In my opinion, "absolutely not"! Appears another agrees with that opinion, and points out the hypocrisy of Fox's reaction to Williams' firing:[quote]Bri..."/>


Is the right opposed to hearing voices?

UPDATED: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 11:19
PAGE 1 of 1

Tuesday, October 26, 2010 9:01 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

In my opinion, "absolutely not"! Appears another agrees with that opinion, and points out the hypocrisy of Fox's reaction to Williams' firing:

Brink Lindsey is not a household name outside the Beltway, but inside he's a well-known writer and thinker. After a successful career as an international trade lawyer, Lindsey was hired by the libertarian Cato Institute. At Cato, Lindsey studied trade issues, wrote two widely praised books, and launched the institute's influential web magazine He was promoted to Cato's vice president for research.

"Libertarianism" is a philosophy of personal freedom that fits awkwardly within the American party system. Yet by and large libertarians have tended to align themselves within the Republican political coalition. Certainly Brink aligned himself that way through most of his adult life: I know, because he and I have been friends since we attended law school together back in the 1980s.

Brink initially supported the Iraq war. But as the war soured, Brink soured on the leaders who had waged that war. Brink began to argue that libertarians might find more natural partners in the Democratic than the Republican party. So long as George W. Bush remained president, Brink's Cato colleagues remained open to Brink's anti-Republican views. Lindsey received funding to start a private series of discussions to explore liberal-libertarian commonalities.

All proceeded in a thoughtful think-tank way until the election of Barack Obama in November 2008.

For libertarians and their donors, the election of Obama threw open all the terror of the advent of the apocalypse. Discuss ideas over dinner with Obama supporters? You might as well break bread with emissaries of Satan.

As with Juan Williams, there came with Brink a straw that broke the camel's back:

Lindsey published a negative review of a new book by Arthur Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute. Brooks argued that America was riven by a radical culture war, with 30 percent of the country manipulating democratic institutions to impose European-style social democracy on an unwilling 70 percent majority.

Writing in the liberal (uh oh) American Prospect in July, Lindsey argued:

"Figuring out how to restore growth and how to construct an effective but affordable safety net, are questions for debate, analysis, and democratic decision-making. My answers to those questions may differ from yours, but dividing up into warring tribes and demonizing each other aren't the ways to figure out who's right."

Shortly after that article appeared, Lindsey was fired along with a more junior Cato associate with whom Lindsey was co-authoring a book, Will Wilkinson (now a blogger at the Economist).

The Lindsey-Wilkinson firing touched off no Fox News explosion. No bold assertion of the principle of freedom of expression: only a little murmuring among Washington policy elites.

Among the right-wing of that policy elite, the murmuring was especially nervous. The Lindsey-Wilkinson firing followed my own termination from the American Enterprise Institute in March, after I posted a blog item lamenting that Republicans had thrown away an opportunity to negotiate a health care deal in order to inflict a personal defeat on the president. Which termination in turn followed the firing of Bruce Bartlett from a Dallas-based conservative think tank after a book criticizing the Bush administration for overspending.

Sometime before these events, a young Cato Institute blogger named Julian Sanchez proposed the term "epistemic closure" to describe what was happening in the conservative world. That's a fancy way of saying that minds are closed to contradictory information.

And one demonstration of how minds are closed? The ability to raise a howl about liberal close-mindedness after the firing of Juan Williams -- without recalling one's own side's exactly comparable actions not even 90 days ago.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, October 26, 2010 12:08 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Are those on the left willing to hear opposing voices? It seems to me they rarely do.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010 12:11 PM


"Rarely" perhaps. Though they don't tend to just outright lie and deny facts like our resident right wingers do.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Wednesday, October 27, 2010 2:57 AM


The right, apparently, is, that's why there's a Tea Party. And look, the GOP is listening.

Yes, I know, there have been liberal protests for decades have the democrats been listening?


Wednesday, October 27, 2010 3:03 AM


America loves a winner!

Obama wants to " punish " those on the other side, calling us his "enemies".

Not al Qaeda. Not Iran. Not the drug cartels, but his fellow American citizens.

( He's filing suit AGAINST the people of Arizona, and for illegals, after all. )

Obama tells the GOP that they need to sit in the back seat, shut up, while HE drives.

The willingness to reach out and offer a conciliatory hand the other side , by FAR and away is found more on the Right than the Left.

Spin it all you want, Niki, but you're wasting time and board space here trying to paint any other picture.

"The modern definition of 'racist' is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal."


Wednesday, October 27, 2010 5:14 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Obama wants to " punish " those on the other side, calling us his "enemies".

Not al Qaeda. Not Iran. Not the drug cartels, but his fellow American citizens.

( He's filing suit AGAINST the people of Arizona, and for illegals, after all. )

Obama tells the GOP that they need to sit in the back seat, shut up, while HE drives.

The willingness to reach out and offer a conciliatory hand the other side , by FAR and away is found more on the Right than the Left.

Spin it all you want, Niki, but you're wasting time and board space here trying to paint any other picture.

"The modern definition of 'racist' is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal."

New Harris Poll has Obama at only 37% approval rating.
Obama has been totally repudiated by America. All his policies have failed. He thinks Americans are too stupid to understand him. He is now behaving like an unruly spoiled child. I've never seen any President act so un-Presidential in my life. He's out there trashing everything and everyone who disagrees with him. He's blaming Republicans and Fox News for all his failures with the American people. How utterly sad and clueless this man is. Now he's running around like a Chicago ward boss thug screaming out about "enemies". The delusional bastard is a divider, a race-monger, and a big-time pathetically laughable ego-maniac. His inner circle has abandoned him, most Dems running for re-election are avoiding him and his policies like the plague, and the few advisors he has left are giving him the worst advice possible. I expect to see him get his smug arrogance shoved right back in his face on Tuesday. Watch him and his slobbering media allies go even more ballistic after that.

Addressing the thread topic....after the horrible lies and disgusting rhetoric this President and his fellow Dems have thrown at Republicans and Conservatives, I can see no reason whatsoever to ever even try to have a dialogue with this man. I hope he enjoys his next two years as Vetoer In Chief, 'cause that's all he'll be doing.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010 5:48 AM


Not if the opposing views are coming out of Kwicko's piehole, or any other far left pinko's face. It is NOT normal for the rightous to listen to crazed idiots, nor for us to even pose the question as to why the don't. It is the equivalent of asking "why don't lions hug lambs?".

The right sees that the dollar has been debased by 97% in less than 90yrs, mostly due to domestic spending.

The right sees illegal aliens pouring over our unguarded borders.

The right sees the governmental take over of private buisness.

The right sees the seizing of personal property and land by government.

The right sees the distribution of wealth.

The right sees the forced passage of unread legislation totaling in the 1000's of pages by people promising transparency.

The right sees a president that can only speak in figurative language at the same time he's being touted as "a great orator" by MSM.

The right sees the nation debt as a problem.

The right sees that the un-productive are a parasite on the productive and we are close to a tipping point in sustanability.

The right believes in liberty.

So why would we listen to those that don't "see"?


Wednesday, October 27, 2010 6:13 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Uhhh, your Harris poll doesn't agree with most of the others I found, and is less current. It's also an online poll, so represents people who take polls online only.

These are some of the results of The Harris Poll of 3,084 adults surveyed online between October 11 and 18, 2010 by Harris Interactive

Rasmussen (as of today):

Overall, 46% of voters say they approve of the president's performance. Fifty-four percent (54%) disapprove.

Democrats retain a slight edge in the battle for control of the Senate according to the Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 Balance of Power summary. Six Senate races remain Toss-Ups (California, Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Washington). Republicans need to win five of the six to win control.

Gallup, Job Approval (as of 10/23):

Approve: 43%
Disapprove: 49%

Newsweek (as of 10/22):

Despite doom-saying about Democrats’ chances in the midterms, the latest NEWSWEEK Poll (full results) shows that they remain in a close race with Republicans 12 days before Election Day, while the president’s approval ratings have climbed sharply. The poll finds that 48 percent of registered voters would be more likely to vote for Democrats, compared with 42 percent who lean Republican (those numbers are similar to those in the last NEWSWEEK Poll, which found Democrats favored 48 percent to 43 percent).

President Obama’s approval ratings have jumped substantially, crossing the magic halfway threshold to 54 percent, up from 48 percent in late September, while the portion of respondents who disapprove of the president dropped to 40 percent, the lowest disapproval rating in a NEWSWEEK Poll since February 2010.

RealClearPolitics shows a table of numerous polls from 10/7 to 10/26, with an average of:

Approve: 46.3
Disapprove: 48.7

It also verifies the Gallup and Rassmussen poll numbers.

The Harris Poll is older than all of those, being a summation from 10/11 to 10/18. I find it interesting that the internet, and probably the MSM, jumped on that one to make headlines. The article I found about it adds that

Mr Obama got top marks from those with college educations - 47 per cent - and those living in the west of the country (42 per cent).

Conversely, three-quarters of those without a degree, two-thirds of Midwesterners and 66 per cent of Southerners give him poor grades.

It’s hardly surprising that nine out of every ten Republicans give the president negative ratings.

Polls say many things depending on when and how they're taken, who's asked, how they're asked, we all know that. But it is interesting that one is getting all the play...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, October 27, 2010 6:19 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Uhhh, your Harris poll doesn't agree with most of the others I found, and is less current. It's also an online poll, so represents people who take polls online only.

These are some of the results of The Harris Poll of 3,084 adults surveyed online between October 11 and 18, 2010 by Harris Interactive

Rasmussen (as of today):

Overall, 46% of voters say they approve of the president's performance. Fifty-four percent (54%) disapprove.

Democrats retain a slight edge in the battle for control of the Senate according to the Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 Balance of Power summary. Six Senate races remain Toss-Ups (California, Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Washington). Republicans need to win five of the six to win control.

Gallup, Job Approval (as of 10/23):

Approve: 43%
Disapprove: 49%

Newsweek (as of 10/22):

Despite doom-saying about Democrats’ chances in the midterms, the latest NEWSWEEK Poll (full results) shows that they remain in a close race with Republicans 12 days before Election Day, while the president’s approval ratings have climbed sharply. The poll finds that 48 percent of registered voters would be more likely to vote for Democrats, compared with 42 percent who lean Republican (those numbers are similar to those in the last NEWSWEEK Poll, which found Democrats favored 48 percent to 43 percent).

President Obama’s approval ratings have jumped substantially, crossing the magic halfway threshold to 54 percent, up from 48 percent in late September, while the portion of respondents who disapprove of the president dropped to 40 percent, the lowest disapproval rating in a NEWSWEEK Poll since February 2010.

RealClearPolitics shows a table of numerous polls from 10/7 to 10/26, with an average of:

Approve: 46.3
Disapprove: 48.7

It also verifies the Gallup and Rassmussen poll numbers.

The Harris Poll is older than all of those, being a summation from 10/11 to 10/18. I find it interesting that the internet, and probably the MSM, jumped on that one to make headlines. The article I found about it adds that

Mr Obama got top marks from those with college educations - 47 per cent - and those living in the west of the country (42 per cent).

Conversely, three-quarters of those without a degree, two-thirds of Midwesterners and 66 per cent of Southerners give him poor grades.

It’s hardly surprising that nine out of every ten Republicans give the president negative ratings.

Polls say many things depending on when and how they're taken, who's asked, how they're asked, we all know that. But it is interesting that one is getting all the play...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off

Either way he is upside down in EVERY poll. Pretty huge drop from 18 months ago.....And the sad part is he has no where to go but down. His presidency is an epic fail and will be noted in history as such.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010 6:41 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Well, I guess my original question has been answered:

It is NOT normal for the rightous to listen to crazed idiots, nor for us to even pose the question as to why the9sic) don't. It is the equivalent of asking "why don't lions hug lambs?".
I find that a very predictable RWA answer which pretty clearly says the right isn't willing to listen to "opposing voices"...they apparently view any "opposing" voice, no matter where they come from, to be crazed idiots. Okay.

As to you list, please show facts supporting your accusations.

The right sees that the dollar has been debased by 97% in less than 90yrs, mostly due to domestic spending. ("Mostly due to military spending" would be more accurate, but regardless of that, you’re saying the “right” had nothing to do with it?)

The right sees illegal aliens pouring over our unguarded borders. (I’m not aware of a “pouring”...and they're certainly not "unguarded". I found several articles documenting that the number of illegal aliens in Arizona had actually DROPPED. If you want to talk about “left v. right”, from The American Conservative: “In fiscal year 2010, ending Sept. 30, the Obama administration set a record for deportations of illegal aliens, 393,000, breaking the old record of 389,000 in 2009. The 2010 deportations represent an increase of 81,000 over the number in George W. Bush’s final full year in office.”


Not only is this a fine record compared with the Bush administration, Napolitano’s priorities, criminals out first, are what immigration reformers have demanded for decades.” So it’s the “right” that would do a better job, is what you’re saying?)

The right sees the governmental take over of private business {sic}. (Please provide facts. If you mean the auto industry and bank bailouts, that’s a fallacious statement. They weren’t “taken over”.)

The right sees the seizing of personal property and land by government. (Please provide facts showing this has only happened under the "left". I’m unaware that such is happening under the Obama Administration.)

The right sees the distribution of wealth. (Again, under the right, the distribution of wealth has been to the wealthiest Americans quite deliberately. I don’t need to present facts on this, we’ve been through it before.)

The right sees the forced passage of unread legislation totaling in the 1000's of pages by people promising transparency. (And again, what is the “right”s record on this?)

The right sees a president that can only speak in figurative language at the same time he's being touted as "a great orator" by MSM. (Again, we can go back to the Bush years, to a President who was frequently unable to speak English...anyone wold look like a "great oragor" in comparison. That was better, how? That is what you want to return to?)

The right sees the nation (sic) debt as a problem. (But the “right” didn’t see that when Bush was in office and raised the debt to hitherto unknown levels, while putting the country in a hole impossible to get out of without more debt? The “right” doesn’t mind that the tax cuts would be extended under them for the very rich, thereby increasing that debt?)

The right sees that the un-productive are a parasite on the productive and we are close to a tipping point in sustainability [sic]. (P{ease provide facts, especially regarding the latter.)

The right believes in liberty. (Of everything you’ve listed, this alone proves your extreme bias, in inferring that the left doesn’t believe in liberty. None of your points are valid, as stated, and all show precisely the willingness to regurgitate the lies provided by right-wing politicians and Tea Party leaders as opposed to making the slightest attempt to learn the facts or listen to the truth.)

The whole thing is a crock, simple as that, and a perfect example of the answer to the initial question: "No."

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, October 27, 2010 7:00 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Nice try...well, almost a nice try.

As to approval ratings, compare the right's "hero" Reagan:

Initial job approval ratings as high as 60%

1982- ratings stayed concomitantly low, in the 40% range.

1983 - began with a 35% job approval rating.

In short,

The reports of Obama's "plummeting poll ratings" are greatly exaggerated. Among recent Presidents, a rating in the low 40's is hardly the kiss of death, as both Reagan and Clinton are popularly considered to have been successful Presidents, and both served two terms. Both Bushes, in fact, were helped by wars (Americans rally behind their Presidents during war). And both Clinton and Obama have been hammered incessantly by rightwing press.

Perhaps most importantly, since LBJ, all Presidents - except Clinton - have dipped below 40% job approval at some point in their Presidencies.

Unlike Republican Presidents, Democrats do not have a megaphone like Fox (and talk radio) to trumpet their successes, though several writers have attempted to do so.

Yet Reagan is consistently touted as the Great President by the right. Perspective helps, when making blind, biased claims.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, October 27, 2010 7:06 AM


Give me liberty, or give me death.

I know you think that the spirit of rebellion has long been crushed.

That a nation of X-Box playing, double-cheeseburger eating, couch potatoes COULD NEVER have the will to rise up...

I mean, even the "president" has said that we are all too stupid to understand, and that if we don't like it.. we should get to the "back of the bus"...

Well... we shall see, won't we?

"I got no strings, so I have fun
I'm not tied up when we need one
They've got strings but you can see
There are no strings on me!"


Wednesday, October 27, 2010 11:09 AM



Why is border security important to you?


Wednesday, October 27, 2010 11:19 AM



Originally posted by kaneman:
Not if the opposing views are coming out of Kwicko's piehole, or any other far left pinko's face. It is NOT normal for the rightous to listen to crazed idiots, nor for us to even pose the question as to why the don't. It is the equivalent of asking "why don't lions hug lambs?".

The right sees that the dollar has been debased by 97% in less than 90yrs, mostly due to domestic spending.

The right sees illegal aliens pouring over our unguarded borders.

The right sees the governmental take over of private buisness.

The right sees the seizing of personal property and land by government.

The right sees the distribution of wealth.

The right sees the forced passage of unread legislation totaling in the 1000's of pages by people promising transparency.

The right sees a president that can only speak in figurative language at the same time he's being touted as "a great orator" by MSM.

The right sees the nation debt as a problem.

The right sees that the un-productive are a parasite on the productive and we are close to a tipping point in sustanability.

The right believes in liberty.

So why would we listen to those that don't "see"?

If I ran this site, I'd ruttin' throw you off it just for the sheer stupidity of THIS ONE POST.
Extremism sucks, doncha know...

The laughing Chrisisall






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