Organic farmer persecuted, I mean, prosecuted

UPDATED: Monday, November 29, 2010 13:18
VIEWED: 1201
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Monday, November 29, 2010 1:11 AM


Cause with all the problems in the world, this is what our elected officials are there for....

--Can't Take (my gorram) Sky


Monday, November 29, 2010 4:36 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Nothing good can come to the establishment as a result of prosecuting this gentleman. This reinforces in my mind that as dangerous as government is, it is also critically weak in some areas.

It will follow its processes regardless as to whether they are beneficial for anyone.


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.


Monday, November 29, 2010 7:12 AM


Anthony, this is also one reason for my ire concerning our so-called justice system.

See, by intent, courts and juries exist as a preventive check against the very thing you mention, but due to the incestous nature of the interdependancy of police, judge and prosecutor - and often enough even the defense counsel, who wants to be on the side with the loaded dice and so puts up just enough of a "fight" to make the prosecution look good while in fact taking a dive, all the way down to the State having control over venue, evidence, and even what testimony or witnesses can be used, on top of illegal jury instructions or even outright threat...
(I myself have been threatened by a judge for daring to consider a suspect innocent till I had seen PROOF of guilt, and this resulted in him pitching me from his courtroom in a fury)

Our courts are just rubber stamps for the prosecution - a fact that your subconscious awareness of has brought you to this lament.

Normally in a debateable, ridiculous, or "grey-area" case, such as a statutory rape charge against a 17yr old boyfriend by an angry girlfriends mother.... the court and the jury are supposed to decide whether the law is being applied appropriately, and take into consideration the circumstances if a violation did occur...

But they DO NOT - and by introducing mandatory sentencing, for example, it's become even worse.

Fundamentally, from the moment one is arrested they're doomed - not only are ridiculous amounts of bail totalling many times the combined assets of the suspect (a violation of the Eight Amendment) used as a lever to keep them in custody and pressure them to plead, but the mere act of being in custody deprives them of the income and resources necessary to mount a defense, which are often seized prior to release or even to prevent them FROM raising bail in the first place... and lets not even go there concerning the abuse a suspect WILL face while in custody, with the negligent but deliberate cooperation of both the State and society.
(Case in point: How many times here have I torn into people for considering prison rape acceptable?)

And of course, if one does plead it out, as they are heavily pressured to do, it results in the forever-and-ever "mark of doom" if the crime is a Felony, leading to a damn near inevitable downward spiral - and if they don't, much of the time they get handed a professional dive taker in a dog and pony show every bit as fixed as professional wrestling.

And everybody KNOWS this, and no one does a goddamn thing, for the most part - even being SUSPECTED of any connection to a reform org such as FIJA will get you chewed on by the system.

And that is also why I take issue with that whole concept of cooperating and letting the courts sort it out later - once you are in their custody and fully in their power, you may well suffer abuse, a fatal "accident" or "suicide", you have no access to resources, and they can be easily stripped from you...

No, if you are to stand on your rights, you MUST do so immediately, and that includes all of em, specifically the right to resist a bullshit arrest - thankfully Michigan has a few extra provisions concerning this, although as with most rules and laws, when they become inconvenient to the State, they will be ignored.

Still, all in all, it is that everyone KNOWS the "justice" system is a rigged up dog and pony show that you should be addressing, rather than the arrest by a machinery which isn't suited, nor tasked, with proof of guilt or innocence, doing what it was set up to do....

And yet, you protest the arrest because you know in your heart, subconsciously, all the things I have just spoken, but your own conditioning would not let you consciously address them despite knowing that once an arrest occurs, the railroading begins.

So perhaps you should consider where the reform you would desire in this would be better applied, Anthony.

Just my thoughts on it.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, November 29, 2010 7:25 AM


For those who don't believe Frem, watch both seasons of Raising the Bar.

I know it's just a TV show, but it does offer a small glimpse of what the criminal justice system is like. I have heard that the true system simply doesn't have the heart-of-gold public defenders you see in this show. Which means, as soon as you step in the "system," you're FUBAR.

--Can't Take (my gorram) Sky


Monday, November 29, 2010 7:47 AM


Oh you'll find a few, but not many, CTS.

Most of em want to be on the OTHER side of the court some day, and so they wind up putting on a nice show while taking a dive - and of course, prosecutors are handed a stacked deck to begin with, and they wish to eventually become judges, and so on and so forth.

There's an irony to this, though - despite by the time one is considered for the Supreme Court the individual is so hopelessly corrupt they could usurp Satan hisself, once installed to that bench, the inability to remove them, and their own ever looming mortality and potential after-life consequences seem to combine and drive them in the opposite direction because there's no further temptation TO offer them, a rather unintended positive consequence of Hamilton and Jays nefarious plan to subvert the checks and balances system.

That's why the powers that be are so nitpickery over who gets on it - but really, whoever they WERE starts to change the moment consequences are removed from the equation, and most people, no matter how horrid, have some decency to them - you remove fear of punishment for doing the right thing (which american courts more or less run on), and they will gravitate in that direction, it's inevitable, which is why they choose such bastards for it in the first place, hoping they'll up and die before they bend too much from the original mold.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, November 29, 2010 1:18 PM


Expired, forgotten, spoiled rotten.

Better go hack down those tomato plants I so maliciously planted out back.


I pray for one last landing,
on the globe that gave me birth.
Let me rest my eyes on the fleecy skies
and the cool, green hills of Earth.






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