Ouch...religion of peace's 2011 tally

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 21:40
VIEWED: 2051
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011 9:27 AM


2011.03.15 Thailand Pattani 3 0 Three men sitting outside an auto repair shop are riddled with bullets by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2011.03.15 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 0 The Taliban plant a bomb in a classroom, killing a teacher.
2011.03.14 Afghanistan Kunduz 36 42 Four children are among three dozen innocents dismembered by a massive suicide blast at a recruitment center.
2011.03.14 Nigeria Plateau 6 0 Five family members are among six Christian villagers slaughtered by Muslim raiders.
2011.03.14 Iraq Diyala 11 14 Eleven Iraqi security personnel are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2011.03.13 Pakistan Hangu 9 6 Islamic militants fire indiscriminately into a van carrying Shia civilians, killing nine.
2011.03.13 Afghanistan Helmand 6 0 Six civilians are taken down by Taliban roadside bombers.
2011.03.13 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A moderate cleric is shot to death by Islamic radicals in a drive-by attack outside his home..
2011.03.12 Pakistan Hairdin 6 0 A married couple and their four young children are turned into debris by an Islamist mortar attack on their home.
2011.03.12 Israel Itamar 5 0 A baby and two young children are slaughtered in their home along with their parents, who fought the Muslims in vain to keep their children from being stabbed to death.
2011.03.12 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 0 Four civilians are cut to shreds by a roadside bomb.
2011.03.12 Iraq Baghdad 7 0 Seven Iraqi soldiers on their way to work are brutally machine-gunned in their car at point-blank range.
2011.03.11 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A seminary teacher is assassinated by sectarian rivals.
2011.03.10 Nigeria Bauchi 3 5 At least three residents are killed when Fulani raiders sweep their village, shooting and burning homes.
2011.03.10 Philippines Jolo 3 11 Abu Sayyaf militants detonate a shrapnel bomb outside a school, killing three innocents.
2011.03.10 Afghanistan Kunduz 3 8 A local police chief on patrol is among three people ripped to shreds by a suicide bomber.
2011.03.10 Pakistan Peshawar 1 1 Mujahideen fire on a car containing a peace committee contingent, killing the driver.
2011.03.09 Iraq Diyala 1 1 A 3-year-old girl is dismembered, and her father seriously wounded by a targeted al-Qaeda blast outside their house.
2011.03.09 Iraq al-Makheirja 2 2 Mujahideen toss a grenade into a family home, killing a man and a woman.
2011.03.09 Egypt Cairo 9 150 Nine Copts, including a child, are killed and over a hundred more injured when a Muslim mob hurls firebombs and shoots into a group protesting a church burning.
2011.03.09 Pakistan Adezai 43 52 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at the funeral of the wife of a peace committee member, sending over 40 souls to Allah.
2011.03.08 Iraq Abu Ghraib 1 0 A government employee is dragged out of his home and stabbed to death in front of his family.
2011.03.08 Ethiopia Asendabo 2 0 Two Christians are killed when angry Muslims rampage through their community, burning churches and homes.
2011.03.08 Pakistan Faisalabad 32 125 Islamists detonate a massive bomb at a gas station, incinerating over thirty innocents.
2011.03.08 Algeria Djelfa 5 0 Fundamentalist bombers attack a group of bird hunters, killing five.
2011.03.08 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' knock a man off his motorcycle and then shoot him twice in the head.
2011.03.07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamists murder a 61-year-old man in an attack the leaves his young granddaughter seriously injured.
2011.03.07 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 19 Hardliners plant a bomb in front of a rival mosque, killing two people.
2011.03.07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic 'separatists' shoot a man to death as he is returning home from work.
2011.03.07 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A Buddhist man is killed and his mother seriously wounded in an Islamic drive-by.
2011.03.06 Afghanistan Paktika 12 5 Five children are among a dozen civilians who bleed out following a fundamentalist roadside bombing.
2011.03.06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamists shoot a 23-year-old man to death in front of his mother.
2011.03.06 Iraq Basra 8 12 'Insurgents' attach a bomb to a passenger bus, killing eight innocents.
2011.03.06 Yemen Zinjibar 2 0 Islamic militia murder two men, one at a vegetable market.
2011.03.06 Thailand Pattani 1 3 A 64-year-old man is murdered when Muslim militants fire on a group of teachers.
2011.03.06 Thailand Pattani 1 4 Muslim militants open fire on a market, killing a guard and seriously injuring four patrons.
2011.03.06 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Two students die in an 'insurgent' ambush.
2011.03.05 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A cleric and his son are murdered by Religion of Peace rivals.
2011.03.05 Thailand Pattani 1 2 A Buddhist monk is shot through the head in a Muslim drive-by. Two others are injured.
2011.03.05 Iraq Abu Kamis 1 0 Suspected al-Qaeda gunmen murder a civilian.
2011.03.05 Iraq Khalis 2 2 Terrorists burst into a cafe and shoot dead two patrons.
2011.03.05 Pakistan Mohmand 2 7 Two members of a peace committee are taken apart by a Taliban rocket attack.
2011.03.05 Iraq Hilla 4 0 Terrorists take down four Iraqis with a roadside bomb.
2011.03.04 Pakistan Danda 1 0 Terrorists shoot a man to death outside a cafe for the crime of insulting Islam two years earlier.
2011.03.04 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A radical Sunni group is thought responsible for the murder of a factory guard.
2011.03.04 Pakistan Nowshera 10 37 Sunnis detonate a powerful bomb at a Sufi mosque during Friday prayers, taking down ten worshippers.
2011.03.04 Egypt Sol 2 0 A Muslim mob, angry over a relationship between a Muslim girl and Christian boy, kills the two fathers and burns down a church.
2011.03.03 Iraq Haditha 8 10 A suicide bomber wades into a crowd at a bank and sends eight customers to Allah.
2011.03.03 Pakistan Khyber 6 3 Islamic militants ambush a vehicle and kill six security officers.
2011.03.03 Pakistan Hangu 9 31 Women and children are among the casualties when a suicide car bomber detonates along a city street.
2011.03.02 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Mujahideen bombers blow up a home, killing a civilian.
2011.03.02 Pakistan Islamabad 1 1 A Catholic cabinet minister is brutally shot to death in his car after being accused of blasphemy.
2011.03.02 Iraq Baghdad 1 20 A sectarian bombing leaves one person dead.
2011.03.02 Germany Frankfurt 2 2 A gunmen yells 'Allah Akbar' and opens fire on unarmed US soldiers on a bus, killing two.
2011.03.02 Iraq Ramadi 1 3 One victims bleeds out after a suicide bomber attacks a rival mosque.
2011.03.02 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A seminary teacher is shot to death by sectarian rivals.
2011.03.01 Pakistan Miranshah 4 0 Four villagers are abducted and executed in captivity by Sunni fundamentalists.
2011.03.01 Yemen Abyan 2 11 An ambulance driver is among two people slain in an al-Qaeda ambush.
2011.03.01 Pakistan Mardan 1 19 One student is killed when the Taliban throw a grenade into a girl's school.
2011.03.01 Pakistan Mohmand 3 1 Three tribesman are killed by a Taliban landmine.
2011.03.01 Pakistan Bara 1 0 Religion of Peace proponents behead a civilian and dump his head and torso in separate areas.
2011.03.01 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 Boko Haram gunmen murder an off-duty cop in his home.
2011.03.01 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A guard at a church is gunned down in an Islamist drive-by.
2011.03.01 Ethiopia Oma 0 17 Seventeen students are beaten with rods and pelted with stones for distributing Bibles.
2011.03.01 Pakistan Pakhtunkhwa 2 0 Islamists are suspected of shooting a farmer and one other person to death.
2011.02.28 Nigeria Kaduna 2 0 Two guards die from bullet wounds after Boko Haram gunmen roll up on a police station.
2011.02.28 Nigeria Dabwak 5 0 A Christian mother and four of her children are slaughtered in their home by Muslim militants..
2011.02.28 India Srinagar 1 0 An engineer and father of three dies from shrapnel injuries suffered from an Islamist grenade attack at a market.
2011.02.28 India Baramulla 1 0 A shopkeeper is murdered by Mujahideen gunmen.
2011.02.28 Turkey Mersin 1 0 A 19-year-old woman is stabbed to death by her family after running away with her boyfriend.
2011.02.27 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 54-year-old salesman is shot to death by Muslim militants.
2011.02.27 Afghanistan Arghandab 8 25 Taliban bombers take down eight civilians at a public event.
2011.02.27 Somalia Mandera 1 10 A woman is killed when Islamic militia attack a Red Cross office.
2011.02.27 India Pulwama 1 0 Islamic militants shoot a truck driver to death in his home.
2011.02.27 Pakistan Landi Kotal 1 0 A tribal elder is abducted and murdered by suspected Lashkar-e-Islam.
2011.02.26 Afghanistan Faryab 4 30 A teenage suicide bomber detonates at a playing field, killing at least four civilian spectators.
2011.02.26 Afghanistan Khost 9 0 Three children and four women are among nine civilians pulverized by a roadside blast.
2011.02.26 Iraq Baiji 4 0 Terrorists attack an oil refinery and murder four employees.
2011.02.26 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A university professor is assassinated by suspected fundamentalists.
2011.02.26 Pakistan Peshawar 4 17 Mujahideen attack a fuel station, killing four people.
2011.02.25 Russia Nalchik 0 12 A dozen guards are injured when Islamists try to stage a grenade attack on a hospital.
2011.02.25 Iraq Fallujah 6 1 al-Qaeda gunmen storm a home and shoot six residents to death.
2011.02.24 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 1 26 Two suicide car bombers kill only the guard managing to stop them.
2011.02.24 Pakistan Peshawar 4 0 Four drivers and their assistants are incinerated when Islamists firebomb a group of fuel tankers.
2011.02.24 Iraq Mahata 4 0 A man and his three sons are brutally shot to death by al-Qaeda fundamentalists.
2011.02.24 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A 70-year-old Christian man is stabbed to death in his home by Muslim radicals.
2011.02.24 Egypt Wadi el-Natroun 0 19 Two monks are among nineteen injured when military forces storm a Coptic monastery with live ammunition.
2011.02.24 Iraq Ramadi 11 18 A Sunni suicide bomber detonates at a Shia cultural center, shredding eleven innocent lives.
2011.02.23 Gaza Khan Younis 1 2 A 10-year-old girl is killed when a Hamas bomb detonate prematurely.
2011.02.23 Pakistan Landikotal 5 2 Five local security personnel are killed during a Taliban assault on their post.
2011.02.23 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A cop is gunned down by Boko Haram Islamists.
2011.02.23 Egypt Assiut 1 0 A priest is brutally stabbed to death in his home by killers shouting 'Allah Akbar!'
2011.02.22 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 38-year-old man is murdered in an 'insurgent' drive-by shooting.
2011.02.22 Nigeria Borno 18 7 Eighteen Christian villagers are massacred during a Muslim raid.
2011.02.22 Oman Coast 4 0 A retired missionary couple is among four Americans taken hostage and executed in cold blood by Muslim pirates.
2011.02.22 Pakistan Torghundai 6 10 Three children, ages 3, 6 & 8, and two women are among six killed in their homes by a Taliban rocket attack.
2011.02.22 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 An imam in murdered in his mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2011.02.21 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 32-year-old Buddhist is murdered by Islamic gunmen while walking home from a tea shop.
2011.02.21 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A Buddhist couple is targeted by Muslim terrorists, with the husband dying from injuries.
2011.02.21 Iraq Samarrah 12 18 A dozen police sent to guard Shia pilgrims are blown to bits by a Sunni suicide bomber.
2011.02.21 Pakistan Hajano 1 0 A 55-year-old woman is murdered in her sleep by her son for having an affair.
2011.02.21 Afghanistan Kunduz 31 40 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends over thirty civilians to their death as they are lining up for identity cards.
2011.02.21 Thailand Yala 1 12 Muslim bombers set off a blast in front of a supermarket, killing a local woman.
2011.02.21 Somalia Mogadishu 14 35 al-Shabaab suicide attackers ram an explosives-laden vehicle into a police compound, killing over fourteen people.
2011.02.21 Yemen Sanaa 5 6 Five people, including civilians, are killed when al-Qaeda gunmen roll up on a checkpoint.
2011.02.20 Iraq Shirqat 2 6 A suicide car bomber cruises into a rival mosque, killing at least two.
2011.02.20 Thailand Narathiwat 0 17 Children are among the casualties when Muslim militants set off a car bomb a rake a restaurant with gunfire.
2011.02.20 Pakistan Mosakki 2 0 Two villagers are murdered by Islamic militants.
2011.02.20 Iraq Shirqat 2 6 A suicide bomber detonates at a rival mosque, killing two worshippers.
2011.02.19 Afghanistan Jalalabad 42 71 Sunni hardliners send suicide bombers and gunmen into a bank to massacre over forty people.
2011.02.19 Russia Zayukovo 4 1 Caucasus Emirate terrorists stop a van full of ski tourists and then machine-gun them to death.
2011.02.18 Afghanistan Nangarhar 2 0 Two bomb disposal team members are murdered by Taliban roadside bombers.
2011.02.18 Afghanistan Baghlan 3 7 Three German soldiers working on a vehicle are machine-gunned at close range by a terrorist in a friendly uniform.
2011.02.18 Nigeria Darazo 2 2 A civilian and bank guard are killed in separate attacks by suspected Boko Haram.
2011.02.18 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A 19-year-old man is shot in the head and neck by Muslim 'separatists'.
2011.02.18 Afghanistan Khost 11 40 Women and children are among the dead when a devout Sunni detonates in a commercial district, taking eleven others with him.
2011.02.18 India Bandipora 1 0 Islamists gun down a local political activist.
2011.02.18 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim gunmen take down a 44-year-old man.
2011.02.18 Afghanistan Nangahar 3 0 Three Afghans are shredded by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2011.02.17 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A university professor is lynched in his home by 'insurgents'.
2011.02.17 Iraq al-Maqdadiyah 13 35 Thirteen souls at an auto trade fair are sent to Allah by suicide car bombers.
2011.02.17 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A local soldier is shot in the head and neck by Islamists while riding to work with his wife.
2011.02.17 Afghanistan Kunduz 2 0 The Taliban take down two Afghans with a well-placed bomb.
2011.02.17 Iraq Baghdad 3 10 Sectarian Jihadis stab three women to death in their home and detonate a bomb that injures ten Iranian pilgrims.
2011.02.17 Pakistan Bannu 1 0 One person is killed in two bombings by Islamic militants, one of which was at a girls' school.
2011.02.17 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Terrorists shoot a journalist to death.
2011.02.16 Iraq Khalidiya 2 0 Two brothers are murdered in their home by Islamic gunmen.
2011.02.16 Yemen Hadramout 1 3 A top intelligence official is shot to death in his car by al-Qaeda militants.
2011.02.15 Iraq Kut 1 0 A Mujahideen sniper kills an Iraqi interpreter.
2011.02.15 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Two people are killed when Boko Haram gunmen attack two churches.
2011.02.15 Pakistan North Waziristan 2 0 Sunni hardliners kidnap and publicly execute two civilians.
2011.02.15 Iraq Baghdad 4 6 A woman is among four civilians taken down by a pair of Jihad bomb blasts.
2011.02.14 Afghanistan Kabul 2 2 Two guards at a shopping mall sacrifice themselves stopping a Shahid suicide bomber from entering.
2011.02.14 Pakistan Pakhtunkhwa 4 0 Four civilians are abducted and executed by Mujahideen Khurasaan terrorists.
2011.02.14 Russia Gubden 3 26 A female suicide bomber murders three people.
2011.02.13 Somalia Mogadishu 3 10 Three civilians die from shrapnel injuries suffered when Islamists throw a grenade into the street.
2011.02.13 Iran Tehran 1 0 A pro-democracy protester is shot to death by the government.
2011.02.13 Thailand Yala 0 18 Eighteen people are injured when Islamic radicals detonate a car bomb outside a bank.
2011.02.12 Iraq Samarrah 36 64 Three dozen Shia pilgrims on a bus are massacred by Sunni suicide bomber.
2011.02.12 Afghanistan Kandahar 21 45 Fedayeen gunmen with explosives vests attack a police station, killing at least twenty-one, including civilians.
2011.02.11 Pakistan Mardan 5 0 Five civilians are brutally executed in captivity by Taliban militants.
2011.02.11 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim gunmen take down two men in separate attacks, one at a market and the other in front of a mosque.
2011.02.11 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A young mother is shot in the head by Islamists while carrying her 2-year-old daughter.
2011.02.10 Iraq Dujail 9 39 Nine Shia pilgrims on foot, mostly women and children, are brutally blown to bits by Sunni car bombers
2011.02.10 Nigeria Alice 2 3 A father is among two Christians shot to death by militant Muslims in their homes.
2011.02.10 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 32-year-old is shot to death by Muslim 'separatists'.
2011.02.10 Nigeria Kuru 5 9 A 4-year-old is one of five Christian villagers hacked and shot to death by Islamic raiders.
2011.02.10 Thailand Pattani 3 0 Two women are among three Buddhist civilians viciously murdered and then burned by Muslim extremists.
2011.02.10 Pakistan North Waziristan 3 0 Sunni hardliners kidnap and execute three people, then throw the bodies into a sack.
2011.02.10 Afghanistan Kunduz 7 5 Seven people lose their lives to a Shahid suicide bomber.
2011.02.10 Pakistan Mardan 31 50 A teenage suicide bomber dressed as a schoolboy 'gives his life to Islam' - and takes thirty-one others with him.
2011.02.09 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 A man and his son are forced out of their home by Muslim terrorists and machine-gunned to death.
2011.02.09 Pakistan Pakhtunkhwa 4 6 Four security personnel are taken down in two remote-controlled bombings.
2011.02.09 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 0 Two policemen are gunned down in cold blood by suspected Islamic 'rebels'.
2011.02.09 Iraq Kirkuk 11 104 Three car bombs leave at least eleven Iraqis dead.
2011.02.09 Pakistan Charsadda 1 3 A civilian at a cattle market is killed by a remote-controlled bomb.
2011.02.08 Thailand Yala 1 1 A 58-year-old Buddhist man and his wife are shot in their pickup truck by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2011.02.08 Somalia Galka'y 1 0 A judge is assassinated by al-Shabaab gunmen.
2011.02.08 India Thakurdwara 1 0 A 19-year-old girl is stabbed to death by her brother on suspicion of having sex.
2011.02.08 Indonesia Temanggung 0 7 A Muslim mob viciously beats a priest trying unsuccessfully to keep them from burning three churches and an orphanage.
2011.02.08 Afghanistan Balkh 1 3 Islamists attack a bomb to a police vehicle which results in the death of an occupant.
2011.02.07 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 5 An customs official is taken out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2011.02.07 Afghanistan Bak 1 0 A local official is assassinated by Sunni fundamentalists.
2011.02.07 Iraq Iskandariya 2 0 A woman is among two Iraqis murdered by Mujahideen bombers.
2011.02.07 Pakistan Hangu 2 6 Hardliners fire rockets into a police vehicle, killing two officers.
2011.02.06 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 Muslim radicals are suspected in the shooting death of a Hindu man.
2011.02.06 Philippines Kabacan 6 6 A 4-year-old boy is among six civilians killed in the crossfire when rival Religion of Peace groups shoot at each other.
2011.02.06 Indonesia Banten 3 6 Three members of the Ahmadiyah minority sect are dragged out of their homes and beaten to death by a Sunni mob chanting 'Allah Akbar'.
2011.02.06 Pakistan Nut Kallan 1 0 A young Christian is tortured to death by several Muslims.
2011.02.05 Pakistan Karak 4 0 Four civilians are abducted and shot to death. Notes pinned to their bodies accuse them of being Jewish spies.
2011.02.05 Philippines M'lang 2 0 Two farmers are shot to death in their field by Moro Islamists.
2011.02.05 Iraq Balad 2 3 Sunni bombers target a Shia shrine, killing two pilgrims.
2011.02.05 Pakistan Khyber 3 2 Three civilians are ripped to pieces by a car bomb.
2011.02.05 DRC Kivu 12 0 ADF-NALU terrorists kidnap, torture and murder a dozen villagers.
2011.02.04 Somalia Mudug 1 0 A young boy is shot in the back by al-Shabaab for trying to flee forced prayer.
2011.02.04 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two security personnel are murdered by Muslim bombers.
2011.02.04 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 The Taliban gun down a bank guard.
2011.02.04 Thailand Pattani 1 2 Militant Muslims fire into a Buddhist village, killing one.
2011.02.04 Iraq Tuz Khormato 3 0 Two teenage boys are among three Iraqis blown to bits in a targeted bombing.
2011.02.04 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia leader dies from wounds suffered in a sectarian attack the night before.
2011.02.04 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 3 Women and children are among the casualties when Jihadi bombers target a market.
2011.02.03 Iraq Ramadi 6 19 A Shahid suicide bomber murders six Iraqis.
2011.02.03 Afghanistan Kunduz 3 0 A man and his two young sons are ripped to shreds by Taliban bombers.
2011.02.03 Thailand Pattani 5 2 Muslim militants spray a group of elderly Buddhists at a market with machine-gun fire, killing five.
2011.02.03 Pakistan Lahore 3 27 Islamic militants bomb a rival shrine during food distribution, killing three.
2011.02.03 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim radicals slit the throat of a 49-year-old plantation worker.
2011.02.03 Iraq Baghdad 6 24 Three Mujahid bombings take down six Iraqis.
2011.02.03 Mauritania Bezoul 1 0 A local cop is gunned down by al-Qaeda militants.
2011.02.02 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Three civilians are murdered by Muslim roadside bombers.
2011.02.02 Russia Chegem 5 0 Islamic radicals burst into a cafe and gun down five traffic cops in cold blood.
2011.02.02 Pakistan Peshawar 10 26 Women and children are among a dozen innocents slain when Sunnis set off a bomb at a crowded market.
2011.02.02 Pakistan Vehari 1 0 A 14-year-old girl is slowly shocked to death by her family for refusing to marry a cousin.
2011.02.02 Iraq Baghdad 6 18 Six Iraqis are killed in a series of Jihad attacks.
2011.02.02 Pakistan Anargi 3 4 Three local security forces are killed in a Tehreek-e-Taliban attack on their post.
2011.02.01 Somalia Banadir 2 0 Mujahideen set off a bomb near a hospital, killing two civilians.
2011.02.01 Somalia Mogadishu 3 7 Three Somalis are killed by Islamic militia in a roadside attack.
2011.02.01 Pakistan Kharan 2 0 Militants fire on an oil tanker, killing a driver and helper.
2011.02.01 Somalia Mogadishu 1 5 al-Shabaab bombers take out a local cop.
2011.02.01 Thailand Yala 4 0 Two Buddhist children, ages 7 and 15, are kidnapped and shot to death by Religion of Peace 'separatists'.
2011.02.01 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 1 Islamic gunmen murder a police officer and critically injure his young daughter.
2011.01.31 Pakistan Peshawar 5 19 Five people are torn to shreds by a suicide bomber on foot.
2011.01.31 Pakistan Hayat Abad 1 3 Terrorists use a remote-controlled bomb to murder a traffic cop.
2011.01.31 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 An engineer is shot to death by Mujahideen.
2011.01.31 India Sopore 2 0 Two teenage daughters of a poor laborer are pulled out of their home and brutally executed by Lashkar-e-Toiba, reportedly for reading the Bible.
2011.01.31 Ingushetia Nazran 1 0 Islamic snipers shoot an administration official to death in his car near a market.
2011.01.31 Bangladesh Shariatpur 1 0 A 14-year-old girl is lashed to death on the orders of a Sharia council. Her "crime" was having been raped by a 40-year-old married man.
2011.01.30 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A checkpoint guard is shot to death by Islamic snipers.
2011.01.30 Pakistan Jhanda Masood 2 0 Two children are killed by a suspected Tehreek-e-Taliban landmine.
2011.01.30 Nigeria Ayaruje 3 0 Three Christian villagers are hacked to death by Muslims with machetes.
2011.01.30 Israel Beersheba 0 1 An 18-year-old girl is shot by her brother over Facebook pictures that he felt 'dishonored' the family.
2011.01.30 Egypt Sharona 11 4 Very young children are among eleven members of two Coptic families shot to death in their homes at point-blank range by Islamic radicals.
2011.01.29 Thailand Pattani 0 4 A Buddhist monk and three others are injured by a Mujahideen bomb blast while collecting alms.
2011.01.29 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 3 A deputy governor is assassinated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2011.01.29 Pakistan Peshawar 4 19 Two women are among four civilians incinerated by twin truck bombs targeting a road tunnel.
2011.01.29 Pakistan Pakhtunkhwa 2 6 Two civilians are taken out by Islamic hardliners in an ambush.
2011.01.29 Nigeria Jos 1 0 A Muslim soldier deliberately shoots a 6-year-old Christian boy to death before he is taken down by other soldiers.
2011.01.29 Somalia Mogadishu 5 16 al-Shabaab takes responsibility for an attack that leaves five civilians dead.
2011.01.29 Yemen Marib 1 4 One member of a security patrol is killed by an al-Qaeda sniper.
2011.01.28 Nigeria Jos 3 0 Three university students belonging to a local church are stabbed to death by Muslim terrorists.
2011.01.28 Nigeria Borno 7 0 Boko Haram Islamists take credit for shooting seven people to death outside a mosque.
2011.01.28 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' gun down a 35-year-old man in front of his home.
2011.01.28 Afghanistan Kabul 8 15 Four children and their family member are slaughtered at a supermarket by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2011.01.27 Nigeria Were 2 11 Islamic radicals kill two people and burn down several Christian homes.
2011.01.27 Dagestan Khasavyurt 4 6 Four people sitting at a cafe bleed out following an Islamist car bomb blast.
2011.01.27 Nigeria Barkin Ladi 14 8 Muslim raiders invade four Christian villages and hack fourteen people to death in their own homes.
2011.01.27 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two men bleed out following an 'insurgent' drive-by.
2011.01.27 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist mother is shot to death in front of her child by Islamic militants.
2011.01.27 Iraq Baghdad 2 7 In the aptly named Jihad neighborhood, a bomb left on a bus kills two passengers.
2011.01.27 Somalia Lafole 0 10 Ten people are severely thrashed by Islamists for 'anti-Islam' crimes, including watching porn.
2011.01.27 Iraq Baghdad 48 121 Dedicated Sunni suicide bombers take down fifty Shiite mourners at a funeral.
2011.01.26 Yemen Hadramout 5 3 A vicious al-Qaeda ambush on a post office vehicle leaves five people dead.
2011.01.26 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 1 Boko Haram extremists fire on a school, killing a guard.
2011.01.25 Afghanistan Mullah Quli 2 0 Video surfaces of a brutal stoning the previous August of two young lovers.
2011.01.25 Philippines Minila 5 13 Abu Sayyaf militants plant a bomb on a packed bus, killing at least five passengers.
2011.01.25 Thailand Yala 9 2 Nine Buddhists returning from a hunting trip are blown to smithereens by Muslim bombers.
2011.01.25 Pakistan Lahore 10 70 A 16-year-old Sunni suicide bomber from the terror group Fedayeen Islam sends ten Shia pilgrims to Allah.
2011.01.25 Pakistan Karachi 4 5 A motorcycle bomb leaves four people dead.
2011.01.24 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A 48-year-old pickup truck driver is shot several times in the head by Islamic 'separatists' .
2011.01.24 Iraq Karbala 12 32 Sunnis send a dozen Shia pilgrims to Allah with a car bomb.
2011.01.24 Iraq Karbala 14 164 Fourteen Shia pilgrims on foot are shredded by another Sunni car bomb following an earlier blast.
2011.01.24 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A soldier on sick leave is gunned down by Islamists along a city street.
2011.01.24 Pakistan Landikotal 1 2 A suspected Taliban mortar shell lands on a house, killing a young boy.
2011.01.24 Russia Moscow 35 130 Three dozen innocent people at an airport are cut to shreds by shrapnel from two suicide bombers.
2011.01.23 Iraq Baghdad 10 30 Pilgrims are among ten people killed by a series of Sunni suicide bombings.
2011.01.23 Nigeria Jos 8 5 A woman and daughter are among six Christian villagers are hacked to death in the middle of the night during two separate Muslim raids.
2011.01.23 Pakistan Bahawalpur 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is electrocuted by her family for falling in love with the wrong man.
2011.01.23 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A guard outside a church is murdered by Islamic gunmen.
2011.01.23 Pakistan Hangu 3 4 Religious militants ride up to a vehicle and machine-gun three civilians to death.
2011.01.23 Iraq Taji 2 0 Islamic terrorists murder a farmer and son on their way to sell their harvest.
2011.01.23 Iraq Tarmiyah 2 0 Two young boys are killed by a Jihad bomb planted outside a school.
2011.01.23 Nigeria Biu 1 2 Boko Haram radicals gun down a soldier at a checkpoint.
2011.01.22 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A man riding a motorcycle is murdered by Muslim gunmen.
2011.01.22 Pakistan Orakzai 3 6 Three locals are cut down by a Taliban bomb.
2011.01.22 Afghanistan Helmand 1 9 A local cop is taken down by a roadside bomb.
2011.01.22 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 6 Two children are crushed to death when Wahabbi militants fire a rocket into their home.
2011.01.21 Pakistan Kurram 2 0 Islamic militants shoot two villagers to death.
2011.01.20 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A Shia doctor is among two people killed in targeted sectarian attacks.
2011.01.20 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 4 A child is among three civilians taken down by a Taliban bomb.
2011.01.20 Pakistan Kurram 3 0 Three civilians are killed when their farm equipment rolls over a Taliban landmine.
2011.01.20 Iraq Baghdad 1 10 A Shia pilgrim on foot is murdered by Sunni bombers.
2011.01.20 Iraq Karbala 51 182 At least fifty Shiites are wiped out by four separate Sunni bombings at entry points to their holy city.
2011.01.20 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 23-year-old man loses his life to an Islamic drive-by.
2011.01.20 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 Sunni fundamentalists calmly walk up to a 50-year-old man and shoot him in the back of the head.
2011.01.20 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Terrorists gun down a young married couple at an evening market.
2011.01.20 Iraq Baqubah 3 30 Mujahideen detonate a car bomb outside a police station, killing three Iraqis.
2011.01.20 Pakistan Kohat 6 2 Six oil workers are shot to death by Mujahideen.
2011.01.19 Iraq Ghalbiyah 2 16 Two Shiite pilgrims are sent to Allah by a Sunni suicide bomber.
2011.01.19 Thailand Narathiwat 4 6 Four local soldiers are killed during a surprise assault by Muslim terrorists while they are eating and playing soccer with the locals.
2011.01.19 Afghanistan Paktika 20 0 Thirteen children and six women are among twenty civilians taken out by Taliban roadside bombers.
2011.01.19 Pakistan Khyber 3 0 Three truck drivers are abducted and shot in the head at close range by Holy Warriors.
2011.01.19 Iraq Baqubah 15 64 Innovative Muslims use an explosives-packed ambulance to slaughter fifteen unsuspecting Iraqis.
2011.01.19 Philippines Albarka 1 0 A local soldier dies from injuries suffered during an Abu Sayyaf ambush.
2011.01.19 Pakistan Peshawar 2 14 Children are among the casualties when fundamentalists bomb a school that teaches girls.
2011.01.18 Pakistan Razmak 3 3 Three Pakistanis are killed by a Taliban rocket attack.
2011.01.18 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Four terrorists, pretending to be customers, shoot a shop owner three times in the chest.
2011.01.18 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 43-year-old Buddhist woman is shot in the head by militant Muslims.
2011.01.18 Pakistan Hangu 4 0 Four men are brutally executed by Tehreek-e-Taliban radicals.
2011.01.18 Iraq Tikrit 66 160 Sixty-six innocents are cut down by a religious radical with a ball-bearing packed suicide vest.
2011.01.18 Pakistan Ghaziabad 2 0 A man hacks his wife and 17-year-old daughter to death three months apart with a meat cleaver on suspicion of 'illicit relations'.
2011.01.18 Afghanistan Bala Murgab 1 1 An Italian soldier is shot in the head by a terrorist wearing a friendly uniform.
2011.01.17 Pakistan Hangu 18 9 Eighteen people on a bus are ripped apart by fundamentalist bombers.
2011.01.17 Somalia Mogadishu 5 12 Islamic militants fire a mortar into a residential area, killing five innocents.
2011.01.17 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three religious minorities, a mother and two daughters, are found dead and suspected to have been murdered for their faith.
2011.01.17 Iraq Anbar 1 9 A Shahid suicide bomber kills at least one Iraqi.
2011.01.16 Afghanistan Baghlan 9 0 Six women, two men and a child are blown to bits by Taliban bombers while traveling to a wedding.
2011.01.16 Chechnya Grozny 1 5 Jihadis fire into a checkpoint, killing a policeman.
2011.01.16 Afghanistan Pakitya 1 2 A Taliban mine dismembers an Afgan civilian.
2011.01.16 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A young man is shot in the head by Jihadis while drinking tea.
2011.01.15 Russia Kabardino-Balkariya 1 0 An Islamic militant shoots a cattle-breeder to death for refusing to finance Jihad.
2011.01.15 Chechnya Grozny 1 2 A roadside bomb leaves one civilian dead.
2011.01.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 51-year-old man is machine-gunned to death in front of a mosque.
2011.01.15 Afghanistan Helmand 6 3 Six civilians are killed when religious extremists bomb their minivan.
2011.01.15 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A young Buddhist math teacher is shot three times in the head by Islamic terrorists.
2011.01.15 Iraq Mosul 0 1 A Christian doctor is brutally shot and seriously injured in a targeted hospital attack.

There is a reason we call it Islamic terrorism, and it isn't
because we falsely attribute motives to the terrorists, but
because Islam is the stated purpose and aim of the terrorists.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011 9:28 AM


For more mouth watering death and mayhem.....


Wednesday, March 16, 2011 9:30 AM


And for the dumb ones....The numbers after the country and city = dead/injured


Wednesday, March 16, 2011 10:47 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Had to copy it here too, eh?

Obsess, obsess, are one sad fuck. Keep going; maybe it'll get the attention you so desperately need.

Nobody's interested but you and the guy you sickpuppy for; everyone knows there's bad things going on and have been going on for some time. WE don't need to wallow in it.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:48 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Had to copy it here too, eh?

Obsess, obsess, are one sad fuck. Keep going; maybe it'll get the attention you so desperately need.

Nobody's interested but you and the guy you sickpuppy for; everyone knows there's bad things going on and have been going on for some time. WE don't need to wallow in it.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off

Hey pot smoker with the bad said the other thread was about domestic killer i started another one sick fuck.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:53 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Niki2:

Obsess, obsess, are one sad fuck. Keep going; maybe it'll get the attention you so desperately need.

Nobody's interested but you and the guy you sickpuppy for; everyone knows there's bad things going on and have been going on for some time.

WE don't need to wallow in it.

So, to acknowledge it, is to wallow in it ?

See ? I can sloganeer with the best of 'em !!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011 12:25 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

No; we've more than acknowledged it many times. "Wallowing in it" is bringing it up constantly, as Wulf, Kane and you do, then generalizing, over-inflating, and saying untrue things to make your point.

I reply to you because, however wrong they may be at times, you DO participate in trying to communicate here, unlike Kane, etc. But on this, there's no point in continuing.

Obviously you know the difference between "acknowledging" and "wallowing", whatever else you might be, you're not THAT stupid. Beyond that, snark away, far be it from me to deny you that pleasure.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, March 16, 2011 2:14 PM


Wow!!! great site kaneman. Kinda takes the wind out of this board's sails. I went back and looked at the 16,675 deaths and 52,000 injuries. Your point is spot on. (although on closer inspection I see it was part of your cut and paste and maybe not your point at all)

There is something about that religion that seems to foster hate and killing. Those here that fail to see that are hopeless liberals and I have no clue why you bother. Fuck'em.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011 2:53 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Obviously Muslim extremism is a problem now adays and to pretend it isn't is rediculous. Obviously extremism of any kind can be dangerous but this particular brand of extremism is definitely insinuating itself on the world a lot, so I don't think agknowledging it is "wallowing" in it. I feel that to not agknowledge it is to stick one's head in the sand like an ostrich. Do ostriches really do that or is that just an expression?

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Wednesday, March 16, 2011 3:08 PM


Well said Rion. That you see the immediate threat that this brand of religious ideology is, without bringing up the crusades is a fresh voice on this board. I hate any religion trying to dictate what other people do. I cringe when the media here ask any Pol what their religion is. Cringe.

I did not like a "Bush" making it a "crusade". I am a simple man. I understand I live in a country with many differing views, religions, and ideologies, however I stand behind my country and any country that stands with us. See, I grew up in a very diverse family(boneheads, jocks, gays, and any religion under the sun), but we were always taught to defend that diversity, stand by your differences and home, and if anyone shits in our yard because your brothers are gay, nerdy, meatheaded, or anyother thing we were. That we defend our home. When America was attacked I have to stand by her warts and all. MY WART MY BE YOUR GEM.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011 8:40 PM



Originally posted by RionaEire:
Obviously Muslim extremism is a problem now adays and to pretend it isn't is rediculous.

It's not obvious to me.

What you call "Muslim extremism," I see simply, "extremism." It is bitterness and hatred borne out of hopelessness, despair, and poverty. Violence borne out of said bitterness happens in all religions and ideologies (except probably Buddhism, the only true religion of peace).

The "Muslim" part of "Muslim extremism" is simply a red herring to make the public blame a religion instead of the policies that lie at the root of the hopelessness, despair, and poverty. Plus blaming a religion makes it so much easier to further persecute people in that group to inflict more hopelessness, despair, and poverty.

Emphasizing the "Muslim" aspect creates a vicious cycle, see?

ETA: OMG. I just went to that religionofpeace website. I am immensely saddened to see RWEDers cheering such a depraved, sickening website on. This is the kind of propaganda that precedes genocide.

If you don't know that, you should be aware. There is only one outcome for this kind of website: the demonization and murders of the targeted group.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011 9:40 PM


Cts wrot....ETA: OMG. I just went to that religionofpeace website. I am immensely saddened to see RWEDers cheering such a depraved, sickening website on. This is the kind of propaganda that precedes genocide.

I would disagree. Talk about jumping to conclusions. I went, sure the site is sad, but why? Shouldn't you be blaming FOX, MSNBC, CNN, for not reporting all that. The website holds truths. The ugly truth. Genocide? Kinda out there on that one. The genocide you fear seems to be happening already. You just don't seem to realize it has your face in the crosshairs. Ya, it sucks.