsession and the criticism. Too fat,too skinny, too botoxed, too wrinkly. You can't actually win if you're a gal.

More pics of Christina to appreciate, I think she is delish and I'd probably turn for her - briefly.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 2:21 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
its impact is far, far greater for women than for men.

When I was 10 I used to wear a sweater vest underneath my t-shirt to hide my skinniness- YEAR round. Sweating like crazy in summer, just to appear more "manly." I obsessed over my skin in my teens due to acne, trying one medication after another. The nothing-but-tuna-fish-out-of-the-can & water diet would clear my skin completely I found, but my weight suffered terribly. 6' tall & 120 pounds at 16 was hell for me (at least I had discovered martial arts to give some payback to the bullies, thank Buddha. Physically, I was agile & delivered a mean side kick, but that had no effect on how I *looked* (or my perception of how I looked, at any rate)). My nose was crooked, my hairline too high- on EVERY level I was a horrid mess that no girl would ever like, let alone kiss. I cried myself to sleep of loneliness & despair on a regular basis. Ending my wretched existence crossed my mind more than once.
The objective truth was that I was a thin, late bloomer, not at all as repugnant as I had believed.
But that didn't make it into my head until my 20's.

We are all victims, my lady.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 2:29 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


so it's not the appeciation that I object to but the obsession and the criticism. Too fat,too skinny, too botoxed, too wrinkly. You can't actually win if you're a gal.

Yeah, I see that and it saddens me - I guess I don't see males as the main cause of the problem, I see it as driven by women, a kind of self-destructiveness... I think women are wired to be more conscious of their appearance, but I guess mass media has homed in on this weakness and bombards it - which is more than the female brain was ever designed to withstand. That's how I see it anyway.

Besides grumbling about Hollywood women being too skinny (and they are) I don't see what us men can do...

It's not personal. It's just war.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 2:33 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
its impact is far, far greater for women than for men.

When I was 10 I used to wear a sweater vest underneath my t-shirt to hide my skinniness- YEAR round. Sweating like crazy in summer, just to appear more "manly." I obsessed over my skin in my teens due to acne, trying one medication after another. The nothing-but-tuna-fish-out-of-the-can & water diet would clear my skin completely I found, but my weight suffered terribly. 6' tall & 120 pounds at 16 was hell for me. My nose was crooked, my hairline too high- on EVERY level I was a horrid mess that no girl would ever like, let alone kiss. I cried myself to sleep of loneliness & despair on a regular basis. Ending my wretched existence crossed my mind more than once.
The objective truth was that I was a thin, late bloomer, not at all as repugnant as I had believed.
But that didn't make it into my head until my 20's.

We are all victims, my lady.

I guess I can never walk around in the skin of a man (unless I skin him first ) and you can never walk around in the skin of a woman, so we'll never really understand what it's like, mores the pity really but I'd like to put it to you that whatever you experiences as a young male (and I know you've turned into a very handsome adult) is probably squared for what women experience - of all ages. I never said that there was no focus on the looks of men, in fact I think that focus has been increasing in recent times. But if you look at any article on ANY woman in public life, you'll see reference to her appearance. the same does not hold for men. That is why it is okay to be a small, bald, bespectactled, irritating runt of a man and still be a PM (and yes, I am describing a former one) - yet no-one actually bothered what he looked like.

All things are not YET equal. You can be a short plain, pudgy, pimply man and still have the glamourous career, the gorgous wife - so long as you have money and power, but it still aint that way, on the whole for women.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 2:33 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
its impact is far, far greater for women than for men.

When I was 10 I used to wear a sweater vest underneath my t-shirt to hide my skinniness- YEAR round. Sweating like crazy in summer, just to appear more "manly." I obsessed over my skin in my teens due to acne, trying one medication after another. The nothing-but-tuna-fish-out-of-the-can & water diet would clear my skin completely I found, but my weight suffered terribly. 6' tall & 120 pounds at 16 was hell for me. My nose was crooked, my hairline too high- on EVERY level I was a horrid mess that no girl would ever like, let alone kiss. I cried myself to sleep of loneliness & despair on a regular basis. Ending my wretched existence crossed my mind more than once.
The objective truth was that I was a thin, late bloomer, not at all as repugnant as I had believed.
But that didn't make it into my head until my 20's.

We are all victims, my lady.

I guess I can never walk around in the skin of a man (unless I skin him first ) and you can never walk around in the skin of a woman, so we'll never really understand what it's like, mores the pity really but I'd like to put it to you that whatever you experiences as a young male (and I know you've turned into a very handsome adult) is probably squared for what women experience - of all ages. I never said that there was no focus on the looks of men, in fact I think that focus has been increasing in recent times. But if you look at any article on ANY woman in public life, you'll see reference to her appearance. the same does not hold for men. That is why it is okay to be a small, bald, bespectactled, irritating runt of a man and still be a PM (and yes, I am describing a former one) - yet no-one actually bothered what he looked like.

All things are not YET equal. You can be a short plain, pudgy, pimply man and still have the glamourous career, the gorgous wife - so long as you have money and power, but it still aint that way, on the whole for women.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 2:53 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

whatever you experiences as a young male- is probably squared for what women experience - of all ages.

If true, if most girls consider suicide because of their appearance & inability to be loved based on same, then yeah, this is a very sick society, from the ground up, and I'm amazed we've lived this long as a species.
The money peeps are exploiting us. A*s crack pants? Breast enlargement? HAMSTRING & PECTORAL IMPLANTS???
My guess- look for a higher ACTUAL suicide rates in the up and coming seniour citizens with major cosmetic surgery as they lose their expensive looks for good- THE most important aspect of their being.

For my part, I'm raising my Son to RESPECT himself, and do the same for ALL other human beings. As they are.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 2:55 PM


Good on you, Chris. I'm trying to do the same.

Just thought I'd give you this link on our PM.



Tuesday, July 27, 2010 3:07 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

No swimsuit shots???
My time has been wasted.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 27, 2010 3:09 PM


PLEASE, please post warnings before offensive pics like the one above. Breakfast was not that long ago.

Here's another tribute to the increasing vanity of the western world.