This is getting better and better! Was contacted by a person on that new forum board, where I had mentioned that we had room if anyone else wanted to sh..."/>


Update: Volunteer to Gulf

UPDATED: Sunday, August 29, 2010 08:11
PAGE 1 of 1

Saturday, August 28, 2010 7:59 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

This is getting better and better! Was contacted by a person on that new forum board, where I had mentioned that we had room if anyone else wanted to share our room. She'll be there for five days and was interested.

Her coming means that Bonnie's and my share goes down some, and that made it possible for us to upgrade to a "suite"! It's only a few bucks more and has a separate room with pull-out sofa. I'm going to sleep on the sofa anyway (Bonnie is a bit of a worrier about my smoking), which will put me in a completely separate area from her. Her asthma is really serious, I mean like called for invasive surgery at one point, so I don't blame her. I'm going so far as to take a headscarf and clothing I can wear when I go out for a smoke, which I can stick in a drawer the rest of the time (sigh...) and shower and wash my hair every day (I usually only wash my hair once or twice a week). That's okay; sharing the cost with her has made a comfortable hotel possible, and I expect to be so pooped it won't matter WHERE I sleep!

But "Kat" coming in makes this possible, plus meaning we have extra space, a comfy sitting room with stuffed chairs and sofa...this is turning into real luxury!!

We've got our flights set up--coming from Eugene, Oregon, her flight is longer and has two layovers, AND much more expensive. So I'll be arriving in N.O. Sunday morning, settling in at the hotel and driving back to pick her up in the evening. Turns out she's staying longer to meet up with her son from NY and they'll move to a hostel (which I DO NOT envy them!), so she's gonna drive me to the airport whatever my flight time is. That's great, as there's a flight I've found that leaves mid-afternoon and gets here around 8:30--most of those which leave later than 7am (eep!) don't get here until almost midnight.

So Bonnie's calling to upgrade us (she's made "personal contact" with someone at the hotel, as she likes to do that), and Kat's share will cover the update and even give Bonnie and I a bit back (!).

There's a full complimentary breakfast buffet, pancakes and waffles and stuff, which means I can pig out there (usually I eat a light bkfst, but I'll NEED it there!), then fill up on the lunch the Coalition is providing at the site, and won't have to spend much on any other food!

It's all coming together so great, I can't help feeling it's at least partly a result of the karma you guys sent out by paying my air just seems too good to be true! We're renting a car, and Bonnie wants to get to the Gulf shore and into N.O. too, so we'll "play" on our off hours. She also has a friend who MAY take us to the bayous; if not, I'm planning on spending our day off taking a tourist "tour" through the Bayous, as someone has told me where they have them and it's not a long drive.

I’ve been calling the group doing the Big Branch Restoration the “Coalition”, which it is, but it’s being run by the Alabama Coastal Foundation, so I’ll call it ACF from here on out.

Lastly, I just got their newsletter (
), I’m uploading some of it, and there’s further information and updates there that someone might find interesting. Given it's from "on the spot", it probably has the most up-to-date info, especially as the MSM has moved on to other things. Businesses in the area are pitching in and helping; I thought I’d give you a bit of info on that:

We couldn't accomplish this work without the help of our members and sponsors and I want to take a few minutes to highlight some special businesses who have helped us through the last 4 months with professional services and fundraising events.

Optera Creative, Inc. - Based in Baldwin County, Optera Creative has provided IT support to ACF since our Oil Release work began. From rebuilding elements of our website to providing near-constant technical support over the telephone, Optera Creative has proven to be an essential partner in our Oil Release Response Efforts.
Logical Computer Solutions- IT Support- thank you George and Sam for coming to our aid every time we call!
First National Bank of Baldwin County - Branches in Daphne, Fairhope, Spanish Fort, and Gulf Shores are selling pins featuring species of the Gulf Coast and donating 100% of proceeds to ACF. Visit a location today to get your very own for a suggested donation of $5.
Serda's Coffee- Located in downtown Mobile, Serda's Coffee created a special Coastal Clear roast in response to the Oil Release. $2 from each bag sold will be donated to ACF.
Moe's Original BBQ - Eagle, Colorado - With the help of Alabama native and bluegrass musician Patrick Padgett, Moes' BBQ in Colorado hosted a Crawfish Boil with five bluegrass bands, with proceeds benefiting ACF, proving that our friends throughout the country are looking out for the Gulf Coast.
Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce- Thanks to the Chamber for selling beautiful brown pelican posters to support our work!
Ridgeways- printing maps and inserts for the Volunteer Field Observer Program
Gulf Distributing, Inc.- Miller Lite Fundraiser at Veet's
Rojo- Dodge Ball Tournament in Birmingham
Ink Works - Donated shirts for ACF staff -thank you!

Given the above, I’ll be making the effort to support some of those businesses...and obviously from the underlined text, a lot of “memorabilia” is being created for sale, so I WISH some of you who have contributed would give me snail-mail addies, so I can pick up some little things to send you.

For Frem: Turns out they are still looking for volunteers to spot stuff. Here’s the information, and I’m going to sign up. It’s not much, since Bonnie and I won’t go to the shore that often, but I’ll do what I can:

The Volunteer Field Observer Program (VFOB) is recruiting additional volunteers to monitor shorelines for oil and affected wildlife over the next several months. Based on ACF's existing Shoreline Assessment Program, ACF partnered with Mobile Baykeeper and the State of Alabama to implement the program, which uses trained volunteers to monitor shorelines for oil impacts.

Upon finding evidence of oil, VFOB's report their findings to Incident Command, then document their findings with GPS coordinates and photographs.

Help is still needed! We have a lot of coastline that is still being impacted by oil- your eyes and ears are critical to finding the oil as soon as possible so that the clean-up crews can respond.

We have trained over 270 volunteers over the past months -if you see one of our VFOB's out, please thank them for their time and dedication to protecting our shorelines

That’s all; given I feel like I’m “taking you along” on this journey, I’m posting occasionally to keep you informed. Hope nobody minds.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Saturday, August 28, 2010 10:30 AM


Not a whit, by all means - given that a good bit of it was the ability to be a factor, however small, in this, and you are our window to that world, so by all means!


I do not serve the Blind God.


Saturday, August 28, 2010 7:35 PM


Can I come to your imaginary "suite" and fuck you old hags? Really. I'll pack up, beg for cash here(who wouldn't give me cash to go out and fuck you?)and take a plane to never never land. I'll rub out a couple so when I rape you and your imaginary roommates ... I last long enough for you to shit the bed...


Sunday, August 29, 2010 6:31 AM


Good to know there's a decent place, I stumbled upon this bit and it does happen to have a certain dark and ironic amusement, given the context here.

The Awful Odyssey of FEMA's Hurricane Katrina Trailers

Meanwhile, since 2006, FEMA has sold over 130,000 of the trailers for a total of $279 million; at one auction in January 2010, the agency sold 93,000 of them for $133 million. The sales prompted massive controversy, partially for the poor resale cost: the January sale yielded approximately seven cents on the dollar. More importantly, critics worried that the formaldehyde-emitting trailers, many of which were outfitted with labels declaring them unfit for human habitation, would be passed along to bargain-hunting home buyers.

During the BP oil spill cleanup, an even more insidious development occurred: as the New York Times reported in June, the trailers -- often missing their government-mandated warning labels -- were re-purposed as temporary housing for cleanup workers. The shelters may have lacked proper documentation, but they still had the formaldehyde. For example, Alpha-One, a disaster contracting firm in the Gulf area, sold dozens of the trailers to cleanup companies. Asked about the sale, the company's owner, Ron Mason, dismissed the formaldehyde threat: "Look, you know that new car smell? Well, that's formaldehyde, too. The stuff is in everything. It's not a big deal."

That reminds me all too much of Thom Midgely claiming TEL was so safe, and that CFCs caused no significant environmental harm.

Of course, Midgelys end was rather karmatic justice, I would have to say.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Sunday, August 29, 2010 8:11 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh yeah, that one made smoke come out of my ears. Some of those people were allwoed to BUY their trailers, and now are stuck with sickness, too poor to live anywhere else, and unable to sell them back to the government.

I saw a report about it on CNN, and found there's even a website, "", the first page of which covers one of the most reprehensible points: That FEMA instructed people how to get their formaldehyde-infested trailers past the government's tests!

CNN ran a story last night about how FEMA coached disaster victims whose trailers had failed formaldehyde tests about how to retest and get lower numbers in order to buy their trailer from FEMA. The Picayune couple profiled in the story initially tested at 77 ppb when the limit for being able to purchase the trailer was 40 ppb. FEMA came out to retest and told them to open all the windows, and keep it cool and aired out while testing. The test was taken at only 56 degrees, and came in below 40 ppb. Formaldehyde levels greatly increase with heat and humidity. But people can't live comfortably at 56 degrees with all the windows open. When the Syries were tested by CNN this week when it was hot and humid, they tested at 117 ppb--which is over the limit for what you should be exposed to for even 15 minutes. It is three times over the limit set by FEMA. The Syrie's have been living in a formaldehyde fog now for five years, and both are sick. They have nowhere else to live.

Some FEMA trailers failed three tests even with FEMA coaching people how to get low numbers. And guess what happened to those trailers? They were auctioned off to the public and given to Native Americans. They are being used to house oilfield workers on the Gulf Coast and North Dakota. Many people are at risk because of the government's negligence in selling these trailers government testing had proved was hazardous.


I can't find the damned "Keeping Them Honest" segment that aired last night by Anderson Cooper, but it was illuminating.

There are still people living in those trailers, and they're still SELLING THEM to the public!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off






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