F*ck.. Nikki2, Kwicko, and AUrapt and the rest of you alliance types...ya I said it.

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 19:01
VIEWED: 6321
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Thursday, April 7, 2011 8:45 PM


Only DT gets it...It's why I dont call him a cunt...Ooops

Bush = Obama

AUrapt = Kwicko

Am i wrong? lower case "i" for a reason..


Friday, April 8, 2011 1:36 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

You forgot

"Tea Party = Neocon"


Friday, April 8, 2011 1:49 AM



Originally posted by kaneman:
Bush = Obama
AUrapt = Kwicko



Friday, April 8, 2011 2:15 AM


Yeah, I'd like to get on the Govt. is evil bandwagon too, but I can't bring myself to embrace that position. Not when there are hundreds of large corporations, like GE, making multiple billions in profits who end up paying NO Federal taxes. You have the big three oil companies making $1 Trillion in profits over the last decade....$1 TRILLION!! How the hell in any 'verse can that be justified? They basically steal it from me and you. There are many wrong things out there, and the Federal Govt. isn't responsible for all of the mess. If corporations paid their fair share, or ANY share of taxes we might not be at the brink of fiscal catastrophe like we are today. Every single dollar of taxpayer money is precious. Every dollar of it must be used where it is desperately needed, or where it is wise to make an investment in the future. But all the waste and frills must be found and cut, and the largest expenditures for individual Americans must be reformed and adjusted for future generations to get anything. I want my Social Security when I retire, I want my Medicare when I need it, as well as many other services the Govt. provides. I guess that makes me an Alliance type guy. Good luck to you though, out there in the black, living on the edge of civilization, taking jobs that may necessitate killing people, and always carrying around a bitter hatred of your Government in your gut. See you at the Century Village shuffleboard courts!


Friday, April 8, 2011 2:33 AM


America loves a winner!

Murdoch = Soros ?

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Friday, April 8, 2011 4:20 AM


First, allowing your argument to turn into uncontrolled rage at your opponent only gives them strength. Crude insults are not called for.

Second, you're asking people who have never been deprived of liberty or the benefits of wealth to put their self interested lifestyles aside and do something. It's not in their nature because it has never *had* to be in their nature. I hope they're capable of doing the right thing when it requires them to get up off the couch or out from behind the computer.

But that montage missed a good quote, and probably more applicable to our situation now than any of the quotes displayed.

"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." - Benjamin Franklin

Gotta love Ben.

And I dearly love this quote. Well worth repeating.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!” - Samuel Adams

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.

...and he that has no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36


Friday, April 8, 2011 6:24 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


There is this similar one I enjoy:

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy."

Often attributed to Alexander Fraser Tytler (1747-1813) but the first verifiable publication (which attributes it to him) is "This is the Hard Core of Freedom" by Elmer T. Peterson in The Daily Oklahoman (9 December 1951)

Whoever said it, it largely rings true. (I do not think a monarchy naturally follows from dictatorship, but it is a possibility.)

It's something that should always be on our minds. We should always be judging public expenditures by the stick of "Do we need this in order to function and survive?"


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.


Friday, April 8, 2011 12:52 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


First, allowing your argument to turn into uncontrolled rage at your opponent only gives them strength. Crude insults are not called for.

Second, you're asking people who have never been deprived of liberty or the benefits of wealth to put their self interested lifestyles aside and do something. It's not in their nature because it has never *had* to be in their nature. I hope they're capable of doing the right thing when it requires them to get up off the couch or out from behind the computer.

About says it for me.

Beyond that, "Liberty" is a lovely visceral word to toss around and make famous quotes about, but does anyone really know what it MEANS? It's not simplistic enough to put in simplistic quotes, it's hard work. What's happening to this country right now, taking away the rights of people to bargain for better working conditions, attaching riders about abortion to hold an entire economy hostage, demanding "my way or the highway", doing everything to defeat a President from blatant lies to fake conspiracy theories (no matter who ends up paying the price, as long as it's not those promulgating the lies and fraud), stirring up hatred and fear to obscure the real issues, massively shifting the wealth from the many to the few--all these aren't simplistic, aren't about "liberty"...the men behind the curtain are duping the country.

...any more than claiming I'm part of some "alliance" makes it so.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, April 8, 2011 4:21 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Posted by Jongsstraw:

Yeah, I'd like to get on the Govt. is evil bandwagon too, but I can't bring myself to embrace that position. Not when there are hundreds of large corporations, like GE, making multiple billions in profits who end up paying NO Federal taxes.

It's even worse than that, Jongsie; not only did GE take in over 14 billion dollars in profits last year, and not only did they pay not a single penny in U.S. federal income tax - they got a $3.5 BILLION DOLLAR REBATE!

I don't begrudge them the profits. Good for them - capitalism works! But if these corporations want "personhood", then isn't it time they actually paid income taxes like actual people do? Or even a tenth of what a person would pay? At the very least, can we stop "redistributing the wealth", giving MY tax dollars and YOURS to companies that are raking in record profits as a form of plutocratic socialism?

According to John Boehner, "HELL NO YOU CAN'T!"

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Friday, April 8, 2011 4:26 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

Hello Mike,

Well, what may not be obvious to some, is this:

The 'citizens' voting themselves the greatest amount of wealth from the public treasury are corporations.

What incentive do the politicians have to constrain this, when their livelihood depends on these same 'citizens?'


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.


Saturday, April 9, 2011 1:24 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:
Murdoch = Soros ?

Don't be ridiculous. You'd never support Soros!


Saturday, April 9, 2011 2:16 AM


America loves a winner!

Support ? Not sure that's even applicable here.

Both have lots of $ and want to promote their political views, and have the means to do so.

Sorry if that's too much for your brain to process.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Saturday, April 9, 2011 3:55 AM


I was wondering when Kwicko refered to the tea party as Neocon, was he refering to Neoconsevatism, or NeoCon, NeoCon.



Saturday, April 9, 2011 5:51 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Just another drunken trollish post from our usual drunken troll.


Sunday, April 10, 2011 5:05 AM


well that was all kinds of horrific and unhelpful.



Sunday, April 10, 2011 9:02 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, well PUT Anthony:

The 'citizens' voting themselves the greatest amount of wealth from the public treasury are corporations.

What incentive do the politicians have to constrain this, when their livelihood depends on these same 'citizens?'

Pretty much sums it up, in my opinion.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Sunday, April 10, 2011 7:50 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Just another drunken trollish post from our usual drunken troll.

..and without you ...fine...troll? liberty rue, liberty....


Sunday, April 10, 2011 7:52 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Oh, well PUT Anthony:

The 'citizens' voting themselves the greatest amount of wealth from the public treasury are corporations.

What incentive do the politicians have to constrain this, when their livelihood depends on these same 'citizens?'

Pretty much sums it up, in my opinion.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off

What?....Nikki2...I love you.


Sunday, April 10, 2011 8:59 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I agree with Raptor's Murdock equals Soros.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, April 11, 2011 1:47 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by myownknight:
I was wondering when Kwicko refered to the tea party as Neocon, was he refering to Neoconsevatism, or NeoCon, NeoCon.

Neoconservatism. It so tainted the Republican party in the wake of the '08 election that fewer than one in five voters would self-identify as Republican, so the neoconservatives picked themselves up, slapped some new paint over the old, and bought themselves a new party with help from Dick Armey and the Koch brothers. To see how far the neocon takeover of Ron Paul's original "tea party" idea has gone, just look at its current crop of supporters here.


Monday, April 11, 2011 3:44 AM


unfortunately, I agree with you on the Republican party, but I could caution you to not label the Tea Party based on Reports in the media, or even the actions of entire states of Tea Partiers. I happen to be a Tea Partier, and many of my friends are. and while most of them do idenify as Republican for political purposes, its more from a misguided trust in the two party system, than from qenuine support of its canidates. and since the Tea Party is actually a loose affiliation of regonal groups, just about the only thing that we all agree on is that politicians suck, our government is too big, and taxes should be lower. And, a great many of Libertarians and Independants participate, as well as a suprising number of the end of the day, Tea Partiers are only 'Tea Partiers' because its close enough to what their actually looking for. ~Ji~
(just looked at my discription of what we agree on, its pretty close to the Browncoats. hmm.)

"I don't wanna rain on your crazy parade, buddy. But I don't think we can fix this thing."


Monday, April 11, 2011 3:15 PM



Originally posted by myownknight:
unfortunately, I agree with you on the Republican party, but I could caution you to not label the Tea Party based on Reports in the media, or even the actions of entire states of Tea Partiers. I happen to be a Tea Partier, and many of my friends are. and while most of them do idenify as Republican for political purposes, its more from a misguided trust in the two party system, than from qenuine support of its canidates. and since the Tea Party is actually a loose affiliation of regonal groups, just about the only thing that we all agree on is that politicians suck, our government is too big, and taxes should be lower. And, a great many of Libertarians and Independants participate, as well as a suprising number of the end of the day, Tea Partiers are only 'Tea Partiers' because its close enough to what their actually looking for. ~Ji~
(just looked at my discription of what we agree on, its pretty close to the Browncoats. hmm.)

"I don't wanna rain on your crazy parade, buddy. But I don't think we can fix this thing."

The only thing "brown" about Kwicko is the stain he leaves on cocks......well, it's true....


Monday, April 11, 2011 5:41 PM


kwickos sexual activites have nothing to do with politics, or whether or not he happens to like firefly. I would be most greatful if you kept those fasinating 'facts' to yourself. let's act like grownups people, we're all big kids here.

"I don't wanna rain on your crazy parade, buddy. But I don't think we can fix this thing."


Monday, April 11, 2011 6:25 PM



Originally posted by myownknight:
kwickos sexual activites have nothing to do with politics, or whether or not he happens to like firefly. I would be most greatful if you kept those fasinating 'facts' to yourself. let's act like grownups people, we're all big kids here.

"I don't wanna rain on your crazy parade, buddy. But I don't think we can fix this thing."

Fair enough, however kwickos's gayness molds his thoughts....which in turn drives you

Kwicko, I formally condemn your mother for not aborting you. Yeah, I'm sure her brother was happy to have a son, but you are inexcusable....


Monday, April 11, 2011 6:26 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Kaneman is a pain and talks trash about Quicko all the time, we just ignore it because he acts too hideous to agknowledge when he says stuff like that. Nice to have a person here that's new, I'm not the newbie anymore. Just know that Quicko seems to have it in for people who identify with the tea party movement, don't be surprised if he talks trash to you, you can either dish it right back or just take it all in stride, according to which method fits you. I'm an independent, I lean right on some things and left on others, I find that everyone is pretty nice to me, note that I still say how I believe, I'm not a wussyboy and will say what I think, note that the term wussyboy can refer to either gender here. This board is not censored at all basically, so people say what they want and others clean up the mess, maybe you can help me clean up the mess? But it is fun to write on a board that isn't censored because you can say whatever you want, anytime you want, because of this freedom one can really learn in which ways one should, and shouldn't, censor oneself based on what happens as a result.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, April 11, 2011 6:47 PM


fair enough.. I'm no weeny when it comes to insults and I can certainly hold my own, I just feel evreyone should get a chance to speak their mind on occasion. sides, maybe Qwicko has a valid reason why he dislikes the tea party, maybe not. I quess we'll find out :)
thanks for the heads up, always great to know what the cliques are.

"I don't wanna rain on your crazy parade, buddy. But I don't think we can fix this thing."


Tuesday, April 12, 2011 1:33 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by myownknight:
kwickos sexual activites have nothing to do with politics, or whether or not he happens to like firefly. I would be most greatful if you kept those fasinating 'facts' to yourself. let's act like grownups people, we're all big kids here.

"I don't wanna rain on your crazy parade, buddy. But I don't think we can fix this thing."

The thing is, we're NOT "all big kids here". Kaney is 16 years old, lives with his divorced father, and is still angry that daddy dated a black woman whom Kaney detests. He also has it in his head that calling someone "gay" is the worst put-down imaginable.

I've been married to the same woman for 22 years next week, and she really and truly is still my best friend in the world. We've got plenty of straight friends, a few gay friends, and we both realized a long time ago that it's really none of our business and no concern to either of us whom someone else is screwing, just so long as they aren't screwing us.

Kaney has it in his 16 year-old head that anyone who values language must be "gay", anyone who believes that gay people have these odd things called "rights" must be gay, etc. I suppose in his mind, I'm a black Latino Asian illegal Muslim Jew terrorist Christian atheist drug addicted gun owner, because I also happen to believe that all those groups off people have rights, too.

Kaney here likes to call himself a "Libertarian", but has absolutely no idea what the word even means. He's a hard-right militaristic fascist who's only tolerant of intolerance, and only intolerant of tolerance.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011 1:38 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by RionaEire:
Kaneman is a pain and talks trash about Quicko all the time, we just ignore it because he acts too hideous to agknowledge when he says stuff like that. Nice to have a person here that's new, I'm not the newbie anymore. Just know that Quicko seems to have it in for people who identify with the tea party movement, don't be surprised if he talks trash to you, you can either dish it right back or just take it all in stride, according to which method fits you. I'm an independent, I lean right on some things and left on others, I find that everyone is pretty nice to me, note that I still say how I believe, I'm not a wussyboy and will say what I think, note that the term wussyboy can refer to either gender here. This board is not censored at all basically, so people say what they want and others clean up the mess, maybe you can help me clean up the mess? But it is fun to write on a board that isn't censored because you can say whatever you want, anytime you want, because of this freedom one can really learn in which ways one should, and shouldn't, censor oneself based on what happens as a result.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya

I do talk a lot of trash about the teabaggers. Maybe some of the more reasonable Tea Party members should step up and prove that the entire party/movement (the real purpose seems to change with the wind and the prevailing polling data) isn't run by hate-filled racists like Kaney. So far, it seems like it's the few million bad apples in the movement-party who are ruining things for the other eleven of you.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011 2:57 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I've always been baffled why Kaneman says all that trashy stuff to/about you Quicko, it just seems ... stupid, dumb, wasteful, pointless, totally lame, etc. I'm not quite sure why he chooses you, there are other liberals here after all. I just think he acts stupid.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Tuesday, April 12, 2011 5:19 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by RionaEire:
I've always been baffled why Kaneman says all that trashy stuff to/about you Quicko, it just seems ... stupid, dumb, wasteful, pointless, totally lame, etc. I'm not quite sure why he chooses you, there are other liberals here after all. I just think he acts stupid.

He does it because it's literally all he's got. He has no facts, no figures, nothing of substance with which to debate, no valid or even coherent argument to make. And so he responds in the only way he knows how: by lashing out, by name-calling, by attempting to brand someone as "gay", something he considers "an abomination" (while also claiming to be a woman, and claiming to want to rape other women...)

Hell, I'd be more insulted if he thought I was a Republican!

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Tuesday, April 12, 2011 7:01 PM


while I can see your point of view Kwicko, and I may not agree with you, I can certainly respect it. thank you for bothering to explain your view, most people would simply say something along the lines of 'because u suck' as their argument. yours at the very least, is valid if somewhat scewed by the mainstream media reporting.

"I don't wanna rain on your crazy parade, buddy. But I don't think we can fix this thing."