Information Anonymous

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 13:33
PAGE 1 of 1

Tuesday, December 21, 2010 6:40 PM


I recently got an unlocked android mobile with no contract. It has no identifying characteristics which tie it to me, if there is to be a free tomorrow, I suspect it has to be this way. At the moment, I can continue to use it as a wifi device, but I want to try to get a data sim for it.

Anonymous. Some prepaid data sim that can download through 3G networks

I would also like to download and develop android apps. Anonymously

I have no nefarious plans for the device, but I figure that if there is to be a free tomorrow, we had better start building it today.

My first draft of such a future looks like this:

Anyone from anywhere with any device can contact any network and download any information or upload anything to anywhere without anyone knowing anything about them. Ultimately, such a network would be unable to terminate service to anyone or to in anyway track the activities or nature there of in any way,

Underlying this is a belief that people are basically good, and that if everyone were universally informed, it would be impossible for evil to prevail because the wicked would be always outnumbered by the good.

The only alternative I see is infotyranny, where your ability to acquire information would exist only at the whim of the provider, and that your entire record would be collected as well as any connections you had to any other humans or machines, so that if you were ever to represent a threat to a small an merciless, and alright, evil, ruling elite, you and your extended network could be exterminated with simple tracking via evil tools like Facebook.

The independent infocitizen needs his infotools. The tool of tomorrow is a mobile device.

Do any ideas on contract free sim cards? How to transfer apps to root without the app store?

This ipad is seriously tracked all over the place, I can only get data from AT&T, only get apps from apples AppStore, and they know who I am, what I do, and can cut me off whenever.

I want to android dev like I linux dev, for the independent nameless infocitizen.



Tuesday, December 21, 2010 10:23 PM


AES256 Encryption, mandatory.

And double-check the HARDWARE for law-compliant backdoors in accordance with CALEA, cause most american hardware/software *is* backdoored, and has been for a long time, longer than you think.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010 10:35 PM


Here's useful data on what and how to look.

Of course, for mine own, imma big fan of Rubber-Hose cryptanalysis...

But usually it's not even that hard, since a review of someones info from a basic background and credit check will give you enough info to determine their passwords 90% of the time if you understand how they think at all - and the bastards what collect that info will be happy to sell it to you even if you're a known criminal.
(and will even happily mail it in hard copy to penal addresses, as a recent experiment proved)
So long as the check clears, of course.


ETA: Oh, and check TEMPEST compliance, cause they still *do* use that damn thing on occasion.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010 3:03 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

My feeling is that infotyranny is winning, unfortunately. And every time someone - you, for instance - says that people are basically good and should be trusted, all "they" need to do is roll out season two of "The Wire", with all the druggies using "burner" prepaid phones to do their business, and hold them up as the example of the dangers of NOT tracking your every move.

Or they'll just point to a picture of Bin Laden and mumble something about "freedom"...

This Space For Rent!


Wednesday, December 22, 2010 1:33 PM


Nah, even worse is the dimwitted enablers who VOLUNTEER for this bullshit, as PT Barnum said, there's one born every minute.

Case in point.
Device lets insurer track miles, speed, braking behaviors

I guess the fact that such a thing requires one to trust a goddamn auto insurance company, one of the lowest life forms on the planet, is kinda lost on them in pandering to their desperate desire to avoid as much as possible paying the full lawfully enabled extortion, grrrr.

As if they're not gonna lie about it, or screw with the readings to bump your coverage, as if they're not gonna call you dishonest and bump your coverage - tell me folks, when was the last time your insurance company VOLUNTARILY *reduced* your rates.. oh, yeah, NEVER.

Morons, the lot of em, and worse, enablers besides.


I do not serve the Blind God.






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