Kosher EcoNazi demands UN kill all babies to save Al Gore's Global Warming Tax

UPDATED: Friday, January 7, 2011 17:45
VIEWED: 2368
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Friday, January 7, 2011 5:45 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Top United Nations Eco-Nazi Professor David Shearman isn’t content with forcing the planet to worship a new green God while accepting the abolition of freedom and its replacement with an authoritarian global government run by “elite warriors,” he also wants Americans to pay a carbon tax of more than $18,000 dollars for each CO2 exhaling, mother earth killing child they have.

In an article published earlier today, we learned how Shearman, Emeritus Professor of Medicine at the University of Adelaide and Assessor for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Third and Fourth Assessment Reports, wants to dispense with democracy and replace it with an “authoritarian government” run by elite eco-guardian warriors who will invent a new green religion to coerce the proles into following their every order in the name of saving the planet.

We are now starting to get a clearer picture of how the “elite warriors” in control of this enviro-dictatorship will dominate every aspect of human society, down to the very act of procreation itself.

In an article posted on the Doctors for the Environment Australia website (of which he is President), Shearman laments the fact that “behavior modification” by global warming alarmists is not working because most people have been brought up in “liberal democracies” that allow them some semblance of freedom. He calls for, “Enforced rules whether at the collective level through carbon trade with penalties OR at the individual level.”

“The first step to overcoming this obstacle, Professor Shearman writes, is persuading the governments of the world that curtailing the right to have children is an absolutely essential part of the fight against global warming,” points out Haunting the Library blog.

Shearman quotes a letter that appeared in the Medical Journal of Australia which discusses how children having the temerity to breathe is harming the planet and that “population control” needs to be enforced as part of a “second ecological revolution”.

In a subsequent article entitled, Please Pay the Climate Change Tax on Your Children, Shearman argues that this new green revolution should be funded by a carbon tax on those who dare to break Communist-style one child policies enforced by his yearned for totalitarian global government. Under the notorious one child policy in China, women who defy its edicts are sent to “re-education camps,” once they have been beaten, forcibly injected and had their baby boiled alive inside their womb, of course.

“Every family choosing to have more than a defined number of children should be charged a carbon tax that would fund the planting of enough trees to offset the carbon cost generated by a new human being,” he writes. “They should pay 5,000 dollars (4,400 US) a head for each extra child and up to 800 dollars every year thereafter.”

“Over 18 years, that works out to a climate change child tax of approximately $18,800 US. Professor Shearwater doesn’t comment on what penalties would be imposed on couples failing to pay the tax. Perhaps confiscation is a possibility. Who knows?” asks Haunting the Library.

The agenda for a global one child policy is being advanced by billionaire elitists who are exploiting the contrived climate change scam to push for total control over mankind.

In a May 2009 confab in London, a gaggle of rich “philanthropists” [tax dodgers] including Rabbi David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and George Soros met to discuss ways of “solving overpopulation”.

As we have tirelessly documented, “population control” has nothing to do with saving the planet – the United Nations’ own figures show that world population will level out at 9 billion and then make a rapid decline.

In reality, what is now termed population control is merely a disguise for the barbaric and arcane race-based theories of eugenics, which were exported out of Britain where they originated by Rabbi Rockefeller’s father, John D. Rockefeller, to Nazi Germany, where they were cited by Hitler as a justification for the holocaust, the sterilization of so-called defectives and state-sanctioned mass murder of disabled people.






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