An un-merry xmas for the badge.

UPDATED: Sunday, December 19, 2010 07:14
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Saturday, December 18, 2010 1:08 PM


While generally not my style, gonna HAVE to indulge myself a bit here...

Pontiac Police Dept got hit with 11 pink slips.

Flint, home to mister-no-baggy-pants Dave Dicks, got TWENTY pink slips and has to shutter the doors on weekends.

And we'll soon be putting McCloud where HIS ass belongs, in the very cells he used to usher people into, and good riddance to another one.,0,16892

Not to mention, of course, Price being hung out to dry and dumped from both Chief of Police for SSM, and as head honcho of the Fraternal Order of Police, basically the mafia enforcement arm which makes trouble for folk who do try to call the boys in blue to heel.

Given how many other folks holidays are ruined by their harrassment, revenue-seeking (i.e. bullshit forfeiture), and how they do so love to jack peoples cash in the Walmart parking lots after accusing them of drugs (but not having to PROVE anything, in order to take the money*) one can imagine I am not exactly sympathetic to their plight, if anything, the exact opposite, cause watching them finally get their goddamn comeuppance is the best gift anyone coulda gave me, and they didn't even have to wrap it, how nice is that ?

Fuck empathy, when you put on the jackboot and zip it up in service of something you know is wrong, is corrupt, you've lost any right to it.

Ho. Ho. Ho.

ETA: *-The sick thing is that the cops themselves call this "holiday shopping", cause they do it while folks are doing last minute xmas shopping, knowing damn well it's a polite fiction glossed over outright theft, and seeming to revel in the sadistic pleasure of ruining other peoples holidays.. CAUSE THEY CAN - ergo, why I am especially non-sympathetic.


Saturday, December 18, 2010 4:08 PM


About 5 years ago the Chief of Police in the town next to mine was busted by the Feds for helping his friend with illeagal immigrants, it was funny cause they busted him in his office and "perped" walked him in front of a bunch of TV camras in was funny. It's funny when crooked cops are busted in uniform.


Saturday, December 18, 2010 7:34 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Also, one of the suburbs of Los Angeles voted to disband their police department altogether, and will now be contracting with the LA Sheriffs (not that they're any bag of fun themselves...)

Seems more and more people are finally realizing that if the police won't do the job they're paid to do, why continue to pay them? Less than half of murders are ever solved, and fewer than 12% of burglaries, EVEN WHEN THERE ARE PICTURES OF THE THIEVES CAUGHT IN THE ACT!

So what's the use of having them, if they won't do what you're paying them for? At that point, organized crime is a better bet, because at least if you pay a protection racket for protection, you GET protection!

This Space For Rent!


Saturday, December 18, 2010 7:40 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by whozit:
About 5 years ago the Chief of Police in the town next to mine was busted by the Feds for helping his friend with illeagal immigrants, it was funny cause they busted him in his office and "perped" walked him in front of a bunch of TV camras in was funny. It's funny when crooked cops are busted in uniform.

What would be funny, and seemingly quite rare, would be seeing an HONEST cop in uniform.

Cops have a win-win situation, it seems. Every year, they go in front of the city council and demand more money. One year it's because "crime is down", and they need more money to make sure it keeps going down; the next year, "crime is up", and they need more money to try to get it down. Whatever happens, they need more money - and you'd better pay, pay, PAY.

As someone once said, "F**k tha police!"

This Space For Rent!


Sunday, December 19, 2010 7:14 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
So what's the use of having them, if they won't do what you're paying them for? At that point, organized crime is a better bet, because at least if you pay a protection racket for protection, you GET protection!

Yet one more reason to vote EOP, innit now ?

And yes, I love to see these bastards perp-walked, politicians, corporates, religious leaders, and especially the badges, just to see that haunted, hunted look in their eyes, the defeat on their faces, cause they *KNEW* it was wrong, and simply felt that being of a higher social "class" would insulate them (as it all too often does), the elite version of the it-can't-happen-to-me syndrome...

Except for Abramoff - the man is pure friggin scum, through and through, but I have to hand him style points on a certain old school arrogance, I mean he showed up to his sentencing dressed like a damn mafioso, with a rather mean cut to his jib, one might say, as defiant as bastard as I've ever seen... too bad Prince is gonna cut him into fishbait some time in the near future, cause a sumbitch like that won't bend knee to no-one, and old Erik won't take that lightly.


I do not serve the Blind God.






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