32 inches of snow in 40 seconds

UPDATED: Sunday, January 2, 2011 12:31
VIEWED: 2470
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010 10:12 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Darn that Global Warming!


Wednesday, December 29, 2010 10:19 AM


Dammit, how may times do the DemoLibs have to tell you?

Its not Global Warming...


Please ignore the science behind these things (that repudiate the claims).


And, stop eating at McDonalds! The extra carbon emmissions that you create from farting is destroying the atmosphere!

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"


Wednesday, December 29, 2010 10:48 AM


This is stupid.

even most people on the right aren't dumb enough to say climate change isn't happening...they just dispute that we have anything to do with it.

There doesn't seem to be a lot of debate though, about whether or not the polar ice caps are melting, which should be a pretty fucking obvious indicator that something serious is actually occuring...unless either of you wants to step up and deny visible, empyrical evidence of that phenomenon, I suggest you don't entirely leave the reservation of sanity, and at least tac town to..."but we aren't doing there."

edited to say that I just pulled out of my ass that most people on the right don't believe climate change is happening...this is not a tested hypothesis, and my own hopes for the state of humanity may have led me astray.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010 12:41 PM


This is why libs fail.

You've cried wulf so long about environtmental isues, that noone believes you anymore.

Libs do that a lot, and noone trusts you anymore.

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"


Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh yeah, and we should trust YOU???? And big business, and right-wing nutjobs?



Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:02 PM


Your post is as vague as ever, which suggests to me after reading a long history of such posts from you that you don't have any specific reasons why you believe anything you believe, you just like to believe it.

Since I have to guess at your meaning here, I'm going to go with "the polar ice caps are not libtards are just crying wolf!"

I look forward to your next post about how stupid libs think the Earth revolves around the Sun, and that you can't get aids from a toilet seat.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:09 PM



You totally missed my point.

How about this? Try telling the truth.

Not some sound-byte, not some "lets all freak out" bullshit?

There IS evidence for global climate change. Some of it may actually BE man-made. But there is ALSO evidence of polar-shift and the earth going thru its normal changes.

But no. Lets stick with "OMG OMG OMG we are all going to DIE unless we drive PRIUSES!"

Because yeah... people respond SOOO well to wild eyed freaks screaming death and damnation.

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"


Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:16 PM


No, Sig.

You SHOULD trust the facts, and the truth, and your gut.

Just be aware that the "facts" of things are becoming more and more POLITICAL.

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"


Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:33 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Facts are never political. But fact selection is.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010 4:29 PM


What? "Try telling the truth?" If climate change has ever been exaggerated, or conclusions have been jumped to without the proper evidence, it hasn't been me doing it. I'm not a climate scientist. I'm not even a scientist.

I do tend to think it wise to weigh heavily the opinions given by those with expertice, over those who once did a science project in 6th grade and can now dismiss climate change as God accidently leaving the freezer door open. I tend to believe that given the cash flow that denying global warming provides, if there was strong evidence to it, some legitimate scientists would want a piece of it, and could probably even get a study or two peer reviewed.

So, while you were pointing fingers at me for things I've never done, you have also been busy doing what you accused me and all climate change "believers" of doing...sound-byting and being dishonest.

Your first post absolutely implied that you, like pirate news, do not believe in climate change...that regardless of how, it isn't happening, and that all that snow proves it. the fact that it snowed so much was cause to mock liberals who believe that climate change is occuring. NOW you post that you believe climate change is happening, and that we've just been dishonest too many times for you to take us seriously.

How am I supposed to take you seriously when you say two opposite things in the same thread? You were clearly in it for the quick put-down. You didn't care that the premise was bs, you were right there to help sling it.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010 4:34 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


This debate is always pointless.

Everything is evidence to everyone that what they believe is correct. Everyone points at the same things and says, "See?!"

But the truth remains that climate change or global warming is utterly immaterial to the lifestyle changes we need to make as human beings. The proposed improvements to resource management, fuel efficiency, and alternative energy are absolutely embraceable for their own independent merits.

I believe the argument on Global Warming and Climate Change is a sideshow, and distracts from the main goal of improving how we manage ourselves and the planet we live on.


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010 5:04 PM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:
The proposed improvements to resource management, fuel efficiency, and alternative energy are absolutely embraceable for their own independent merits.

I believe the argument on Global Warming and Climate Change is a sideshow, and distracts from the main goal of improving how we manage ourselves and the planet we live on.


Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010 6:04 PM


Rule #1 - Don't trash your living space.

Rule #2 - Waste not, want not.

Gee golly whiz, isn't that a WHOLE LOT SIMPLER than this ridiculous, ludicrous, ongoing and unsolvable argument ?


I do not serve the Blind God.


Thursday, December 30, 2010 2:19 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Rule #1 - Don't trash your living space.

The problem is, some people want to call carbon dioxide, the gas we exhale every time we take a breath, "trash." Now me, I think that is worth debating.

However, both your and Anthony's points still stand. My lifestyle and the lifestyle Siggy espouses is probably not all that different.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Every creature is better alive than dead, men and moose and pine trees, and he who understands it aright will rather preserve its life than destroy it. -Henry David Thoreau, naturalist and author (1817-1862)


Thursday, December 30, 2010 3:22 AM


anthony is spot as cts said

so is frem. ever feel like a broken record on that one?

its true that main human output of co2 by human is because we breath, and this is dwarfed by just about any other globally successful species.


nice video. thanks


Thursday, December 30, 2010 6:13 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

That's a heap o snow!

We havent had snow like that since 1993. Thank God for Global Cooling, er, Global Warming.

GoPro Hero videocam has this time-lapse still photo feature, and includes an underwater waterproof case. I definitely need to start using that feature.


Thursday, December 30, 2010 6:35 AM


Anthony, the discussion we were having wasn't about whether climate change was man made or natural. It was about Wulf denying that any change was even occuring,just so that he could throw some snarks at liberals, when there is nothing debatable about the condition of the polar ice caps.

Actually, the discussion had become about intellectual dishonesty, which he accused the left of.

While I agree with you, that whether or not climate change were happening, we should definitely care about the planet we live on and change the way we live on it, I don't see how this particular debate about whether climate change is man made or natural is any more or less pointless than any other debate we have on the forums.


Thursday, December 30, 2010 7:10 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, speaking of fact selection... PN saw one video of one place and decides on the basis of one occurrence that "global warming isn't happening", and Wulf jumps on the bandwagon.


It's Cold Now, but 2010 Was Warmest on Record Globally

All-time record heat occurred in 19 nations in 2010 -- the highest number of national all-time. These statistics do not take into consideration this month's cold across the U.S. and Europe; however, they do include the unusually low temperatures in these same regions during December 2009 and January 2010.

The cold during that time, although impressive, was more than compensated for by higher-than-average temperatures across much of the remainder of the globe last winter and widespread intense heat during the past summer. In fact, much of the region that experienced intense cold last winter (and again to start this cold season) experienced intense heat during the summer months. The southeastern U.S. followed one of the colder winters on record with the hottest summer on record.

Do you all remember the intense peat fires in Russia this past summer? Or the near-universal coral die-off that happened near Indonesia because the ocean temperature reached a stunning 93 degF? Or the crazy acceleration of Greenland icecap melting... an icecap which has been in existance for over 400,000 years?

Of course not.

Wulf said that "facts" are political. I beg to differ. Facts are NOT political, but fact selection is. And so here we have the right wing, picking a few facts... like boogers out of their nose... and using those "facts" in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary to bolster their own blind agenda. Speaking of intellectual dishonesty.

This discussion is pointless, not because there isn't any FACTUAL resolution possible. There is. This is not one of those imponderable cosmological hypotheses about the beginning of time. But it can't be resolved when people refuse to discuss reality because it conflicts with their notions of how the world "should" run.

But yanno, there IS a bigger world out there than your own backyard, or the noises in your head.


Thursday, December 30, 2010 9:24 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


even most people on the right aren't dumb enough to say climate change isn't happening...they just dispute that we have anything to do with it.

There doesn't seem to be a lot of debate though, about whether or not the polar ice caps are melting, which should be a pretty fucking obvious indicator that something serious is actually occuring...unless either of you wants to step up and deny visible, empyrical evidence of that phenomenon, I suggest you don't entirely leave the reservation of sanity, and at least tac town to..."but we aren't doing there."

edited to say that I just pulled out of my ass that most people on the right don't believe climate change is happening...this is not a tested hypothesis, and my own hopes for the state of humanity may have led me astray.

Huzzah Righteous!

Also the following:

Your post is as vague as ever, which suggests to me after reading a long history of such posts from you that you don't have any specific reasons why you believe anything you believe, you just like to believe it.
...tho’ I would add “or need to believe”. It’s just another example of what I posted in “Who do I miss”; there’s no attempt to communicate involved.

I do tend to think it wise to weigh heavily the opinions given by those with expertice, over those who once did a science project in 6th grade and can now dismiss climate change as God accidently leaving the freezer door open.
Gawd I love get the prize for the first guffaw of the morning...but you’re denied it because it spilled ice tea all over my keyboard!

As to the cash behind denial, I would say there was at least as much cash behind those advocating climate change/global warming EXISTS. Both are being utilized politically and commercially.

I do tend to think it wise to weigh heavily the opinions given by those with expertice, over those who once did a science project in 6th grade and can now dismiss climate change as God accidently leaving the freezer door open.
Sweetie, he already SAID he was:

We just argue to see which side can one-up the other.

But the truth remains that climate change or global warming is utterly immaterial to the lifestyle changes we need to make as human beings. The proposed improvements to resource management, fuel efficiency, and alternative energy are absolutely embraceable for their own independent merits.

I believe the argument on Global Warming and Climate Change is a sideshow, and distracts from the main goal of improving how we manage ourselves and the planet we live on.

Right on. I think global warming is a sideshow, but if it manages to scare people into ANY change for the better, I’m all for it!

And yes, Righteous

I don't see how this particular debate about whether climate change is man made or natural is any more or less pointless than any other debate we have on the forums.
Actually a lot LESS pointless than many of them. But we have had it over and over, it is useless because of the things you mentioned, as well as the fact that nobody’s proven beyond a doubt which side is right, so debating it can be interesting...CAN BE, mind.

And yes, Sig, it pisses me off too that deniers of climate change, much less global warming, so enjoy using severe cold weather as “proof” they don’t exist. It’s stupid and only reminds me that some would rather regurgitate talking points than use their brains at all.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Thursday, December 30, 2010 11:36 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

BRITAIN’S winter is the coldest since 1683 and close to being the chilliest in nearly 1,000 years.

Death to the Global Warming Nazis!


Thursday, December 30, 2010 12:00 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"if it manages to scare people into ANY change for the better, I’m all for it!"


The problem with scaring people into changing their behavior is that fear tends to be used to convince people to surrender power to *someone* or *something* that they trust to solve a problem. It does not seem to be a spawning ground for proactive, intelligent thinking.

Fear is the lever that Archimedes was looking for.

Give the powers a Fear big enough, and a place to stand, and they can move the world.

I much prefer Freedom as a motivator. I love solar power, and fuel efficiency, and renewable resources, and alternative energy, and recycling materials. I love these things because they make me more free and less dependent on others, both as an individual and as a nation.


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.


Thursday, December 30, 2010 12:57 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Righteous9:
This is stupid.

even most people on the right aren't dumb enough to say climate change isn't happening...they just dispute that we have anything to do with it.

What's stupid? That it's snowing in winter ?

Yeah, real frakin' crazy stuff.

As for 'climate change'. Sure. It's happening. Always does. But we're not in a position to really do anything about it, not being responsible for the changes in the 1st place

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Thursday, December 30, 2010 1:26 PM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:
The problem with scaring people into changing their behavior is that fear tends to be used to convince people to surrender power to *someone* or *something*...

TSA, anyone? Anyone?

I much prefer Freedom as a motivator. I love solar power, and fuel efficiency, and renewable resources, and alternative energy, and recycling materials. I love these things because they make me more free and less dependent on others, both as an individual and as a nation.
Thank you. Again.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Thursday, December 30, 2010 3:46 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

New Yorkers lose patience over snow chaos, no snow plows, babies dying, bodies piling up, jew Bloomberg eats cake


Thursday, December 30, 2010 3:57 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by piratenews:

New Yorkers lose patience over snow chaos, no snow plows, babies dying, bodies piling up, jew Bloomberg eats cake

This is no typical PN story. It is, in fact, true!

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Friday, December 31, 2010 8:34 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yes, fear is a bad motivator. But in this case, I don't see love as a least here in America (and everywhere else, from how fast growing nations obtain cars!) we "love" our easy forms of transportation and our lifestyles far more than anything else, so that won't change things. Few are those like you and I and others here who WANT to change things; the vast majority of people want things to stay the same.

In other words, I wish there were some other way to evince change, but from what I see, fear is the only viable means currently. And of course, just like they turned us into a culture of xenophobes, fear gives governments power. I don't want to see that either. Admittedly, personally I'm on the fence; fear has given the politicians and idealogues so MUCH power in the past few years and currently, I'd rather see that fear turned to something useful, rather than just the divisiveness and ugliness it has already. But yes, I realize the danger and don't want THAT either.

How would you suggest using love to change our energy structure? Or anything else? Education hasn't helped, heaven knows, nor the results on our economy and environment. So I can't think of any other way except to encourage people to feel something which touches their OWN LIVES. Anything outside most people's little spheres doesn't tend to motivate them, it seems to me.

As to the situation in New York, that absolutely IS real, no argument here. Bloomberg is an ass, and being a particular ass over this issue. His future looks worse and worse, the longer he goes on behaving like this. Again it's that bubble people in power live in, and this, too, is a matter of it not touching HIS little "sphere". But that it should; maybe he'd wake up then. I'm not holding my breath!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, December 31, 2010 1:40 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Even volcanos are covered in snow in USA today

Another Ice Age: Since the 1940s the global temperature has dropped 2.7° F,9171,944914,00.html

Snow in the desert: Now the U.S. West Coast is hit by storms as blizzards, hurricane-strength winds and heavy rain shut roads and cut power

Arizona desert flooded by snow today

Record Highest Temperatures by State [none are recent]
State Temp. °F Temp. °C Date Station Elevation in feet
Alabama 112 44 Sept. 5, 1925 Centerville 345
Alaska 100 38 June 27, 1915 Fort Yukon est. 420
Arizona 128 53 June 29, 1994 Lake Havasu City 505
Arkansas 120 49 Aug. 10, 1936 Ozark 396
California 134 57 July 10, 1913 Greenland Ranch -178
Colorado 118 48 July 11, 1888 Bennett 5,484
Connecticut 106 41 July 15, 1995 Danbury 450
Delaware 110 43 July 21, 1930 Millsboro 20
D.C. 106 41 July 20, 1930 Washington 410
Florida 109 43 June 29, 1931 Monticello 207
Georgia 112 44 Aug. 20, 1983 Greenville 860
Hawaii 100 38 Apr. 27, 1931 Pahala 850
Idaho 118 48 July 28, 1934 Orofino 1,027
Illinois 117 47 July 14, 1954 E. St. Louis 410
Indiana 116 47 July 14, 1936 Collegeville 672
Iowa 118 48 July 20, 1934 Keokuk 614
Kansas 121 49 July 24, 1936 Alton (near) 1,651
Kentucky 114 46 July 28, 1930 Greensburg 581
Louisiana 114 46 Aug. 10, 1936 Plain Dealing 268
Maine 105 41 July 10, 19111 North Bridgton 450
Maryland 109 43 July 10, 1936 Cumberland & Frederick 623; 325
Massachusetts 107 42 Aug. 2, 1975 New Bedford & Chester 120; 640
Michigan 112 44 July 13, 1936 Mio 963
Minnesota 114 46 July 6, 1936 Moorhead 904
Mississippi 115 46 July 29, 1930 Holly Springs 600
Missouri 118 48 July 14, 1954 Warsaw & Union 705; 560
Montana 117 47 July 5, 1937 Medicine Lake 1,950
Nebraska 118 48 July 24, 1936 Minden 2,169
Nevada 125 52 June 29, 1994 Laughlin 605
New Hampshire 106 41 July 4, 1911 Nashua 125
New Jersey 110 43 July 10, 1936 Runyon 18
New Mexico 122 50 June 27, 1994 Waste Isolat. Pilot Pit 3,418
New York 108 42 July 22, 1926 Troy 35
North Carolina 110 43 Aug. 21, 1983 Fayetteville 213
North Dakota 121 49 July 6, 1936 Steele 1,857
Ohio 113 45 July 21, 1934 Gallipolis (near) 673
Oklahoma 120 49 June 27, 1994 Tipton 1,350
Oregon 119 48 Aug. 10, 18981 Pendleton 1,074
Pennsylvania 111 44 July 10, 1936 Phoenixville 100
Rhode Island 104 40 Aug. 2, 1975 Providence 51
South Carolina 111 44 June 28, 1954 Camden 170
South Dakota 120 49 July 5, 1936 Gannvalley 1,750
Tennessee 113 45 Aug. 9, 1930 Perryville 377
Texas 120 49 June 28, 1994 Monahans 2,660
Utah 117 47 July 5, 1895 Saint George 2,880
Vermont 105 41 July 4, 1911 Vernon 310
Virginia 110 43 July 15, 1954 Balcony Falls 725
Washington 118 48 Aug. 5, 1961 Ice Harbor Dam 475
West Virginia 112 44 July 10, 1936 Martinsburg 435
Wisconsin 114 46 July 13, 1936 Wisconsin Dells 900
Wyoming 115 46 Aug. 8, 1983 Basin 3,500

Record Highest Temperatures by State —


Saturday, January 1, 2011 10:16 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Keep it up, PN, that one's easy to counter. Not only is extreme weather of any kind being as much a possible symptom of global warming as heat alone, I don't know where you got your facts, or if you just don't mind lying. The link you provided doesn't give a date, so it's either way out of date or its facts are wrong. Not to mention that we're not talking only the US, we're talking GLOBALLY:

Here are a few real ones for you, JUST from 2010:

1. An all-time record high in Los Angeles. 97 degrees is nothing compared to September 28. That day, downtown L.A. registered at 113 degrees, besting the old mark of 112 set in 1990.

2. Houston's hottest month ever. While Houston's residents are used to hot days, they've never seen heat like this, with an average temperature of 87.8 degrees in August, a new record for the hottest month in the city's history.

3. A new all-time high in Asia. Temperatures in Pakistan's ancient city of Mohenjo-daro reached a scorching 129 degrees on June 1, marking the hottest weather ever recorded in Asia, and the fourth-highest temperature in history.

4. An unprecedented heat wave in Russia. With smoke from burning peat-bogs clogging the muggy air, the heat in Moscow on August 6 broke the "psychological barrier" of 40 degrees Celsius, or 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

5. Record heat in Sudan. While searing weather is common in Sudan, the 121-degree temperature recorded on June 25 in the city of Dongola was the hottest the country has ever seen. The previous record was set in 1987.

6. New all-time highs in the Middle East. U.S. troops in Iraq endured some of the most intense heat of the summer. The mercury hit a blistering 125.6 degrees Fahrenheit in July, the highest temperature ever recorded in the country.

7. The hottest month in world history — four times in a row. June 2010 was the warmest month ever recorded on planet Earth. The previous mark had been set in May. The mark before that had been set in April. The one before that in March.

In 2003 and 2005:

 Recent data from Antarctic ice cores indicates that carbon dioxide oncentrations are now higher than at any time during the past 650,000 years, which is as far back as measurements can now reach.

 2005 was the warmest year on record since atmospheric temperatures have been measured.
The ten warmest years on record have all been since 1990. In summer 2005, heat records were
broken in hundreds of U.S. cities.

 Over the past 50 years, the average global temperature has increased at the fastest rate in
recorded history.

 In 2003, heat waves caused over 30,000 deaths in Europe and 1500 deaths in India.

 Since 1978, arctic sea ice has been shrinking by about 9 percent per decade.

Try 2006:

Record temperatures of well over 35 degrees Celsius were recorded all over Europe this week. On Jul. 20 Paris and Berlin registered 39 degrees. In Belgium, Jul. 19 was the hottest day ever in July, with 37 degrees.

The July maximum temperature record was also broken in Britain. The mercury reached 36.5 Celsius at the Royal Horticultural Society's gardens at Wisley in Surrey. The previous record for July, 36 degrees, was set in Epsom in 1911.

The heat wave has led to several deaths across Europe.

French minister of health Xavier Bertrand said Jul. 19 that at least nine people had died this summer, victims of the heat.

In Spain, at least two heat wave deaths have been reported. Both victims were bricklayers, who died at work. In Germany and the Netherlands, four people died of cardio-vascular complications provoked by the heat.

But this year's death toll remains low compared to some 35,000 people who died across Europe in the heat wave of 2003. That year 15,000 people, mostly the elderly, died in France.

Gerstengarbe said that over the last century temperatures in Germany rose 0.8 degrees. "Over the next 75 years, we expect a warming of between 1.8 to 3..6 degrees for our region."

The heat is also taking its toll on agriculture, and affecting the generation of electricity, especially in nuclear power plants.

The lack of fresh water for the nuclear plants' cooling systems has led German private electricity suppliers to slow down their generators.

In France, the state-owned Electricité de France (EdF) was allowed to continue to drain hot water from the cooling system into rivers, although the water temperatures exceeded the limits imposed by environmental authorities. But output has had to be lowered.

EdF has been importing electricity to compensate the nuclear power plants' lower performance. Eighty percent of electricity generated in France is produced by nuclear power plants.

In Italy, hydroelectric plants have had to slow down due to a shortage of water in rivers.

European agriculture has also been hit by the heat wave and the drought.

In Germany, president of the association of farmers Gerd Sonnleitner told the press that this year's harvest on cereals would be 10 to 15 percent lower than in 2004, for which figures are available. "We had excellent expectations, but the heat and the drought have destroyed them."

In France farmers say the heat has damaged harvests. Livestock breeders said they have been forced to exhaust their forage reserves.

"This is the fourth successive drought we are suffering," Jean-Luc Poulain, commissioner for risks management at the French Association of Farmers told IPS. "We have not been able to reconstitute our stocks. And the situation gets worse by the day."

And again, from this year alone, if we're talking just the US, here's April 2010:

Total heat records now stand at 671 record highs broken this month (plus another 293 record high minimums, for a total near 1,000).

The temperatures are really extreme, in many cases exceeding what you'd normally see at the peak of the summer. Grandfather Mountain, NC hit 80 yesterday (update, they hit it again today) - their warmest ever in April and only 3 degrees away from their all-time record high (for any month)! At Central Park they broke their daily record set in 1929.

Mid 90s have been seen by official stations; 95 was recorded at Leesburg and Louisa in Virginia, and it rose to 94 at Hagerstown, Maryland this afternoon - just over the Pennsylvania border! As they say about the Desert Southwest, "it's a dry heat" though - relative humidities are as low as 9% at Petersburg, Virginia.

- Only one day (out of more than 41,000) has ever been warmer than this, this early. We hit 86 F at Penn State yesterday, April 6th; only March 31, 1989 saw a warmer temperature (87) before April 15th!

- We don't normally get this warm any time of year. The 86-degree reading is 5 degrees above our normal high during the peak of the Summer in July/August.

- Last night was much warmer than a normal Summer night. Joe Bastardi's weather station south of town (which I installed and am confident that is sited correctly) did not fall below 74 degrees last night -- 12 degrees above the normal overnight low at Summer's peak, making for a +34 temperature departure for the 24-hour period.

You might as well give it up, PN; for everything you post about record-breaking cold (which, again, can be as much an indication of global warming as record-breaking heat), I can counter with equal facts on unusual heat waves. And the figures you presented are obviously wrong, just given New York's Central Park broke a 1929 record (which your cite said hadn't been broken since 1926), LA broke its record (which your cite listed as not having been broken since 1913) and Houston, Texas broke it's record (which the cite said hadn't been broken since 1941).

Given your cite said New York's "latest" high was in 1929 and it was actually 1926, I question the veracity of your one cite.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Saturday, January 1, 2011 10:31 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"How would you suggest using love to change our energy structure? "


Use greed if it's easier. Fuel efficiency, renewable resources, alternative energy. These can all be sold to people on the basis of greed.

Do you know that a great deal of conservation dollars come from hunters?

Why do you suppose that is?

Sell products to people based on their motivations and you'll sell more products.

Did you know that electric cars can be built to have peppier acceleration that most gasoline cars? If we want to sell cars to people who love driving, this is something we need to know.

You can get virtually every sort of person to buy into beneficial technologies and practices for reasons that are entirely selfish. The environmental lobby needs a better Ad man.


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.


Saturday, January 1, 2011 10:41 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I will buy 100% that finances can be used more effectively than fear as a motivator. Maybe I'm just impatient and would like to see some hope while I'm still around; chalk it up to that. Tho' some changes ARE being made because of economics, they seem too slow, for me, to solve the problem in time. But yours is a very valid point. Thank you.

Yes, I've known about hunters for years; that's one reason environmentalists often work WITH them. I didn't know about the car thing, however, and I find that a hopeful sign.

Oh, and by the way, environmentalists DO use the argument of finances when trying to encourage less pollution. They aren't doing it right or well enough, which is admittedly a blind spot standing in their way.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Sunday, January 2, 2011 7:12 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Scientist says Ice Age is here to stay:

My brother-in-law the foreign Commie Global Warming scientist is now freezing in his home in southern AZ, with his furnace broken. First time they've had snow in world history. Their house has been burglerized 3 times by the illegal aliens they hired. They have no TV and no internet and breast feed their babies until at least 10 years old. My sister the law professor is paid $6,000 per year. They want everyone to live like Commie China, where they used to live, paid 20-cents an hour, families living 12 to a room and all 2nd-born babies killed on the spot. They say graduated from Yale and brag they are "proud Marxists", just like the Clinton Blythe Rockefllers. They voted for illegal alien allCIAduh Dictator Saddam Hussein Obama Bin Laden Soetoro.


Sunday, January 2, 2011 8:53 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

You're posting your usual inflammatory, idiotic claim that extreme cold weather disproves global warming in multiple posts again, PN, and using it as an excuse to do your usual out-there name-calling. Must be some sign of frustration or desperation or something...

Sadly, you personify the following:

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Sunday, January 2, 2011 9:11 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Niki, PN is a paranoid schizophrenic and talking to him won't cure him or even change him. He's off his meds now that the family holiday reunions are over. It happens every year: Round about November he starts making a tad more sense, and by early January he's rebounding back into never-neverland. He is one person I almost never respond to because he is not really responsible for what he posts, nor is he capable of responding to anyone else's posts. It's not his fault, but none of us can really do anything about it either.


Sunday, January 2, 2011 9:16 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I know; I rarely respond to him either, and actually rarely read his posts, especially those which go on forever and forever and are full of nothing but insane rants.

I should have more sympathy, I suppose, given it's a mental difficulty. But if he chooses to go off his meds: Nope, no sympathy here.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Sunday, January 2, 2011 12:20 PM



While I agree with you, that whether or not climate change were happening, we should definitely care about the planet we live on and change the way we live on it, I don't see how this particular debate about whether climate change is man made or natural is any more or less pointless than any other debate we have on the forums.

He meant it less so much that it's not an important subject, and more so that specifics can be argued to death when none of us really disagree all that much.

Less so sure about PN and wulf being in agreement, but then it's not always easy to tell just what they're thinking.


Sunday, January 2, 2011 12:31 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

2010 signaled the New Ice Age:

Europe hit with coldest December in 100 years; snow cancels 1,000 flights in Germany when it saw more snow than in the past 100 years with the highest snow depth since 1893. Two employees of the Frankfurt international airport walk along a passageway made by thousand of tons of snow piled up near the runway of the airport in Frankfurt, Germany, Dec. 30, 2010. (Boris Roessler / EPA)






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