Beat Whitey Night

UPDATED: Wednesday, September 8, 2010 06:43
VIEWED: 1543
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Friday, September 3, 2010 8:23 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Iowa Fair: Black Mob Attacks White People For Fun, Screaming "It's Beat Whitey Night!" But Beaten Police Say It's Not Race Related...

There's no such thing as black racism. That's a conspiracy theory.


Friday, September 3, 2010 12:25 PM


The Alex Jone's clip is one of the best clips I've ever seen.....That guy nailed this whole topic....Not a fan of his, usually,


Friday, September 3, 2010 12:26 PM


* According to the latest US Department of Justice survey of crime victims, more than 6.6 million violent crimes (murder, rape, assault and robbery) are committed in the US each year, of which about 20 per cent, or 1.3 million, are inter-racial crimes.

* Most victims of race crime - about 90 per cent - are white, according to the survey "Highlights from 20 Years of Surveying Crime Victims", published in 1993.

* Almost 1 million white Americans were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by black Americans , compared with about 132,000 blacks who were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by whites, according to the same survey.

* Blacks thus committed 7.5 times more violent inter-racial crimes than whites even though the black population is only one-seventh the size of the white population. When these figures are adjusted on a per capita basis, they reveal an extraordinary disparity: blacks are committing more than 50 times the number of violent racial crimes of whites.

* According to the latest annual report on murder by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, most inter-racial murders involve black assailants and white victims, with blacks murdering whites at 18 times the rate that whites murder blacks.


Saturday, September 4, 2010 4:50 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Cop shot, robber killed in Knoxville TN

Just had a black-on-white murder here in town this week. Seems the black robber of the S&S Cafeteria was on parole for bank robbery. US Marshals already had a warrant for his arrest BEFORE the murder but were "waiting to fill out the paperwork", and "were following him around" AFTER the murder...

Cops gunned him down without so much as an attempt at questioning him. Was he the shooter, or just a patsy? He did allegedly shoot a whitey cop, who was released from hospital the same day, tho that might have been a faked shooting to justify the real shooting.

These 2 murders will never be classified as racial hate crimes.

A newspaper editor was an eyewitness, who then cowered under a table since he wasn't armed, scared a shooter was going to kill everyone. I subpoenaed him to testify about his $20-million govt contracts for illegal propaganda worship of the Police State and its Commie Chinese red-light scameras. That newspaper is owned by Mr Scripps and Mr Howard, members of the homosexual Satanic snuff kiddie porn cult at Bohemian Grove.


Saturday, September 4, 2010 6:18 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Damn, I refuted this with facts and figures; where's the post? What you wrote is absolute bullshit as far as hate crimes, which I believe is what this thread is about, yes?

Well, it's easy enough to go back to the figures the FBI keeps and post them again. Your figures are faulty about race crimes, as they're from 1993. even then, I'd question them, as I don't believe in any time in American history that WHITES have been the majority receiving racial hate-crime assaults.

Nonetheless, the latest available figures were 2008:

In 2008, law enforcement agencies reported that 4,704 offenses among single-bias hate crime incidents were racially motivated. Of these offenses:

■72.6 percent were motivated by anti-black bias.
■17.3 percent stemmed from anti-white bias.
■5.5 percent were a result of bias against groups of individuals consisting of more than one race (anti-multiple races, group).
■3.4 percent resulted from anti-Asian/Pacific Islander bias.
■1.3 percent were motivated by anti-American Indian/Alaskan Native bias.

So that's some 82.8% against other races as opposed to 17.3% against Caucasians. Of course, since then the hate crimes against Muslims probably have figures which show up, but the fact remains, and will always remain, that crimes BY White against other races far outnumber those against them.

And, of course, one can count what crimes against sexual orientation and religion among those committed by whites, given they commit by far the most of THOSE, too:

Sexual-orientation bias

Of the single-bias incidents, 1,617 offenses were committed based on sexual-orientation bias. Of these offenses:

■58.6 percent were the result of anti-male homosexual bias.
■25.7 percent were motivated by anti-homosexual bias.
■12.0 percent were prompted by anti-female homosexual bias.
■2.0 percent were the result of anti-heterosexual bias.
■1.7 percent were motivated by anti-bisexual bias.

Religious bias

There were 1,606 hate crime offenses motivated by religious bias in 2008. A breakdown of these offenses shows:

■65.7 percent were anti-Jewish.
■13.2 percent were anti-other religion.
■7.7 percent were anti-Islamic.
■4.7 percent were anti-Catholic.
■4.2 percent were anti-multiple religions, group.
■3.7 percent were anti-Protestant.
■0.9 percent were anti-Atheism/Agnosticism/etc.

Add to that hate crimes against ethnicity/national origin, and you can be sure hate crimes against Muslims numbered among those, and have a higher number lately:

Ethnicity/national origin bias

In 2008, law enforcement agencies reported 1,148 offenses were committed based on the perceived ethnicity or national origin of the victim. Of these offenses:

■64.0 percent were due to anti-Hispanic bias.
■36.0 percent were because of anti-other ethnicity/national origin bias.

When it comes to crimes other than hate crimes, to blame any segment of the population, you'd have to add in poverty and inner-city factors, education and more. People who grow up with no hope are more likely to commit crimes; how many of those crimes were committed by middle-class Blacks? How many hate crimes, on the other hand, were committed by middle-class Whites? Given Blacks and Hispanics make up the majority of the poorer classes, your figures are skewed and irrelevant because they don't take anything BUT race into account.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Saturday, September 4, 2010 6:37 AM


Ðearest Kane,

This does not bother me. Violence is an understandable and noble reaction to whitey's oppression. Just as we must redistribute wealth, so too must we redistribute injuries and angst. You be raciss to suggest otherwise.

I am perhaps the least racially sensitive fellow on the West Coast who votes Democratic. But here's the thing: I seldom think of black people, and when I do, I do not feel threatened by them. Just become a racial agnostic.


Saturday, September 4, 2010 6:44 AM


Niki, anti-Muslim hate crimes remain regrettably rare, despite what advocacy groups would have you believe.


Saturday, September 4, 2010 9:17 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

The only problem with that, as well as with the statistics I found, is that it reflects 2008--before Obama was President, before the Republican legislators decided to be the Party of No and to stoke "Obama-is-a-Muslim", "Mosque at ground zero", the anti-Islam fear and hate mentality they do now. We'll have to wait a couple of years and find out what the crime figures are for the last two years, especially this last year, to truly believe that. I wish they kept more current records!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Saturday, September 4, 2010 9:59 AM


Niki, you could also try US Dept of Justice, Bureau of Statistics.

Of course, I don't care for em, but gotta admit the bastards keep accurate records, cause I used that as the backbone of my article on school complicity in afterschool violence titled Death at 3pm.

Most kids who kill other kids do it right after school lets out cause they KNOW the victim will be unarmed, and I hold schools in part responsible for that problem, since they prefer to wash their hands of responsibility when the bell rings, even though it is by their doing.

Hell, The Race was an anti-drug commercial which showed a kid hauling ass away from the local drug crowd, just trying to get home safe, it's not like people are completely unaware of that problem, despite being unwilling to admit culpability.

In fact, I found the commercial itself.

We forbid them to defend themselves, and then we fail to protect them - and what does that make us ?

Anyhow, rant aside, USDOJ-BoS keeps good records, which it handy for chopping up the usual propaganda shills, Nik.

I do not serve the Blind God.


Saturday, September 4, 2010 2:23 PM



Originally posted by mincingbeast:
Ðearest Kane,

This does not bother me. Violence is an understandable and noble reaction to whitey's oppression. Just as we must redistribute wealth, so too must we redistribute injuries and angst. You be raciss to suggest otherwise.

I am perhaps the least racially sensitive fellow on the West Coast who votes Democratic. But here's the thing: I seldom think of black people, and when I do, I do not feel threatened by them. Just become a racial agnostic.

Jenkem will do that to a person from the westcoast....Eastcoast...just makes us hate those who fuck us..unless they are hot latino chicks.....


Monday, September 6, 2010 1:52 PM


You want to change things?

Then stop ignoring what is there.

Stop with the "hate crimes", stop with the affirmative action.

Let people be people.


Monday, September 6, 2010 1:54 PM



Monday, September 6, 2010 4:57 PM


its allways beat whitey night


Tuesday, September 7, 2010 4:50 AM



Originally posted by L1GHTBR1NGER:
its allways beat whitey night

I approve this message....I've decided to embrace my blackness and hate whites.....


Tuesday, September 7, 2010 7:34 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

I think its wonderful our liberal newspaper monopoly hired a convicted black bank robber who then gunned down an old white man and white cop.

Bohemian Grove is very liberal with its sodomy and snuff kiddie porn. Our newspaper owners are proud members.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010 11:39 PM



Of course, I don't care for em, but gotta admit the bastards keep accurate records, cause I used that as the backbone of my article on school complicity in afterschool violence titled Death at 3pm.

Most kids who kill other kids do it right after school lets out cause they KNOW the victim will be unarmed, and I hold schools in part responsible for that problem, since they prefer to wash their hands of responsibility when the bell rings, even though it is by their doing.

Like I said, easy prey, conveniently disarmed and handed over on a plate.

2 DPS teens shot after first day of school

Once the bell rings, they don't give a fuck, and that is the most offensive thing of all - one thing I found somewhat comforting in a bizarre way is that the social security building in Flint, while they have a no-weapons policy with a clear warning on the door, has an ARMED guard at the door to protect the folks who left their shootin irons in the car...

So where's the protection for these kids ?
Nowhere, in fact, often enough that "Protection" is actually a worse threat than the local thugs.

Ex-student files sexual harassment suit against Detroit Public Schools officer

This is commonplace, as is a bit of roughing up and the occasional tasering, just one more gang to deal with, albeit this one has official sanction, and a HUGE part of why the folk around here have zero respect for authority.

And then there's THIS.

Mumford and the rest of the district received $41.7 million in safety upgrades and DPS outsourced school security to a private firm, Securitas.

That's fucking chilling - firstoff, know that this is just the new name for what is still, effectively Wackenhut, a "Security" group formerly involved in business so dirty they make Blackwater look squeaky clean, with a laundry list of criminal and human rights violations that is downright sickening, and up till DynCorp* and their private little slave-trading escapades, were the only Security firm with outstanding War Crimes charges levelled against them.

And just ask Miami-Dade if you actually GET what you pay for, as well as note that these goons were fired from airport security rather completely for incompetence long before 9/11 cause they were doin the kinda shit TSA gets away with now, lots of harrassment, but nothing actually effective, all threatre and stupidity.

So, basically the very scum of the earth, ravagers in uniforms, right there, in the schools, with plenty of kids to prey on, no accountability, and a huge legal team able to pull anyone in real deep shit out of the country and block extradition... yeaaaahh, that's a GREAT idea, isn't it, folks ?

I shoved one of the bastards ass-first into flowerbed a couple days ago by "accident" just on principle, there just ain't words for how much I hate them fucks - but don't believe me, just google Wackenhut + Crime, and ponder that not ONLY is some of their history woo-woo-weird and spooky, like PN couldn't exaggerate it kinda creepy....

Most of that shit is true.

And they wanna put THOSE guys, unsupervised, around your kids.


PS. And do not get me started on DynCorp, or those fuckers at Executive Outcomes, neither, grrrr...


Tuesday, September 7, 2010 11:44 PM


Oh, and here's the original DOJ-BoS links from the Editorial, which I shall post in total only if requested.

See that bigass spike at 3PM ?

Any. Fucking. Questions. ?


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010 6:43 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Thanx for the link to the DOJ, Frem...unfortunately it doesn't seem to cover hate crimes. Would have been useful in the discussion on domestic violence, and I'll keep it handy for other things.

I don't particularly trust government figures, but in cases like this, it's hard to find figures from any even slightly objective source. All have an agenda to promote and it affects their ability to present figures I trust. At least the government figures are SOMEWHAT less so!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off






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