Kelly, the woman I've been in touch with at the Coalition, was kind enough to put up a forum for people going to the Big Branch Restoration to connect. ..."/>


Gulf volunteer--GOT IT!

UPDATED: Wednesday, September 1, 2010 15:04
VIEWED: 1455
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010 6:06 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Kelly, the woman I've been in touch with at the Coalition, was kind enough to put up a forum for people going to the Big Branch Restoration to connect.

It's perfect. There are, so far (and that's in ONE DAY), people coming from Chicago, Minneapolis, Denver, New Mexico and Washington, and we're all looking to share either lodging or a rental car or both.

So I will be able to get a decent hotel and share rental car with one or more of them. I've taken all the e-mails and names and put up a post suggesting we all coordinate, stay at the same hotel and share rental cars. They're all coming for different days so far, some for a week, some for just a day, but between them all, I can work it out.

SO I'M GOING! FINALLY!!! It's seemed like forever, but now I can make flight arrangements and once I hear back from others, hotel reservations. I'll be going September 26th (the project starts the 27th) and returning the 8th. Given I can get a proper hotel, it'll be one with wireless so I can get on the computer, and you'll get LOTS of photos of us working, the area, etc. I can get down to the Gulf proper with a rental car, and am hoping to get to the bayous on my day off. I've never been East of the Continental Divide, so I'm not going to miss this chance (IF I can still walk, that is!).

It struck me the other day and made me laugh. I've always said that California has a bit of every ecosystem in America, except the bayou and Florida everglades. While I'd like to see more of the US, those are the two things I most wanted to see. And here I am going to the bayou!!!

So it's set. You guys are "going" to Lacombe, LA, and will spend two weeks planting plugs of grasses to restore the Louisiana wetlands. You done good, and I thank you again for this wonderful opportunity, I can't tell you what it means to me.

Since we get off at 3 every day (which beats the hell out of the 7am-7pm schedule IBRRC is keeping), I know I'll get down to the Gulf proper and the beaches, and will update you on how it's going down there, too. Maybe I'll even have the time (and energy!) at least one day to get to New Orleans. We'll see.

Jim's not pleased. He was happier to think I'd be going with IBRRC, since he thinks with my back and all, this will be killer. Maybe it will, but I'm just so glad to find something that's exactly two weeks and is doing EXACTLY what I'd like (as I said, with IBRRC since I'm not trained, it would end up sweeping floors or cleaning cages or something. That would be fine with me and I'd love to work with them, but this is hands-on "fixing" the Gulf, and right there on the spot, so it's like a dream come true.

Okay, I'll quit. I'll update you on anything else, but there may be little more to say until I get there, as now I know what I'll be doing and can set it up. Thanx again!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, August 18, 2010 6:25 AM


America loves a winner!

Too late. There's nothing to clean up. All the oil is gone. Nothing to see here. Move along.

But enjoy the shrimp.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010 7:25 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

We'll be planting grasses to RESTORE the wetlands. The oil isn't "gone" by a long shot, and the wetlands have suffered a lot. It doesn't matter if the oil IS gone by the time I get there, the wetlands will still need restoration for a long time to come.

There will be plenty of work for volunteers for a long time; if you want to think it's all over, you're welcome to delude yourself it is, but it's not.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, August 18, 2010 7:31 AM


America loves a winner!

Sarcasm not available in your area yet, is it ?

Ask for it, by name.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010 7:53 AM


Don't forget the twofer - that is if the other folk ever got back with you on that, since it's just observational.



Wednesday, August 18, 2010 7:59 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Didn't contact them. I don't know when I'll get down to the Gulf proper, it will be on days I have the energy and time, so coordiniating isn't much worth it. What I see I will report, for sure.

But I will DEFINITELY do what I can, and take photos aplenty. There may not be much to see, from news reports the oil is pretty much gone from the beaches, and BP already said straight out that they were going to "scale back" cleanup efforts because "having people walk around in hazmat suits wouldn't be good for tourism", so I may see nothing at all.

Still planning on it fer shore, tho'; and will get what info I can from the locals, some of which will be working alongside me. Believe me, I'm still determined to do what I can! Not that it will do much good; BP's pr machine is pretty effective at keeping things best bet is to get whatever I can and give it to you, you know the ins and outs of these things. OR, and I plan to, write up something for the iReport thing. We'll see.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Thursday, August 19, 2010 4:47 AM


When are you going to ask for more money? Gray-haired are good, damned good. Planting plugs of grass? That is the biggest bunch of bullshit I have ever heard. It is so retarded it's almost a brillant lie. I have a hunch you come up with these hair-brained scams with the aid of left over Lsd and/or pcp from the 60's. That you have con'd a number of liberals on this board puts you two pegs higher in my eyes. a TRUE master of bullshit.


Thursday, August 19, 2010 5:03 AM


C'mon Kman, give the old broad a break, will ya? She wants to help do some good and necessary work. That's not something to ridicule. You're not down there and neither am I. She even acknowledged ONE of my statements the other day as being "right." I almost fell out of my chair. I'm supporting anyone that wants to help clean up the Gulf and the wetlands.


Thursday, August 19, 2010 5:12 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Omigawd River, now you've got ME falling out of my chair! Thank you, coming from you especially, that means a lot. Don't worry about Kane, I long ago stopped reading past the first sentence, and I already know if I post anything about going to the Gulf, he'll be along right after me and I know what he'll post, so it never even "gets there".

River, I agree with anyone, any time, with whom I agree. I've agreed with every single one of those I consider my "enemies" who have said horrible things about me, including Kane more than once. I can't stop you guys from being the way you are, so I'm trying to learn to ignore it. But I have ALWAYS agreed with anyone who says something I believe is true, and I hope I always will.

I'll admit I only read your first line usually, too, and kept on reading this post with the full expectation of either a "punch line" or it degenerating into the usual. You've shocked me, and I thank you.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Thursday, August 19, 2010 5:31 AM


No problem!
I must admit that the rancor for the last few months has gotten way out of control, and I've been guilty of some pretty rotten things. I'm not a person who enjoys it, but also not afraid to employ it when I feel it's necessary. But I do want to stop it. My gutterish statements to you and Kwicko and a few others are emotional reactions that I cannot control very well. Things in RWED go in patterns over the years. During the days of Rue/Signy dominance, there seemed to be a more civilized and orderly structure to these threads. They were sort of policemen of a sort. When they left the boards for the most part things degenerated rather quickly. It is sad but true. I will try to keep it out of the gutter as much as I can. Good luck with your adventure! It is worthy and admirable.


Thursday, August 19, 2010 5:41 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Since this came to the top again and I'm here, I'll update. The very FIRST person who responded to my post turns out to be going the entire two weeks just like me and wants to share a hotel. So we're making plans, and have located a hotel that looks really nice. All the ones in my price range previously had horror stories in the "comments", but many also had good reviews, so I figured to take a chance. But this one has universally 5 out of 5; the rooms have FRIDGES (which is great, 'cuz then I can live on sandwiches and stuff, and keep my ice tea, without which I'd be lost!), in-room internet hookup, and even a separt seating area! It's in Covington, which is the next closest town on the other side, so it's a little bit further from Big Branch itself. But if I can manage a rental car too, it'll be fine. Otherwise; the bus.

I'm really working on the rental car, because Bonnie, who's sharing with me, has a relative doing a kayak trip in the bayous! She's invited me along; if it's on our one day off (Sunday), I'll go. Otherwise, I put up the question and one of the locals told me where they have bayou tours, so I'll go on my own.

We now have two from Chicago, one from Pennsylvania, Dallas, New Mexico, Washington DC, and a student from New Orleans, among others. It's so kewl that people are coming from so far away to participate, makes me feel good about my fellow countrymen--which I need right now!

Someone asked about clothing, and one of the local people who's done such things said it doesn't matter, but that the mud ssucks shoes off, so "water shoes" are good (I've asked what those are, 'cuz I don't know). But she also said they've had people come in swimsuits and barefoot, so that's perfect for me, means shorts and a t-shirt or halter top and bare feet, which is GREAT.

I also asked about weather, and got a shock. Here, "Summer" gets fog in the morning and we stay in the 70s-80s. Late Aug or Sept is our "Indian Summer"--fog rolls out and we get into the 90s, with a few days in the 100s. She said there it starts to cool OFF in late September, so to expect 70s-80s!

That's FANTASTIC, I expected to be working in horrible'll be humid, which I'm not used to, so that'll make it seem hotter, but still, that's a VAST improvement over what I expected! It was almost worth waiting this long for just that. I don't know when hurricane season ends or any of that, but I'm not thinking about that aspect of it.

So little by little it's taking shape, a lot faster than I thought it would, once it got started!

I've got all your money in my extra savings account, and Jim kicked in. Ironically, after a year of barely making it (and sometimes having to borrow from Jim to make it to payday), I've paid off the dogs' sulky and am actually a bit "fat" this month. So I'm scrimping like hell, and if I do so through September, I may be able to squeeze out a rental car, or if I can find any to go in with me. Bonnie hasn't replied about that yet, but I'd really like to get one, it would make things so much easier...especially as "Louis Armstrong International Airport" is over 50 miles from Covington. We'll see.

SEND NO MORE MONEY!!! It looks like I'll be able to get by and even have a teeny bit left over for food and shopping. Since there's a 'fridge, I can get bread and mayo and stuff and make my own "dinner", they're providing lunch (where I will pig OUT!) and the hotel does a complimentary "Continental Breakfast". I'll be broke (and sore and exhausted!) for months to come, but that's no problem, I'm used to not spending much. The sulky made it hard for a year, and I still have to get two harnesses, but I can't train the dogs for months anyway, so the sulky just sits in the living room, looking beautiful!

The one downer is Jim, my husband. He's reversed himself and is a downright grump about it. He said he thought about it, and I'm not in good enough health to do this. My tendon is still bad, but it's actually gotten better the past week, so that's a good sign. My messed-up wrist will never be better, but I've got three braces; I can swap them off and I'm used to it hurting. I'm going to try and cut down smoking and get more active (the cutting down on cigs will save money, too); I've got over a months so we'll see what I can do. My back is going to be the worst problem, with bending and all, since I've got DDD (Degenerative Disc Disease) and sciatica. But I'm taking my back brace and will be careful, and the physical therapist I've been working with on my tendon will give me lots of exercises to do for my back, which I'll start doing immediately.

I tried to tell him it's so much better than IBRRC, where the work schedule was 7am-7pm; we'll knock off around 3pm and not start until 8 or so, which is far better, but he's gonna worry, he's like that. I'll survive, and I have no doubt I can take breaks if my old, infirm bod has any problem, but I don't want to. I want to be able to pull my share along with everyone else, so we'll see!

It will be tough; these are the grasses we'll be planting:

Over 400 people will be participating (wow!) and they expect to plant over 70,000 plants (!) in the open mud flats located on the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain in the USFWS Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge:

We will plant over 5,000 plugs of smooth and marshhay cordgrass per day to help stabilize and vegetate the bare marsh platforms that were created by the CWPPRA Goose Point/Point Platte Marsh Creation Project. This project dredged sediments from Lake Pontchartrain to create over 550 acres of marsh platform. The vegetation will help to stabilize the soils, create wildlife habitat, encourage species diversity and provide a seed source for natural regeneration.

It's being done via partnerships with NOAA’s Community Based Restoration Program, Restore America’s Estuaries, Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana, For the Bayou, The Lang Foundation, The Coastal Society and US Fish and Wildlife Service.

They're providing lunch and drinks, and all equipment (shovels, gloves and "dibbles"--I'm guessing that's something that shoves the grasses in the ground?). That's as much info as I have at present.

Okay, I'm through blathering. Wasn't going to bore you all with this, but since the thread was brought up to the top again, I figure why not.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Thursday, August 19, 2010 5:46 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Wow, River, I had to pick myself up off the floor yet again! That's got to be the most civil post I've ever seen from you in the time I've been here, and the thought that you might be less vicious to me is really neat. Means I can read your posts again, and I know ALL of us would much appreciate the chance to have fewer flame wars and more civil discourse.

After reading this, it'll be much easier to ignore when you do flame me (tho' I hope it's not much, naturally). I know about self-control; I'm on a new crusade to try and be civil to anyone I respond to, no matter what they say to me. I'll still not read some people's posts, but in the past I've given in far too often to sniping back, and I realize just how self-defeating that is and what it does to others here, so I'm going to do my best not to be drawn in by personal attacks. You doing more of the same makes it TONS easier, given you and Kane have been roughest on me. I can't thank you enough for this effort, and I know I'm not alone!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Thursday, August 19, 2010 5:53 AM


Let the proof be in the pudding!
Good luck and stay safe.


Friday, August 20, 2010 6:17 AM



Originally posted by Riverlove:
No problem!
I must admit that the rancor for the last few months has gotten way out of control, and I've been guilty of some pretty rotten things. I'm not a person who enjoys it, but also not afraid to employ it when I feel it's necessary. But I do want to stop it. My gutterish statements to you and Kwicko and a few others are emotional reactions that I cannot control very well. Things in RWED go in patterns over the years. During the days of Rue/Signy dominance, there seemed to be a more civilized and orderly structure to these threads. They were sort of policemen of a sort. When they left the boards for the most part things degenerated rather quickly. It is sad but true. I will try to keep it out of the gutter as much as I can. Good luck with your adventure! It is worthy and admirable.

Omigawd River, now you have me falling off my chair! Good luck in your new found politeness. I do fear you will become Jongg reincarnate and learn a very painful lesson. Tread very lightly in the waters of kindness,understanding, and appeasement. For it is a deep and treacherous abyss....Good luck and godspeed......I'll be watching with bted breath.


Friday, August 20, 2010 6:46 AM


I do luv ya Kman. I'm not doing this because I expect anyone here to change, I'm just doing it for me. I have no expectations of civility from anyone, and already my new commitment has been tested, right up to being called the C-word shortly afterward. I'm proud to report that I kept it clean and let their ill will and language pass.

C'mon, you got to admit that it MUST be getting a bit old for you to fight the same fight every day, curse the same curses every day, and create vile images of people every day, right? Well right?

I don't want to be a hypocrite, so I'm not asking or 'specting you or anyone else to change at all. Keep it up in spades if you want to. And that's where Jonggs went wrong. When he became "civil" he expected all others to follow, but they didn't. It didn't take long for him to give up out of frustration it seems. But I won't get frustrated. I'm going to either smile back or respond in a way that avoids the bad stuff.

Assuming you can never change anyone's mind or opinion, then the point of hateful bickering is just to maintain the hateful bickering while trying to do one-upsmanship over the target of your hate, right? Seems to me now like a colossal waste of time as well. There were never any victories in the daily vile carnage I was engaged in, just an outpouring of darkness, like pulling the wings off a butterfly, demented and sadistic.

Yes we detest these people's views and opinions, that'll never change. But for me, I regret ever getting into the gutter with them or anyone else. I have nothing to prove. I'm not a sadist, and I don't think you are either. But if you are, hey go for it all you want. I make no judgements on other's behavior here.

So I'm just going to post my views and opinions. I'll continue to be attacked, ridiculed, mocked, cursed at, etc etc, but they will never get me back into the gutter again. I'm a big girl, I can take it. Understand, I have to do this. There's just no glory whatsoever in acting like a piece of vile trash. You can never be "right" if that's all you've got going for you. I appreciate when you support me on my posts, and I support your positions too, but you'll never see me joining in on your side if there's profanity and vulgarity involved.


Friday, August 20, 2010 2:33 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Friday, August 20, 2010 2:51 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Gawd, River, that is beautifully written. It's precisely what I thought about and decided just a short time ago and have been trying to practice ever since. I wish us both luck in following our beliefs.

I gotta say, for me, that it's been a revelation to see you drop the way you were and actually SPEAK to issues! It's been wonderful; I never knew what you thought on things before, absent your hatred of Obama, Dems, and seemingly particularly me. I'm rapidly learning that we have almost as much in common in our beliefs as we do different.

I don't care if we disagree, it's just great to COMMUNICATE; that's what I'm here for and I'm sad I didn't realize the simplicity of it before, that snarking just begets snarking; ugliness just begets ugliness and continues the wallowing in the gutter. I've contributed to it's continuation in far too many threads; I don't want to anymore.

I've been advised to completely ignore some people, but I won't do that. If someone says something I want to comment on, I will, and I'll agree with whoever I agree with, just as I have agreed with each of those who've been ugly to me at one time or another, and disagreed with those I respect and like at one time or another. So I'm determined to ignore the ugliness as if it's not even there and, as you so eloquently said, do it for ME, because I know it's right.

I wish everyone who shares my political and other opinions felt the same way as we do; it's embarrassing to ME that people continue to behave the way they do and attack you rather than attempt to meet you on new, civil terms, but I have to ignore that as well. Such is life.

Nonetheless, together we ARE far stronger than the sum of our parts. All of us.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, August 20, 2010 6:20 PM




Friday, August 20, 2010 10:16 PM


My nephew in law was cleaning up the beaches. My neice is in the middle east. The pirate family can only do so much to clean up this world. 11 families are still hurting from loosing loved ones on the Oil Rig. Will we ever get the truth from BP nope. Ole Tony got his millions what a fake.

"My life when it is written will read better than it lived"


Saturday, August 21, 2010 2:20 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:

Gawd, River, that is beautifully written. It's precisely what I thought about and decided just a short time ago and have been trying to practice ever since. I wish us both luck in following our beliefs.

I gotta say, for me, that it's been a revelation to see you drop the way you were and actually SPEAK to issues! It's been wonderful; I never knew what you thought on things before, absent your hatred of Obama, Dems, and seemingly particularly me. I'm rapidly learning that we have almost as much in common in our beliefs as we do different.

I don't care if we disagree, it's just great to COMMUNICATE; that's what I'm here for and I'm sad I didn't realize the simplicity of it before, that snarking just begets snarking; ugliness just begets ugliness and continues the wallowing in the gutter. I've contributed to it's continuation in far too many threads; I don't want to anymore.

I've been advised to completely ignore some people, but I won't do that. If someone says something I want to comment on, I will, and I'll agree with whoever I agree with, just as I have agreed with each of those who've been ugly to me at one time or another, and disagreed with those I respect and like at one time or another. So I'm determined to ignore the ugliness as if it's not even there and, as you so eloquently said, do it for ME, because I know it's right.

I wish everyone who shares my political and other opinions felt the same way as we do; it's embarrassing to ME that people continue to behave the way they do and attack you rather than attempt to meet you on new, civil terms, but I have to ignore that as well. Such is life.

Nonetheless, together we ARE far stronger than the sum of our parts. All of us.
Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off

Thanks Niki, I appreciate your recognition. It actually made me feel good to write it, and I'm feeling great trying to live up to it. I caution, however, that you may end up liking me even less than before. Rejecting profanity and vulgarity allows one to be more articulate and acute. I look forward to many enjoyable civil debates with you in the future. Who knows, you may even one day convince me over to your side on some issues with your logical and persuasive style, just as you've helped do on the profanity thing.


Saturday, August 21, 2010 6:10 AM



Originally posted by Riverlove:

Originally posted by Niki2:

Gawd, River, that is beautifully written. It's precisely what I thought about and decided just a short time ago and have been trying to practice ever since. I wish us both luck in following our beliefs.

I gotta say, for me, that it's been a revelation to see you drop the way you were and actually SPEAK to issues! It's been wonderful; I never knew what you thought on things before, absent your hatred of Obama, Dems, and seemingly particularly me. I'm rapidly learning that we have almost as much in common in our beliefs as we do different.

I don't care if we disagree, it's just great to COMMUNICATE; that's what I'm here for and I'm sad I didn't realize the simplicity of it before, that snarking just begets snarking; ugliness just begets ugliness and continues the wallowing in the gutter. I've contributed to it's continuation in far too many threads; I don't want to anymore.

I've been advised to completely ignore some people, but I won't do that. If someone says something I want to comment on, I will, and I'll agree with whoever I agree with, just as I have agreed with each of those who've been ugly to me at one time or another, and disagreed with those I respect and like at one time or another. So I'm determined to ignore the ugliness as if it's not even there and, as you so eloquently said, do it for ME, because I know it's right.

I wish everyone who shares my political and other opinions felt the same way as we do; it's embarrassing to ME that people continue to behave the way they do and attack you rather than attempt to meet you on new, civil terms, but I have to ignore that as well. Such is life.

Nonetheless, together we ARE far stronger than the sum of our parts. All of us.
Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off

Thanks Niki, I appreciate your recognition. It actually made me feel good to write it, and I'm feeling great trying to live up to it. I caution, however, that you may end up liking me even less than before. Rejecting profanity and vulgarity allows one to be more articulate and acute. I look forward to many enjoyable civil debates with you in the future. Who knows, you may even one day convince me over to your side on some issues with your logical and persuasive style, just as you've helped do on the profanity thing.

I can't watch. It's like watching Obama bowing before the Saudi king.......Painful.


Saturday, August 21, 2010 7:59 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

You're mistaken, RiverL, in that I might end up liking you less. To begin with, I couldn't possibly like someone less for communicating, as opposed to vulgarity and attacks. Second, I don't DISLIKE anyone with an opposing view from mine; if they express themselves civilly, I can only respect them, however much we may differ.

I have no expectation of ever changing your mind on anything; if I believed I could do that, I would be harboring futile hopes about everyone here. All I want is the chance to express my views and discuss/debate with others. Would be nice if you were less vociferous about your put-downs of everything Obama/Dem/Liberal, but I'm used to that so I skip over it.

As to my "logical and persuasive style", yours is no less so, now that you are expressing yourself on the issues. I'm impressed, despite the snarks, which as I said, I can ignore. I can unfortunately speak for nobody else here; I wish we could ALL express ourselves without the need of gutterspeak and vulgarity. But, like you, I can only be responsible for myself.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Saturday, August 21, 2010 8:04 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Since it's been brought back up here, on the original subject: I spoke with Bonnie last night on the phone, she's in Eugene, Oregon so we're in the same time zone. We're a "go", I've reserved the hotel room and it's all set. We need to coordinate on flights so we can get there close to the same time and rent a car, but that's no problem. We have our room, at the rate I was praying would hold until we could, and it's turning out we have many things in common...serendipity is a wonderful thing. Because nobody else who has posted on the board is coming for the full two weeks and doesn't have accommodations already set up, so it's lucky Bonnie and I found one another so fast.

So it's officially "on". Wow! I'm psyched.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Saturday, August 21, 2010 8:11 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Since it's been brought back up here, on the original subject: I spoke with Bonnie last night on the phone, she's in Eugene, Oregon so we're in the same time zone. We're a "go", I've reserved the hotel room and it's all set. We need to coordinate on flights so we can get there close to the same time and rent a car, but that's no problem. We have our room, at the rate I was praying would hold until we could, and it's turning out we have many things in common...serendipity is a wonderful thing. Because nobody else who has posted on the board is coming for the full two weeks and doesn't have accommodations already set up, so it's lucky Bonnie and I found one another so fast.

So it's officially "on". Wow! I'm psyched.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off

Many things in common? She must be a piece of work. Let me guess....She's white-haired, all knowing, smells like grass clippings, wears her grandmother's clothes, and hasn't shaved her armpits in 11 years. Sounds like you guys will have a blast flopping around in a stagnant marsh planting grass plugs. I'm sure your husband will miss you


Saturday, August 21, 2010 8:36 AM


Next stop "Marthas Vinyard", there's poo in the water and Barry can't put on a speedo and take a dip. When ya get there buy and send me a Bush "Miss me yet" T-Shirt, I'll pay ya back right away.

Barry in a speedo, HA! That skinny ass of his would make it look REALLY funny!

Those arn't boobs, they're lies! - Stewie Griffin


Saturday, August 21, 2010 8:48 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

RiverL, you see how quickly they turn on you merely for saying you don't want to engage in their form of gutterspeak any longer. That should tell you something; personally, I'm glad you're choosing to be a better person than they. They have nothing to say, only attacks and nastiness; they contribute absolutely nothing to anything.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Saturday, August 21, 2010 10:52 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
RiverL, you see how quickly they turn on you merely for saying you don't want to engage in their form of gutterspeak any longer. That should tell you something; personally, I'm glad you're choosing to be a better person than they. They have nothing to say, only attacks and nastiness; they contribute absolutely nothing to anything.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off

Who has turned on Riverlove? I just posted I couldn't watch. However, upon closer inspection I have decided I will not be able to turn away. Riverlove's experiment of stepping in to face off with you liberals using respect and kindness may prove to be one of the more fascinating things I get to witnessed here in RWED. It has been tried before and ended badly, so badly in-fact that it was glorious. See, the longer she has to grin and bear listening to your crazy liberal ideas, the longer she has to grind her teeth trying to hold back what she really wants to say, energy will be building up inside her. She will become a conservative time bomb. When the day comes that she can take no more of your liberal blather and goes off, and that day WILL happen, it will go down in RWED history. I look forward to that day. 'Till then I wish her well, as always.


Saturday, August 21, 2010 10:59 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

You said of RiverL:

She must be a piece of work. Let me guess....She's white-haired, all knowing, smells like grass clippings, wears her grandmother's clothes, and hasn't shaved her armpits in 11 years. Sounds like you guys will have a blast flopping around in a stagnant marsh planting grass plugs. I'm sure your husband will miss you.
If that's not turning on her, what is? If it keeps up and she remains civil, it follows that you will start attacking her as viciously as you do me; already you are calling her names and referring to her in derogatory terms, the same terms as you aim at me.

I hope you remember what you wrote above, because when you see RiverL treated with respect, whatever opinions she propounds, we should remind you of what you said. Already it's been noted by more than just I, how much more effective she is in making her points, and she's been treated with NOTHING but respect as far as I can see. I'm sure you'd prefer we lash out at her and demonize her as you do us, but you may have a long wait ahead of you to see it. I sincerely hope so.

I'm not going to reply in this thread again; it was started to be about the Gulf; RiverL's change of heart moved it in a direction I ever envisioned and did something wonderful. This back-and-forth is going nowhere, so rather than continue it in any way, it stops here for me. You can rant on and enjoy yourself all you want; I'm going to abide by what RiverL has decided and stay civil and not prolong this.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Saturday, August 21, 2010 11:04 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
You said of RiverL:

She must be a piece of work. Let me guess....She's white-haired, all knowing, smells like grass clippings, wears her grandmother's clothes, and hasn't shaved her armpits in 11 years. Sounds like you guys will have a blast flopping around in a stagnant marsh planting grass plugs. I'm sure your husband will miss you.
If that's not turning on her, what is? If it keeps up and she remains civil, it follows that you will start attacking her as viciously as you do me; already you are calling her names and referring to her in derogatory terms, the same terms as you aim at me.

I hope you remember what you wrote above, because when you see RiverL treated with respect, whatever opinions she propounds, we should remind you of what you said. Already it's been noted by more than just I, how much more effective she is in making her points, and she's been treated with NOTHING but respect as far as I can see. I'm sure you'd prefer we lash out at her and demonize her as you do us, but you may have a long wait ahead of you to see it. I sincerely hope so.

I'm not going to reply in this thread again; it was started to be about the Gulf; RiverL's change of heart moved it in a direction I ever envisioned and did something wonderful. This back-and-forth is going nowhere, so rather than continue it in any way, it stops here for me. You can rant on and enjoy yourself all you want; I'm going to abide by what RiverL has decided and stay civil and not prolong this.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off

Wrong as always. I was talking about the woman you are meeting in Louisiana. Your reading comprehension is that of a Maddow viewer. Or Riverlove is Bonnie then in that case I am wrong. And would retract my statement.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010 3:04 PM


I am still waiting on this whores pics from the have been Banboosledcoodalooseled by this hippie...I WANT PICS OF YOU CLEANING PELICANS... or send their money BACK






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