Playboy mansion like Gitmo, Jew 'Joe Dirt' Heff had sex with his sister AND brother

UPDATED: Thursday, December 30, 2010 16:41
VIEWED: 8204
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Thursday, December 30, 2010 4:41 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Jew Heff marries again...60 year age difference

Former Playmates tell of 'grubby' world inside Hugh Hefner's empire

One by one they have revealed what life was like behind the glittering façade of the Playboy Mansion. According to them, it disguises a grubby world where some girls feel they are no ­better than prostitutes, paid pocket money by an octogenarian obsessive who funds plastic ­surgery to turn them into his physical ideal, and yet must still take huge amounts of Viagra to manage sex with them.

The portrait of Hefner painted by Izabella St James is deeply unappealing. A pretty blonde law graduate, she was 26 when she met him in a Hollywood nightclub in 2002. Soon, he invited her to move in with him and seven other official ‘girlfriends’.

Hefner likes to have anywhere between three and 15 girlfriends at any one time. One of the group will be chosen to be Girlfriend No 1. She will share Hefner’s bedroom at all times, while the others are merely visitors.

For Izabella, the Playboy Mansion was far from the glamorous pleasure palace she had imagined. ‘Each ­bedroom had mismatched, random pieces of furniture,’ she recalls in her autobiography Bunny Tales. ‘It was as if someone had gone to a charity shop and bought the basics for each room.

‘Although we all did our best to decorate our rooms and make them homely, the mattresses on our beds were ­disgusting — old, worn and stained. The sheets were past their best, too.

Hef was used to dirty carpets. The one in his bedroom had not been changed for years, and things became significantly worse when Holly Madison moved into his room with him as Girlfriend No. 1 soon after I moved in, bringing her two dogs.

‘They weren’t house-trained and would just do their business on the bedroom carpet. Late at night, or in the early hours of the morning — if any of us visited Hef’s bedroom — we’d almost always end up standing in dog mess.

‘Everything in the Mansion felt old and stale, and Archie the house dog would regularly relieve himself on the hallway curtains, adding a powerful whiff of urine to the general scent of decay.’

But St James — with big university debts — was more interested in the weekly pocket money which Hefner paid all his girlfriends. ‘Every Friday morning we had to go to Hef’s room, wait while he picked up all the dog poo off the carpet — and then ask for our "allowance": a thousand dollars counted out in crisp hundred-dollar bills from a safe in one of his bookcases,’ she says.

Another young woman, model Kendra Wilkinson, now 25, met ­Hefner in 2004 when she was hired as a living statue at one of his ­parties, posing naked except for painted-on accessories. She moved into the Playboy Mansion soon afterwards and lived there until 2009.

She has since described how his staff noted every time one of the girls left or arrived back at the ­Mansion. Hefner would pore over the logs every morning, which, Wilkinson said, drove her ‘insane’.

‘It was way more strict than my parents had ever been,’ she says.

Freedom of a kind came on Wednesdays and Fridays, the official nights out, which were the prelude to the twice-weekly sex parties in Hefner’s bedroom.

The girls travelled with Hefner in a white limousine which had a ­leopard-skin interior, with Playboy bunny logos sewn onto the seats. As they left the mansion, they drank Dom Perignon champagne and downed Quaaludes, a prescription-only sedative drug popularised in the Seventies and now handed out by Hefner.

‘Quaaludes were supposed to give you a nice buzz,’ says Izabella St James. ‘Hef told me once that they were meant to put girls in the mood for sex.’

You cant take a job in a brothel and then complain about the standards! Heffner figured out years ago that he could have sex with young women, live in a mansion, and finance the whole thing indefinately by taking pictures of the SAME women and putting them in a grubby magazine for other men to leer at. The more women fell for the scam, the more rich he became and the more women were drawn into his web. It's shabby, sleazy, but it's damned clever too!!

Kiss and tell by Izabella St James


Jill Ann: Upstairs at the sleazy Playboy mansion

Ex-Playmate Reveals Playboy Mansion Secrets

Okay, so let's back to the story. You got a call from Hugh Hefner's personal secretary telling you that you are no longer invited to the parties. Why?

Yes, because she is one of Hugh Hefner's personal slaves.

Personal slave? Define what that is.

A personal slave is someone who has to follow all the rules of Hef or you're asked to move out. She gets to live in the house, but she has a 9:30pm curfew and she has to participate on Wednesdays and Fridays for sex night. They're required nights for sex. You have to go upstairs [to Hef's bedroom] unless you just had a nose job or a major operation. Otherwise, you have to go. Even if it's that time of the month, or you're sick and the doctors tell you that you can't participate. You still have to show up that night.

What happens on sex night?

On sex night you go upstairs and the girls that are brand new, or the girls who don't have their own room yet, have to take a bath. That's a requirement. You also have to put on a certain pair of pink pajamas. They're all lined up and neat. You can tell they've been to the cleaners. They tell you to put them on, even though you take them off as soon as you enter Hef's room.

What is Hef's room like?

It's pitch dark, and there's this loud techno music playing. There's also two large big screen TVs.

Is it a very big room?

No, it's not exactly huge because it is an old house. But it has tons and tons of stuff everywhere to the point where you almost have to make a trail to get around.

How do you feel when you first walk into Hef's room and see all this?

I'm terrified!

How many other women are in the room with you?

The night I was there, there were 12 girls.

I guess this is the million-dollar question. Does Hef actually have sex with the girls?

I didn't think he did, because nobody talks about it. There's not one girl who talks about it! I actually studied this before I went up there!

How is a man who's 78 years old able to have sex with that many women?

He doesn't really do anything. He just lies there with his Viagra erection. It's just a fake erection, and each girl gets on top of him for two minutes while the girls in the background try to keep him excited. They'll yell things like, "F-k her daddy, f-k her daddaddy!" There's a lot of cheerleader going on!

After the two minutes are up what happens?

The main girlfriend wipes off his penis. She's the girl who actually shares the bed with him. She sleeps there all night. She's around 22 years old. He uses all the same girls. She's been there for three years now.

So she was just a teenager when they met.


Does Hef use a condom when he had sex with these women?

No. No protection and no testing. He doesn't care.

Don't the girls he's having sex with care?

They care, but they're also getting $2000 a week.

They sound more like prostitutes than girlfriends.

Yeah, they do.

But you're in the room as well. What are you doing?

I'm just thinking to myself, "Oh my God!" But I wanted to be a Playmate and this is the way to do it.

If you didn't have sex with Hef, what were you doing specifically?

Each girl pairs up with another girl and they pretend to have girl on girl sex while Hef is having his turn with the other girl. It's not real lesbian sex. We're just pretending. Nobody else really likes each other. There's also gay porn on in the background.

I was told that Hef likes to watch male gay porn by former Playboy centerfold Victoria Zdrok. Did you find that odd?

Yes, but I think he needs to see that stuff to help him stay [erect].

So why didn't you have sex with him?

I did have a turn with him, but I said, "No."

What happens when you say "No" to sex with Hef?

Nothing, because I kept my pants on. That's a rule. If you leave your pink pajama bottoms on, that means you don't want to [have intercourse].

Once you refuse to have sex are you kicked out of the mansion?

Definitely, but he doesn't give up that easy. I was supposed to be living in the mansion for five days. I moved in and intended on not leaving. I didn't realize they had real sex.

But you weren't willing to have sex. So did they just throw you out of the mansion?

No, but I wasn't invited to the next party. I wasn't told to leave the mansion, I just left it on my own because I didn't like what was going on and I wasn't going to participate. I wanted to be a Playmate, but the unprotected sex with a 78 year-old great-grandpa just wasn't my idea- thing.

How does the bedroom finally end?

He has anal sex with his real girlfriend and all the other girls cheer. As soon as he's finished, everyone just disappears and his main girlfriend and him start to make out. Rumor has it that a gay doctor comes in and checks on him after the girls leave the room, but I didn't see that.

You mention that drugs are passed around in Hef's limo. What kind of drugs?

There's a little pill that [Hef] gives the girls in his limo. I know what it is but am not allowed to tell you.


Because I can't prove what it is and I could be sued. Just think of the main drug that he used to do in the 70s. I didn't get a pill though because I wasn't his official girlfriend. Only the official girls get a pill.

Not to change the subject but when you attended the Playboy parties, did you see any of the wild things going on that we always hear about? Of course, I'm referring to the infamous Playboy Grotto.

I never saw any of it. Nothing ever happened in the Grotto. The only time anything ever exciting happened in the Grotto was when I was at a golf party. It was a private party that Hef was not involved in, and I got 20 girls to take off their clothes in the Grotto. Guys were in the Grotto, but they weren't allowed to touch the girls.

Steven Watts' Mr. Playboy: Hugh Hefner and the American Dream reveals that Hefner once had a gay sex encounter, which occurred in an unspecified time and an unnamed bar in Chicago. Hugh Hefner, who maintains that Watts' book "is all essentially true," said “he was propositioned [by a man] and, thought, 'What the hell...'" He found it “an interesting experience." On top of that, the book also details many more of Hugh Hefner's sexual exploits, including a foursome involving his brother and sister-in-law and a porn film starring Hefner himself. “A foursome did happen with his brother, Keith, and his wife, Rae, one evening. But while Millie, Hugh's first wife, ultimately backed out of having sex with Keith, Hugh slept with his sister-in-law,” Watts wrote in the book.






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