Another one bites the dust.

UPDATED: Thursday, October 14, 2010 07:43
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010 6:22 AM


Pontiac disbanding police department

I love how they dance around how much of that red ink got caused by these goons and the lawsuits over their behavior...

Damn shame Pontiac is so far from here, or I'd be tempted to sleaze right into the vaccum of power this will create.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010 3:41 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Okay, that's a bit gobsmacking!

I mean, on the one hand, YAY! for getting rid of what sounded like a true piece of shit of a police department.

On the other hand, where does that leave the people of Pontiac? Especially if you or someone like you isn't there to step in on a contract basis?

The modern definition of "socialist" is anyone who's winning an argument against a tea-bagger.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, September 24, 2010
I hate Obama's America. You're damn right about that.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010 3:58 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

On the other hand, where does that leave the people of Pontiac?

Guns? Isn't it a right, or something?

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, October 13, 2010 8:16 PM


Well, they're gonna put it under the Sherrifs office for now, which has its pros and cons, they're more accountable that way, but the standards are perhaps a bit iffy and the unions and FOP have a bit too much pull for my liking.

Our own township is going to "consolidate" it's force with the city (city of, township of, it's 2 miles difference fer cryin out loud) and cut back on staff while putting dispatch services through this countys Sherrifs dept, again in part cause those guys have to ANSWER to us, and can be pitched out the door if we feel the need.

Nobody much cares about the officer reduction, cause even the, uhh... rough, neighborhoods have hired some contract people, and in those cases they are doing better than I expected - unlike a cop, a contract guard has no mandate to enforce the law (even when doing so would be provocative and stupid) and will only step in if there's risk of harm or damage - if you wanna smoke a dooby on your own porch and enjoy the weather, more power to ya, you understand ?

Cause that's what it comes down to anyway, cops don't REALLY enforce the law, honestly how often are they right THERE when a crime occurs ?

No, WE do, each of us, all of us - by deciding that some or another matter requires that kind of intervention, and when society itself decides certain laws are fucking ridiculous (like they did prohibition) it leaves the cops in a place where they must either accept this, which they mostly don't - or wage active warfare on the communities they're SUPPOSED to be protecting, like they do in Detroit.

Well, we ain't having that shit here, and it's kinda funny, that for miles around it's become so quiet and peaceful I get freakin bored, even tho we're backed up by the rougher neighborhoods on one side - but we have a kind of turf-truce with them, besides which it's been made clear to them there ain't shit worth stealin over here, certainly nothing worth lockin horns with ME over... in my very lair.... in the dark.
Nope, they want NO part of that, nu-uh.

And the tale of what Wendy did to those Baptist pricks has been laughingly told and retold to where it's a local meme, so any burglarizing on this side of the local main drag is just a really, really bad idea.

S'funny though - people WANT to believe the fantastic, that's why tabloids make money, so even when there is a more sensible explaination some part of em wants to believe elsewise, and I do play on that, a bit.

Last night a resident thought there was someone, maybe a homeless drifter or whatnot, rooting through the dumpster and decided to call me...

Unaware that I was standing RIGHT behind them at the time, drawn to the racket myself (it was a Raccoon, not a person) and that was a funny damn bit of moment, it was, cause it's the SECOND time this has happened to the same guy.

"Next time imma just look behind me, first!"

My cellphone has the old-school AT&T white office phone mechanical bell ring sound, and I have it set fairly loud.

At 1:50am in the morning, and that dead-air silence, it sounds like the hammer of god - which is yet another discouragement to em, you see, they KNOW that ring, before we had a truce, every time they'd try creeping the place and some resident spotted em and called me, they'd hear that ring (which at night can be heard from anywhere in the complex) and know the jig was up, so it's kind of in the same league as hearing a cop siren - only a cop isn't likely to gut you, drop a brick in your body cavity and pitch you in the lake, where by the time anyone finds your soggy ass, no one left alive will CARE!
(not that I'd do it, but if they think so...)

Police have their place, cause hell if I wanna haul some creeper down to central booking myself, but for the most part around here, we're the first response, and they're the clean up crew.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Thursday, October 14, 2010 6:36 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
only a cop isn't likely to gut you, drop a brick in your body cavity and pitch you in the lake, where by the time anyone finds your soggy ass, no one left alive will CARE!

Remind me not to make you angry, Mr. Frem. I wouldn't like you when you're angry.

The laughing Chrisisall


Thursday, October 14, 2010 6:49 AM



And the tale of what Wendy did to those Baptist pricks has been laughingly told and retold to where it's a local meme

So wait wait, no only did they try to molest a girl who looks all about 12 and weighs 90 lbs and got their asses kicked by her, but now they'll never live it down?

There IS justice in the world!


Thursday, October 14, 2010 7:43 AM


Never live it down indeed, several of them wound up facing charges after they caught em burlgarizing the complex on the other side of us, and a couple of the churchs leadership got slammed for fencing the goods via church flea market sales, which they fumbled out admissions of foreknowledge in testimony - so they KNEW they were selling stolen goods.

Add in a parole violation, two sex offenders on the staff, and a financial scam via a church linked contractor...

They skipped town, most of em, to avoid prosecution, and the building what used to be their church is boarded up and for sale.

I know them being complete crooks and goons likely has little to do with their religion, but it sure hell makes it harder to struggle with my own prejudices about it when asshats continously reinforce them so effectively.

As for the punks, the two who haven't skipped town, one is gonna be walkin with a bad limp forever and the other is one slipup from being "bitched", as they call it around here - being labelled a "Habitchual Offender", which doesn't carry a mandatory maximum, but seriously inclines a judge to stomp your ass good and hard the next time he sees you.

Oh, and the first one filed for a PPO against her, which not only sent HER into giggles, but the officer serving it couldn't stop laughing himself cause it's just so pathetic.

Yeah, never live it down is an understatement.


I do not serve the Blind God.






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