The horrific secret history of the polio 'vaccine'

UPDATED: Saturday, December 18, 2010 08:49
VIEWED: 1562
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Friday, December 17, 2010 5:23 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Thank God the deadly polio vaccine is no longer allowed

Hidden History of Polio Vaccine

Polio Was NOT Eradicated By The Vaccine


Friday, December 17, 2010 9:34 AM


What bugs me the worst, I think, was them knowingly continuing to use it despite SV40 contamination, cause we'll never know how many lung cancer cases caused by that and asbestos got pawned off on the Tobacco Companies (who are not, themselves, innocent either) while those responsible laughed up their sleeve and dodged any responsibility.

Then there's of course, the live-virus "vaccines" in Africa which actually CAUSED a couple Polio outbreaks, something I got completely flamed for even suggesting was possible.

Which makes one really take a hard second look at those live-virus Flu vaccines, and wonder if the "cure" is actually the damn problem, but no one wants to talk about that, do they now ?

Some days I do kinda think I understand how Cassandra felt - you'd *think* people would listen when one has a history of being correct about such assessments....


I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, December 17, 2010 1:30 PM


We really do live in a postmodern world, don't we? Where our major concerns are the possible side affects of childhood vaccinations, rather than the epidemics that killed or maimed millions of children in the past.

Me, I'm happy to do the vaccination thing, knowing that childhood survival rates are things we don't even talk about in developed nations. We expect our children to survive childhood. We expect that when they get pneumonia or whooping cough or the flu that they'll be okay in a week or two.

I think when we get prone to criticise modern medical developments (and I agree there are things to criticise) we should remember that there was a time in developed nations where children were still lucky to survive childhood, and unfortunatly still the case in many places in the world where poverty prevents access to medicine and other basics.

Interesting when you look at infant mortality by country, you see that the US has three times the rate of some of the Nordic countries.

And then you compare it some of the devloping world, where I think its around one in five die.


Friday, December 17, 2010 1:56 PM


Oh I am well aware, Magons - thing is, we have a moral obligation to make sure a vaccine is SAFE, and we've failed it badly in some places.

And worse, instead of actively working to make them safer, the attitude towards vaccine-casualties is to shrug them off as collateral damage - I found that unacceptable even before one of my own family wound up taking a dirt nap cause of that Gardasil crap...

See, folk tend to mistake me - I don't want the things eliminated, I want them made SAFE, and there's a mountain of evidence that some small percentage of people will take harm or even die from these things... and instead of doing what is right, finding out why, working to mitigate it, finding alternate solutions... we just WRITE THEM OFF ?
If the vaccination in question is legally mandatory, in that case we've just agreed to murder them, haven't we ?

It's not the idea or the concept of vaccination I am against, although we could do with some discussion of not overburdening immune system response by spreading the necessary ones over a longer time period, perhaps in smaller doses - but my primary, overriding concern is when there are valid safety concerns, and no one wants to listen cause "this-is-the-only-right-way" cause that's how it's always been done, despite evidence to the contrary.

But what really, REALLY rooks me, is what happened with Gardasil - cause I called that one right from the gate, and no goddamn body, not even my own family would listen, and now a lot of kids are dead, cause of a vaccine that was not only dangerous, but from their own flamin research, probably does not even do what it was advertised to do.

We utterly, absolutely, need to figure out what segments of the population are at risk of damage, find out why, and do something other than just agree to kill them cause their needs are inconvenient to our own - I will not, can not, accept that, ever.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, December 17, 2010 3:19 PM


Oh, do you have vaccinations that are mandatory? I'm surprised at that one with the US.

I'm with you on ensuring maximum safety with all these things, but I also know that all medicines have potential side affects on a small proportion of the population. That's why taking everything and reading the disclaimer is terrifying, even if its only a one in a million, they list the 'eyes may bulge out of head' kind of reaction.

I feel like we're kind of on the same page here. My reaction was to the alarmist kind of shit that PN puts up. I've developed an intense dislike of a lot of 'alternative medicine' claims that have taken root in popular consciousness, even though much of their theories have been thoroughly discredited. It's resulted in a lot of people doing foolish things in my opinion, particuarly in regards to their children's treatment, or lack thereof.


Friday, December 17, 2010 4:58 PM


Oh indeed, don't even get me started on folks who think "Faith" can sub for proper medical care...

And yeah, mandatory - worse is that the bastards who made Gardasil tried to bribe Governor "Goodhair" Perry into MAKING it mandatory, trying to slip that one under the wire even as the bodies started piling up.. *shudder*.

I do know quite a bit of alternative and folk medicine, but there's a lot of quackery and scammery within that realm, this is true - but honestly, not a lot more than within what we americans consider "conventional medicine" these days, as atrocious as it is here - the best one can do is their own research and try to make an informed choice, you know ?

And when that choice is taken from em, I get snarky about it.

I DO, more than you know, appreciate you making the distinction, cause a lot of times, just because I do know something about folk medicine, and happen to be flaming something within conventional medicine, people do tend to take it all the wrong way, and I hate getting into that spiral - it doesn't matter WHAT works, so long as it's proven safe and effective, and the patient is willing to assume the risk, and with the FDA in Big Pharmas pocket, sometimes "safe and effective" has to be ones own judgment...

Caveat Emptor, as usual.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, December 17, 2010 8:21 PM


Oh Phooey

I just realized: Our society of mega-allergies? This is where it's coming from. Macromolecules are not unique. If you teach the body that a particular flag or substrate is the plague, and that molecule also happens to be in peanuts? What did they expect would happen?



Saturday, December 18, 2010 4:04 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


And yeah, mandatory - worse is that the bastards who made Gardasil tried to bribe Governor "Goodhair" Perry into MAKING it mandatory, trying to slip that one under the wire even as the bodies started piling up.. *shudder*.

A minor quibble with your wording there, Frem - they didn't TRY to bribe him, they DID bribe him, outright, and he DID order that Gardasil would be mandatory for all schoolgirls. The only thing that stopped it and rolled it back - too late, in many cases - was the Texas legislature, which wasn't sufficiently bought off. (And you can bet they'll not make THAT mistake again!)

This Space For Rent!


Saturday, December 18, 2010 8:49 AM


My New Year's Resolution: No more debates about global warming and vaccination.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.






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