Privacy in the Household

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 18:02
PAGE 1 of 1

Wednesday, December 29, 2010 3:54 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I just saw this troubling poll on CNN. Here are the current results:

Should it be illegal for a spouse to hack a partner's e-mail?

No 60% 38807
Yes 40% 26099
Total votes: 64906

This is not a scientific poll


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010 4:18 PM


That is sad. I hope it is not representative of all Americans.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010 6:02 PM


Ayep, that happened up here, and yanno, here's what bothers ME the worst about it...

Firstoff, what's mine is MINE, if I put any kind of security on something, a lock on a door, a password on a file, what have you, it means keep the fuck out, and I don't care who you are, cause the fact of the matter is that no matter WHAT I am to you, friend, lover, ally, employee, you do not, do *NOT*, own me, I am not your fucking property.

My ex respected this, and that I respected it in her direction despite an ability to ignore or subvert such protections as I pleased was one of the things she always did like about me.

However, the question of our would-be childs privacy came up before we found that neither of us was able to have one, and she didn't feel any need to extend this same courtesy or trust to a child in her care, something I disputed BITTERLY, and was ever a point of contention about the notion to begin with.

Which brings us round to what bothers me about this one - if this was a wife reading a HUSBANDS email, that poll woulda went the other way, I can damn near guarantee it, much I wish we were past it there's still a certain sexism, particularly in the concept of marriage, a concept of itself I find quaint and ridiculous, but still...

There is a strong whiff coming off a lot of the related commentary I've seen about it which reminds me that folk still haven't gotten the goddamn message that a wife isn't your property, mixed in with quite a bit of machismo bullshit and cultural disrespect of women as a whole, so we ain't quite walked the end of that path yet, alas.

But honestly folks, if you mistrust em enough to think you gotta spy on em, invade their privacy, instead of confronting them like a decent human being, what the fuck you doin in a relationship with em anyways, and if you lack the balls to confront em, to ASK them and accept their answers, YOU got problems of your own!

As for what to do about it - well, I don't see where slapping a fine he can't pay or the felony-forever-mark-of-doom is gonna do any social good nor qualify as justice, were it up to me I would hit him with court costs and PBJ (Probation-Before-Judgement) for one year on the condition he keep his goddamn hands off other peoples electronics, and hope that axe hanging over his head for 12 months cures him of the notion that he belongs in anyones business but his own.

Which also should serve as a handy object lesson to the community as well.


PS, Yes I am well aware sexism in marriage goes in both directions, one reason I don't care for the institution and I'm quite willing to discuss that if anyone is inclined.






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