Chamber of Commerce to Supreme Court: ban class action lawsuits. AND...

UPDATED: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 14:19
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Sunday, December 19, 2010 7:12 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Chamber of Commerce wants to ban all class action lawsuits:


The Supreme Court heard arguments on Tuesday in a case that could have far-reaching implications for millions of consumers and employees. The case, AT&T Mobility Services vs. Concepcion, has garnered relatively little media attention but could result in an effective ban on class action lawsuits, potentially eliminating a powerful legal tool often used by consumers against businesses accused of fraudulent practices.

... Class action suits typically involve small amounts of money which, when taken as a whole, can constitute substantial damages. Consumer protection advocates argue that without the threat of class action lawsuits, corporations could systematically nickel and dime unknowing consumers through unfair or deceptive practices. Individual consumers, they argue, are not likely to go through the hassle of going to court to settle a dispute involving $50 or $100.

At issue in this case is whether the Federal Arbitration Act trumps state precedent and preempts state contract law. ... The Conceptions argued, and the Ninth Circuit Court agreed, that AT&T’s class action [contractual] wavier is unenforceable under California’s Discover Bank rule. [which] finds a class action wavier unconscionable if 1) it is found in a consumer contract of adhesion; 2) it involves disputes that predictably involve small amounts of damages; and 3) “it is alleged that the party with the superior bargaining power has carried out a scheme to deliberately cheat large numbers of consumers out of individually small sums of money.”

This seems to apply exactly to this situation.

... In this case, Court is being asked by two parties to consider two different questions. Which question the Court chooses to rule on will determine how far reaching the decision could become.

AT&T has asked the Court to decide the case narrowly on the question of whether the FAA preempts state law only “when class actions are unnecessary for the effective vindication of consumer and employee rights.” ... Pro-business groups, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce have filed briefs asking the Court to decide the case on broader grounds. The Chamber is asking the Court to determine whether class action waivers can “ever” be unconscionable. ...A decision on broad grounds against the respondents could effectively ban class action lawsuits under United States law.

Under the leadership of Chief Justice John Roberts, the Court has shown a willingness to hear cases on broad grounds and to overturn precedent, most notably in its recent decision in the high profile case, Citizen’s United. ... Some consumer advocacy groups are concerned about the reasoning behind the Court’s decision to take the case. ... According to the Alliance for Justice, the Court has already overstepped its role in granting certiorari, “proactively reaching out to decide a case it did not need to hear” where there is “no circuit split on the question presented.” The First, Third, Ninth, and Eleventh Circuit Courts have all agreed that state precedent preempts the Federal Arbitration Act, and 19 states have case law to the same effect.

So, we get to see whether the so-called "conservative" Supreme Court is on the side of states' and individual rights, or whether they are simply pro-business toadies.

And, in more pro-corporate news...


Sunday, December 19, 2010 7:16 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

AT&T doesn't want to be "embarrassed", claims right to personal privacy...

It sounds absurd, but the Supreme Court will hear arguments next month in a case in which AT&T is claiming it has a right not to be embarrassed by the disclosure of documents that could show that it overcharged for its services. But here's what's even more absurd: given the procorporate tilt of the current court, it is likely that AT&T will prevail.

FCC v. AT&T is a fight over documents relating to the telecom giant's work for the New London, Conn., school system. AT&T was working on a Federal Communications Commission program that provided telecommunications equipment and services to the schools. In August 2004, AT&T discovered that it had overcharged the FCC for the work, owned up to it and worked out a settlement with the FCC.

But that didn't end the matter. In 2005, a trade organization representing some of AT&T's competitors filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking documents from the investigation - documents AT&T wanted to remain secret. Congress passed FOIA in 1966 with the intention of making governmental operations more transparent. The law created a strong presumption that government documents requested by a member of the public would be turned over.

There are some exceptions built into FOIA, and AT&T wanted the FCC to invoke one of them: Section 7(c), which bars release of law-enforcement information when it "could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy." The documents involved law-enforcement information since they were collected as part of the FCC's formal investigation of the overbilling, but the FCC nevertheless reasonably concluded that Section 7(c) did not apply to AT&T's documents because humans have personal privacy and corporations do not. When the FCC was preparing to release the documents, AT&T appealed. It argued that the courts have long held that corporations are "persons" under the law, and that it could therefore have "personal privacy."

Then in 2009 the Philadelphia-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit agreed, saying that the company was eligible for the personal-privacy exemption. To justify its disturbing decision, the court made the bizarre claim that "corporations, like human beings, face public embarrassment, harassment and stigma."

In reaching this ruling, the court made the mistake of focusing on the word person rather than the phrase personal privacy. It is true that corporations are "persons" under the law for some purposes, such as being able to own property or enter into contracts. (But not for others: 18-year-old corporations are not allowed to vote and they cannot be drafted.) It does not follow, though, that corporations have personal privacy.... Until now, courts have interpreted Section 7(c) as applying to intimate personal details like health status, alcohol use, marital status and the legitimacy of children - information that could prove embarrassing to the individuals involved. Put simply, corporations cannot be embarrassed because they do not have emotions. They are nonhuman entities created to make money. They can be successful if they turn a profit, or fail if they show a loss - but they cannot feel good or bad about either outcome.

Given the Citizens United ruling, will the Supreme Court once again rule in favor of synthetic "persons"?

And, in more pro-corporate news...


Sunday, December 19, 2010 7:24 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

FCC Chair Genachowski proposes "net neutrality" rules which will create tiered services. at risk.

Sadly, Genachowski’s network neutrality proposal is fraught with loopholes. The proposal fails to restore FCC authority over ISPs, which all but ensures court challenges to any attempt at enforcing network neutrality. The proposal does offer nominal protections against “paid prioritization,” but critics decry these protections as weak. They point out that the proposal exempts unspecified “specialized services” from network neutrality provisions, an exception which could lead to the creation of a tiered internet. What’s more, the proposed rules don’t extend to wireless broadband networks, so that as more and more internet services go wireless, the scope of network neutrality would be sharply reduced.

Strong protection of an open internet will require a number of key changes to Genachowski’s proposed new rules. One change would be to restore FCC authority over the internet by reclassifying the internet as a “Title II” service, which would put the FCC on firmer ground for asserting its authority. A better proposal would also eliminate the “specialized services” loophole (why shouldn’t everyone benefit from network neutrality?), disallow paid prioritization (paid discrimination in other spheres of life is illegal), and extend its rules to both hardline and wireless internet services.


Sunday, December 19, 2010 8:05 AM


I wonder if these idiots realize what's going to HAPPEN when they keep backing people into a corner with no effective legal recourse.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
-John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962

So far it's been the occasional minor incident, the Paypal bombing, folks vandalising army recruitment centers, that jerk flying his plane into an IRS office, nutters like Marvin Heemeyer...

And now throwing eggs at known TSA employees and other general harrassment, on a scale the press has so far refused to acknowledge, while I kinda laugh up my sleeve about it.

But there's a serious, serious lack of understanding about humans, and human nature in general, specifically mass-psychology, amongst the powers that be cause they're all fucking sociopaths, and worse, sociopaths with no functional knowledge of history.

And yanno, that's gonna bite them in the ass, I think.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Sunday, December 19, 2010 8:13 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

One of the things that peeps don't get about Obama's healthcare "reform" is not that it's "socialism" but that it is fascism. The Supreme Court, which the Bushes had a large hand in forming, has always been pro-corporate, and never minded stepping on state and individual rights as long as it meant forwarding business interests. After all, look how they stepped on Florida on the recount, imposing an "equal protection" ruling among counties, mandating a standard which has never been imposed before or since. (The Supremes SAID: "Don't use this as a precedent." Why not? Was the ruling flawed in some way? HEH!)

All that crap about being conservative and limiting the Federal government's power is just that: crap. Crap for stupid people to lap up.


Sunday, December 19, 2010 8:36 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Of course it is; anyone with half a brain has known that for ages. As we keep saying, those on the right want to "limit" government...except where they want to "grow" it to enforce what THEY think should be regulated.

And yes, the Supremes have become a joke at this point, which is sad. Bad enough the other branches of government have been a joke for so long; they won that last one, so they reeely cemented their power in that one, whichever is voted whatever way.

The right has long wanted to do away with civil suits, that's clear from history. Do away with civil suits, buy whoever you need to make LEGAL remedies impossible, and man, you've got it whipped!

Of course, another great tactic is, if the law DOES hold you accountable for abuses, go bankrupt, rob the company of any assets, and head out of town. Good old "I got mine; fuck you". Works for them!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Sunday, December 19, 2010 8:50 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

They rationalize it beautifully, however, you gotta give 'em points for that:

"There's nothing inherently contradictory in saying we believe in smaller government and demanding that the government protect public safety," Ben Brooks, lawyer and Republican state senator from coastal Alabama said.

Bush grew the government by 40%. He was especially generous when it came to increasing federal employees' salaries. As of 2010:

At a time when workers' pay and benefits have stagnated, federal employees' average compensation has grown to more than double what private sector workers earn.

Federal workers have been awarded bigger average pay and benefit increases than private employees for nine years in a row. The compensation gap between federal and private workers has doubled in the past decade.

Federal civil servants earned average pay and benefits of $123,049 in 2009 while private workers made $61,051 in total compensation, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The data are the latest available.

The federal compensation advantage has grown from $30,415 in 2000 to $61,998 last year. Total compensation. Federal compensation has grown 36.9% since 2000 after adjusting for inflation, compared with 8.8% for private workers.

Obama put a cap on that growth, by the way.

"Democrats like big government, Republicans want smaller government" is a catch phrase used by Republicans, just like so many others, which is a blatant lie, just like so many others. Sounds good, tho'.

Just like "activist judges"--what is more activist than making corporations "persons", one might ask? (One would, of course, get all kinds of rationalizations from the right, but no actual substantiation.)

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Sunday, December 19, 2010 4:44 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
One of the things that peeps don't get about Obama's healthcare "reform" is not that it's "socialism" but that it is fascism. The Supreme Court, which the Bushes had a large hand in forming, has always been pro-corporate, and never minded stepping on state and individual rights as long as it meant forwarding business interests.

Not only is it Fascism, it's Italian Economic Fascism of the type practiced by Mussolini, which was a complete bloody failure when he tried it, and ain't not never once "worked" in practice anyhow.
Unlike the powers that be, I *DO* know history, and the damn Federalist, Neo-Feudal-Fascist bastards which evolved into the GOP are one unbroken line all the way back to the founding of this country, and their intentions of a new feudalism with themselves at the top have been very clear to anyone with a working brain all along - which seems to exclude most of the morons voting for them, alas, but then our "educational" system is kinda set up to make that happen...

Worse, is that the damn Democrats seem to have the same agenda from the other end, but being that they're completely incompetent at it and always workin at cross-purposes with too wide a focus to accomplish anything, I consider them somewhat less dangerous - which is why I still think we oughta finish off the GOP good and proper with an outright pogrom before rolling the inevitable peasant revolt sideways into the Dems.

When it comes to class warfare, simple numbers tell the tale, every single time.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, December 20, 2010 5:26 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I guess because this isn't a video where The Hero gets to stand up and say "I'm willing to fight for my freedom!" it's not sexy enough.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010 2:19 PM


A real fight never is, Siggy - often it's grueling, in many places boring, especially when it comes to dredging through piles and piles of paperwork looking for the evidence, sometimes it's ugly in a personal-emotional or physical way, but it's never, ever as quick and easy as one could hope, sometimes taking the investment of months, years, decades...

Still worth it though, but when you have a society full of people so short-sighted they can't even hold their attention on something for even two hours (notice how even most movies have gotten way shorter?) heaven help you if you need their focus for any length of time - that's one of the lesser reasons I hate conventional television, it does nasty things to a developing persons attention span.

And yet, and yet....
There's still some who stand and deliver, Siggy, even if on occasion they find themselves at odds with you, and while it seems kinda bleak at the moment, remember that most of the work my people do doesn't "pay off" for years and years - but I suspect that some of our future generations are gonna have much less patience with this bullshit than ours does.

And that'll be a sight to see, even if I ain't around to see it.


I do not serve the Blind God.






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