Jessie Jackson's Cadillac Escalade SUV stolen / stripped in Detroit.

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 7, 2010 10:47
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Friday, September 3, 2010 11:29 AM


America loves a winner!


The irony of Jesse Jackson's stripped SUV

Henry Payne / The Michigan

Add Jesse Jackson’s ride to prominent vehicles being stripped in Detroit.

Following the embarrassing news that Mayor Dave Bing’s GMC Yukon was hijacked by criminals this week, Detroit’s Channel 7 reports that the Reverend’s Caddy Escalade SUV was stolen and stripped of its wheels while he was in town last weekend with the UAW’s militant President Bob King leading the “Jobs, Justice, and Peace” march promoting government-funded green jobs.

Read that again: Jackson’s Caddy SUV was stripped while he was in town promoting green jobs.

Add Jesse to the Al Gore-Tom Friedman-Barack Obama School of Environmental Hypocrisy. While preaching to Americans that they need to cram their families into hybrid Priuses to go shopping for compact fluorescent light bulbs to save the planet, they themselves continue to live large.

“We need an economy that creates employment that can't be shipped overseas,” the Green Rev wrote for CNN about the march. “Home-grown American labor will be installing windmills and solar panels. A green economy is not an abstract concept.”

Well, its certainly abstract to Jesse, but I digress.
“Even now, the only sector of the economy that has seen job growth during the recession is the green job sector. Time is of the essence.”

Actually, time long ago passed Detroit by because Jesse’ favored government mpg mandates and UAW wages stripped the Big Three’s ability to compete against non-union transplants. These jobs were real – unlike the artificial, government subsidized green jobs he shakes down the feds for today.

Real jobs produced big, profitable SUVs like the one Jesse prefers to ride in. His SUV has been stripped by thugs – a fitting metaphor for what Jesse and his pals have done to the auto industry for the last 35 years

The writers of SNL need only phone it in this week. Easy $$.


Friday, September 3, 2010 11:45 AM


That clown may be more hypocritical than Gore or most liberals for that matter.....


Friday, September 3, 2010 3:41 PM


Yeah, I already mentioned this - they got Mayor Bings GMC Yukon too, and he's really pissed about it.

Thing is, the term "stripped" is kind of misleading here, since other than the rims, nothing else was missing, they didn't take the radios, nor did they loot the interior, which strikes me that this was more of a sending-a-message thing than actual desperation cause if they *had* been "stripped" they'd be missing a helluva lot more than a set of rims!

Race ain't a part of it, despite Jesse and his well known baiting, it's more than he talks and talks and talks, but seems unwilling to put his ass on the line or his money where his mouth is, and Bing is corrupt as they come, just another puppet to replace Kwame, who wasn't run in for being corrupt, Worthy ran him over for thinkin he didn't have to take her orders any more, same way she ran Evans off when his efforts to clean up the DPD started negatively impacting her private empire.

Everybody around here knows the real source of the corruption is Kym Worthy, who thinks Detroit is her private little empire, but Jesse won't act against her cause he's blinded by his own "racial solidarity" issues, which is bullshit, since a corrupt jerkass is just that no matter what color they are.

And so apparently the locals decided to send them a message, Detroit-Style - quit takin from us, or we will take from you, which is maybe not how things should work in a democracy, but in the context of things, perhaps somewhat more effective than a conventional protest which is just an excuse for the DPD to bring out the jackboot anyways.

Shit, it ain't even political, since the Democrats in Detroit are hopelessly corrupt and endlessly looting the place, while the GOP actively sabotages any improvement cause they're quite happy to burn this state to the very ground out of petulant retaliation for not being in charge of it - which is WHY no one will vote for them, cause threats, sabotage and abuse is a poor way to convince voters that you are worthy of the public trust, and Michiganders as a whole are a stubborn, grudge-holding lot, who do NOT respond well to the idea of "vote for us or we'll destroy this states economy!"...

And so they go with the devil they know, despite the hopeless, endless corruption.

But Worthy is the key, remove HER from power, and the whole thing will start to fall apart, come down like a house of cards.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Saturday, September 4, 2010 1:18 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Thing is, the term "stripped" is kind of misleading here, since other than the rims, nothing else was missing, they didn't take the radios, nor did they loot the interior, which strikes me that this was more of a sending-a-message thing than actual desperation cause if they *had* been "stripped" they'd be missing a helluva lot more than a set of rims!

Yeah, great distinction there.

But the facts of -

a Rev. OWNING a Caddy Escalade SUV

that he was there to promote 'Green' Jobs

and that he was in town to march for " jobs, justice and peace ", only highlights the irony.

Because Detroit has been run so miserably by 1 party for - EVER , and because the economy is so horrific, the crime has reached new heights. About the only thing missing from this scenario is Rev Jackson having his ride jacked at gunpoint.


Saturday, September 4, 2010 9:38 AM


Oh the irony is not at all lost on me, and I think was a large part of why someone decided to pull that stunt.

But if you wanted to break the corrupt strangehold of the Detroit dems, first you'd have to depose Worthy and allow her petty little empire to start collapsing...

Then you'd have to offer something BETTER than "put us in charge or we'll sabotage everything we can!" - which is the only card the local GOP has played ever since we sent Engler packing.

Offer a PLAN, instead of threats, and so far not a one of em really has, save for DeVos, who's "plan" is to hand us to his corporate buddies on a plate with an apple in our mouth ?
Fuck that.

Seriously, why you think people voted for Obama, cause he offered Hope - even when they KNEW he was fulla shit, cause all the GOP has been offering is fear and threats, and until they get thier shit together and bring something besides fear, threats, and inevitable corporate exploitation to the table, they will continue to get short shrift from the populace since even as hopelessly corrupt as they are, they see the Democrats as the lesser evil.

How the hell can the GOP expect to get any political leverage around here when they don't even bother *pretending* they're not several times worse than the assholes currently in charge ?

Answer me THAT one, if you can.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Sunday, September 5, 2010 5:52 AM


America loves a winner!

You saying the GOP is worse ,and that's why Detroit must be run by incompetent and corrupt politicians doesn't really hold water.

The stranglehold the Dems have on that town, as is the exact same in many other cities around the country, is all the evidence one needs to see that the Left is incapable of doing what is needed.

First order of business is to vote them out. After that, run or support candidates who DO have a clue, and are willing to do right by the people.


Sunday, September 5, 2010 6:12 AM


Same can be said for any Dem controlled town. Look around in any state the towns controlled by Dem's are falling apart shit holes. then look at the towns controlled by Gop...they thrive.


Sunday, September 5, 2010 6:51 AM


UAW Prez Bob King pretty much runs the car companys now, it'll be interesting to see how many jobs are cut, plants closed, bennys and wages cut. When the workers at the Chrysler steel stamping plant in Indianapolis were asked by the UAW to cut their pay from $30 per hour to $15 per hour that didn't get any news. The workers shouted the UAW heads out of the meeting room. This may be funny to watch, the leaches who fed off these companys now own part of them and have to help keep them healthy.

Stay out the Bushes! - Jessie Jackson


Sunday, September 5, 2010 7:55 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
First order of business is to vote them out. After that, run or support candidates who DO have a clue, and are willing to do right by the people.

And replace em with WHAT ?

Seriously, none of the local GOP is any less slimy, and that's half the problem!

I mean, we got Evans in there to try to clean up the DPD like he did with Wayne County, and as soon as his efforts started uncovering Kym Worthy's dirty biz, he got bullrushed out the door.

So far our best effort has been getting Charles Pugh on the City Council, which helped us ram through a couple desperately needed budget cuts* to stem the financial bleeding, although we didn't manage to block those badge bearing assholes from moving into the former casino building to live high on the hog while the populace starves - just you wait, you're gonna see patrol cruisers up on blocks next, mark my words.

And despite the vote, despite the will of the people, of course Worthy's little puppet Bing simply shuffled things around and effectively ignored those budget cuts - is it really a good idea to put more police on the street when in fact the police force is responsible for around 24% of the crime in Detroit ?

I'm not fond of either of our current Governor-replacements, and after trying to shill lunatics like DeVos, and that ratbastard Mike Cox, who is so partisan he can't even manage to do his fucking JOB cause he's too busy using the states time and money to shill for the GOP, they got no credibility around here - boy howdy, you shoulda seen how icy-cold the reception was for McCain, but then he did make the mistake of trying to shill nuclear power to folk living down the road from Fermi, who never wanted it to begin with, and were downwind when it almost cooked off, and therefore holding something of a grudge, man that was the WRONG crowd to hand that speech to, wowza.

I got to see that one in person since I was in the neighborhood and still had my old press credentials on me - I was surprised they didn't start throwing stuff.

And of course, not to mention Bush, eight years of complete wackjobbery...

So if you want Detroit, bring something to the goddamn table, and until the GOP does that, they don't stand a goddamn chance - and whatever they bring is gonna have to be good enough to overcome a certain hostility over years of intentional, deliberate, economic sabotage out of sheer partisan petulance, like that fake budget they submitted to try and cause a state government shutdown and force tax increases, which they then funneled into personal pork barrel, all the while screaming and howling at the Democrats for raising them, when upon discovery of that budget being a fake and realizing there was a surplus, Jenny wanted to use that to reduce the motor fuel tax due to the insane fuel prices at the time screwing up everything economically, but of course the GOP blocked and stonewalled that, and they made bank while the populace starved.

Do you think people FORGET shit like that ?

They bring a plan, a candidate who's gonna do something more than screw and rob everyone in sight, who has even one fucking OUNCE of integrity, honesty, or decency, then we'll talk.

And that ain't happened yet.

I do not serve the Blind God.


Sunday, September 5, 2010 8:57 AM


America loves a winner!

How would you know they're not effective or are corrupt if they've never been in office ?

Again, you're sounding like those who don't want to fix - ANYTHING.... like Bush wanted to do w/ his " comprehensive " immigration policy. First things first, is secure the border. Doesn't cure all the problems, but it's a start.

In Detroit, as anywhere, the first order of business is to get the bad folks out of office. Might take a few times to do it too, but start the process, and show the politicians that their gravy train days are over.


Sunday, September 5, 2010 3:57 PM


Oh but they WERE in office, hell-O, Engler ?

That man was a sumbitch, who "won" in a laughably tainted election, but to his credit he did start working quite hard on a lot of michigans problems, but somewhere in there he just kinda burnt out and gave up - then things came to a head when he got involved with the Bush administration and suddenly took a turn for the jackboot, at which point the locals had quite enough of that and sent him packing...

And on his way out he committed an epic level of deliberate, petulant sabotage, including a no-bid, sole-rights airport contract for Metrocars, the slimiest low budget cab company around here, complete with a huge advance which all else aside, allowed them to replace most of the deathtraps they were using and the druggies and drunks driving them, but it was still an outrageous and borderline illegal act that all but destroyed the taxi industry around here and went pretty far towards puttin me outta that field of business - people don't forget shit like that around here.

Then you got the always-republican secretary of state, always winning by exactly 18181 votes, despite massive opposition and polls in the single digits - and of course the Sec of State is in charge of the integrity of the voting around here and any related investigations, when I say "electronic advantage" I am not saying it in jest.

And of course, Mike Cox - who hasn't done a goddamn thing but suck up to the corpies by deliberately sandbagging his job, while using the states time and taxpayer money to shill for the GOP, and recently his own pathetic attempt at the Governorship, as if!

And then there was the fake budget...

Once again, your answer to folks exploiting the disaster seems to be handing it all back to the assholes who caused it in the first place, and that is NOT AN ANSWER, it's just plain not gonna happen, it's pure, stupid, partisan blindness to even think it.

What enrages me, is that we can't even replace them with other Democrats, or even Independant/Libertarians, cause anyone we *DO* get in office (like Evans) runs smack dab into Worthy's corrupt little machine and gets chased off - which is all too likely to happen to Charles Pugh, but in the meantime he's doin a damn good job of being the brake on their foolishness.

Still, the essential problem is that Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy is so corrupt I am surprised she doesn't blacken the very earth in her footsteps, and she has the entire goddamn local justice system in her pocket, lock, stock, and barrel, from the drug dealin cops, to the rigged jury selection software, to the dive takin public defenders, the judges and the courts - what happened to Kwame didn't have shit to do with how corrupt he was, it had to do with that once in power he didn't think he had to answer to her any more and she decided to make an example of him, replacing him with Bing in a manner that makes a mockery of the democratic process, the bitch OWNS this town, and anyone bucking the tide is gonna get ground up and spit out for it.

You find me a way to get rid of Worthy that doesn't involve a bullet, and we'll talk, but how the hell do you handle someone who has co-opted every single goddamn manner of legally addressing their corruption, who more or less outright owns the means you would need to call them to account for it ?

And the last thing we need are more Republicans who are so focused on partisan political warfare they can't be bothered to ever actually *DO* the job we elected them to fucking perform!
(Talkin bout YOU, Mike Cox)

They got nothing to offer us, Rappy, NOTHING, no plan, no decent candidates, nothing but more of the same shit that *got* Engler run out of office in the first place.

I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, September 6, 2010 3:44 AM


America loves a winner!

Your anecdotal examples aside, the overwhelming control the Dems have over Detroit and so many other failing big city governments can't be denied.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010 10:37 AM


And the answer is replacing them with even more corrupt and incompetent gits ?

I think we'll pass on that one - you bring something to the table worth bettin on, then we'll talk.

In the meantime though, you'll appreciate this, might wanna hand Jesse a shovel as he digs himself in deeper, and deeper, here.

Jesse Jackson slams urban farming, jokes about stolen SUV

As if we all don't know he's gettin a kickback from them battery plant folk - and worse, to go and mock the only folk around here who *are* trying to turn things around via agriculture to put food on their tables and those of others in the community.

Which is damn sure a better solution than handing some corporation a buncha land tax-free, and then having them build a plant, run it for six months, and leave it one more rusting, empty hulk as they outsource every job in it as fast as they can, profiting on our tax-incentive-investment (Corporate Welfare, basically) while we get what for it ?

Jack diddly shit, that's what, one more eyesore on unusable land with a run down haven for rats and ravagers sittin on it, like we need any more of those, like folks ain't been torching the goddamn things to keep the rats from overrunning us while the damn city "leadership" tries to hunt them down for it, tries to strip and burn their farms cause they've not paid tribute to the mighty Monsanto Corporation...

And all the GOP has to offer for new "leadership" is a buncha slimy corrupt gits even WORSE, who don't even try to hide it ?

Hell, I'd even take Rand Paul about now - trying to run Detroit would either make a man out of him, instead of a punk, and grind that racist bullshit out of him pretty quick, or get him lynched...

Anyways, enjoy the show as Jesse Jacksons mouth digs him a nice deep hole to fall in, cause his pride and wealth have blinded him to the very people he wants to support his dumbass race baiting and what their real problems are.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010 10:47 AM


America loves a winner!

Hell, it's Detroit's mess. What do I care?






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