More useless PN trash

UPDATED: Saturday, August 7, 2010 17:06
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Saturday, August 7, 2010 4:20 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


'Fishing Trip' of a Lifetime: 'Coincidental' videotape of Deepwater Horizon as it 1st exploded at point-blank range at 10pm at night

It was pretty cool to see them literally SAIL! When we drove at night the jellyfish would glow as they passed under the boat by the thousands. The tuna bites were starting to slow down so we drove right up to the rig to try to catch bait. No bait, but we found more tuna under the floating rig. Around 10pm the entire center of the rig started rushing water downwards over all the pipes... I've never seen such an event take place. I looked at my friend who previously worked offshore, and he said that's BOP something another and the rig took a 'kick!' I thought the rig was sinking and that was their way of bilging... But nope! Methane gas began BLOWING out of the West side of it and the noise of the thrust was louder than anything I've ever herd (except for a sonic boom I herd once, and what I'm about to tell you next) My eyes began to burn and that friend I was telling you about earlier began to SCREAM, "GO, GO, GO, GO, GOOOOO!" I positioned my compass North and put the gears in WOT! At approximately 100 yds from the rig it Exploded! Puts a new meaning to explosion. We hit the deck and continued North @ WOT, Blind because the moon was at quarter crescent and I had no radar.

Sounds like these Mossad agents, dressed as Arabs, dancing in happiness and videotaping the WTC on 9/11:


How many accidents are actually diabolical crimes?

A private boat was near the platform when it exploded (at 10 PM, in the darkness!) and one of the men on the boat took photos. He posted a description of the accident and the photos at this page. Why were these men so close to the platform so late at night?

I suspect that one or more of the men on this boat were part of the documentation team, or perhaps they were members of a “lookout team” to watch for other boats or aircraft, or perhaps they were taking scuba divers to or from the platform. Or perhaps they killed some or all of the 11 workers who vanished. Or did they transport those 11 workers to shore so that they could be sent to Israel and start a new life? It might be useful for the police to investigate the people on that private boat, and the 11 missing workers.

It's especially interesting that on page 2 of the comments, a mysterious person joined the forum on April 30, 2010 with the name 11:11, and as of today (2 May 2010) he has posted only one message (this). In his message, he promoted the “amazing story” of the mysterious witness who took the photographs, and he provided a link to technical details to explain how and why the platform exploded.

I suspect that this mysterious person (who seems fascinated with the number 11 - see my article about numerology here) is a member of the team that is trying to convince us that the explosion was truly an accident.

A survivor of the explosion, using a phony name, called the Mark Levin radio show to explain why the explosion occurred, but he was very secretive about himself.

However, since he is too frightened to use his real name, why did he call a radio show and let the entire world hear his voice? Unless his voice was disguised, a lot of people would recognize his voice. So he was not hiding from his employer, neighbors, or relatives. So who was he hiding from?

I suspect that he was hiding from you and me. I don't think he wants us to look into who he is or who he associates with. The important part of his phone call is at the very end when he explains why he decided to call the show:

“I got into the truck to make a short trip and I heard the ... gentleman say something about possible terrorism. I just... I wanted to put all that to bed, now. And I understand your audience... have a large audience. I appreciate your point of view. I try to listen to you as much as I can. It is just... terrorism and all that needs to leave everyone's mind, and let's focus on the 11 men that are dead, and the survivors. That's what needs to... that's where the focus for this country needs to be right now.”

Can you figure out why this secretive, mysterious man wants to put all thoughts of terrorism to bed? I suspect that he is part of the team that is trying to convince us that this was truly an accident. This is the same trick they used with 9/11, the Holocaust, and other crimes. Specifically, they don't want us to investigate these events. Instead, they try to convince us that the event has been thoroughly explained, and they try to focus our attention on irrelevant aspects, such as the suffering of the victims, or on stories of heroic rescues. Don't let them manipulate you! Don't become one of their victims! Learn their tricks, and help other people understand their tricks.

I also find it interesting that Mark Levin complained about the government's plan to send SWAT teams to inspect the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. Levin claims that this is an attempt by the government to get control of the oil industry, but it is more likely that some people in the government suspect that the platform was deliberately sabotaged.

Eric Hufsmid's supermodel sister is married to Rupert Murdoch's son.


Saturday, August 7, 2010 4:48 PM



Go Fuck Yourself!


Saturday, August 7, 2010 5:06 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Dick Cheney's a fag.






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